Sunday, October 24, 2004

Fw: Bush Cult and Kerry values

'Heart of Darkness: The Bush cult and American madness'

Blessed the man who follows not
the counsel of the wicked
Nor walks in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the company of the insolent,
But delights in the law of the LORD
and meditates on his law day and night.

Psalm 1: 1-2
Dear Friends,
The following two articles contrast the false Christianity of Bush with the true Christian values of Kerry.  I have included the first two paragraphs of each article, and then a link to my new blog, where the full articles can be found. 
For an alternative view of the end-time prophecies, see Bible quotes for the election
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 4:18 AM
Subject: 'Heart of Darkness: The Bush cult and American madness'

Now we come at last to the heart of darkness. Now we know, from their own words, that the Bush Regime is a cult - a cult whose god is Power, whose adherents believe that they alone control reality, that indeed they create the world anew with each act of their iron will. And the goal of this will - undergirded by the cult's supreme virtues of war, fury and blind faith - is likewise openly declared: "Empire."

You think this is an exaggeration? A typical bout of "liberal paranoia"? Then heed the words of the White House itself: a "senior adviser" to the president, who, as the New York Times reports, explained the cult to author Ron Suskind in the heady pre-war days of 2002.

First, the top Bush insider mocked the journalist and all those "in what we call the reality-based community," i.e., people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." Suskind's attempt to defend the principles of reason and enlightenment cut no ice with the Bush-man. "That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality," he said. "And while you're studying that reality, we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors ... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
Dear Friends:

Today I had the privilege of joining faith leaders from around Florida in hearing Senator John Kerry's speech on values today.

What a refreshing change to hear a presidential candidate talk about values in terms of justice and lasting peace, concern for the environment, and concern for the poor.
America has always been driven by one powerful idea:  with hard work and a moral compass, we can give our children a better life.  Our economy and even more, our society, are built on that basic compact.

And that compact goes all the way back to the moral teachings of the great preachers and educators who taught the founders of our nation to believe that we could create a great and shining City on a Hill here in America."  John Kerry

John Kerry and Values

----- Original Message -----
From: David Randle
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 2:50 AM
Subject: John Kerry and Values

Dear Friends:

Today I had the privilege of joining faith leaders from around Florida in hearing Senator John Kerry's speech on values today.What a refreshing change to hear a presidential candidate talk about values in terms of justice and lasting peace, concern for the environment, and concern for the poor.

I watched the speech with two friends, one a pastor of the African Episcopal Methodist Church and the other the Executive Director of the Florida Council of Churches.Both were impressed of John Kerry's reminder that faith without action is dead and his quote of John F. Kennedy that "God's work must truly be our own" To know that John Kerry is very serious about putting his values into action gave many people at the event much hope and excitement as was demonstrated by his speech being interrupted over 20 times with standing ovations.

I talked to John Kerry briefly after the speech and was amazed at the quality of leadership he displays.
Below FYI is the text of his speech today. Please share with your networks.
Be Well Dave Randle Flordia Religious Outreach Coordinator

Remarks of Senator John Kerry(As Prepared for Delivery)
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Sunday, October 24, 2004
America has always been driven by one powerful idea: with hard work and a moral compass, we can give our children a better life. Our economy and even more, our society, are built on that basic compact.

And that compact goes all the way back to the moral teachings of the great preachers and educators who taught the founders of our nation to believe that we could create a great and shining City on a Hill here in America.Not long ago, that middle-class dream was within reach of all those willing to work for it. But today, America’s great middle class is in danger because of leadership that doesn’t share their values and won’t fight for their way of life.Tell me this: Is it worthy of the good society to, not once, not twice, but three times deny health care to millions of children while giving tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans – those who earn more than $200,000 a year? Are we living up to our values when we pass on the costs of a war to future generations instead of asking the wealthiest among us to bear a measure of the wartime sacrifice?Are we living up to our values when government creates deficits so massive that they threaten the Social Security on which millions of our seniors depend for dignity and decency in their retirement?How can we accept anyone breaking the fundamental compact with those who worked all their lives, raised our families, defended our nation, and lifted America to a place in the world never known before?Are we living up to our values – are we serving the common good – by rewarding companies for shipping jobs overseas?For me, this campaign is about more than a set of policies; it is about a set of ideals: fairness and opportunity, stewardship and community, concern for the middle class and the poor, and the on-going struggle for the security of our nation and a more peaceful world.So today, I want to share with you my vision for America and the values that inspire it. For months now, you have heard President Bush and me debate the critical foreign and domestic challenges before us. There are clear differences between us. And while I am convinced that I offer the new direction and the fresh start America needs at this critical moment, today I want to talk about the foundations of belief and commitment that brought me to public service, that have sustained me in the best and worst of times, and that I will carry with me everyday as president.It all began with my parents who, in addition to making sure I learned and lived my faith, also taught me at an early age that we are all put on this earth for something greater than ourselves. What they taught me was truly put to the test when I was in Vietnam. Faith was as much a part of our daily lives as the battle itself. Some of my closest friends were killed. I prayed. And I even questioned how all the terrible things I’d seen fit into God’s plan. But I got through it. I came home with a sense of hope and a belief in a higher purpose. For more than 30 years, as a soldier, a prosecutor, a senator, and now as a candidate for president, I have tried to live that belief. And for the past two years, I have had the privilege of meeting people like you all across this land -- people who love their families, love their country, and are determined to build a better life for their kids. The single mother who lies awake worrying that her child’s health care might cost more than she makes in a month. Moms and dads who save and save and still come up short when they get a bill for college or child care that’s higher than they thought. The families hoping and praying that loved ones serving our country a world away will be safe in battle and soon return home. The factory workers whose jobs were sent overseas and who now have to take two jobs just to earn what they used to make.In the Book of James we are taught: “It is not enough, my brother to say you have faith when there are no deeds…Faith without works is dead.” For me, that means having and holding to a vision of a society of the common good, where individual rights and freedoms are connected to our responsibility to others. It means understanding that the authentic role of leadership is to advance the liberty of each of us and the good that can come to all of us, when we work together as one united community.Catholics call this solidarity. We simply mean that as children of the same God, we share a common destiny. We express our humanity by reaching out to our fellow citizens, and indeed, to all our brothers and sisters in this country and on this earth. It means that the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties are not felt in isolation, they are shared by all. The anxieties of hard-pressed families are as much in our hearts as those who enjoy much more comfort.Those values will guide me as president. I will put middle class families and those struggling to join them ahead of the interests of the well-to-do and the well-connected. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with success. But if we mean what we say when we talk about lifting up the good society, then we have an obligation to give everyone the chance to succeed. It’s time to stop making middle-class families work harder for less while paying more and more for health care, college, and all the necessities of life. My faith, and the faith I have seen in the lives of so many Americans, also teaches me that, “Whatever you do to the least of these, you do unto me.” That means we have a moral obligation to one another, to the forgotten, and to those who live in the shadows. This is a moral obligation at the heart of all our great religious traditions. It is also the vision of America: “E Pluribus Unum.” The ethical test of a good society is how it treats its most vulnerable members. Who among us is more vulnerable today than the 8 million Americans who are out of work? Who is more vulnerable than the 45 million Americans without health insurance? Who is more vulnerable than the parents who have to choose between food and medicine for their children? Older Americans – our parents and grandparents – should not have to take bus trips to Canada to afford the medicines they need to live -- and live healthy lives. No mother who gets up and goes to work every day should have to raise her children in poverty. That’s why we have to raise the minimum wage, ensure equal pay, and finish the job of welfare reform, so we can honor work and once again grow the middle class instead of growing the number of people in poverty.The Bible tells us that in others we encounter the face of God: “I was hungry and you fed me; thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you received me in your homes; naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you took care of me. I was in prison and you visited me.” This is the final judgment of who we are and what our life will mean. I believe we must keep faith, not only with the Creator, but also with present and future generations. Will we leave as our legacy a polluted land or will we pass on to generations to come a land that truly can be called America the beautiful?Will we take action now to cut the cost of energy so that already overburdened seniors in the colder parts of our country can afford heat in the winter – and here in Florida, stay cool and healthy in the heat of summer? And, let me say for Americans -- and I would venture to say for people all across this earth -- that there is no higher duty today than to defeat terrorism so, we can raise our children in security and peace. This is the great test of our time. We pray for the brave Americans in uniform who are on the frontlines of that battle. I was one of those troops once – and I can tell you that those prayers matter. But justice and lasting peace require the strength of our ideals as well as the strength of our arms. We must build and lead strong alliances – not just for defense, but for progress against the other common enemies of humanity – hopelessness, hatred, and disease. We need a president who knows how to win the war – and win the peace. And then we need to join with others to be true peacekeepers – whether the issue is ending the scourge of HIV-AIDs here and around this planet, draining the swamps in which terrorism breeds, or shaping a world where one-half of the world’s children are no longer ill-housed, ill-fed, and ill-educated. But none of this will happen unless we come together as One America. An America that puts the politics of polarization behind us. An America that honors the truth that what unites us is stronger than what divides us. An America that understands that there is something for everyone single one of us to do – and challenges each of us to try. I have tried and so much of that effort has been nourished by my faith. I know there are some Bishops who have suggested that as a public official I must cast votes or take public positions – on issues like a woman’s right to choose and stem cell research – that carry out the tenets of the Catholic Church. I love my Church; I respect the Bishops; but I respectfully disagree. My task, as I see it, is not to write every doctrine into law. That is not possible or right in a pluralistic society. But my faith does give me values to live by and apply to the decisions I make.In nine days, Americans will make their decision. How will we find our way forward? My answer is: Move our economy, our government, and our society back in line with our highest values. Hard-working families do right by their country every day. They deserve a country that will do right by them. My faith gives me hope that we will come together and rise to that challenge. I believe we will find the strength to live out the words of President Kennedy that, “Here on Earth, God’s work must truly be our own.” This isn’t about being a Democrat or a Republican. It’s about bringing Democrats and Republicans together for a higher purpose. It’s about the principles that have made America a land of opportunity and compassion -- and a beacon to all the world. It’s about that dream of “liberty and justice for all” – the vision that defines our destiny and our mission. We will never fully finish that journey – not on this earth. But let us move forward with a strong and active faith. I don't want to claim that God is on our side. As Abraham Lincoln told us, I want to pray humbly that we are on God's side.So I ask all of you – Republicans and Democrats, progressives and conservatives, faithful and less faithful – to pray together that God guide this nation in the decision we make nine days from now.We will elect a president. Whether it is me or George Bush, we will both be in need of your prayers and your support. And pray also that our president will help make this a more secure and peaceful world and lead us on our next step in America’s journey to that shining city on a hill. We always end our speeches in campaigns like this by saying “God bless America.” But it seems to me that we should also say to God, “Thank you for blessing America in so many ways.”May America always have God’s blessing.

Fw: 'Heart of Darkness: The Bush cult and American madness'

----- Original Message ----- To: Recipient List Suppressed:
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 4:18 AM
Subject: 'Heart of Darkness: The Bush cult and American madness'

'Heart of Darkness: The Bush cult and American madness'
By Chris Floyd

Now we come at last to the heart of darkness. Now we know, from their own words, that the Bush Regime is a cult - a cult whose god is Power, whose adherents believe that they alone control reality, that indeed they create the world anew with each act of their iron will. And the goal of this will - undergirded by the cult's supreme virtues of war, fury and blind faith - is likewise openly declared: "Empire."

You think this is an exaggeration? A typical bout of "liberal paranoia"? Then heed the words of the White House itself: a "senior adviser" to the president, who, as the New York Times reports, explained the cult to author Ron Suskind in the heady pre-war days of 2002.

First, the top Bush insider mocked the journalist and all those "in what we call the reality-based community," i.e., people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." Suskind's attempt to defend the principles of reason and enlightenment cut no ice with the Bush-man. "That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality," he said. "And while you're studying that reality, we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors ... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Anyone with any knowledge of 20th century history will know that this same megalomaniacal outburst could have been made by a "senior adviser" to Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini or MaoŠ For Bush, as for Mao in the all-devouring Great Leap Forward, "discernible reality" has no meaning: political, cultural, economic, scientific truth - even the fundamental processes of nature, even human nature itself - must give way to the faith-statements of ideology, ruthlessly applied by unbending zealots.

Thus the reality-twisting assertions of Bush's ideologues: The conquered will welcome their killers. The poor will be happy to slave for the rich. The earth can sustain any amount of damage without lasting harm. The loss of rights is essential to liberty. War without end is the only way to peace. Corruption and cronyism lead to universal prosperity. Dissent is evil; dissenters are "with the terrorists." But God is with the Leader; whatever he does is righteous, even if in the eyes of unbelievers - the "reality-based community" - his acts are criminal: aggressive war that kills thousands of innocent people, widespread torture, secret assassinations, imprisonment without charges or trial, electoral subversion.

Indeed, the doctrine "Gott mit Uns" [God with us] is the linchpin of the Bush Cult. Tens of millions of Americans have now embraced the Cult's fusion of Bush's leadership with Divine WillŠ

This closed mindset is constantly reinforced by the ubiquitous rightwing media - evoking the threat of demonic enemies on every side, relentlessly manufacturing righteous outrage with distortion and deceit - and by Bush's appearances (epiphanies?) at his carefully-screened rallies, where even the slightest hint of demurral from his Godly greatness is ruthlessly expungedŠ

This isn't "politics as usual" - not even an extreme version of it, not McCarthyism revisited, Reaganism times two, or Nixon in a Stetson hat. There's never been anything like it in American life before: a messianic cult backed by vast corporate power, a massive cadre of religious zealots, a highly disciplined party, an overwhelming media machine and the mammoth force of history's most powerful government - all led by men who "create new realities" out of lies, blood, theft and torment.

Their "empire" - their Death-Cult, their power-mania - is an old madness come again
, an old heresy in new form, another outbreak of the fever, the deep soul-sickness that devoured so many nations in the last century. Now it's come to AmericaŠ


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Fw: Do Bush voters want nuclear holocaust? by Carol Wolman, MD

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: Do Bush voters want nuclear holocaust? by Carol Wolman, MD

God bless you for your insight and acumen Christ was the bringer of love, and inclusion, Bush is the bringer of hate and division. I have included an article I wrote in August I have written many things about the new Prosperity Christians and the Revelation goals of certain fundamentalists wackos. God bless us with prosperity and abundant life but let him decide the moment of our demise, these MIS guided people are trying to bring about Revelations prophesy that they mis interpret to start with. Thank you for the intelligent Email.......... Robert W. Barker

Bible and America's Death!
A death of all civilization --
Cult that loves our worse scenarios

by Robert W. Barker  â€¢  Oviedo, Florida USA  â€¢  August 6, 2004  
 Send thanks & comments to:   

As we are confronted with the emergence of fundamentalist Christians into Americas political forefront, and the claims of our current pResident, Mr. Bush to be a Born again Christian. I find it is imperative to understand the basic platform and beliefs of these apocalyptic believers. Our government is now daily bombarded by their influence and agenda, no longer a fringe movement but a strong lobby and policy progenitors with tremendous influence on our entire system. Voting for selected candidates and policy put forth not to better our world, country, district, or state; but to push an agenda of global destruction in order to fulfill certain widely held Bible prophesies. Churches pray and raise money to bring in candidates that fit their purpose, pressuring the parishioners to vote along Bible prophesy lines.

                              "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the great!
     "She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil sprit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.
 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries.
     The kings of the Earth have committed adultery with her, and merchants of the world grew rich from her excessive luxuries." { Revelations 18: 1-3}

 Christian soothsayers and revelation followers around the world await the coming rapture! Reading the words of the so called "John the Divine," written in a cave on Patmos, an island off the coast of what was then Asia Minor now today's Turkey, they plan our demise. The above scripture is a great puzzlement to many Bible scholars. Some experts say John referred to Rome and its coming fall, a few say it is the actual Babylon, others say this is a symbolic Babylon of the future, an Earthly power unopposed and pervasive; as the globes great capital of dominance. All this occurs, [according to John of revelations], in the time of the "Great Tribulation." There is tremendous weight given by some Christians to the theory that this is a literal prophecy, about an actual city or country. Though it is given the symbolic name Babylon, because this future power carries the political and religious aspects associated with Babylon the Whore of history.

 Due to the claim of Gods benediction bestowed on this powerful nation, allegiance to, and commerce with this great nation; are called spiritual adultery. Further this unnamed nation is viewed as a Roman Republic type, [as in Isa. 13-14;21:9 and Jer. 50-51] government with a Babylonian style spiritual base, a false religion that claims to worship God; but hides a dedication to Satan. One very important point of emphasis is the passages referring to this Babylon being destroyed in one day, or even one hour, as stated frequently throughout this part of Revelations.
Signs of the Great Tribulation, are as follows...
1. Great sores that will break out on people that have the mark of the beast.
2. A third of the sea will be turned into blood, later the entire seas turn to blood destroying everything that lives in them.
3. Rivers and springs become infested with blood.
4. A change of climate the sun will now scorch the Earth.
5. The Earth will be plunged into darkness.
6. The battle of Armageddon on the plains of Megiddo.

  Many of these religious zealots are starting to believe this Babylon is America, and their policy of planned destruction of their own country, is necessary for the Bible to be fulfilled.

  Nuclear war is the only thing that could bring about this scenario. So that constant friction in the world are now their prime motivations, lack of peace their happiness and confrontation between religions their goal. Justification for this sick agenda is baffling unless you know their belief system. Bringing about the end times has become a great end to justify their means, we are all slowly subjected to this hidden global enterprise. Pat Robertson the TV evangelist stated that the world needs a good cleansing and God will see to it. Pat admits we all must suffer for the world to receive Jesus. Where is this headed? Only one conclusion can reasonably be reached, they want death of the world to bring life to their beliefs.

 The Rapture or lifting up out of the Earth the souls that are deserving, is a controversial subject between Christians scholars, at least as to the timing. Some say it will be post tribulation other midtribulation or pretribulation or even partial rapturisem, done a little at a time. They watch daily for souls to go missing and the world to fall apart, to alert them to the coming end of time. A rather arrogant policy to assist God and claim to understand his motivation through their interpretations of the Bible.

  Another criteria is the return of Israel to it Davidic dimensions, in other words Israel must be the exact size in property extent that was there in David's time. This is why the Christians are associated with the Israeli extreme Zionist expansion movement, and any withdrawal form Gaza or other Palestinian territory is discouraged, as it slows down Gods plan for the coming Apocalypse. With a goal of death and destruction by these misguided people, a strange political pressure now exist that drives us toward ruin, it is excepted as the prerequisite for Christ return. Death of America and all civilized countries is tantamount to the Bible prophesy, this hidden goal and clandestine actions are dangerous and self destructive in nature.

Islamic fundamentalist are helping to fulfill this agenda as well! Although inadvertently, Moslem clerics preach the death of America as the great Satan. This gives moral weight to the Christians that want this confrontation to come about. Both these religions have a self destructive tendency, that remains a stronger motivation then peace or love.

 Many fine Christian believers are not a part of this self destructive mindset, thank God there are many good loving Christians that feel God will decide when and where we are to meet our end. The out right hubris of these people, cause many Christens to cringe with disgust, how dare they manipulate political movements to encourage the end of time, that is Gods domain and they are wrong to try. However this is becoming more pervasive in our radical churches of certain fundamental Christian beliefs.

Jesus told us not to toil and spin over Gods world, but be as the Lilies of the field and let God do Gods work; he needs no help from us. Being aware of this strange phenomenon, is important due to the growing strength of this world collapsing philosophy. As reasonable people, we are called upon to watch with open eyes the evil that travels our streets and hides in our churches. This insidious program will fail, if we are aware of its existence, but ignored, it could be our final judgment.


Fw: "Change is Coming"

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Kirwan
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 4:26 PM
Subject: "Change is Coming"


Change is Coming


Change is coming: catastrophic changes that have been in the works for decades are about to take their place at the core of society.


What does that mean for us? It simply means that we cannot have it all. For longer than most of us can remember this society has treated all the things we do as just currents in the vast and subtle waves of change that have always been a part of every generation. Like most things there are elements of truth in that, and elements of self-deception.


In the dustbins of history we can see how most of what each society tried to do, was in one way or another connected to the growth and change required, as each society grew and moved in new directions toward a better life. Many could not often see the literal connections that gave these alterations their license to exist; yet for the most part, the validations were there. With the new millennium, the USA began to disregard this centuries old way of vetting the things that we chose to add to what we do, and how we choose to live our individual dreams. In these last, four long years, we have seen what it looks like to suspend our beliefs, to deny the facts beneath our nation’s choices, and most of all the new way we’ve chosen to ignore the obvious, in so many aspects of our lives.


In the arts the direct connection between people and the arts has been diverted. Music and song were part of how lives were lived, just as literature and stories once had more to do with the bits and pieces of our lives, than they did with the flash and fancy of other people's dreams: These changes were largely enacted by people living in privately cocooned lives of too much money. This has created an imbalance in the thrust and direction of creative expression, as benefactors have become more uniform, and far less reality based, in what remains of those fields. This is not to say that all is gone, just that these trends do not favor the point or purpose of the arts in the overall health of real life.


The arts spring from the need for personal expression and from the connections between people and ideas, between people and their world-view. But that ended when the arts became the plaything of the wealthy, and was converted into merely another abstraction without meaning for most of those who looked to them for connections. 


The public has lost the thread of what once kept societies together, which was the well being and the connectedness of the general public. For this, the “me first” generation must take most of the credit. Along the way “politics” was left to the least among us, not the best. This has resulted in massive crimes that go unpunished, corruption unbounded by ethics or law—and in the pathetic non-choices now facing the public this November, in far too many races. 


As life in the technological age has continued to move ever-faster, people now seem to be gravitating more and more toward becoming mere extensions of that high-technology, that both symbolizes and destroys the basic human values between and among people. True, we can do many things much faster, some say this is far more efficient, others that we are losing the whole point of living: But since life doesn’t come with an “owner’s manual” there is no right or wrong way to live any particular existence, so we have delayed grappling with the kinds of changes that are occurring at an alarming rate. Just as we have left behind human operators in favor of electronic “menus,” in everything from business to government – we are losing the ability to talk to each other, never mind the ability to think about what we do, or why we stay on any particular path.


This has also led to our failure to question almost anything that we might choose to do with our lives. Given our personal ambivalence toward almost anything we encounter, we have become nothing but footnotes in the lives of those who have designs on what we do, on how much we are paid, and whether or not we shall have a future. It is then, no wonder that our politicians and petty tyrants have taken most of the things from us that we once so highly prized—beginning with our individuality. Yet no one can take anything from another if that person firmly and clearly resists the theft. We have not resisted—so we have lost almost every important aspect, at the core of what is needed, to make our lives worthwhile.


Billions if not trillions of words have been written over these most recent four years, in an effort to discover the culprits beneath the fraud, the failures, the misdirection’s, and the schemes that keep unfolding daily. This is not a black and white affair, and it cannot be summed up in bumper-sticker slogans that seek simple or ready answers. We must look deeper.


It is probably too late, but what’s important is that we have failed to understand that the patterns of our lives were entwined with much older and time-tested ways that were valid because they worked. People need to be able to associate themselves with others, in open and uncensored dialogue. People also need to consider the ways in which they treat other people, as an everyday part of their own lives, and it appears that we’ve lost these two extremely critical abilities; rather, we have chosen our own agenda’s over the viability of others in the world, whether here or overseas. This isn’t just some simple act of generosity, it’s a necessity for mutual living – and we have flaunted this as something that only “suckers’ do. We have Ronald Reagan, and ourselves to thank for that: because while Ronnie pushed it, nothing would have happened if we hadn’t collectively “bought” and implemented this idea.


This goes way back in time, and cannot be laid at the feet of either party, or any one president, it’s been an integral part of the way we began to view the world after WWII. Over all that time America has come to believe in “Manifest Destiny,” and that it is our right and our place, as the remaining Super-Power to rule the planet.


Any society that has no idea who they are as individuals, cannot hope to be the dominant anything in a multi-dimensional world. Internationally, in education, we are somewhere near tenth place. In medicine we claim to be the envy of the world, yet what is pointed to are the prohibitively expensive breakthroughs that only the world’s wealthiest can afford; while most of our citizens can barely manage the threadbare health system we have—a system that is nothing but extortion and one that provides not at all, for any real medical difficulties. In choices for the young, our colleges and universities have become mere tech schools, cranking out diplomas, for jobs that no longer exist in the USA. But with the draft that's coming all this will change as well, along with the national economy that will not be able to function with everyone between 18 and 34 in the military.


Employment is a disgrace. We have allowed the government to fail to count the unemployed in vast numbers, because once the benefits run out, those people are just dropped as though they got a job or simply tired of looking—as if one can chose to just stop working. This “accepted practice” is a horror all its own, because by buying into this lie, we accept the complete fallacy that the nation provides real jobs for its people.


At the end of the day, between the fantasies of the unqualified to lead, and the dreams of greed among many of these same outlaws, this nation has embarked upon a course that can never be sustained. We have stood by and watched while our career fields were destroyed, or sent off shore, we have listened to the lies and to the constant drumbeat of fear and attempted intimidation—without raising our voices. Now comes the piper of reality who must be paid, and that farce that we call our national-international balance sheet simply cannot be reconciled. We have wasted our theoretical surplus, and added unconscionable trillions to our national debt, while causing blood to flow around the world for lies and constructs that only the truly self-deluded could believe. We have done almost irreparable harm to our stature in the world, and most of all, nearly 50 % of our citizens say they don’t believe one word of the above.


This is not a debate, its life, and actions do have real and lasting consequences. Those who “lead” us now, are going down, whether in this election or sometime soon after, not because of popularity, but because nothing they have offered nor anything that they are proposing, can ever really work in a world where the people play a part in their own lives, everyday.


No nation that has reached for the brass ring of Empire has ever succeeded for any length of time, and the USA shall be no different. The world is simply too large, and the variables too great for that to ever really happen. So much has already been lost, shouldn’t we begin to try and stop bleeding? At the very least we must alter course!



Ramadan 10- Keeping the faith

I have kept the faith.
2 Tim 4: 7
Dear Friends,
I continue to observe the Ramadan fast for peace, although, being a spoiled American, my self-discipline is not what it might be.  I have had lunch with friends twice since Ramadan began, and continue to drink coffee and soymilk throughout the day. 
I'm disappointed in how few people have heeded my call for moral support.  I'm learning so much from fasting in solidarity with the umma, the body of Muslim believers, through Ramadan, this perilous year!   I'm learning that it's not surprising, given the invasion of Iraq, that Muslims see America, more and more, as the great Satan.
 What might it mean to them if a large number of Americans observed Ramadan, as a gesture of solidarity?  What better olive branch could we extend? 
After all, we have a common enemy.  The Bush family in alliance with the neocons have destroyed Iraq and are in the process of destroying American democracy, prosperity and honor.  The Iraqi people and the American people are both suffering from the Bush "war on terror", which is looking more and more like a crusade against Muslims.
It seems so obvious to me that fasting for peace during Ramadan is an ideal way for Americans to make it clear that we don't hate Muslims, and don't want war.  It's not hard- just refrain from eating, drinking, cigarettes and sex from sunrise to sunset.  The days are getting shorter, it's getting easier.  Even skipping one meal is a way to join the fast.
Please email me your support, and spread the word.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman

FEMA to be mobilized on election day?

FEMA Election Day
Faux Terror Event?
By Mark Erwin
I don't like to be alarmist, and I don't believe everything I read on, but this rumor could easily be checked by calling your city council.  According to the article:
On Tuesday, September 28th, a new federally-funded, FEMA-directed citizen training program began in my town called CERT. CERT stands for "Community Emergency Response Team."
A quick internet search reveals that my town isn't the only one participating. Nearly every town in America has its own CERT program, it would appear....
...In the short span of just 35 days, CERT trainees will learn the following:
1) Disaster preparedness
2) Disaster fire safety
3) Disaster medical operations
4) Light search and rescue
5) CERT Organization
6) Disaster psychology...
Then, exactly one week later, CERT's training program will conclude with a "Disaster Simulation & Examination".
This final day for the CERT training program, the day when CERT will climax with a "disaster simulation," is none other than Election Day!
The author, Mark Erwin,  believes that another 9-11 is planned for that day.  I imagine a less drastic, but equally chilling, scenario: the Bushites are busily putting pollwatchers into place.  These people may easily cause riots when they attempt to prevent Democrats from voting.  The CERT trainees will come in handy to close down polling places, arrest protestors and otherwise "legally" disrupt the voting process.
Again, it may not be true.  But someone in the Kerry campaign should find out.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman
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Do Bush voters want nuclear holocaust? by Carol Wolman, MD

Do Bush voters want nuclear holocaust?

Christian Bush voters see Bush in a Biblical context.  They have a twisted interpretation of prophecies about the end-time, in which Bush is carrying out a heavenly mandate to rid the world of evil in preparation for the Second Coming.  In their scenario, life as we know it will end in a fiery holocaust, which they call Armageddon.  The Bush voters will be beamed up to heaven via the Rapture, and the rest of us will perish in the lake of fire, along with all the plants and animals on earth. 
Meanwhile, it doesn't matter if they continue to drive their SUV's.  It doesn't matter that we are spreading hatred, fear and radioactive material across the globe in order to maintain our own sense of specialness.
Bush's destructiveness is explained as a purification preparing for Armageddon.  His tax cuts for the rich are explained as rewarding of righteousness- they help Bush, he helps them.

Jesus addressed this parable
to those who were convinced of their own righteousness
and despised everyone else...
whoever exalts himself will be humbled,
and the one who humbles himself will be exalted."
Luke 18: 9, 14
The threat of nuclear holocaust does hang over us.  Bush's policies are driving us toward a fiery end.  Kerry's policies would pull us back from the brink, and reverse course.
Only the spiritual fire of Jesus Christ can defeat the forces of destruction, and prevent the material fire of nuclear war.   If Bush is not Christ's agent, Bush must be serving the other guy, the man of lawlessness.  He certainly acts as though he is above the law.
I'm not the one who put the Bible at the center of this election, but as long as it is, let's label people correctly.  If Bush voters understood that he is serving Satan, he would lose the election, no matter how many dirty tricks his party pulls.  You can't hide a landslide. 
Bush calls himself the war president.  Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
In His name,   Carol Wolman