Sunday, October 23, 2005

Introduction to The Way of Holiness

      First, the Way of Holiness is not a new religion.

               Dear Friends,
Over the past couple of months, my perspective on spirituality has been broadened significantly by the work of Robert Mendelson, whose global overview of holy writings is immense.  He has found a way to link the Bible, Qu'ran, gitas, and many other sacred works so that they all combine smoothly, as the message of the one true God to all the different peoples of planet earth.  He has found the path to peace in each of them.
 The following introduction, in Bob's own words, will hopefully whet your curiosity so that you will go to the link at the end of this piece, and check out The Way of Holiness for yourself.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman
From Bob Mendelson:
   It's not a religion at all.

  It's a perspective, and the methodology that goes along with it.

    Here we'll discuss both what the Way of Holiness is, and our
goal of using it to restore the Sacred Hoop of sacred hoops in the
course of some correspondence between two friends...

"Blessings to you Robert..Ayowenta,

   I am happy you found the chatroom and hope your chatting is
working well these days! I have been invited in too and hope to
get things in my own life in order enough to make it there soon.
I am praying that your project is woven with goodness and peace as
well...even tho it is can still come together in a good
way and i pray this is so.

Ayowenta writes;
   The project is the peaceful fulfillment of all the prophecies;
Deganawidah, Black Elk, Eyes Like Fire, Isaiah, Daniel, Zechariah,
Malachi, Muhammad, Nostradamus, Buddha, and more thru figurative
destruction through the Hopi way; peacefully, through carefully
chosen words and well drawn pictures.

    There are two books on the website. I have put several much
smaller posting together and am distributing these.

  The restoration of the Sacred Hoop of sacred hoops is the goal.

   It works thus. Wakan Tanka spoke to all groups, and is present
now, and in the past, everywhere. All points of the Sacred Hoop.
Every sacred book and oral tradition is fully honored. Spirit
desires both Unity AND Individuality. Together they balance.
Spirit left a slender, yet clearly visible thread connecting all
spiritualities. Over 90% of the population will see this thread
as fully positive, bringing peace, equality across race, religion,
sex, and gender, along with specific atonements for the past.

    Those who choose not to see the connection are free to do so,
and in fact, their refusal to see connection and be individualistic
actually balances the connection, keeping the Hoop living and
flexible, instead of stiffening into monotonous sameness.

    Bear Butte will be returned. Christians will learn their Bible
says Jesus died for the negative 'karma' produced from Noah until
Jesus. The people of that time must still must face this energy,
but it was removed from Mother Earth so She wouldn't blow apart.
After Jesus, negative energy again built up. Among many chosen
people, Creator chose the Sioux, and the Sun Dance, to distribute
among many what Wakinia/Masaw experienced individually as Jesus.
The Sun Dancers were, to slightly paraphrase a verse from Isaiah;
Isaiah 53:5
    ...[the Sun Dancers were] pierced for our transgressions,
     [they took the pain on themselves] for our iniquities;
      the punishment that brought us peace was upon [them],
              and by [their] wounds we are healed."

Isaiah 53:5, as in the Bible;
              But he was pierced for our transgressions,
                 he was crushed for our iniquities;
         the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
                  and by his wounds we are healed."

    The Dancers may have thought it was only for their tribe, but
Wakan Tanka sees all humanity as a tribe. It was for everyone, even
those who continued to oppress them. That's why it was never enough.
It covered other peoples' too. Knowledge of this will help in the
healing of this land.

    The path of the tread which binds in peace requires paradigm
shift of thought for every group. That confronts ego and fear.
The path is not easy, but if ready, it can be traveled. Some of
the words are written harshly, but there are two reasons for that.
Wakan Tanka was expressing emotion when these words were channeled,
and Christians, Jews, Muslims, all three Abrahamic faiths, required
a culture specific message of a particular tone.

   It isn't gentle, but as those who've passed all the way through,
it heals, for God is then seen everywhere. And hope shines.


  At this point I'd like to insert David Mortensen's contribution
regarding interpretation techniques...

"...people may interpret Scripture in different ways. If you have
three people translating a Holy Scripture, whether it be the Torah,
Bible or Qur'an, from one language to another, you may end up with
three different versions or interpretations. So, which one is valid?
This is a very subjective question, and it can lead to endless

    But if I were challenged to answer that question, I would say
that the universal standard is adherence to the greatest commandment,
which is to Love God with all our heart, strength, soul and mind and
to love our neighbors as ourselves. And I say this because the whole
purpose of Holy Scripture is to teach us how to love as God loves.
So, perhaps the question to ask is, which translation does the best
job of connecting us to the Love of God through the words of the
Scripture? Which translation makes us feel closer to God and makes
us want to serve Him/Her and all our brothers and sisters in love,
gratitide and humility? Which translation shows the greatest Divine


Regarding figurative speech and the Hopi prophecies of destruction;

   While Hopi have prophecies of literal destruction, these were
fulfilled thru Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the destructive tests in the
Pacific and American West. The prophecies may be either future or
past. Our choice. Radical change of the system will be a major
upheaval, figuratively fulfilling prophecies that remain. However,
I suggest checking out the following url to see what I mean about
the devastation already being literally fulfilled;

                      Poison Fire USA (Flash)
           Interactive Timeline Of Nuclear Activities
          On Continental US Soil From 1941 To Present
                      by Russell D. Hoffman

                from the Thursday, July 22, 2004
                The Most Important News On Earth
         7000+ Progressive News Links Published In 2004

    After watching this, and realizing the USSR, France, Great
Britain, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and maybe others, have also
been conducting 'peaceful' nuclear strikes against Mother Earth. You
think She cares if it's war or peace? Further literal annihilation
isn't required, but something drastic is. A form of Hopi spiritual
warfare is use of words in this manner;
Hosea 6:5;
          Therefore I cut you in pieces with my prophets,
             I killed you with the words of my mouth;
           my judgments flashed like lightning upon you."

    Two thousand years ago Wakinia as Jesus twice pointed Pharisees
(Born Again fundamentalists, today) to this verse, telling them if
they understood Spirit, they would know Creator desires mercy, not
death, and so Creator's words should be read keeping this in mind.
It's specifically written Creator uses figurative speech, and since
God spoke to all, that is one means by which the thread connecting
the points of the Sacred Hoop may be woven.

    It merely shows one of many valid paths, but one which we can
see connects. There may be other ways, too. Probably always are. But
we have the assurance of connection, and full brother and sisterhood
with all Creation.

    The prophecy pieces are meant as collective thunderbolts to
divide the Blue man's power base, and render his regime ineffective
as it collapses. They're also meant to draw all the peoples'
attention to a means for grass-roots unity, along with a specific
path that leads to a return of 35% of the National Forests to the
Nations. That's page 151 and 152 in 'Armageddon, Peaceful Style'.

     Unless you have hi-speed internet, it's best to download the
files directly from the homepage to desktop. The files are large,
and dialup hookups sometimes can't fit the entire thing through the
browser. If you download them, the file named, "PeacefulStylePart2"
has those two pages.

    Spirit put it all together. I wrote what I was told to do. This
part was apparent way back at the beginning.

    Again, it may be unfamiliar, but the way of the Sacred Hoop
cannot possibly invalidate anyone's sacred books or oral traditions,
simply perceive a path by which we see the connectedness. The path
may lead into unknown territory, into belief systems one was
previously convinced are threatening, or against our own particular
Sacred Message, but there is a connection that does not require
Win/Lose spirituality. Once we learn where the thread exists in
other religions, we can show that particular path to others, even
those of the other path, so that we know connection exists if we
truly desire peace.

    Every sacred book and oral tradition is affirmed. Only the way
we interpret these is discussed, and the end result is full equality
for each tradition in the Sacred Hoop.

Website address is;

                          Safe travels.


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