Islam Against Terrorism
In the Name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful
God, the Almighty says in Holy Quran:
-And do not kill any one whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause, and whoever is slain unjustly, We have indeed given to his heir authority, so let him not exceed the just limits in slaying; surely he is aided. Chapter17: verse33
According to the preceding glorious verse, Allah has forbidden killing any innocent soul and it is deemed as a great sin unless whom the legislation has ordered for the purpose of justice. There is no mass murder in Islam. Even, suicide for any reason and purpose is considered a major sin and the one who commits it will not be forgiven and will abide in the hell forever.
Islam as the religion of justice and peace is the real defender of human rights and is against terrorism in any kind of it. Muslims do not support any terrorist actions all over the world. They themselves are the victims of terrorism. For this, they have condemned the last terrible attack to the innocent people in New York and Washington and deeply sympathized with their families. However, the American Zionist media, as before, has attempted to relate this genocide to the world of Islam and Muslims. Only a few minutes after the occurrence of this tragedy in NY, the American media aggressively connected it to the Islamic countries with no proof. In order to deviate the public opinion, the anti-Islamic media showed the scene in which some Palestinian people were cheering up as if they were happy for this tragedy. That scene actually refers to the time of Saddam’s attacks to Tel Aviv during the Persian Gulf war and does not have anything to do with this tragedy.
If the US security agencies were so systematically alert to discover the connection between this attack and the Islamic countries during the first 6 minutes after its occurrence, why could not they prevent it from being happened?! Even if there are authentic proofs to clarify the relation between some Muslims and this terrorist attack, it would not be fair to describe a great divine religion as the religion of terror. Nonetheless, no one has condemned Christianity and Judaism because of Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Truman, Nixon, Sharon and many other homicides for what they have committed in the history.
From the military and political viewpoints, last terrorist action could not be directed from outside USA, as it has been so complicated operation that they have not found any clear signs yet to be related to the alien groups except than some baseless claims. In addition, no hijack had been announced by the pilots of those four airplanes, which were hit to the Pentagon and world trade center in NY. According to FBI and Washington post, 3 of the pilots were Vietnam veterans and the fourth had lost his brother in Vietnam war. Also, one of them was a dismissed officer of the army who had worked in pentagon as a terrorist strategist.
Astonishingly enough, none of the 4100 Jewish Zionists went to their works in the world trade center in that day and also the Israeli’s prime minister’s flight to NY had been canceled the day before.
The matter of fact is that Osama bin Ladin- the former CIA spy- and other Taliban troops have been trained in USA and gained the power in the region with the support of USA.
Any terrorist action against any innocent human is condemned, no matter who and where he is. Terrorism is condemned whether it is in New York, Palestine or Afghanistan.
As its history witnesses, the US government is itself the greatest supporter of terrorism and the root of any war in the world. The largest stores of armaments, warships, arsenals, mass destructive weapons, chemical and atomic bombs underneath the oceans, above the sky, under the ground, in the seas and outside the atmosphere, which is known as the star war, all are the vivid witnesses for its terrorist policies.
US government’s history is full of genocide and atrocities against the nations and began with the killing the innocent native Indians for centuries.
Killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the atomic bombs in 1945, which was ordered by Harry Truman, the former president of USA, is a shameless disgrace and a clear sign of terrorism.
History will not forget that anti human war in Vietnam in which hundreds of thousands of innocent people were killed by US army in their own home for no guilt.
The US imperialist government invaded Panama and committed many crimes as well as kidnapping its legal president, Daniel Noriega and killing thousands of innocent people only to support its own benefits in Central America.
US government, as a terrorist regime, supported Saddam militarily, politically and economically during the imposed war against Iran in which 1000,000 innocent Iranians were killed by American, Russian and other western weapons for 8 years! US military troops destroyed the industrial and oil installations in Iran and killed many innocent people.
History will never forget that terrorist attack in which the US Navy shot the Iranian airbus above the Persian Gulf in 1989 and murdered 290 innocent civilian passengers. Not only they did not apologize for this brutality, but also the former US president Bush rewarded the commander of that US airplane carrier for his bravery!
Have you ever been a Palestinian? If you were a Palestinian, you would not forgive the US government for its unconditional supports of the racist, Zionist, illegal terrorist regime of Israel which has occupied Palestine for 50 years and committed the most shameless atrocities against the unarmed people of Palestine in their own home.
US government as a terrorist regime does not deserve to be the leader of the world movement against terrorism. The attack against the innocent people of Afghanistan who are dying from starvation is itself a greater terrorist attack and no more than a political game. This war is only targeted to provide the permanent presence of USA in the Middle East and support the benefits of imperialists in the region. In essence, terrorism is strictly condemned whether it is in NY or in Afghanistan.
By: Mahdi