Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Gone with the wind by Carol Wolman

Gone with the wind by Carol Wolman

A great evil descended upon planet earth in January 2001, when a band of ruthless pirates took over the government of the world's only superpower.  Having stolen the election, they proceeded to terrorize the populace, transfer the budget surplus into the pockets of the superrich, including themselves, shift the tax burden away from the rich onto the poor and middle class, "privatize" and divvy up the commons- the government services that taxpayers treasure- despoil the earth's resources, start several wars, and generally plunder and pillage.

These pirates fly the flag of the Skull and Bones club of Yale, whose members occupy many key positions.  They have no morals, but hide behind a pseudo Christian piety, much as Hitler did.  This hypocritical religiosity is bolstered by a string of false prophets, preachers like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Tim LaHaye, who stand the Bible on its head, presenting God as a hateful, vengeful being who plots the destruction of humanity.  Meanwhile, they are lining their own pockets.  Whom do they serve?  God or the devil?

They are about to be called to account for their evil plots.  The Valerie Plame case is a tangled web indeed, but certain things stand out.  1) The pirates were proclaiming a war on terror, while destroying a key CIA network that was tracking terrorists- Valerie Plame's international network of intelligence agents.  This is treason.  2) Cheney was one of the plotters, Bush knew about it pretty quickly and did nothing, which is obstruction of justice.

In other words, the president and vice president of the US are both traitors.  Treason is a high crime, perhaps a capital crime.

Psalm 1: 4The wicked are like chaff which the wind drives away.
The internet is abuzz with rumors that Cheney is about to resign, and Bush is drinking heavily, and acting increasingly irrational.  Who is minding the store?  Let us hope that Fitzgerald and the weight of public opinion quickly drive these evil men from office, and that some semblance of integrity is restored to our land.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman

Fw: [ImpeachBushNOW] Impeach Bush- overview with links

----- Original Message -----
From: NT
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 9:56 PM
Subject: [ImpeachBushNOW] Impeach Bush
Impeachment Overview

Bush has misled this nation for too long. His aggressive foreign policies and corporate give-aways threaten the well-being of all Americans and of other people around the globe. We cannot allow the damage from a Bush Presidency to continue for another four years. His actions are blatantly illegal under International Law and our own Constitution. Now is the time, therefore, to impeach George Bush and high ranking officers in his cabinet.

What is Impeachment?

Impeachment is technically just an indictment, an accusation. Following impeachment, there is a trial and perhaps a conviction. Conviction requires removal from office. The accusation, the actual "impeachment", is made by the House of Representatives. Once impeached, the Senate conducts the trial.

Many people use the word "impeachment" to refer to the entire process. But technically it only refers to the formal accusation. Remember Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about having "sex" with Monica. He was then tried by the Senate but found not guilty and remained in office. On this website we will often use the term impeachment to refer to the entire judicial process.

Grounds for Impeaching Bush - I believe the most compelling reason for impeaching GW Bush is for Violations of International Law relating to his War on Iraq.

Constitutional Basis for Impeachment - The Constitution spells out who can be impeached, what for, and by whom.

Impeachments of Past Presidents - Andrew Johnson and William Clinton

Articles of Impeachment for George W. Bush - Proposed resolution for the House of Representatives.

What are Impeachable Offenses? - Discussion of the meaning of "high Crimes and Misdemeanors".

How to Impeach Bush - Impeachment is started by the people and finished by Congress.



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Grace and sin in America by Carol Wolman

Grace and sin in America by Carol Wolman
The comment has often been made that Bush seems to be coated with teflon- impervious to criticism.  This teflon coat is made of piety, a false Christianity that cloaks the wolf within.  According to the false preachers of the "Christian" right, if one is "born again", then one is automatically forgiven, not only for past sins, but also for future sins.  One is in a state of grace, and can do no wrong.
This explains why Bush's Christian followers are able to turn a blind eye to his many egregious sins.  He lies, tortures, murders with impunity, and because he has "accepted Jesus", he is immune to the laws that normally govern human behavior.  This exemption has been extended to his entire administration, by the press and much of the citizenry.
No longer.  Katrina exposed Bush's hypocrisy as nothing else has, although Cindy Sheehan laid a lot of groundwork.  With Katrina, people have seen that Bush ignores the most basic tenet of Jesus' teachings- "Love your neighbor as yourself".  Bush's callousness toward the suffering hurricane victims has stripped away his veneer of piety, and opened his administration to the sort of scrutiny that a leader should be subject to.
Meanwhile, what does the Bible say about grace and sin?  A clear statement was made by Paul in his letter to the Romans:

Romans 6: 15What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law
but under grace?
Of course not!
Christians in America would do well to ignore the right - wing apologists for Bush who claim he is a Christian, and go back to their Bibles for the truth.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman