Tuesday, February 15, 2005

America's use of DU is stirring up hatred by Carol Wolman, MD

Afghan DU Recovery Fund
"When I saw my little boy with those monstrous red tumors, I thought to myself, why is it difficult for Americans to understand that they are hated in our country. If I do this to the child of an American family, that family has the right to pull my eyes out of my eye sockets. I like to tell the Americans that they love to live their lives of luxury at the expense of our extermination" [earthrainbownetwork] The Empire of Darkness Series #22 (PART 1): Megatons of Manure
In the last 4 years, the United States under Bush has committed terrible war crimes and atrocities.  The depleted uranium story has not gotten much attention, since the Pentagon denies its harmfulness.  Even the respected organization Physicians for Social Responsibility will not campaign actively against its use.  But the heartrending abortions, stillbirths and childhood cancers in Iraq and Afghanistan caused by this radioactive agent is hardening the hearts of the world against Americans, even more than the leveling of Fallujah or the Abu Ghraib tortures.
We are inviting terrible retribution.  Might we yet repent?  Now that the Democratic Party is headed by a physician, might we not yet change our ways and stop using this horrible slow nuclear weapon, do what we can to clean up the mess, and make some sort of reparation to the Afghanis, the Iraqis, and our own veterans?
Jonah 3
8 yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.    9Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not?    10And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman

Fw:"DU is turning the planet into a death star"

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 1:53 PM
Subject: Simple words from a nuclear scientist

BG:  How  tell the public about the effects of (DU) deadly uranium in US munitions?

Leuren Moret, nuclear scientist, February 2005:
I believe in the end that (even) you will comprehend that the amount of DU released into the atmosphere since 1991 is far more than my estimate.  Whatever you or I think or differ about, the disaster is worse than we even know... but that tale will be told each year,  each decade, each century. 
Humanity has changed the genome of the entire planet forever.

How can you help us present the disaster in a way that ordinary people can comprehend?  Infant mortality is increasing globally for the first time in 41 years.

This planet is being turned into a death star.....

If  those reading Leuren Moret's words above do not yet know about DU and its effects (birth defects in particular), I suggest you visit the Uranium Medical Research website (  www.umrc.net ) for a start.  Dennis Kyne, a medic and veteran of Operation Desert Storm, has seen first-hand the effects on US troops.  I will be glad to send you lots of other references. 

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Fw: Rapture Awaits in the Florida Panhandle

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 7:34 PM
Subject: Fwd: Rapture Awaits in the Florida Panhandle

It's not enough to have endured one of the worst hurricanes of the century. We also get to deal with this menace. Daily. At intersections, where well-dressed fanatics jump out into traffic waving bibles. On street corners, where Jesus impersonators carry around crosses and robes smeared with fake blood. It's insane. These aren't people; they're specimens of some unidentified quasi-humanoid species.

  Go to Original

    Rapture Awaits in the Florida Panhandle
    By Tom Harpur
    The Toronto Star

    Saturday 12 February 2005

    Last month, as we usually do, we motored down U.S. Interstate 75, to the emerald waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the shores of the Florida Panhandle. It's a time to catch up on serious reading, walk the pristine white quartz beaches, watch for pelicans and passing dolphins, and do some research on the ever-fascinating phenomenon of American religion.

    The whole coast from Panama City on the east to Pensacola on the west, apart from having the most beautiful beaches in the world, is the focus of some of the most intense conservative evangelical activity in the entire U.S. Superchurches, training schools, and all kinds of crusades abound.

    You know you are in a different culture when you enter the U.S. We always enjoy the flagrant billboards along the highway. Shortly after entering Ohio, a large sign trumpets a coming "Gun and Knife Show;" this one was followed shortly by another equally vast board touting "Microsurgery: Vasectomy Reversal a Specialty - Money Back Guarantee!"

    In rural Georgia, a rather beat-up Pentecostal Church had a big sign: "Road Rage? How would Jesus drive?" Another advertised a Bible Factory Outlet with drastic savings on both new and used Bibles. Then there was the enormous Wal-mart store with a sign at the customer service counter: "No refunds on guns and ammunition." Guess they meant use them or lose them, but don't bring 'em back.

    At first impression, the religious scene in this Bible Belt terrain is upbeat, vigorous, prospering in numbers, properties, and outspoken leadership. There is an agenda both spiritual and political as well as the people and money to make it happen. But, when you pay close attention to the message being driven home by every possible technical medium and skill, you meet some deeply disturbing, even frightening realities.

    Let me illustrate by describing an all-day Saturday conference at one of the largest Protestant churches I have ever been in, The Village Baptist Church in Destin, Fla. The facilities there are gleaming, spacious, comfortable.

    The theme of the day was Left Behind: A Conference on Biblical Prophecy about End Times, and it featured three of the leading voices in the U.S religious right today: Tim LaHaye, Gary Frazier, and Ed Hindson.

    LaHaye was one of the leaders included in Time magazine's Jan.31 story on evangelicals most influential in the presidency of George W.Bush. He appeared, for that reason, a few nights ago along with three other prominent evangelicals on Larry King Live.

    LaHaye has written about 50 non-fiction books and is particularly noteworthy because of his multi-million dollar Left Behind series of novels dealing with end-of-the-world themes.

    Following the "Rapture" - the supposed moment when Jesus Christ will suddenly appear and all the saved will be "caught up to meet him in the air" - leaving the rest of Earth's billions to plague, pestilence, famine and war, there will be seven years of the "Tribulation."

    How the Christian "God of love" treats those "left behind" makes for lurid reading indeed.

    To sum up the essence of the three speaker's messages all that long Saturday, I have never heard so much venom and dangerous ignorance spouted before an utterly unquestioning, otherwise normal-looking crowd in my life. For the $25 fee, the 800 devotees certainly got a plateful.

    There were stunning statements about humans having been only 6,000 years on Earth and other denials of contemporary geology and biology. And we learned that the Rapture, which could happen any second now, but certainly within the next 40 years, will instantly sweep all the "saved" Americans (perhaps one-half the population) to heaven, leaving the United States as "a Third World country" with the European Union becoming the revived Roman Empire.

    But these fantasies were harmless compared with the hatred against Islam that followed. Here are some direct quotes: "Islam is an intolerant religion - and it's clear whose side we should be on in the Middle East." Applause greeted these words: "Allah and Jehovah are not the same God ... Islam is a Satanic religion ...We will never be able to understand their (Muslim) mentality ... They're going to attack Israel for certain. ..."

    Gary Frazier shouted at the top of his lungs: "Wake up! Wake up!" And roughly 800 heads nodded approval as he added that the left-wing, anti-Israel media - "for example, CNN" - will never tell the world the truth about Islam. According to these three and the millions of Americans they lead, Muslims intend ultimately "to impose their religion on us all."

    The idea of peace in the Middle East was denounced - specially any accord granting any land whatever to the Palestinians.

    The two-state concept is unacceptable to American Christians, they argued, because "God gave that land to the Jews through Abraham" long ago. If the Palestinians want a state they must go to Jordan or elsewhere.

    A terrible, final war in the region is inevitable.

    Frazier, Hindson and LaHaye all teach at Rev. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University. They have the ear of the President of the world's sole superpower.

    Tom Harpur is a theologian whose focus is on cosmic spirituality. His website is at TomHarpur.com.

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When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross -- Sinclair Lewis

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