Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Fw: Wayne Madsen Report October 26, 2005


Wayne Madsen Report

October 26, 2005 -- Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald quickly departed the E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Court House at 1:00 PM EDT. The Grand Jury met again in a court room in the new annex to the court house. Fitzgerald had no comment in response to several questions asked by a throng of reporters who huddled around him as he walked to his waiting car, which drove him from the court house to his New York Avenue offices. One question was whether Fitzgerald has requested an extension of the grand jury, which is due to expire on Friday.

There is informed speculation that Fitzgerald may have requested an extension of the current grand jury. Others have speculated that Fitzgerald delivered sealed indictments on Leakgate today and will ask for a new grand jury in order to seek further indictments outside the scope of the original leak probe because of additional evidence that other crimes were committed related to the use of forged documents by the Bush administration.

Some details have emerged about the makeup of the grand jury. There is a majority of African-American women, a large number of which are employed by the Federal government.

There are also unconfirmed reports that Fitzgerald met with Karl Rove's attorney yesterday. A deal was reportedly offered to Rove in return for his cooperation. I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby reportedly also reached a deal with the prosecutor in return for his cooperation against Vice President Cheney. Fitzgerald reportedly met with Cheney's lawyers last Friday. Monday a questionnaire was reportedly delivered to Cheney by the prosecutor's staff seeking additional information on Cheney's knowledge of the CIA leak.

Fitzgerald entered the Court House this morning with a number of documents. Fitzgerald departed without the documents he he had in his possession when he entered the court house, giving rise to speculation that he delivered sealed indictments as WMR reported yesterday.

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald (foreground with rain coat over his arm) leaves US Court House at 1:00 PM EDT.

An expressionless Fitzgerald (third from left) had no response to questions from huddled reporters

Fitzgerald leaves the US Court House early this afternoon for his New York Avenue offices at the Bond Federal building (see article below)

October 26, 2005 -- The Grand Jury in CIA Leakgate is meeting again today at the US Court House in DC. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald entered the US District Court House at 9:00 am EDT. There are reports that sealed indictments will be returned against up to five individuals involved with the leak of classified CIA information to the media and criminal conspiracy to carry out and cover up the crime.

October 26, 2005 -- It is expected that up to five counts will be handed down against at least five individuals associated with CIA Leakgate. The counts include the organic crime (Intelligence Identities Protection Act and/or the Espionage Act, and/or mishandling classified material), perjury before a Grand Jury, making false statements to a Federal law enforcement official, obstruction of justice, and civil rights violations.

October 26, 2005 -- More details are emerging from the Italian newspaper La Repubblica concerning the backdooring of forged Niger documents into the White House and the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans by a special cell operating inside the Italian intelligence agency SISMI. The essential element of the Italian revelations is that Nicolo Pollari, the head of SISMI, went around CIA Director George Tenet to establish a personal liaison with then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy and Plans Douglas Feith, Pentagon and National Security Council consultant Michael Ledeen, and Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley.

Pollari bypassed his own SISMI chief in Washington, Admiral Giuseppe Grignolo, an expert on WMD proliferation, to ensure forged Niger documents and other tainted intelligence on Iraqi weapons went directly to Rice and Ledeen through the Italian ambassador to Washington, Gianni Castellaneta, a Pollari loyalist. During the summer of 2002, Castellaneta set up a meeting between Pollari and Rice, a meeting at which phony intelligence on Iraqi WMDs was allegedly transmitted by the Italian official.

Grignolo had excellent relations with the CIA's Deputy Director for Operations James Pavitt (who was Valerie Plame Wilson's ultimate boss). The outing of Plame, Brewster Jennings & Associates, and the emaciation of the CIA's Counter Proliferation Division by Porter Goss loyalists is seen by intelligence officials in Washington and Rome as a blatant attempt to expose and ruin an untainted source of intelligence on WMD proliferation, thereby setting the stage for more phony WMD intelligence "finds" and a possible nuclear terrorism event.

Who is a Christian? by Carol Wolman

Who is a Christian? by Carol Wolman

With his back against the wall, Bush is once again playing the "Christian" card.  This was a big reason for the Harriet Miers candidacy. She is a strong "Christian", and her nomination was meant to solidify Bush's "Christian" base.

This is wearing pretty thin, in the light of Bush's many unChristian actions.

Jesus warned us repeatedly that using His name is not the same as following Him.

Matthew 7 (KJV) 22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

The people running the US government, and the people who put them there, call themselves Christians. But Jesus said that He will reject those who work iniquity. Is it not iniquity to tamper with voter registration and voting machines, as the "Christian" Republicans have done so blatantly?

Is it not iniquity to invade another country under false pretenses, throw it into chaos and slaughter its inhabitants, and then steal its oil? Is it not iniquity to compromise US security by outing a terrorist-tracking CIA agent and her network, while trumpeting the "war on terror"?

Is it not iniquity to alter the US tax structure so as to transfer wealth from the middle class to the ruling class? How about destroying Medicare and Social Security? How about saddling our children with unbearable debt and with the hatred of the rest of the world?

Will not Jesus reject people who plan and implement these policies, even if the self-styled Christians do hate abortionists, homosexuals, and towelheads?

The apostle John gives a further test. The great commandment of Jesus was to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are all neighbors on this small planet, and the only way to solve our common global problems is to follow this commandment. The Bush administration is built on fear and hatred, not on love.

It's time to call a spade a spade. These people are satanic, not Christian.

Beloved: The way we may be sure that we know Jesus is to keep his commandments. Whoever says, "I know him," but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

In the name of the Prince of Peace,

Carol Wolman

Fw: Polling Station impeachment poll

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Fertik" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:16 AM
Subject: Polling Station impeachment poll

> Hi Ali,
> Thanks for your note. I'll share your fascinating poll with our team :)
> Bob
> First Name : Jaffer
> Last Name : Ali
> Party Affiliation : Libertarian
> State : IL
> Email Address :
> Reason for Contact : Interested in Swapping or Cross-Promotion
> Your Message : We own the Polling Station and after your poll on 10/11, we
> decided to run one...our results surprised us because we have ALL poltical
> persuasions and we broke the poll down by Reps, Dems and Indies. We should
> cross promote our stuff? Here is a smattering: and a link:
> If it is revealed that Bush lied about WMDs to make the case for going to
> war in Iraq (like Johnson lied with the Gulf of Tonkin and Vietnam),
> should he be impeached?
> N = 13,476 Margin of Error +/- .5%
> ........ Yes ...... No .... Undecided
> Dem .... 91.4% .... 6.5% .... 2.1%
> Ind .... 72.8% .... 22.3% .... 4.9%
> Rep .... 25.8% .... 65.1% .... 9.1%
> Overall Percentages
> 62.3% believe that Bush should be impeached IF he lied...
> 32.2% do not believe he should be impeached even IF he lied...
> 5.5% are undecided
> These results are dramatic and indicate that Bush has a much
> bigger problem on his hands than the MSM intimates. We have
> an extremely large sample size that is balanced statistically.
> Visit the Blog to comment on this issue. Visit:
> _comments

Fw: Great News - Bunker Buster Cancelled

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 6:15 AM
Subject: Great News - Bunker Buster Cancelled


Dear Friends,

I am writing with great news. The administration has withdrawn support for the nuclear bunker buster, the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator. As a result, Congress has stopped all funds for the program. The administration has said it will concentrate instead on conventional options for attacking dangerous WMD sites if necessary.

Your support has been vital in this campaign. Over the past three or four years PSR activists have sent close to 100,000 emails to Congress, as well as thousands of faxes, appealing for the nuclear madness the bunker represents to be stopped. Now we have won. Last year the administration was forced to cancel its Advanced Concepts Initiative, an open ended new nukes design program. Now its main new nuke program, the RNEP, is gone.

Thank you for your hard work in persuading Congress to change its mind. Together, the strength of our arguments has overcome the combined might of the labs and the neo-cons who wanted to pursue this hellish vision of nuclear war fighting.

Martin Butcher

P.S. If you follow the link below, you'll find the AP story that broke this great news.

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