Fw: my letter to a church
March 14, 2005
To the Minister(s) at Mt. Pleasant Church,
Thank you for the Happy Easter card and jelly beans and previous invitations to attend services at your church. I grew up regularly attending King Street United Brethern Church and after leaving Chambersburg area, was on a 25 year vision quest for truth. During that time, living in different countries and major world cities, I found answers to my big questions about psychological and spiritual realities, political and economic justice issues. I gained a big picture understanding of world affairs and some profound perspectives concerning what is happening to the planet and humanity in these times, including what needs to be done to build a world that works for everyone.
So please tell me, is your church a Blessed are the Peacemakers church or are you a Rambo Jesus church? Are people there deeply searching for how they can be peacemakers, or are they gung-ho for the imperialist policy of ³full spectrum dominance² that is now the guiding principle of US foreign policy? Are the church members concerned about the fact that less than 300 multi-billionaires now have as much wealth as half the people on the planet, three billion of us? That in the US, the top 1% of the people now has two trillion dollars more wealth than the bottom 90%? Are they deeply aware that 30,000 people die of hunger each day, needlessly? Are they concerned to hear that our government keeps trying to depose democratically elected President Chavez of Venezuela because he has been enacting land reform and capturing more oil funds to distribute in goods and services to the poorest people of his country? Is your church working for peace and justice on earth or are you among those caught up in the ridiculous belief about the ³rapture²?
So, the above are the issues and concerns central to my life, along with pathways of emotional healing in my work as a mental health counselor. If these are not concerns of your church, then believe me, you would not want me as a member, I would make everyone too uncomfortable.
Alanna Hartzok
Co-Director, Earth Rights Institute, United Nations ECOSOC NGO Representative
Acting President, Council of Georgist Organizations, Board Member, United for a Fair Economy
Advisor/Consultant, Odi Ecovillage, Nigeria