Saturday, October 23, 2004

blog- Bible quotes for the election

Dear Friends,
In dealing with fundamentalists, evangelicals, members of the Christian Coalition who support George W. Bush, it's a good idea to know some of the relevant Bible quotes.  I've put together a blog    with quotes that cover the following topics:
Please feel free to copy and use them, and leave me your comments.  I have posted some of them in appropriate places on the Kerry forum.  
The LORD confronts the evildoers,
to destroy remembrance of them from the earth.
When the just cry out, the LORD hears them,
and from all their distress he rescues them.
Psalm 34: 17-18

Re: Ashamed of America by Carol Wolman, MD

I've started a blog; I'm putting it there.   Peace,  Carol
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 7:17 PM
Subject: FW: Ashamed of America by Carol Wolman, MD

You have my permission to circulate this more widely.

From: Tod H. Mikuriya, MD []
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:02 AM
To: 'carol wolman'; 'Undisclosed-Recipient:;'
Subject: RE: Ashamed of America by Carol Wolman, MD

Powers of madness, the Anti-Christ, the Pharisees, and the fall of U.S. civilization. 
Committed to the diminution of global hegemony by the United States, these Satanic spiritual subversives continue to bore from within. The mercantilization of governance is merely one manifestation of an endemic corruption visited upon governance. Perversion of values through demonization and creation of a giant prison industrial complex that desocializes and diverts finite resources from education and public services. The homeless bear stark testimony to the failure of governance initiated by governor Reagan and the tax cutters of Proposition 13. Since then, we see the Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush homeless in the streets. 
This worship of Baal, management of information, and mass drugging, attenuates the will and self esteem. The definitions of locus of control alloplastically, diminish self esteem and control.
When we have the abuse of religion to justify what is madness, we are subject to state sponsored terror. Responding to external assault by creating a reign of reactive terror manifested as ritualistic stupidity is hardly adaptive. Instead of intensively attempting to understand and counter, there is a blind circling of the wagons and irrationally striking out. The quagmire and presiding over the descent into tribal terror in Iraq and Afghanistan by the naieve and provincial ideologs adds to the pool of hatred for generations.
Tod Mikuriya, M.D.

From: carol wolman []
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 11:34 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Ashamed of America by Carol Wolman, MD

If the polls are to be believed, around half the American voters are still willing to vote for Bush. 
Fifty years ago, even twenty years ago, the American people would have been nauseated by the filthy tactics of the Bush campaign.  Now they are responding to the below-the-belt attacks on John Kerry, and disregarding the stench rising from the dungheap of torn-up voter registrations, intimidated voters, easily-tampered-with voting machines, gerrymandered districts, and all the other foul offal of the Republican maggots.
What has happened to America's sense of decency and fair play?   What has happened to our sense of self-preservation?   Are we so intimidated, or mesmerized, or stupid?
I became very ashamed of my country when the Abu Ghraib photos came out.  More so when the revelations of Bush crimes this past summer failed to spark an impeachment movement.  Now I am horrified at the depths of depravity to which our people have sunk.  Is there no deceny left in America?
In the name of the God of justice,   Carol Wolman, MD

Fw: This is a Massacre, Not a War in Iraq By Sam Hamod

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 6:31 PM
Subject: Fw: This is a Massacre, Not a War in Iraq By Sam Hamod

----- Original Message -----
From: Karim A G
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:39 PM
Subject: This is a Massacre, Not a War in Iraq


This is a Massacre, Not a War in Iraq
By Sam Hamod
Oct 5, 2004, 13:49

This is a massacre, not a war in Iraq. The U.S. bombing Samarra, Fallujah, Baghdad and other cities, killing hundreds of civilians and calling them terrorists is like the massacres of the Native Americans during America's push westward.

In this case, it has to do with America's push eastward.

What is also troubling is that no major media outlet, no major politician--none are callig this what it is, an immoral, unmitigated killing of hundreds of Iraqi civilians every week.

Those who are experts in Arabic have claimed for months that the man alleged to be Zarqawi is not really Zarqawi because he does not have the real Zarqawi's Jordanian accent. But, the American military, we are positive by now, has created this mythical Zarqawi to allow it to mercilessly attack Fallujah and punish its inhabitants because they withstood the American ground attack and chased the Americans out. Even today, the Fallujhans have said aloud to Al Jazeera and other outlets, that they will come out into the streets and fight the Americans--but our country, America, is immoral and cowardly, every day attacking Fallujah by F16, Apache and long range cannon fire. In the process, killing hundreds of civilians, but as in the Viet Nam war, saying, "It's just collateral damage and we are not responsible for that."

My question then, is who is responsible for the killings.
I point my finger at General Abizaid, a man who should know better. I also point the finger of guilt at his subordinate commanders in Iraq and all the way up to the two devils at the top of the pole, George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld. By now, it is obvious why Bush and his cronies do not want to support the International Criminal Court and are even attacking the court at the Hague--because they know that they are breaking international laws and that they would be pulled up, kicking and screaming ala Milosovich, to that court for their war crimes and crimes against humanity in Iraq.

It is time for Americans to speak up to stop this massacre.
We are killing Iraqis in the name of "Freedom" and "Democracy!"
How absurd, must we kill the Iraqis to "save them". This sounds almost like the old Salem Witch Trials, where they put people to death in order to save them. But it also smells of the aforementioned slaughter of the Native Americans by the jolly good American cavalry--ironically, it's the same cavalry that is repeating its deeds 200 years later, but this time against Iraqis. For shame.

Also, shame on our media outlets, our church leaders, those phony Christians, Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson--men who shall certainly be condemned to hell by God on the day of judgement. Some may say, I have no right to say such a thing, but all you have to do is see how they are supporting these atrocities--especially Billy Graham and his son, both men who had built reputations for decency but have now destroyed them with this endorsement of slaughter in Iraq.

As for Falwell and Robertson, they not only endorse the Iraq slaughter, they also are doing all they can to praise Sharon and Israel for their slaughter, on a daily basis for the past 3 years of Palestinians. They also cheer when Palestinian homes are bulldozed, as in the 200 taken down in the past month.

In the process, some at the UN have spoken out, even Kofi Annan, but people in America are not hearing. Instead, America is trying to distract the public with stories about Darfur, about the non-existant Zarqawi, about "staying the course" (as if there is a course and as if it is justified), and few are asking, "Just why are we in Iraq, after all, Saddam is gone?" We hear such nonsense as, "We have to stay to settle things down in Iraq." But President Jimmy Carter and most international experts say that we are the problem and that Iraqis could solve their own problems if we'd leave.
But, as most know, and this has been pointed out by Jane's of London and other experts in the U.S. such as Chalmers Johnson, America intendes to build at least 2 dozen bases or more in Iraq to stay on--never to leave.

I want to say again, as I said in articles since Bush's invasion of Iraq, we shall pay a heavy price for this slaughter of Iraqis who are Arabs and Muslims. This slaughter, this massacre has incensed the entire Muslim world.
America is no longer respected in any part of the Muslim world.
In fact, a recent poll in Egypt, one of our strongest allies in the Arab and Muslim world, showed that over 90% of the Egyptians are now angry at America. But what of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, many of them are so incensed that they will become militant against us. Our behavior has taken away any credibility moderates had, now the radicals can say, "See, moderation got you nowhere with America. They even kicked Cat Stevens out of America, a leading moderate in England, a man who had even given advice to the White House on how to deal with radicals."

Samuel Huntington in his book, The Clash of Civilizations, claimed Islam was intent on making a war on the West. This was not true, but what has happened is that Bush and his fundamentalist Christian friends are making war on Islam--it can be seen with American troops attacking Muslims in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in the Phillippines, in Indonesia, in Malaysia,
in Yemen, in assisting Israel with money, weapons and expertise in their killing of Palestinians.

America may win some battles, but it losing the larger war.
The entire world is condemning our behavior in Iraq as illegal and immoral. What is coming is the long term hatred of America by the majority of Muslims in the world, and some will become combatants in time--not necessarily in Iraq, but in their own countries. Bush and his massacre of Muslims is sowing anger, hatred, desire for revenge--in time, America will reap a whirlwind that the ignorant GW Bush has sown.
Make no mistake about it.

America has played its last cards as a moral world leader.
Our moral arguments now are laughable to the rest of the world.
The word has gotten out on how we tried to remove Chavez from office in Venezuela, have placed a puppet regime in Iraq to lord over the people ala Vichy in France in WWII, have supported Israel in its massacres of Palestinians, and the continued killing and bombings of innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan, while now threatening Syria, Iran and Lebanon.
It is obvious to any intelligent and moral observer that our the Bush team has gone out of its mind.

And one last point, have you noticed two important things that never get into the news: 1. Israel has the second largest supply of atomic weapons in the world and has threatened to use the, but you never hear that criticized or even admitted by America. 2. Bush is afraid of North Korea because it has atomic weapons, but also because China told him in no uncertain terms, "Keep your nose out of this area or we'll bloody it for you and wreck your economy as well."

Our fearless leader is only good at killing innocent civiilans through attcks from the air with F16s, Apaches and long range missiles, then calling those killed "enemy combatants," "terrorists," or "insurgents." I hope more people in America will wake up before things get much worse. It is already too late in most cases for America to recover its place in the world. But, if we kick Bush out of office and replace his military commanders in the field, especially Myers and Abizaid, we may be able to salvage something--but it's going to be a long, hard road and will take us decades and maybe centuries to ever again be trusted by any Muslims or Arabs in the world.

Let's call it what it is in Iraq and Palestine, massacres, not wars. Somehow, it is as if Bush and Sharon are joined together at the hip and in their immoral hearts and minds.
Both are guilty of war crimes. We knew this about Sharon by recalling his infamous invasion of Lebanon in the 1980s; but we didn't know how much Bush would follow Sharon's lead and take America down this illegal and immoral path with him. Unfortunately, for America, Bush has, as President Carter said, "Destroyed our reputation in the world as a moral leader, it may take decades or more to repair the damage."

Just remember what I am saying, "This is a massacre, not a war."

The Iraqis have no planes, helicopters or tanks; the Palestinians have no planes, helicopters or tanks; but America does and uses them indiscriminately, as does Israel. America should take a cue from the resistance to Israel, some day it will come here, when the people in the Muslim and Arab worlds have had enough and decide to strike back.

Woe unto us for allowing the madman Bush to kill people in Iraq, Afghanistan and by proxy, in Palestine. Some day, as Malcolm X prophesied, "The chickens will come home to roost."

Sam Hamod is an expert on Islam and the Middle East; he is a former advisor to the State Department, editor of 3rd World News and Director of The Islamic Center of Wash, DC. Watch for his new book, in 2005, ESSAYS IN TIMES OF WAR. He may be reached at  .



Fw: October Surpise- where is it? by Carol Wolman

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:50 AM
Subject: October Surpise- where is it? by Carol Wolman

I'm from Oakland, California.  October brought us a major earthquake and a major fire.  So I don't believe that the 2004 October surprise HAS to come from the Bush camp.  But they promised us, didn't they?
Here it is October 21th already.  Where is our surprise?  It's supposed to be a nasty one, but maybe it won't be too bad- something like no flu shots. 
I've been hearing rumors that it might be a nice surprise, like Osama bin Laden wrapped in ribbons by the Chinese.   That'll show you, John Kerry.  You'll be sorry you made fun of Bushie Boy because he hasn't caught Osama. 
The Bush junta specializes in shock and awe, so it could be pretty nasty, like another "terrorist" attack, or a missile hitting Los Angeles from North Korea- of course it will look like it came from the bad guys.   Or the Bush team will want to reassure us that they are good guys, and they'll sign a peace treaty with North Korea.  Wouldn't that be nice!
The surprise I'm praying for is a change of heart on the part of the American voters.  I'm praying that they will wake up and start demanding justice, via the polls, the ballot and the courts.   I'm praying that the evildoers in high office will be exposed and punished.
In the name of the God of justice,  Carol Wolman

Fw: Nuclear Nightmare* By Robert Samuelson

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:15 AM
Subject: Nuclear Nightmare* By Robert Samuelson

----- Original Message -----
From: "FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign" <>* <>
*Nuclear Nightmare*

By Robert Samuelson

Wednesday, October 20, 2004; Page A27

The world now has about 20,000 nuclear weapons; there were once 65,000.
It must be counted as a major miracle of the modern age that in the 59
years since Hiroshima and Nagasaki none of them has been used in anger.
With hindsight, history may conclude that the major threat facing the
United States -- and the world -- in 2004 was not the war in Iraq or the
immediate danger of terrorism. It was the impending breakdown of the
global system that for six decades kept nuclear holocaust at bay.

Put differently: Despite this campaign's focus on Iraq and terrorism,
the next president's major foreign policy problem may involve what can
be done about Iran and North Korea.

North Korea already claims to have nuclear weapons; estimates are from
six to eight, though the claims and estimates could be wrong. Iran
denies pursuing nuclear weapons, but its denials are doubted by outside
experts and undermined by Iran's incomplete compliance with nuclear

There are now eight nuclear powers: the United States, Russia, China,
India, Pakistan, Israel (suspected), Britain and France. The danger is
not mainly increasing that number by two. It is that if North Korea and
Iran gain nuclear weapons, other countries -- possibly many of them --
would ultimately go nuclear. Then, every nuclear danger would rise
dramatically: miscalculation, preemptive attacks, theft, a global market
in weapons technology, and use by terrorist groups.

Since the 1950s, a two-part system has prevented nuclear horror.

The first is "mutual assured destruction." The Americans and Soviets
didn't attack each other, because both knew they faced annihilation.
Over time, other safeguards (the Washington-Moscow "hotline," for
example) emerged to minimize miscalculations. One side effect was that,
aside from Britain and France, few advanced countries that could have
developed nuclear weapons did so. Most lived under the U.S. nuclear
umbrella. If they were attacked, they knew (or thought) the United
States would retaliate.

The second pillar is the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
This now commits five major nuclear powers (the United States, Russia,
China, Britain and France) not to transfer weapons technology to other
countries. All other signatories, numbering more than 170, disavow
nuclear weapons and permit inspections by the International Atomic
Energy Agency. North Korea and Iran signed the NPT; India, Pakistan,
Israel and Cuba did not.

If North Korea and Iran go nuclear, this system would be in tatters. The
NPT would seem toothless, and the residual self-restraint of "mutual
assured destruction" might evaporate.

Would Japan (or South Korea) trust the United States to retaliate
against North Korea? Doubts might inspire Japan (or South Korea) to go
nuclear. Would Indonesia, Asia's third-largest country, want nuclear
weapons? If Iran went nuclear, would Turkey, Egypt or Saudi Arabia
follow suit? Would Europe want a bigger nuclear arsenal? The point: If
North Korea and Iran permanently go nuclear, we will cross a threshold
with unpredictable and frightening consequences.

Unfortunately, it's unclear how we can prevent this. Airstrikes can no
longer eliminate North Korea's nuclear weapons because, as Nicholas
Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute says, "we don't know
where they are." Military strikes might have worked in the early 1990s
(eliminating the capacity to produce weapons), but the risk was that
North Korea would attack South Korea.

In their book "Crisis on the Korean Peninsula," Michael O'Hanlon and
Mike Mochizuki report that the North Korean military has 1.1 million
troops; 12,000 artillery pieces, 500 of which can hit Seoul; 500
ballistic missiles; 20 tunnels under the South Korean border; and 5,000
tons of chemical weapons. "North Korea would probably begin any war with
a massive artillery barrage of South Korean and U.S. positions . . . and
likely of Seoul itself," they write. "Chemical weapons might well be used."

American airstrikes -- or perhaps Israeli -- might destroy Iran's
bomb-making capabilities. But at what cost? Iran might retaliate by
sponsoring anti-U.S. terrorism. After an attack or economic sanctions,
it might curb oil production.

It's not obvious (to me, at least) whether George Bush or John Kerry
could best handle the nuclear threat. Britain, France and Germany have
urged Iran to abandon plans to enrich nuclear fuel (from which bombs can
be made) in return for assured fuel supplies for its reactors and
pledges of economic aid. Kerry has endorsed such an approach, and the
Bush administration has backed it, through skeptically. Kerry might work
better with the Europeans and Iranians (whom he hasn't labeled part of
the "axis of evil''). The case for Bush is that he's scarier. Iran might
accept a diplomatic solution if it stood to lose its nuclear facilities
through airstrikes.

On North Korea, O'Hanlon and Mochizuki suggest a similar bargain. North
Korea surrenders its weapons and submits to inspections; in return, it
receives security guarantees from the United States, diplomatic
recognition and economic aid. The idea is to bribe a country from going
nuclear. Operating on that theory, the Clinton administration signed a
less far-reaching agreement with North Korea in 1994, but the North
Koreans ultimately cheated. None of these bargains will work if either
country's true aim is to possess nuclear weapons and not simply use them
as negotiating chips.

Bush and Kerry haven't debated these issues in detail, because each
realizes that the victor's practical choices are bleak. If there's any
hope, it lies in this paradox: A country with nuclear weapons enhances
its power enormously -- and its chances of annihilation. The next
president must somehow convince the North Koreans and Iranians that they
are taking themselves, and everyone else, down a path of madness.

© 2004 The Washington Post Company

Fw: Ramadan peace fast- day 7- are you with me?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:21 AM
Subject: Ramadan peace fast- day 7- are you with me?

Dear Friends,
The Ramadan fast is getting easier, as I get used to it.  It must be much easier in Muslim countries, where the people are all fasting and there are no cooking smells to get one's juices going.  My office is over a hamburger joint, so it gets difficult at times.
The fast is, indeed, bringing me closer to God.  Every time my stomach rumbles, I remember that I am fasting for peace, and my thoughts return to the world situation and what I can do about it.
My activist days seem to be over- my daughter has grasped that baton.  Writing is what I do these days.  This diary from the 2004 Ramadan fast for peace contains my reflections on the presidential election, on which hangs the fate of the planet.  Ramadan began October 14th; Election Day is almost exactly in the middle. 
Both candidates agree that the war against terror (and terrorists are Muslims) is the central focus of US foreign policy.  The invasion of Iraq, which was cloaked as part of a crusade, has aroused the Muslim world to defend itself against the nonbelievers, and a global conflagration is in the making.  Peacemakers are urgently needed.  Are you with me?
The candidates agree that stopping the spread of nuclear weapons is the number one priority. 
Bush's record is this department is horrible.  He got rid of the ABM treaty, which capped the nuclear arms race in 1970.  The new treaty he replaced it with is so vague that it's useless.  He is pushing for development of "tactical" nuclear weapons that blur the line between nukes and nonnukes.  This has also been done with the intensive use of DU weaponry.   Bush has failed to fund crucial programs that control and trace nuclear material internationally, and tolerated the outing of a key CIA agent, Valerie Plame, whose job it was to run a network that blocked the sale of WMD's to terrorists.
Peter Montague brilliantly traces the interconnection between Bush's religious beliefs and his nuclear policy, in Omega-News: FIERY HELL ON EARTH, Pt. 3... Why is the US failing to stop, and in some cases actually promoting, the spread of nuclear weapons worldwide?" 
Briefly, I have no idea what Bush personally believes about the Biblical end-time prophecies, but his political base, the religious right (rr), has embraced the rapture cult, known as dispensationalism.  This cult has its roots in the mid 19th century, with the Scofield Bible, which translates certain prophecies in ways inevitably lead to nuclear holocaust. 
It has become popularized through the novels of Hal Lindsey in the 70's THE LATE GREAT PLANET EARTH, and now the Tim LeHaye/Jerry Jenkins series LEFT BEHIND.  The latter has over 60 million readers.  They have been told by the false prophets LeHaye, Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham and others that if they vote for George W. Bush, they will be raptured up by Jesus before the inevitable nuclear war creates a fiery hell out of the earth.  We Kerry voters will be destroyed in the lake of fire.
The faithful will also miss the 7 year period of tribulation, which precedes nuclear Armageddon, and basically consists of all the ecocatastrophes which we are beginning to experience.  Some authors say the rapture will be pre-trib, some mid-trib, and some post-trib but pre-nuclear Armageddon.  In any case, the blessed followers of Bush will have dispensation from the consequences of their greedy polluting ways.  No wonder the Bush administration feels free to gut environmental laws! 
From a psychiatric point of view, this is a classic example of avoidance.  Don't face the ecological mess we've made, find a way to escape.  The rapture cult gives people pie in the sky, along with permission to be as materialistic as they like, as long as they hate terrorists and abortion, and vote for Bush. 
It is psychotic, suicidal thinking.  Like all cults, this leads straight to Jonestown.  But now we are not dealing with a small isolated group of people, but with a bloc of voters who can put Bush into a second term, which puts everybody at great risk.
The rr false prophets point to passages like this:
Jesus said to his disciples:
"I have come to set the earth on fire,
and how I wish it were already blazing!
Luke 12: 49
This is interpreted to mean that the returning of Jesus will take the form of nuclear holocaust.  Since the Bible is the living word of God, not to be tampered with, nuclear war is inevitable.  The only way out is via the rapture, meaning, again, hate terrorists and abortion and vote for Bush.
This is why Bush's electoral base is so unshakeable.  It is based on a psychotic delusion that is fostered by respected preachers and sustained by an aura of success, which proves it is Godly.   What to do?
There is another interpretation available, which is much more compatible with the overall teachings of Jesus, and leads us to peace and survival.  Fire stands for spirit.  When the disciples received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, they had tongues of flame on their heads.  The holy fire of Jesus purifies our minds and hearts, and burns out duplicity, hypocrisy, selfishness, hatred, envy, malice, materialism, and all the other spiritual ills humans are prey to.
In this view, fear of nuclear holocaust is the "iron rod" which disciplines humanity to accept the teachings of Jesus, and love all our planetary neighbors.  We were given a small taste of the fire in 1945, and that should be enough.  As Kerry pointed out in the third debate, we need much more love for our neighbors, and less revving up of hatred. 
Kerry appears to be sane.  He has a long record of working to control nuclear weapons, and gets high marks from the environmentalists. 
Another part of the rapture cult involves looking at Biblical prophecy, especially Ezekiel 37-39, as predicting that Armageddon will be a nuclear battle between Muslims and a Jewish-Christian coalition.  The Bush voters see the invasion of Iraq in this context, and so overlook the lies and shameful behavior of America under Bush's leadership.  Their sense of needing to obey the Mosaic law, which Jesus re-emphasized, is gone.
I've learned in the past week that Islam sees itself as an extension of the Judeo-Christian tradition, not an opponent of it.  There is no intrinsic reason that these religions have to be at odds.  Isaac and Ishmael went their separate ways, but they didn't kill each other.  And Jesus told us to love our neighbors.  We are all neighbors now.
I am joining my Muslim neighbors in observing the Ramadan fast- no eating, drinking, smoking cigarettes or sex between sunrise and sundown.  Actually, being a novice, I allow myself a little soy milk during the day- and coffee.
Please join me in the Ramadan fast for peace, even if it just means skipping a meal now and then.  Let me know that you are with me in working for peace during this crucial month.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman

Fw: Methodist Church to Bush and Cheney: repent or leave

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:17 PM
Subject: Methodist Church to Bush and Cheney: repent or leave

To:  George W. Bush; Richard "Dick" Cheney

George W. Bush, Richard "Dick" Cheney (respondents)
Rev. Mark Craig - Sr. Pastor of Highland Park UMC
Rev. Michael L. Nichols - D.S. of the Dallas South District
Bishop William B. Oden - Bishop of North Texas Annual Conference United Methodist Council of Bishops

A Letter of Complaint Against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney

We, the undersigned, do hold that George W. Bush, a member of Park Hill United Methodist Church (UMC) in Dallas, Texas, and Dick Cheney (local membership unknown) are undeniably guilty of at least four chargeable offenses for lay members as listed in 2702.3 of the 2000 Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church. These offenses are: crime, immorality, disobedience to the Order and Discipline of The UMC, and dissemination of doctrine contrary to the established standards of doctrine of The UMC. For these offenses, we the undersigned call for an immediate and public act of repentance by the respondents. If the respondents do not reply with sincere and public repentance for their crimes, we demand that their membership in the United Methodist Church be revoked until such time that they sincerely and publicly repent.

The full petition can be viewed at:

In the name of the God of justice,   Carol Wolman


Fw: punish the vote-shredders!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:59 AM
Subject: punish the vote-shredders!

Tampering with the process of a federal election should be a federal crime.   This should be true whether it involves voter registration, absentee ballots, intimidation of voters, or anything else.  Given the filthy tactics of Republican party, something must be done.
I suggest we bombard Congress with demands for emergency legislation mandating 5 years in prison with no parole, for anyone who interferes in any way with America's right to fair and free elections.  How dare they?  How can our Representatives refuse?
Start this morning, and call, call, call.  Send out petitions, write newspaper editorials.  We are the laughingstock of the world, trumpeting freedom and allowing such a mockery at home!  
In the name of the God of justice,   Carol Wolman

Fw: It's about energy, stupid by Carol Wolman, MD

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 8:31 AM
Subject: It's about energy, stupid by Carol Wolman, MD

This election is about energy.   The candidates offer a stark contrast in their approach to energy policy.  Bush wants to press harder on the oil and coal reserves, build up the military to control foreign oil supplies, and weaken environmental safeguards to keep the prices low.  Of course, he and his family are oil men from way back.
Bush also wants to continue developing and maintaining nuclear energy along with his nuclear weapons development.  I've heard that the vast consortium run by the Bushes and Howard Baker, the Carlyle group, is taking over the job of developing new nuclear weapons at Livermore and Los Alamos from the University of California, thus consolidating Bush power over the US military.
Bush is very willing to trade blood for oil, in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.  Many Americans support him because they understand this, and are willing to trade their morals and sense of decency for their SUV's.
This is all covert, of course, and covered with a psychotic religious rationale about "the rapture", that is taking us all to Jonestown.
Kerry has offered a reasonable plan that would get us off the oil titty in a few years, and restructure the American economy around sustainable clean energy.  This will take some sacrifices and adjustments, but it is the only way we can survive as a nation and as a planet.
The choice is clear: oil and nuclear vs. biofuel and sun.   It amounts to a choice between suicide and survival.  God wants us to choose life.

Deuteronomy 3019 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.

In the name of the Author of life,  Carol Wolman

Fw: Ashamed of America by Carol Wolman, MD

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 6:34 AM
Subject: Ashamed of America by Carol Wolman, MD

If the polls are to be believed, around half the American voters are still willing to vote for Bush. 
Fifty years ago, even twenty years ago, the American people would have been nauseated by the filthy tactics of the Bush campaign.  Now they are responding to the below-the-belt attacks on John Kerry, and disregarding the stench rising from the dungheap of torn-up voter registrations, intimidated voters, easily-tampered-with voting machines, gerrymandered districts, and all the other foul offal of the Republican maggots.
What has happened to America's sense of decency and fair play?   What has happened to our sense of self-preservation?   Are we so intimidated, or mesmerized, or stupid?
I became very ashamed of my country when the Abu Ghraib photos came out.  More so when the revelations of Bush crimes this past summer failed to spark an impeachment movement.  Now I am horrified at the depths of depravity to which our people have sunk.  Is there no deceny left in America?
In the name of the God of justice,   Carol Wolman, MD

Fw: Making sacrifices- Ramadan peace fast day 6

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:50 AM
Subject: Making sacrifices- Ramadan peace fast day 6

Much will be required of the person entrusted with much,
and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more."
Luke 12: 48
Dear Friends,
I have a confession- I broke my fast and ate lunch with a friend yesterday.  Didn't think I could handle watching someone else eat- yet she probably would have fasted with me if I'd asked her.  I'm a typical spoiled American, after all.  I hate to make sacrifices, even if the fate of the world should hang in the balance.
Sounds dramatic?   We all know that the future of the planet depends on John Kerry getting elected.  The planet cannot tolerate 4 more years of the Bush cartel's scorched earth politics. 
Yes, Kerry is also a plutocrat, and he also belongs to Skull and Bones, but he seems to have some decency and common sense.  Above all, he is working for life, not death.  He has been entrusted with much, and he is rising well to the challenge. 
We, the peacemakers, the truthtellers, have a great responsibility right now.  We also have been entrusted with much.  Whatever we are doing to ensure Kerry's election, more is expected of us. 
It should be clear to everyone by now that the Bush people are satanic.  They are blatantly destroying the democratic system- tearing up voter registration forms!   Unbelievable!  And so blatant!
Now is the time to use the talents that God has given us to the utmost, and to make sacrifices of our time, money and energy to ensure John Kerry's election. 
I again invite all of you to join me in fasting for peace during Ramadan.  It involves self-discipline, which many Americans are sorely lacking.  Let us join with our Muslim brothers and sisters in moving closer to God by making this sacrifice.  Please let me know if you are participating.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,
Carol Wolman

Fw: Ramadan peace fast- day 5- poem

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:31 AM
Subject: Ramadan peace fast- day 5- poem

I will hear what God proclaims;
the LORD–for he proclaims peace.
Psalm 85: 9
Here's a poem I wrote in 1949, at age 8.  It holds up well.
War, war, war.
Will never the earth be free?
Will never the nations come to peace?
Will people never agree?
Why must there be fighting,
Hatred, oppression and fear?
And why must young men go to war,
Leaving all that they hold dear?
The world is weary of war and hate,
Like Noah after the flood.
May peace soon come as a rainbow,
And free us from wars of blood.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman

Fw: Bush in the Bible- The Man of Lawlessness 2 Th 2: 1-12 by Carol Wolman

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 6:52 AM
Subject: Bush in the Bible- The Man of Lawlessness 2 Th 2: 1-12 by Carol Wolman


George W. Bush is known for breaking the law. He has several criminal charges, including a DUI, on his record. He was AWOL during Vietnam. He was cited by the SEC for insider trading when he owned Harken Oil. As president, he lied to Congress about Medicare, violated the Geneva Conventions, and has broken the law in many other ways.

Meanwhile, Bush exalts himself as a man of God. He has robbed the American people and deceived many into believing that he is helping them. Some see him as anointed by God, fulfilling prophecies about the end-time. This view is promoted by false prophets. Voters who love the truth will not be fooled.

The following passage from Paul's 2nd letter to the Thessalonians gives an uncanny description of Bush, who he pretends to be, and how people are deceived by him.  They allow themselves to be deceived because Bush promises to satisfy their addiction to oil.  The only thing holding him back is truth, which will overthrow him soon.

2 Thessalonians 2 1Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, 2not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come. 3Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[ is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God. 5Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

May the Prince of Peace come soon!

In His name,   Carol Wolman

Fw: Apocalypse Bush! by Mark Morford

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: Apocalypse Bush! by Mark Morford

I agree with you about Morford's flip unreverent tone.  I'm glad you and I agree that Bush is a wolf in sheep's clothing- I wish more evangelicals saw through him.  Here is a good description of Bush.
2 Thessalonians 2 1Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, 2not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come. 3Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[ is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God. 5Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
However, I agree with Morford, and disagree with you,  that the idea of the rapture, as portrayed in the LEFT BEHIND series, is extremely dangerous.  Here is another interpretation.
My understanding of Thessalonians and Revelation is that they refer to spiritual events, not physical ones.  Meeting Jesus in the clouds refers to a change of consciousness which will take place world wide, when people, especially in the US, "get it" that if we accept Jesus' way of love, we can stop wars, reverse global warming, clean up pollution, and all get along.  The new Jerusalem will replace the Israeli government, which is the synagogue of Satan, and make it truly the city of peace.  This can't happen if there is a nuclear war in the Holy Land. 

Deuteronomy 3019 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

This passage from Deuteronomy, written by Moses in 1600 BC, speaks directly to us today. Heaven and earth are witnessing against us. There is a big hole in the ozone layer. The planet is heating up. We are running out of fresh water, many species are becoming extinct, storms, floods and fires are more frequent. These threats to the biosphere are directly the result of our greed, carelessness and stupidity. They are curses resulting from bad choices by humanity.

God gives us a choice, and tells us to choose life for ourselves AND OUR CHILDREN. The mandate to look out for future generations as well as for ourselves is clearly stated in this passage and many others. If we ignore it, we are choosing death, and will be cursed.

Like the people of Nineveh in Jonah=s day, we are given a chance to repent.

Jonah 3: 8 Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. 9 Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish." 10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened.

We are threatened with annihilation from nuclear war, eco-catastrophe, famine and disease. There are prophets of doom among us who interpret the Bible as condemning the biosphere to destruction.

We have a choice on how to interpret the Bible.

Mark 2:27 Then Jesus said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

The same applies to the Bible. It is made for us, not the other way around.

The battle of Armageddon is described in Revelation Chapter 19. It is a spiritual battle. On one side:

Rev 19: 11I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. 14The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 16On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

On the other side: Rev 19: 19Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army.

The weapons of the King of Kings? 15Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter.

This describes the spiritual battle which is raging now. The peacemakers are the armies of heaven, followers of that which is faithful and true, dedicated to exposing falsehood and treachery on the part of the warmongers.  We marched in the streets, 20 million of us all over the world, against the kings of the earth and their armies, who are allied with the corporate beast.

Those who are faithful and true, the advocates of justice, fight with the sharp sword of the mouth- the tongue. The events of 2004 have shown how far words can go in discrediting the unholy trinity- the beast of corporate capitalism, the dragon of war and the false prophets of the rapture cult, who mislead the gullible sheep to poverty and misery. 

The followers of the Prince of Peace use the "iron scepter", the necessity to control and eliminate nuclear weapons, to rule the nations. Even the beast does not dare to unleash all out nuclear war, although the Bush administration is straining to move in that direction.

Rev. 19: 15 "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.

The "iron scepter" is the threat of all-out nuclear war. God is angry at humanity for our violence and destructiveness. Let us accept His rule, and learn to live in peace, working together to solve the global problems.

We have been given a gift from heaven, the internet, which enables us to form one mind dedicated to truth and good faith for all peoples. And we will prevail.

20But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh. "

The Son of Man is gathering his elect, the peacemakers, those of us devoted to saving the planet and preventing another nuclear war.

The false prophets of doom claim that a more general nuclear holocaust awaits us. They would lead us to greater destruction. But the Bible prophecies which point to nuclear holocaust have already been fulfilled. Let us learn from what we have already experienced, and choose life.

In the name of the Prince of Peace,    Carol Wolman

Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 6:08 AM
Subject: Apocalypse Bush! by Mark Morford

Apocalypse Bush! :
      Why care for the planet when the
      End Times are almost here?
      Vote Bush and hop on the salvation train!
[I guess only a fool would turn down an eternity in Heaven.  Anyone "desiring" to go to Hell, is definitely not thinking with a working brain .... especially considering Salvation is absolutely free for the asking ...... ]

      By Mark Morford
      Sep 9, 2004, 06:49

This is the great thing about rabid fundamentalism. You really just don't have to give a damn.
[wrong fella ... I care very much, so much so, that I counter your pack of lies and those espoused by a very sick "psychiatrist" who apparently popped to many of her patients Thorazine .... when fools like you speak such heresy, it is up to me to fight back ... and warn as many people as I can of your efforts to lead them into Hell. ... ]
Take the environment. I mean, isn't it just a little pointless to care so damn deeply about the air and the soil and the water and the stupid little disposable animals on this silly spinning ball of expendable rock when the Second Coming is imminent and a blood-soaked fire-breathin' Jesus who looks remarkably like Mel Gibson will return very soon to smite the heathens and the gays and the vegetarians and the Francophiles, and who will rescue all those who worship patriarchy and country music and blue-chip oil portfolios? You're goddamn right it is.  
[ your cursing does nothing to deter me;  simply, this cursed world is coming to an end, and there is nothing you, Carol, or any of the "works for Salvation" crowd can do about it.  It was foretold in the Bible more than 2 millinia ago, and if one believes the Bible as the inerrant Word of God ... then why try to stop something which is far beyond our ability to do so?  Instead, seek the Kingsdom of God while there is yet time, and let God have His will .... which I am sure is wrell beyond your comprehension .... sorry!]

Look. This much has become clear. Bush is, more than anything else, an extreme fundamentalist Christian.
[he is nothing more than a pawn, like you and me .... buts sadly, he is NO Christian .... his "works" has betrayed him for what he really is .... a psychotic paranoid meglomanic!   Yeh Carol, I know all the big words too ..... ]   
He is widely regarded as the most openly pious and sanctimonious president in modern American history. He actually preaches the GOP screed in evangelical churches across America. He panders so slavishly to the anti-choicers and the Bible-thumpers and the homophobes it makes Jerry Falwell swoon and giggle. 
[ ... ahhhh ... the right word ... "panders"!   Yep .... the man has bamboozled the world, and espeically the so-called Christian Right (an oxymoron ... none are Christian, and none ar right!) and others who have been leading the Chosen astray since God knows when .... the "church" is apostate, as Rvevelation clearly state.  We are in the "Laodecian age" .... wake up folks!]

 And Bush actually says, out loud, that God speaks through him, 
[ just like Oral Roberts, he is as deluded .... but then, people are still following all of these charletans with their eyes closed! ]
and that God is on our side we bomb the living crap out of Afghanistan and Iraq and that it is the Almighty's wish that we take control of these angry pip-squeak nations and in so doing kill thousands of civilians and tens of thousands of young Iraqi soldiers, as over 1,000 American soldiers are now dead over a makeshift cause that never really existed. God wanted it this way, that's why. 
[  God?  Why blame Him for the failures of mankind?  Put the blame where it belongs .... your father, the Devil! ]

 Bush has called Jesus his "favorite philosopher." He has claimed that the act of being "born-again" saved him from a long, sad life of vaguely homoerotic frat parties and repetitive binge drinking and going AWOL from the National Guard, all so he could turn his full attention to righteously ruining multiple businesses and then making Texas the most murderous and polluted state in the union. 
[lots of people sadly place Jesus in that catagory.  He may have been the greeatest philospher who ever existed, but that is not why He came to this cursed earth.  He came here to die for the sins of mankind, and if you accept this "gift", Salvation is yours free ... no costs, no "catches", no nothing .... free ....]

 But, you know, why stop there?

God, of course, isn't just about the current Iraqi war. Bush understands this. Nor is God just about slamming gays or creating nasty, isolationist foreign policy. God is not merely about setting those gul-dang Muslim heathens straight about who is the supreme big-daddy all-powerful mega-righteous SUV-drivin' American-flag-wavin' God and who is just a dimestore wannabe false idol scruffy Allah. 

 Because above all, God is nothing if not all about putting a quick and fiery stop to all this Earthly nonsense ASAP. He is nothing if not all about the coming apocalypse. And He is nothing if not all about saving those who believe, as Bush does, that he is among the chosen to be saved.


This is the fundamentalist truth. And this is the BushCo maxim. The End Times provide the ultimate meaning, the final straw, the only thing worth caring about, because it defines the BushCo worldview like nothing else except maybe embarrassing grammar and crushing deficits and a secret craving for gin. You can see it in his sad, vacant eyes: Bush is absolutely convinced that God is a Republican. Why else would He create all those cool M-1 tanks and oil refineries and those neat deer-antler chandeliers? Exactly.  
[ you can discount the concept of the Rapture, and the concept of the "End TImes" all you desire.  Most fools do.  But one day soon, the promises offered in Revelation 4 will come about, and if you're ready, great!  If not, hope you enjoy Hell, 'cuz that's all that is left for you and your kind ... one the other hand, you could open the Bible (I highly recommend the KJV) and foind out for yourself if you are wrong .... or if Jesus is the lie, you claim He is .... your choice.... ]


Do you see? Do you get it? If not, you haven't been reading nearly enough of those silly pulpy sociopathic gazillion-selling "Left Behind" doomsday books so frighteningly adored by the Christian Right.  
[ the "Left Behind" series is fictional and simply a story built around the concept of the Rapture, to illistrate its meaning ... nothing more .. nothing less!   If you want to know about the Rapture, I recommend the book by the late Dr. Jack Hyles, on the subject.  Its worth the $20 price.  You can order it on-line from First Baptist Church of Hammond Indiana,... ]       
It's simple, really: The world is gonna end real soon. The End Times are comin'. All the signs are in place -- famine, war, disease, sodomy, fires, hurricanes, Avril Lavigne -- and Bush, by instigating holy wars and inciting more terrorism and burning through the planet's natural resources as fast as humanly possible, is merely hastening the blessedly inevitable. As his fellow fundamentalists say, God bless him.
[ I'll be the first to admit ... Bush is one sick fella .... and as to whether he is a Christian or not is questionable.   Many will be pretenders, as the Bible warned us, so all I can say, vote the sorry jerk out ..... ]


Hey, it explains a lot, this view. It explain how Bush can just smirk and mumble and, with one big, heartless shrug, dismiss the complete lack of WMD and the loss of 1.6 million U.S. jobs and the nation's staggering $422 billion budget deficit. Pay down the national debt? Bah. Planet's going to hell anyway, people. Stock up on nuclear missiles and get yourself an escape pod. Can't afford one? Whatta shame.  
[Chapter 20 through 22 of Revelation tells us emphatically, that there will be a NEW Heaven, a NEW earth, and a NEW Jerusalem.  Logic says ... in order for there to be a NEW anything ... the OLD must end, either destroyed, eliminated or ended however God choses.  If that be the case .... yep!   I are one of them thar sicko "Rapture Cultists" who believes its gonna happen .... therefore, I will simply wait on the Lord for His plan to reach its final act .... I'm not the least bit worried ... even if a nuke is aimed for my swimmin'pool in my backyard! ]


It surely explains the general GOP hatred of gay marriage, of open-hearted sex, of those wicked, sin-inducing vaginas (that harlot Eve is gonna pay, dammit), of environmentalism, of caring about air quality and water quality and the EPA and organic foods and homeopathic medicine and resource management and the Alaska Wildlife Refuge and the U.N. and any country that doesn't have a McDonald's and a Starbucks and a decent strip club for lonely gin-soaked Republican expats. 
[ sounds like you're a bit jealous .... frankly, who cares .... ?  I sure don't! ]


And it explains not only the outright contempt for any view other than Bush's own, but the willingness to legislate that hatred, codify it, to make it outright illegal to think or feel or love otherwise.  
[ah-gain .... what Bush "claims" and what reality shows are two totally different animals .... I am convinced Bush is as "Christian" as Adolph Hitler is Chinese ... ]


Look at it this way: When you have an angry, patriotic God and the red-hot promise of the juicy apocalypse on your side, there is no such thing as a counter-argument. There is no such thing as competition. There is no such thing as giving a damn what anyone else thinks.  
[ and better yet ... there is nothing better that good old fashioned .... faith!   The Bible, the inerrant Word of God, says its coming ... why deny that which you cannot stop?   Its like saying I don't believe cancer exists ... but wow, what does one do when your body rots apart?   Its real ... and fools like you will one day bow your knee and declare Jesus as Lord .... why not do it now, instead of from Hell? ]


How else do you explain it? How else can you understand the most aggressive, war-hungry, abusive, nature-loathing, isolationist administration in American history? How else can you explain BushCo's overall "F" grade from every environmental organization in the world? How can you explain his mauling of long-term Social Security planning? The decimation of the idea of universal health care? A pre-emptive, attack-first-ask-questions-never, warmongering policy that creates more anti-U.S. hatred by the minute?


How can you explain the fact that every human rights organization on the planet is appalled by Bush's actions? Guantanamo Bay to Abu Ghraib to John Ashcroft to the Patriot Act to gutting funding for international women's health care. Hey, if God had wanted us to care about other viewpoints, He would've made everyone speak English. Can I get a "hell yeah?" 
[ what has anyof this gobble-dee-gook got to do with your assault on God, on Jesus and on the coming events?   Bush is whatever Bush is, and neither you, me or anyojne else can change it .... unless God so wills it.   I don't know about you, but my God is in charge here, so why worry about it?  Its gonna be what its gonna be .... get a life! ]


This lust for apocalyptica, then, is perhaps the best way we have to at least partially understand the shamelessness of this administration's policies and its blatant disregard for international law, its open hatred of any nation that disagrees with us and the deep, profound concern only for nations that either cower in our God-flexin' presence and/or have resources that Bush's corporate pals are salivating to exploit.


And it is the perhaps ultimate explanation for the Right's final cattle call, its bitter war cry of a message, its exact parallel to every pseudo-religious evangelical scam artist on late-night cable TV.


Listen, good people of America. If you just send your money to the party and give up all that careful, nuanced thinking, if you just quit questioning our decisions and load up on blind faith, it will all be OK and you can have all the guns and fast food you want and those terrifying gays will leave you alone because BushCo will take care of you and God will reserve your seat on the glory train to salvation. Deal? Praise Jesus! Praise Bush/Cheney! Hallelujah you are saved! Even as we are, you know, doomed.


Isn't bogus salvation fun?
In its simplist form, the Rapture is when God calls His Church home to Heaven, as is described in both letters to the Thessalonians, and in Revelation 4.  Once the Church (which is the Bride of Jesus) is removed, literal Hell on Earth ... and its the next big thing on God's agenda, acording to the Bible.  Accept it or reject it ... it will happen whether you want it to or not!  
Since the Book of Revelation is written in a chronological manner, one can scan forward from Chapter 4, and what lies ahead for this cursed earth.  Nut laugh if you will ... I read the last chapter, and guess what?  We win the battle, and the war.    And better still, I'm on the winning side!   And you?
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