Sunday, October 24, 2004

Ramadan 10- Keeping the faith

I have kept the faith.
2 Tim 4: 7
Dear Friends,
I continue to observe the Ramadan fast for peace, although, being a spoiled American, my self-discipline is not what it might be.  I have had lunch with friends twice since Ramadan began, and continue to drink coffee and soymilk throughout the day. 
I'm disappointed in how few people have heeded my call for moral support.  I'm learning so much from fasting in solidarity with the umma, the body of Muslim believers, through Ramadan, this perilous year!   I'm learning that it's not surprising, given the invasion of Iraq, that Muslims see America, more and more, as the great Satan.
 What might it mean to them if a large number of Americans observed Ramadan, as a gesture of solidarity?  What better olive branch could we extend? 
After all, we have a common enemy.  The Bush family in alliance with the neocons have destroyed Iraq and are in the process of destroying American democracy, prosperity and honor.  The Iraqi people and the American people are both suffering from the Bush "war on terror", which is looking more and more like a crusade against Muslims.
It seems so obvious to me that fasting for peace during Ramadan is an ideal way for Americans to make it clear that we don't hate Muslims, and don't want war.  It's not hard- just refrain from eating, drinking, cigarettes and sex from sunrise to sunset.  The days are getting shorter, it's getting easier.  Even skipping one meal is a way to join the fast.
Please email me your support, and spread the word.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman


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