Thursday, December 16, 2004

Fw: Letter to President Bush from AFSC

Letter from Paul Lacey, AFSC board chair

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 3:26 PM
Subject: Letter to President George W. Bush


Dear Friend,

The first Quakers gave us a rich vocabulary for confronting adversaries peacefully. God places a witness within each of us, they said, and witness will speak to witness, if we can create the right opportunities. The letter below is our attempt to create new channels of communication with the President and his government.

We thank you for your support of AFSC’s work and hope you will keep us in your thoughts as you review your year-end donations to keep our witness for peace strong.

You can give to AFSC online at:  

In Peace,
Paul A. Lacey
Clerk of the Board of Directors
American Friends Service Committee

Dear President Bush,

You know you preside over a nation deeply divided, and the deepest divisions, the deepest distrusts, occur in questions with the most compelling moral resonance. We are divided on questions of war and peace, of social and economic justice, of how to combat terror and protect citizens' constitutional rights. We are conflicted by the profound contradictions of widening poverty in a land of plenty, opportunities for a better life foreclosed by the country's military expenditures. Parents fear their children will never have as good a life as they did. Children worry that aging parents will end their lives impoverished by health costs. All those and many more difficult and complex problems are exacerbated by the spirit of fear, suspicion and hatred which dominated the recent election. Whether they voted for you or for your opponent, many voted against someone they hated.

That is a terrible and terrifying situation. It will not be addressed by calls for healing but only by steady, prolonged, dependable acts of healing and reconciliation. All of us need to discover what acts of healing we are called to perform, but you and your government, because you hold such overwhelming power, are under a correspondingly greater burden to initiate and enact reconciliation. The strong can not expect the weak to placate them and call it healing. If they do not believe they will be heard deeply, the weak and out of power feel they have only stubborn resistance to sustain integrity.

Before the war in Iraq began, I wrote you on behalf of the American Friends Service Committee. The letter went unacknowledged. Many church leaders from large denominations, including bishops from your own Methodist communion, asked to meet with you and were refused. Undoubtedly they, and we, would have said things disagreeable to you, but a door could also have been opened for further communication, perhaps thus discovering some common ground on which antagonists can build shared work.

Instead, the loyal opposition can only publish open letters in the press or demonstrate in the streets. You go over our heads; we try to go over yours. Your supporters and your opponents consolidate their positions by invoking a new civil or culture war. The battle lines become so sharply drawn that there is little space for quiet diplomacy. Increasingly, that space between the battle lines will become an intellectual and spiritual “free-fire zone”, “no man's land”.

Those figures of speech are glib and cheap but they so infect our discourse that they lead to literal acts of violence and killing. We take you at your word that you want to be a uniter. We do not believe that you want to preside over spiritual and political wars which tear at the fabric of civil society. We urge you to act on your best impulses, to let us, your vehement critics, participate with you in quiet, reflective talks. Such conversations would not be easy. It takes time to transform simultaneous monologues into dialogue. Those of us critical of your actions, at odds with your philosophy, will not find it easy, either, to listen well.

We hold our beliefs passionately, and our inability to connect with you or leaders in your government have stiffened our resolve. When we believe we have been demonized, we do not fully resist demonizing you and your followers. The first Quakers, 350 years ago, gave us a vocabulary and a history of experience to describe the kind of engagement we believe is needed now. They taught us that every human being came into the world endowed with a measure of light, an inward witness. That witness is from God. Listening to it can lead us out of error and into right action. Appealing to the inward witness in others can help them find their right decision, and their witness can also correct and instruct ours.

We ask you to reflect on ways you can open yourself and invite others, supporters and opponents, to open themselves to the Light; the Inward Teacher, the Witness in the soul, so we may learn from and teach each other, how God would have us live.

You have spoken often of how sustained you feel knowing millions of people pray for you. Please believe you have the prayers of many who disagree with you at the most fundamental level. We hold you in God's Light, as we hope to be held in that Light. We pray for healing and true reconciliation, the reconciliation which can let peace flow like a river and justice pour out like mighty waters.

In Friendship,
Paul A. Lacey
Clerk of the Board of Directors
American Friends Service Committee

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Entering Mordor bu Carol Wolman, MD

Dr. Wolman is a psychiatrist and lifelong peace activist.
Myths are powerful shapers of the way we understand reality.  They are stories which resonate with our deepest understanding of life.  They contain lessons which help us through hard times, and guide our actions.
The "evangelicals" who form Bush's political base believe in a myth that has been laid out by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins in their LEFT BEHIND series, a set of sci-fi novels that claim to be based on Bible prophecy.  This immensely popular series has convinced a hard core, estimated at 20 million voters, that Bush is a harbinger of the return of Jesus, and that the wanton destruction wreaked by Bush policies is ordained by God as a precursor to Armageddon.  The result is a suicidal cult, similar to Jonestown, but affecting us all.  These people believe that the rest of us are doomed to perish painfully during the tribulation or the final battle.
Another popular myth of our day, the Tolkien trilogy, LORD OF THE RINGS, is much closer in spirit to the Bible than is the LEFT BEHIND series.  Jesus lived in a time of growing oppression by the corrupt Roman emperors.  Frodo was opposing the expansion of the evil empire of Mordor, run by Sauron, represented by a far-seeing Eye.  The Ring which Frodo carries is like the cross which Jesus tells us to bear, in following Him.  The virtues of Frodo which enable him to fulfill his task are Christian virtues- faithfulness, humility, compassion, willingness to serve and sacrifice.
And what is the ring, or cross?  It is the karmic task we each are given, to work for good and against evil, by using the talents that God gave us.  It is the ability to know the difference between good and evil, the clarity to put what we know into words, and the courage to face the consequences.  This task gives us power, and will eventually bring us into conflict with the authorities.  We may need to be secretive for a while, in order to complete our job without being discovered.  Eventually, though, we have to proclaim the truth and accept whatever sacrifice results. 
When we become visible, we become vulnerable to retaliation from the powers-that-be.  The Eye notices us, and sends out the Nazgul.  Whistleblowers are very aware of these fearsome creatures.  They can take the form of an IRS agent, an FBI agent, a representative of a licensing board, or some other person seeking to harm us.
America, under Bush, is coming more and more to resemble Mordor, a militarized wasteland run by people who resemble orcs, with their lack of scruples and lack of compassion.  We hobbits, who just want happy peaceful lives, are being forced to fight for our freedom and our rights.  Our fight for peace is a spiritual Armageddon. 
As the Patriot and Homeland Security Acts roll through Congress, the scrutiny of our private lives intensifies, and opposing the current regime grows more dangerous.  As our opposition intensifies, we become more fearful of retaliation. 
The recent murder of Gary Webb, a reporter who exposed the connection between the Bush-dominated CIA and drug trafficking, sends us a chilling reminder that Sauron in the White House will stop at nothing to shut us up, if we become too threatening to his power.  Gary Webb is the fourth journalist investigating the dirty dealings of the Bush cartel to die under mysterious circumstances- two gunshot wounds to the face, labelled "suicide" by the co-opted police.
We also face the danger of being labelled "crazy", "paranoid", of being mocked and scorned.  Jesus had to deal with similar labels.
Like Frodo and Jesus, we have many companions who help us to fulfill the task we are given.  At some point, though, we have to strike out on our own lonely path, and brave the dangers with only one companion.  Some of us are blessed with a human companion, a faithful partner.   If not, we always have Jesus, who carried His cross before us, to show us the way.
We all have our Gollums, inner demons who torment us.  By keeping steadfast in love and compassion, we can integrate and accept these neuroses, faults, sins.  They will save us in the end, as Gollum saved Frodo from allowing his egotism to overwhelm him. 
We will have to sacrifice.  Frodo sacrificed a finger, Jesus gave His life.  We won't know what we will have to give up until the time comes.  The main thing is to be willing, and have faith.
Sing praise to the LORD, you his faithful ones,
and give thanks to his holy name.
For his anger lasts but a moment;
a lifetime, his good will.
Psalm 30: 5
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman, MD