Sunday, October 24, 2004

Do Bush voters want nuclear holocaust? by Carol Wolman, MD

Do Bush voters want nuclear holocaust?

Christian Bush voters see Bush in a Biblical context.  They have a twisted interpretation of prophecies about the end-time, in which Bush is carrying out a heavenly mandate to rid the world of evil in preparation for the Second Coming.  In their scenario, life as we know it will end in a fiery holocaust, which they call Armageddon.  The Bush voters will be beamed up to heaven via the Rapture, and the rest of us will perish in the lake of fire, along with all the plants and animals on earth. 
Meanwhile, it doesn't matter if they continue to drive their SUV's.  It doesn't matter that we are spreading hatred, fear and radioactive material across the globe in order to maintain our own sense of specialness.
Bush's destructiveness is explained as a purification preparing for Armageddon.  His tax cuts for the rich are explained as rewarding of righteousness- they help Bush, he helps them.

Jesus addressed this parable
to those who were convinced of their own righteousness
and despised everyone else...
whoever exalts himself will be humbled,
and the one who humbles himself will be exalted."
Luke 18: 9, 14
The threat of nuclear holocaust does hang over us.  Bush's policies are driving us toward a fiery end.  Kerry's policies would pull us back from the brink, and reverse course.
Only the spiritual fire of Jesus Christ can defeat the forces of destruction, and prevent the material fire of nuclear war.   If Bush is not Christ's agent, Bush must be serving the other guy, the man of lawlessness.  He certainly acts as though he is above the law.
I'm not the one who put the Bible at the center of this election, but as long as it is, let's label people correctly.  If Bush voters understood that he is serving Satan, he would lose the election, no matter how many dirty tricks his party pulls.  You can't hide a landslide. 
Bush calls himself the war president.  Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
In His name,   Carol Wolman


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