Friday, January 21, 2005

Does Bush think he's God?

God mounts his throne amid shouts of joy;
the LORD, amid trumpet blasts.
Sing praise to God, sing praise;
sing praise to our king, sing praise.
Psalm 47: 6-7
This sounds a lot like the inauguration/coronation on 1/20.
"Inauguration does not do justice to the exuberant celebrations of this week. Coronation would come closer. Washington ended yesterday with nine official balls. The night before George Bush gave a new spin to the phrase moveable feast by fitting in three separate banquets. He then expended as much ordnance in peppering the sky over the Capitol with fireworks as would get his occupation forces in Iraq through a whole 24 hours."  Robin Cook in The Guardian
Fireworks in Washington, despair around the world,  
Cook continues: The contrasts between this uninhibited triumphalism and the real world are as wide as the American continent. One visible contrast was provided by the demonstrators camping out on the streets to protest at such extravagant waste by an administration waging its own jihad on programmes against poverty on the grounds that the federal budget cannot afford welfare. Yesterday, Bush gave a new spin on welfare cuts by presenting them as progress to an ownership society. The thousands of wealthy donors to the campaign to re-elect the president who turned up at those dinners adore this concept of an ownership society in which they get hefty tax cuts paid for by the poor who get their budgets cuts. 
Jesus said over and over that He came for the poor and lowly.  He said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven.  Jesus stood for truth, whereas Bush is a notorious liar.  Jesus stood for justice, while Bush is destroying civil rights and stacking the courts with his cronies.  Jesus is the Prince of Peace, Bush's address was a declaration of war against any nation, any time. 
Bush is guilty of the worst sort of blasphemy.  He  is claiming to represent the Holy Spirit, whereas in fact he represents the other guy. 
Mark 3:9,10 
I tell you the truth, all sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, will never be forgiven; he is guilty of eternal sin."
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman

Fw: PTECH, 9/11, and USA-SAUDI TERROR by Hecht, Ruppert, Kane

----- Original Message -----
From: "A"
To: "carol wolman"
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 2:15 PM
Subject: important article, please forward to all contacts

> >
> >
> > January 20th, 2005
> >
> >
> > PTECH, 9/11, and USA-SAUDI TERROR -
> > Part I
> >
> > PROMIS Connections to Cheney Control of 9/11 Attacks Confirmed
> > by Jamey Hecht
> > With research assistance by Michael Kane and editorial comment by
> > Michael C. Ruppert
> > --------
> > © Copyright 2005, >From The Wilderness Publications,
> > All Rights Reserved. This story may NOT be
> > posted on any Internet web site without express written permission.
> > Contact May be circulated, distributed or transmitted
> > for non-profit purposes only.
> > --------------
> > [Few have grasped the overall long-term significance of the saga of
> > PROMIS software and what it has become. When I reported on it in October
> > 2000, after meeting with and assisting members of the RCMP's National
> > Security Staff I was aware that - in terms of secret technologies -
> > PROMIS and its evolutions were the lynchpin of every new military,
> > scientific and financial advance being pursued by the US government and
> > corporate sector. PROMIS progeny have become the "operating system"
> > underlying data management and data mining for every major technology
> > under development in all arenas of technological advance from medicine,
> > to finance, to surveillance, to battlefield Command, Control and
> > Communications or C3.
> >
> > In the long ordeal to secure a publisher for Crossing the Rubicon, my
> > agent and I went through a number of publishers who expressed keen
> > interest in the book. The problem was that almost every one we dealt
> > with came back to us and said, "We'd like to publish the book but we
> > need for you to remove certain things." By a great margin, it was our
> > chapter on PROMIS and my many subsequent references to it that appeared
> > to be public enemy number one for mainstream publishers (most owned by
> > multi-national corporations).
> >
> > By definition, PROMIS progeny are the backbone of a current DoD plan to
> > develop a "Godlike" view of all human (or battlefield) activity from
> > space. They are also inherently a part of the data processing being
> > envisioned for advanced space weapons requiring machines to think as
> > they share data in virtual real time. MIT in a recent scientific
> > publication titled "Space Weapons: Crossing the US Rubicon"(a possible
> > tip of the hat to my book) described a number of capabilities to which
> > FTW referred in our October 2000 story on PROMIS, including a statement
> > that space is "the ultimate high ground."
> >
> > The MIT article also contains a reference to one of the greatest fears
> > expressed by all who wonder what hidden technologies might be making the
> > Neocons so brazen in their attempts at bullying the world into
> > submission: "On the other hand, the prospect of weapons in orbit-poised
> > to strike anywhere on the globe at any time-has elicited vigorous
> > opposition, both in the United States and abroad."45 The Neocons have
> > placed their faith in technologies we have only begun to evaluate and
> > discuss, and this is an area needing much additional research by
> > authentic journalists.
> >
> > Iran is a much more industrialized and automated nation than the ruin
> > and rubble of Iraq. What if Donald Rumsfeld believed that he could use
> > computers through the Internet to turn off all of the power generating
> > stations supplying Tehran? What if Dick Cheney could shut down all of
> > the computerized pumping, pipeline, refining and chemical technology
> > used to keep Iran's oil flowing to the rest of the world? This is how
> > the American, British and Israeli elites (including corporations) think
> > and how they plan.
> >
> > All three countries have long, deep and continuous links to PROMIS
> > software. As time passes it is beginning to appear that PROMIS is
> > literally what made possible not only 9/11, but everything that has
> > followed since and what is being planned.
> >
> > Recently the New York Times published a story about how the US military
> > was envisioning a costly new "Internet" in space to control all military
> > operations worldwide, calling it a "God's-eye view" of battle. Called
> > Global Information Grid or GIG, this new platform performs the exact
> > functions we described in an FTW article more than four years ago. Then
> > we were called delusional conspiracy theorists. Four years later we are
> > shown to have been right on the money.
> >
> > Giant, expensive technology programs like SDI and GIG are sometimes
> > neither wasteful porkbarrels nor the actual instruments that are
> > presented to the public; instead, they are some third thing nobody knows
> > about. This is the way large black projects are funded.
> >
> > Total Information Awareness or TIA, an Orwellian nightmare of data
> > mining that uses PROMIS-evolved technologies and artificial
> > intelligence, is now operating and able to incorporate vastly divergent
> > data bases of personal information on private citizens from computer
> > systems using different languages in near-real-time. Every bit of
> > personal information from grocery shopping habits to driving records,
> > credit reports, credit card transactions and medical records is now
> > almost instantly accessible. Access will be expedited and broadened to
> > local law enforcement agencies when what will become a national ID card
> > comes into being. That will happen as driver's licenses are standardized
> > nationwide (following the recent intelligence reform act) to include a
> > simple UPC-like code that will allow approved agencies to get all of our
> > data. The surveillance and intervention capabilities of PROMIS progeny
> > can now be used to prohibit a credit card purchase or (soon) prevent
> > someone from boarding a commercial aircraft. These capabilities could
> > also be used to empty a private bank account or - when coupled with
> > biometric face recognition technology - prevent you from making a
> > withdrawal from your bank or even buying food.
> >
> > In every one of these software applications there are two themes:
> > machines that "talk" to each other and artificial intelligence. (Please
> > see Crossing the Rubicon.) As you will see below these capabilities are
> > now known to exist.
> >
> > TIA has been renamed several times. We know that the first software was
> > delivered to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in
> > 2003. Its latest nom de guerre is TIE or Trusted Information
> > Environment. According to the San Francisco Chronicle last October TIE
> > now allows the government to access private databases without a warrant.
> > I go one step further to assert that TIE allows access to private
> > databases without the knowledge of the database owners, provided only
> > one condition exists: the database can be accessed through the internet.
> >
> > And although the public face of TIA pretends that these technologies
> > have not yet been applied, we are certain with the publication of this
> > story that the same software the government needs is already in use by
> > private corporations - the big ones - and we remind the reader that
> > FTW's map of the world states that the government has been turned into a
> > franchise operation of these corporations anyway. So where's the seam?
> >
> > What the courageous and brilliant Indira Singh has to tell us is a
> > matter of monumental importance. Based upon these new revelations which
> > confirm what I suggested in Crossing the Rubicon every American and
> > quite likely every citizen of an industrialized nation should assume
> > that all of these technologies are operational today. A bit of breathing
> > room is left as I conclude that they have not been sufficiently deployed
> > yet to monitor all citizens in real time. My best assumption is that
> > right now perhaps a million or so high-interest Americans are under
> > constant surveillance; all by computer technology which has proven so
> > accurate that it can detect suspicious movements just by correlating
> > gasoline and food purchases with bank withdrawals and utility
> > consumption. [--MCR]
> >
> > FTW readers are aware that on the morning of 9/11 NORAD was engaged in
> > multiple war games which drew fighter jets away from the doomed
> > airliners, and polluted air traffic control screens with false
> > information from the exercises. One of those injected blips was the
> > so-called "phantom Flight 11," which appeared and persisted on control
> > screens after the war games had been aborted.1 That would require
> > exactly the kind of technology that Ptech (with whom Singh did business)
> > and its partner Mitre had been providing to each of the three agencies
> > involved: the FAA, NORAD, and - most significantly for Dick Cheney that
> > morning - the Secret Service. In other words, one of the most central
> > arguments in the Rubicon's case has just been independently validated.
> > (See Part II)
> >
> > In this electrifying timeline-driven report, Wall Street whistleblower
> > Indira Singh lays out the connections between the providers of this
> > advanced software (derived from the PROMIS software stolen from the
> > Inslaw corporation in the 1980s by the US Justice Department and others)
> > and the network of terrorist financing (sustained with US blessing) that
> > has pervaded U.S covert operations for years. That deep-political
> > relationship is at its strongest in the Bush administration, whose Saudi
> > and Pakistani ties go back decades.
> >
> > Dick Cheney, James Baker, GHWB, Dubya, and the people in and around the
> > once and future American ruling junta have financially live links to the
> > Muslim Brotherhood milieu that formed part of BCCI and, more recently,
> > al Qaeda (this is also the context of a fascinatingly influential
> > relationship among Kermit Roosevelt, GHWB, and Adnan Khashoggi). Nazis
> > and their admirers are the third piece in the triangle, connected to
> > Islamists since the Muslim Brotherhood's creation in 1928 by Hitler ally
> > Hasam al-Banna, and connected to the Bush clan through decades of
> > interdependence with American oil and intelligence elites - including
> > the Rockefellers (Standard Oil) and the Harrimans (Brown Bros. Harriman
> > / Kellogg Brown and Root / Halliburton).2
> >
> > Viewed in this context, the Ptech story is a chilling reminder that this
> > network is still in charge; that it facilitated the 9/11 attacks that
> > murdered thousands and destroyed the health of thousands more; and that
> > "our" American defenses against sabotage are woefully dependent upon the
> > goodwill of saboteurs (both foreign and domestic). - JAH]
> >
> > ==============
> > ***NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material
> > is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
> > interest in receiving the included information for research and
> > educational purposes.***
> >
> >
> >
> >

Fw: Why religion has become the new politics

----- Original Message -----
From: "WHALE Center"
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 1:59 PM
Subject: Why religion has become the new politics

> Why religion has become the new politics
> Financial Times. [Commentary]. Stephen Ellis, Gerrie Ter
> Haar 18/01/2005.
> Religion is the emerging political language of our time. In the United
> States and the Middle East this is clear, but also throughout most of
> what we used to call the third world. Even in Europe, which introduced
> the separation of church and state, religion is taking on a new
> significance through the political expression of Islam.
> One of the best places to see how religion operates as a political
> idiom
> is Africa. Everywhere there are signs of religion in public space,
> whether it is rows of kneeling men saying their midday prayers on the
> street in Muslim areas, or the proliferation of churches, especially
> Pentecostal and charismatic ones. There are also visible revivals of
> traditional religion, including in the numerous private armies whose
> young
> fighters wear amulets for spiritual protection. The media are full of
> religious stories, often concerning witchcraft and frightening spiritual
> experiences. Tales of people who claim to have visited the spirit world
> are common. Often, they concern transactions that determine the
> distribution of power in the material world.
> Odd though it sounds, stories such as these are political comments by
> people who believe that all power has its ultimate origin in the spirit
> world. Consequently, they consider spiritual and political power to be
> connected. Many Africans debate issues of governance in spirit terms,
> a
> popular idiom with deep roots in local cultures. Popular stories often
> describe not only corrupt politicians but also international
> institutions,
> including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, as
> purveyors
> of evil, without moral sense.
> The separation of religious from political thought was invented in the
> west and exported to the rest of the world in colonial times. However,
> most Africans believe in the existence of a spirit world that is
> distinct but not separate from the material one, one that affects their
> daily lives. In fact, this is the sense in which people in most
> continents
> experience religion - as a world of spiritual beings, to paraphrase the
> Victorian anthropologist Edward Tylor. Most westerners do not think of
> religion in this way. For them, religion is more a matter of ultimate
> meaning.
> To believe in invisible forces that govern our lives is not at all
> eccentric. Some would argue that this is what capital is. In this view,
> the manipulation of spiritual forces is essentially no different from
> speculation on international markets. In both cases, gains and losses
> depend on interaction with an invisible force. Intrinsic
> to Europe's financial revolution more than three centuries ago was the
> use of mathematics as a way of calculating risk, prompted by a new
> theology emerging from the Reformation. The spirit of capitalist
> enterprise was originally associated with a religious view of the world.
> In most of the world, the current religious revival and its political
> consequences have to be understood by reference to colonial conquest.
> There was nothing novel about being ruled by foreigners in most of the
> territories colonised by European powers in the 19th and 20th
> centuries.
> Nor was foreign influence unprecedented in places that were never
> formally
> colonised, such as Turkey or China. What was new about
> the European imperialism of those days was the eventual attempt by
> metropolitan powers to modernise and develop traditional societies. This
> was often associated with an ideology of the civilising mission, but it
> was above all an attempt to develop colonial resources for the benefit
> of
> the imperial rulers.
> The golden decades of African economic development were the 1950s and
> 1960s, during the longest and widest economic boom in the history of the
> world. Millions of people moved from villages to towns. Many gained
> salaried employment. They sent their children to school. Development
> planners generally saw this as a movement from tradition to modernity
> but
> neglected the spiritual aspect of this transition, seeing religion as an
> obstacle to progress. But for many people, it now transpires, progress
> is
> not a material issue alone. Moreover, development has too often failed
> to
> deliver even the material benefits it promised. The end of the cold war
> and the new wave of democratisation made space for the re-emergence of
> religious ideologies. The current resurgence of religion is a modern
> attempt to harness traditional resources for contemporary use.
> Religion has emerged as a new global language also because both the
> White House and al-Qaeda see themselves as locked in a cosmic struggle
> between good and evil. When they insist that the world is either for
> them
> or against them, they create a risk that political and social struggles
> everywhere will be redefined as religious battles. Politicians may
> encourage such a stark approach as a way of gaining support.
> Religion is simultaneously a way of understanding the world and of
> relating to other people. These are important ways in which it is allied
> to politics. This fact alone should impel us to understand this new
> idiom.
> The writers are co-authors of Worlds of Power: Religious Thought and
> Political Practice in Africa, (Hurst/OUP 2004)



Fw: [peacemakersBiblestudy] God's Politics by Jim Wallis

Jesus went up the mountain and summoned those
whom He wanted
and they came to Him.
Mark 3: 13
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 1:15 PM
Subject: [peacemakersBiblestudy] God's Politics by Jim Wallis

Review of God's Politics by Jim Wallis 
 Archbishop Desmond Tutu states: "Jim Wallis is compelling, provocative, and inspirational, with faith that can move mountains and can certainly move people and communities."
Description of the book:
Since when did believing in God and having moral values make you pro-war, pro-rich, and pro-Republican? And since when did promoting and pursuing a progressive social agenda with a concern for economic security, health care, and educational opportunity mean you had to put faith in God aside?
While the Right in America has hijacked the language of faith to prop up its political agenda -- an agenda not all people of faith support -- the Left hasn't done much better, largely ignoring faith and continually separating moral discourse and personal ethics from public policy. While the Right argues that God's way is their way, the Left pursues an unrealistic separation of religious values from morally grounded political leadership. The consequence is a false choice between ideological religion and soulless politics.
The effect of this dilemma was made clear in the 2004 presidential election. The Democrats' miscalculations have left them despairing and searching for a way forward. It has become clear that someone must challenge the Republicans' claim that they speak for God, or that they hold a monopoly on moral values in the nation's public life. Wallis argues that America's separation of church and state does not require banishing moral and religious values from the public square. In fact, the very survival of America's social fabric depends on such values and vision to shape our politics -- a dependence the nation's founders recognized.
God's Politics offers a clarion call to make both our religious communities and our government more accountable to key values of the prophetic religious tradition -- that is, make them pro-justice, pro-peace, pro-environment, pro-equality, pro-consistent ethic of life (beyond single issue voting), and pro-family (without making scapegoats of single mothers or gays and lesbians). Our biblical faith and religious traditions simply do not allow us as a nation to continue to ignore the poor and marginalized, deny racial justice, tolerate the ravages of war, or turn away from the human rights of those made in the image of God. These are the values of love and justice, reconciliation, and community that Jesus taught and that are at the core of what many of us believe, Christian or not. In the tradition of prophets such as Martin Luther King Jr., Dorothy Day, and Desmond Tutu, Wallis inspires us to hold our political leaders and policies accountable by integrating our deepest moral convictions into our nation's public life.
     This book is currently the #2  best seller at

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