Friday, December 03, 2004

Time to cry out

Dear Friends,
We watch in horror while torture is condoned, napalm is used in Fallujah, hospitals are bombed and medical personnel are killed or imprisoned.  It's hard to get reports from Iraq; Al Jazeera is banned there, and western reporters are too fearful of being kidnapped to venture out much.  What we do hear is unbearable, and we feel powerless to stop it.
The focus among American progressives is on recounting the vote, yet it seems hopeless.  The machines were rigged, and the officials in charge of recounts are all Bush supporters.  Whatever happened to the American sense of fair play and decency?  What happened to respect for the vote, the basis of our democracy?   What has happened to the soul of America?
When times are this dark, only faith will carry us through, faith that if we cry out loud enough, God will give us the wisdom, and the courage, and the power to restore some sense of justice and mercy to America.
He will be gracious to you when you cry out,
as soon as He hears He will answer you.
The Lord will give you the bread you need
and the water for which you thirst.
Isaiah 30: 20
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman


What sort of monsters have we become?
----- Original Message -----
From: Karim A G
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 5:46 PM






Nov 28 2004

US uses banned weapon ..but was Tony Blair told?

By Paul Gilfeather Political Editor


US troops are secretly using outlawed napalm gas to wipe out remaining insurgents in and around Fallujah.

News that President George W. Bush has sanctioned the use of napalm, a deadly cocktail of polystyrene and jet fuel banned by the United Nations in 1980, will stun governments around the world.

And last night Tony Blair was dragged into the row as furious Labour MPs demanded he face the Commons over it. Reports claim that innocent civilians have died in napalm attacks, which turn victims into human fireballs as the gel bonds flames to flesh.

Outraged critics have also demanded that Mr Blair threatens to withdraw British troops from Iraq unless the US abandons one of the world's most reviled weapons. Halifax Labour MP Alice Mahon said: "I am calling on Mr Blair to make an emergency statement to the Commons to explain why this is happening. It begs the question: 'Did we know about this hideous weapon's use in Iraq?'"

Since the American assault on Fallujah there have been reports of "melted" corpses, which appeared to have napalm injuries.

Last August the US was forced to admit using the gas in Iraq.

A 1980 UN convention banned the use of napalm against civilians - after pictures of a naked girl victim fleeing in Vietnam shocked the world.

America, which didn't ratify the treaty, is the only country in the world still using the weapon.