Monday, July 11, 2005

America is in deep trouble by Carol Wolman

America is in deep trouble by Carol Wolman

Psalm 69:  1Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.
   2I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.
Our economy is on the verge of collapse.  Our "faith based" president has led us into a quagmire in Iraq from which there is no graceful exit.  We are less secure than ever, having provoked great hatred by the bullying, torturing, vandalizing ways of our representatives abroad, the military.  Iraq is a training ground for terrorists.  Our defenses are spread too thin, underfunded, and full of ripoffs. 
We are rapidly losing the freedoms of which our non-elected president boasts, and our environment is deteriorating.  We are close to "peak oil",
on which our economy and way of life depend.
Meanwhile, our "Christian" president is looking more and more like a liar and a traitor.  His credibility gap is so enormous that people are questioning whether he and Blair planned the bombings in London.  The country is ripe for rebellion, yet Bush has moved so quickly to consolidate his power, in the Congress, the courts, the bureaucracy, the press, that dissent is stifled.  And the machinery for repressive fascism is all in place, should opposition get out of hand.
What to do?  Prayer is a good place to start.  Have we forgotten that there is a God who can save us?  He asks us to worship Him in spirit and in truth.  If we insist upon the truth, and apply God's judgment to the criminals and traitors in high office, and also to ourselves, for allowing things to get this far out of hand, He will save us.
God has given us the opening for impeachment, which may be the only peaceful way to make the needed changes.  No doubt it is just a beginning.  But because the Democratic party is so corrupt, impeachment will have to be a true people's movement, sweeping the parties along or out.  
You can help seize this opportunity by printing out the letter to John Conyers, asking him to take the necessary steps to bring impeachment proceedings against the president (and vice president) at    Collect 15 signatures per page and get your friends to do the same.   Fax them to Conyers' office at the number given.


Save us, O God!

Carol Wolman


Fw: Bush's MD: Bush involves MD's in torture

----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Kohls
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 9:06 PM
Subject: Fascism Alert: The Pentagon, Rumsfeld and Bush: The Shadow of Josef Mengele


Dark Waters : The Shadow of Josef Mengele

By Chris Floyd

07/08/05 "Moscow Times" - - Last Friday, the former physician of ex-President George H.W. Bush wrote a guest column for The Washington Post. Two days later, the attorney general appointed by current President George W. Bush made a surprise visit to Baghdad. These seemingly unrelated events are not only inextricably linked; together they form a portrait of a nation gone wretchedly astray, hurtling into a moral void from which there may be no return.

There was nothing unusual about the physician, Dr. Burton Lee III, doing a piece for the Post, of course; the paper is the house organ of the U.S. political elite, and a whole troop of loyal Bush Family retainers make regular appearances in its editorial pages, lauding the son who has now ascended the throne. What is remarkable is that Lee came not to praise the younger Bush, but to bury him -- with hard truths about the torture regime he has installed in his "terror war" gulag. 

Lee, a former military doctor, denounced Bush's use of military medical personnel to help "set the conditions for interrogation": withholding treatment from tortured prisoners, breaking medical confidence to tell interrogators of prisoners' physical and psychological weak spots, and other heinous practices approved by the White House and codified in Pentagon directives for military medical staff.

The good doctor is right to be shocked: The shadow of Josef Mengele hovers over these deliberate perversions of medical ethics. Yet Bush has not only countenanced these crimes against humanity -- he has commanded that medical personnel commit them. This level of open, legalized barbarity has not been seen in the U.S. government since the days of slavery and the Indian wars.

Lee also shredded the big lie that the noble "terror war" had only been temporarily tainted by a few "bad apples," now removed from the wholesome barrel. In denouncing the "systematic, government-sanctioned torture and excessive abuse of prisoners in the war on terror," Lee noted the true extent of the criminality -- and those who bear the ultimate responsibility for it. He wrote:

"The widespread reports of torture and ill-treatment -- frequently based on military and government documents -- defy the claim that this abusive behavior is limited to a few noncommissioned officers at Abu Ghraib or isolated incidents at Guantanamo Bay. When it comes to torture, the military's traditional leadership and discipline have been severely compromised up and down the chain of command. Why? I fear it is because the military has bowed to errant civilian leadership."

Here Lee cited the literally thousands of pages of evidence produced by the Army's own investigators detailing systematic torture and murder throughout Bush's world-engulfing gulag. In a separate interview that followed his column, Lee pointed readers to the new report by Physicians for Human Rights, or PHR, titled "Break Them Down: The Systematic Use of Psychological Torture by U.S. Forces." As Lee explained, psychological torture can be even more damaging and long-lasting than a bout of physical abuse -- something he learned firsthand from treating the victims of French torture in Algeria. 

The graphic horrors of physical torture, captured in the infamous pictures from Abu Ghraib, have understandably garnered most of the attention in the media's occasional glances at Bush's concentration camps. And here, under pressure, the White House has reluctantly made a few cosmetic changes, limiting to some extent the knuckle-work that interrogators can use -- although PHR notes that many of these ballyhooed "reforms" have never been implemented. In any case, these restrictions can be suspended in cases of "military necessity," as Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld always notes carefully in his instructions to the cadres. And of course, none of the published restrictions on military interrogators apply in the super-secret CIA quadrants of the gulag, as Attorney General Alberto Gonzales informed Congress this year.

But while eighty-sixing the brass knucks -- in mixed company, at least -- Bush and Rumsfeld have continued to implement a range of mind-breaking psychological tortures, the official documents show. These are practices that PHR notes are "immoral and ... illegal under the Geneva Conventions, ... [U.S.] domestic law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice." These codified crimes are spread across the gulag's 42 prisons, where some 11,000 men are now caged -- many of them innocent of any wrongdoing, all of them held without charges in an endless legal limbo. 

This nightmare machinery was set in motion by Gonzales, who, at Bush's order, led the White House legal team in drawing up official memos justifying the use of torture to the very point of death, and declaring that Bush was not bound by any laws in his role as "commander-in-chief." This monstrous perversion of justice was a virtual coup d'etat, establishing the president as a military autocrat and fostering an atmosphere of lawlessness and brutality "up and down the chain of command."

After Lee's article appeared, Gonzales was suddenly sent to Baghdad, The Associated Press reports: a headline-grabbing diversion that not only obscured Lee's hard truths but also buried the Observer's breaking stories about the torture and murder being dealt out by Bush's disciples in the new Iraqi government. There, Gonzales -- the ghostwriter of Bush's torture opus -- simply erased the mountains of evidence cited by Lee and PHR, reducing the ongoing, worldwide atrocity to a single aberrant episode: "From the best we can tell, it really related to the actions of the night shift at one cell block at Abu Ghraib."

This breathtaking lie, regurgitated in the face of undisputed fact, shows how far the Bush gang has fallen into the void of radical evil. Lost to honor, law and truth, unmoored from reality, they are sailing into madness -- with no end yet in sight.


(For the documentation on the above facts, see the informationclearinghouse URL above.)

The Weapon of Peacemakers by Carol Wolman

The Weapon of Peacemakers by Carol Wolman

Matthew 10: 34Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
As we struggle to attain Christ-consciousness, let us contemplate these words of the Prince of Peace.  He is preparing us for battle.
The sword He has sent us comes out of the mouth (Isaiah 49: 2, Rev 1:16, Rev. 2: 16,  Rev. 19: 15).   He arms us to do battle with words, with the truth. 
The nature of the enemy is well laid out in the following article, which is long and detailed, well referenced throughout, and well worth studying.
The Demonic Cabal by Norman G. Livergood 
         From all available evidence referenced in the "recommended sources" section below,* it's clear   that the most compelling hypothesis explaining the interconnected crimes, lies, and human slaughter occurring in our modern world is   that a demonic cabal took control of the United States  in the early part of the twentieth century, and is now methodically destroying American and world         institutions and values.   The main goal of the cabal has been  to consolidate political, economic, and social power in its hands,  while obliterating the minds of the masses,  to establish a militaristic, imperialistic dictatorship...
We are starting to see the results of our persistent truth telling.  No one believes the liars any more.  For instance, I've seen at least 6 articles disputing the claim that "Al-Qa'ida of Europe" set the bombs in London, and guessing that the demonic cabal headed by Bush and Blair set them, in order to reignite the fear of terrorism and get the people to rally behind the fascist leaders.
Two major news magazines in the US, Time and Newsweek, are pointing a finger at Bush's brain, Karl Rove, in the Valerie Plame outing.  This is a huge breakthrough, considering how reluctant the media have been to challenge the cabal's lies with the truth.
So far, Rove is toughing it out, with his usual arrogance.  But this truth, that Bush's brain has committed treason against the American people, combined with the cold-blooded hypocritical manipulation of public opinion and Congress revealed by the Downing Street memos, may bring about the overthrow of the demonic cabal, and victory for "we the people".
Our job as shambala warriors, dedicated to reclaiming the earth from the satanic forces now gripping it, is to tell the truth, insist on the truth, and then demand justice.  This means impeachment of the main high-ranking officials on both sides of the Atlantic- Bush and Blair.
Please help by printing out the letter to John Conyers asking him to pursue impeachment, at  Collect signatures and fax them to him at the number given.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman