Saturday, October 01, 2005

The harder they come... by Carol Wolman

The harder they come... by Carol Wolman

Jimmy Cliff- "The harder they come, the harder they fall, one and all."
Luke 10: 18 Jesus said, “I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky. "
George W. Bush came on hard.  He waited impatiently in the wings while his brother and the hired guns and goons stole the Florida election, then barreled into the  White House with both guns blazing.  His first act was to cut off US funding for clinics all over the world that provided abortions or even gave abortion counseling.  Soon thereafter, he lifted the lid on energy prices in California, allowing his friends at Enron to steal billions.
Bush came on to America and to the world with shock and awe.  He comes from a long line of Nazis, and stated early on that it would be much easier to be a dictator.  In fact, he has extended  executive power many times to override or circumvent Congress.  He came into power with an agenda- to get rid the ABM treaty, invade Iraq, and put in place draconian laws that would gut the Bill of Rights, while giving tax cuts to the rich and sweetheart no bid contracts to his corporate cronies.
A few months into 2001, the country was beginning to collect itself and oppose his more egregious proposals, such as raising the ceiling on arsenic in drinking water.  Strong support of the ABM treaty was building. 
Of course, 9-11, Bush's "trifecta", stopped all opposition for a while.  The ABM treaty was rescinded a couple of months later, during the Christmas holiday, while no one was looking.  This opened the door to the massive boondoggle called "missile defense", which benefits no one except the Bush-friendly corporations, who reap hundreds of billions of dollars.
Then came the buildup to the Iraq invasion.  Bush wanted to invade during the winter, without bothering with approval from Congress or the UN, and ONLY THE WORLDWIDE PEACE MOVEMENT delayed him until the following May.  He twisted intelligence, bugged UN diplomats, lied to Congress, and finally got his war.  Proudly, he calls himself "the war president".
Bush is still coming on hard, thrusting the legal architect of his 2000 Florida election theft into the chair of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, pushing mininukes, razing poor neighborhoods in Iraq.  But what goes up, must come down.  What goes around, comes around.  He's cruisin'...
Indictments are being handed out to top aides and key cronies like Tom DeLay, Karl Rove- perhaps, Jack Abramoff.  The FAO calls Bush a lawbreaker for spending tax dollars to promote his educational plan.  His generals announce that his Iraq policy has failed.  The impeachment movement is gathering momentum.  It's only a matter of time, now.
Jimmy Cliff- "The harder they come, the harder they fall, one and all."
Luke 10: 18 Jesus said, “I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky. "
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman

Fw: [ImpeachBushNOW] Please read- election fraud and how to stop it

----- Original Message -----
From: NT
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:29 PM
Subject: [ImpeachBushNOW] Please read - this is important

From: Sharin
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 21:12:46 EDT
Subject: Please read - this is important

As a note to the people I am sending this to BCC (many of you) I am sending this to everyone for YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES. This is not about just me. I am sending this to you FOR YOU. This is for YOUR benefit, for your safety, it is about your freedom. Voting is the cornerstone of democracy. Without transparent elections, nothing in this country is ours and you have no voice.  
On that last thing I sent about elections from blackboxvoting -- 
I am going through it now and every American needs to see this. I hope you will check out your own area and ask what machines they use and explain to your officials how they cheat. Remember, the election people probably have no idea this is happening.
Please pass this on to everyone you know. This is not a partisan situation. This is about us and our votes.
the way Diebold can easily create a false poll tape is incredible. THEY WERE DESIGNED TO DO IT THIS WAY.
We have testimony from someone that was asked to design them that way so it could go undetected. He has passed a lie detector test and Representative Conyers cannot get any republicans or officials from these republican corporations to even reply to inquisitions. (let alone make changes)
Pages 21 and the pages describing this -- it's really incredible that it is so easy.
Pages 27 of how they insert a trojan horse is urgent to read. This is a snip but you should look at the graphics and visuals to understand --
ANY WINDOWS PROGRAM can flip the election and this can be done by ONE PERSON sitting at home (like Karl Rove).
Windows inherently supports Visual Basic scripts. You simply type the commands into any text editor (like "Notepad" or even the DOS "edit" function) -- you never need to open the voting system program at all. The scripts works in the background -- and then you own the election. Scripts like this one are often used to create viruses (programs running on your computer that you are unaware of). These kinds of scripts can be implanted months or years ahead of time, and can be set to trigger only when certain events take place. It took Dr. Thompson less than a minute to implant a script that controlled the GEMS tabulator.
The pages just before that are how they change the votes through telephones, etc (a remote attack)
The source code edits the functionality of the tabulator. THEN THE MANIPULATION DELETED ITSELF AUTOMATICALLY so no one can detect it.
Think you are safe with Optical Scan? Think again! They can run a calibrator page through the machine and change the mark of the machine so it does not show up. They can do this after the voting machines are inspected. If we think this is impossible, remember the guy with his tool kit in Ohio who was from the same company that made the phony purge lists?
Diebold high speed digital has an "autocorrect" setting that should not be
THINK YOU ARE SAFE WITH ABSENTEE BALLOTS -- THINK AGAIN. PSI sorts the incoming absentee ballots. They hire people without checking background. PSI upper management includes Neil Dean (his brother was in prison for 4 years on 23 counts of embezzlement involving criminal computer programming. Jeff Dean's brother's first job after leaving prison was PSI.    Page 39.
Diebold can arbitrarily set the signature comparison rate higher in some areas than in others -- so that signatures are rejected.
I don't know which of things are scarier but page 43 is stunning. Actual voting election logs from Sequoia.
The question is, why won't they fix these vulnerabilities and hacking problems? BECAUSE THEY ARE CHEATING. That is the one and only reason.
BTW, most of the pages are huge graphics so even though it is 57 pages...most of it is graphics. So don't let that keep you from checking this out.
Your children and grandchildren's freedoms depend on it. Your own freedom depends on it.
Make sure to catch the last two pages. They stood up for our rights. NOW IT IS OUR TURN.
Sharin (below is a letter I got about this from blackboxvoting with more information - I sent it earlier but I have added some people onto this list so sending again)
Please forward to your friends, lists, colleagues:

This month, BLACK BOX VOTING exposed NEW information
on how elections can be manipulated. We produced the
information in a visual, easy to understand format showing
several real-life attack mechanisms. As the Carter-Baker
panel showed in their insufficient report (more on that below),
our public officials are still not dealing with real problems in
election security. We need to get everyone out of denial.

You can use the file below for presentations just as is, or for
guidelines on developing your own communications. You can
quickly flip from page to page. The presentation is in three
sections: Why voting is so important, how to evaluate the
real risks, and factors in local and national election manipulation.

If you have questions about the information in the presentation,
just post your questions here, and we’ll provide one-on-one
answers to help you and others (who probably have the same questions):

Note that the Carter-Baker panel shifted the “frame” of
elections integrity. They want to “restore voter confidence”
– but they don’t make much effort to repair the flaws themselves.

Here is our quick, point-by-point rebuttal to the Carter-Baker Report:


We are often asked "what can citizens DO to repair our
broken election system?"  Black Box Voting is investing in
real solutions to help repair our elections process. We are
not waiting for new laws to be passed, new voting machines
to be invented, or public officials to change their ways.


Working with expert Harri Hursti, Black Box Voting is
distributing the new "Votascope" program. It's free. It's
open source. Anyone can use it to find out if their local
election is ailing.*

* This is not a complete solution by any means. Right now,
the Votascope program will help with absentee votes and
mail-in votes. Recounts are also often done on this kind of machine.

Here's how it works:

Harri Hursti discovered that some voting machines automatically
create a file that you can obtain using the Freedom of
Information Act (Public Records Requests).

This type of voting machine takes photos of each ballot, which
it keeps in a file automatically. You can get these ballot photos
with public records requests.

Of course, elections have a lot of ballots. The July 26 San
Diego election, for example, had about 250,000 ballots, about
75,000 of which went through the kind of voting machine that
takes and keeps digital photos. The recent school election in
Marin County, California was all mail-in, and had about 15,750
ballots go through this kind of voting machine. It would take a
long time for you to count all those ballots.

The Votascope program counts the ballots for you, using precise
"open source" programming.

Of course, it will come with instructions. It can do many
diagnostics. For example, you will be able to diagnose
various election ailments with Votascope.

Example: One way to tamper with an election is to set the
machine to reject or accept more votes. The Votascope
program can catch this manipulation.

Votascope can also find machines that are poorly maintained,
or show you if a ballot design favored one candidate over

Votascope will be available for free downloads at Black Box
Voting beginning in mid-October, in time for the Nov. 8
elections this year! The photo files it uses to count ballots
are ALREADY in voting machines; you can get them on CD
or DVD; the laws you need to get them are ALREADY on the books.

The first edition of the Votascope program counts Diebold
ballot images. Later editions will count images from Hart
Intercivic and, if possible, ES&S.

With your help, we can soon find out how healthy (or
unwell) our elections are. Here is more information on
the new Votascope checkup program for voting machines:


How did we get into this mess with voting machines? Who
made the decision to privatize our elections?

The Election Center and R. Doug Lewis are of interest,
because this entity and this individual organized elections
officials and propagandized the introduction of voting
machines in the United States. The Election Center and
R. Doug Lewis were involved in consolidating election
officials under the National Association of State Elections
Directors (NASED) and overseeing the Independent Testing
Labs (ITAs) that certified the current crop of tamper-friendly
voting systems.

We wanted to know who started The Election Center (a
private organization) and who hired R. Doug Lewis. In a
recent trip to Washington D.C., we obtained copies of
microfiche documents that provide this information. Here they are:  

These documents show the names of all directors in 1990,
1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1997. R. Doug Lewis was
appointed director of The Election Center in 1994, so the
individuals in 1993 and 1994 would presumably be those
people who hired him.

R. Doug Lewis's resume does not seem to check out. He
claims he was an "assistant to the president in the White
House" but he doesn't say which president. He says he
ran the Texas Democratic Party and the Kansas Democratic
Party, but we can find no evidence of this and no one with
those parties seems to remember him.

Because we have not yet been able to confirm who he is
or his whereabouts prior to the mid-1980s, we are
continuing to examine his background and the role he
has played in U.S. elections. We do know that he sold used
computers in the late 1980s, before taking over The Election
Center, taking over training of election officials, and pushing
voting machines into every corner of the U.S.

We are finding fruitful information, which we are currently
developing on these issues, and will post it on our Web Site
as a consumer report as soon as it's ready.


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To show your support for Black Box Voting:
Black Box Voting is a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501c(3)
consumer protection group for elections. We are supported
solely by citizen donations. To support the work we are
doing, please visit  
or support by mail,
Black Box Voting, 330 SW 43rd St Suite K, PMB 547, Renton WA 98055.
Black Box Voting

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