Tuesday, April 12, 2005

What happened to the Constitution? by Carol Wolman

Acts 7:   53  (You) who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.
What happened to the Constitution? by Carol Wolman
The US Constitution is a marvelous document, predicated on the idea that every citizen has a conscience, and can take responsibility for governing himself.  The colonists were no longer willing to submit to the caprices of an exploitative king. 
They designed a government for "we the people", carefully distributing and weighing powers among the three branches of government, with the idea that the executive branch would execute laws emanating from the legislature, which would more closely represent the people.  Its intention is to limit the power of the executive branch, and let the people rule themselves.
Under George W. Bush,  the consolidation of power into the executive branch, via the Patriot and Homeland Security Acts, is astounding.  The House under Tom DeLay has become a rubber stamp for the president, and the Senate is close behind.  The Supreme Court showed its partiality in the 2000 selection.   The balance of power has been destroyed.
When he withdrew unilaterally from the ABM treaty in the aftermath of 9-11, Bush circumvented the power of the Senate to decide about treaties.  When he invaded Iraq, there was no formal declaration of war by Congress. 
America is looking more and more like the monarchy our forebears rebelled against.   The last presidential election was a formalized ritual whose main functions were to provide entertainment, and to divert political energy from the vital peace and ecology movements.  The outcome was fore-ordained by the voting machine companies, mostly owned by Bushites.
America is now controlled by the corporate beast, the military dragon, and the false prophets of the rapture cult.  How can we reclaim it for ordinary people, for we the people?
In the name of the Prince of Peace,
Carol Wolman