Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Help for the children of Iraq

Mt 7:21,
Jesus said to his disciples:
"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,'
will enter the Kingdom of heaven,
but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven

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Dear friends

There's a gun battle outside. It has been going ferociously for 20
minutes. There's been several large and fatal bomb blasts today.

It is cold without electricity. I, and most families in Baghdad, now sit
in the dark. My Iraqi friends are anxious and sad about everything.

But there is good news in Baghdad.

And you helped to make it!

In a narrow street in the crowded Al-Doura neighbourhood, the sound of
children singing escapes from a large, brown building.

Go inside and there's colour, laughter and learning. There are big smiles
on little faces.

Welcome to Peace Bird Art School!

This is a place where children can come to learn the arts and express
their creativity. The aim is that they can begin to heal from trauma
through their play.

They train in music, ceramics, art, computers and theatre. Pursuits they
do not have access to at home or school.

'Our Home - Iraq' established Peace Bird Art School in response to the
nation-wide crisis in children's health caused by post-traumatic stress

Almost half of Iraq's population is below the age of 16. This staggering
statistic means last year's apparent war on kids, and the current violent
occupation, has left the next generation of Iraqis broken and traumatised.

Child psychologists here have reported that the physical symptoms of
trauma are increasing at an alarming rate. They say the best way to detect
and heal trauma is through play therapy. Being in the present moment and
thinking only about the leggo, the crayons, the swings - and expressing
feelings with art and music etc.

Peace Bird Art School is a beautiful haven of healing managed and staffed
by Iraqi people - teachers who are trained professionals, child
psychologists and volunteers.

It was established in April with donations from Australia, the US and the
UK. It is now sustained by independent grass-roots fundraising from
ordinary Australians who care about Iraqi children.

About 700 children, aged from five to 15, have come through Peace Bird Art
School. On the day I visited, it was humming with activity. The children
are from various backgrounds: neighbourhood kids, children with
disabilities and children from orphanages.

As I walked through the rooms I could feel the healing.

It was in the gentle touch of the teachers, the pride of making a
beautiful house of clay, the satisfied clapping after a song, seeing your
drawing displayed on the wall.

I handed to the children a bag of bright, coloured ribbons and beautiful
cards collected by a 95 year-old woman from Sydney as well as some
drawings sent from primary-school children in America.

The children's eyes sparkled at the sight of the gifts from people from
across the world.

There was healing there, in that moment.

On the footpath outside I told a gathering of staff and neighbours that
Australian people care about Iraqi children and want to help.

"Shukran" (thank you), they replied. "Will they continue to help"

"Insha'allah", I answered. (God willing).

"Insha'allah", they said in chorus.

There was healing in that moment too.

Your pilgrim


PS: I have many wonderful pictures of my visit to Peace Bird Art School
which I will send in separate e-mails because of the sizes.

PPS: For those not aware, Our Home - Iraq is a small aid group, formed to
assist disadvantaged children in Iraq. It is the vehicle through which I
do my work. Australians can make donations by cheque to: Our Home - Iraq,
P.O Box 3126, Redfern, NSW 2016 (enclose return address details if receipt
is required.) By credit card by phoning 1800 100 786 (tax deductable) Or
by direct deposit into Commonwealth Bank account number:

223 110207377, account name Our Home - Iraq. Those outside Australia can
send a transfer to the bank account, or direct to me in Baghdad (details
on that soon).

PPPS: What a legend (Part 3) goes to the good people of Canberra who
organised an amazing fundraising dinner this year, the proceeds of which
were able to keep Peace Bird Art School open. Well done guys! You should
feel very pleased with yourselves!

PPPPS: "Peace means valuing other children as much as our own," Mary Hunt.

visions of peace

On this mountain He will destroy
the veil that veils all peoples,
The web that is woven over all nations;
He will destroy death forever.
Isaiah 25: 7
Isaiah had many wonderful visions of peace.  Swords beaten into plowshares, lions and lambs lying down together, and veils destroyed.  
What is the veil that is woven over all nations?   I believe it is our sense of separateness, our forgetting that we are One, that we are all interconnected and interdependent.  It is the veil of ignorance, that leads to fear and hatred of one's neighbors instead of love. 
It is much more obvious now than in Isaiah's day that all nations must cooperate; to stop nuclear pollution, global warming, species extinction and all the other catastrophes that are accelerating around us.  War became obsolete in 1945, with the atom bombs that hit Japan.  Yet still the veil shrouds our vision, still the US spreads radioactive material around the globe and refuses to join Kyoto.  And the wars go on.
Who is He who will destroy the veil, and destroy death forever?  He is the spirit of love, of justice, of understanding and enlightenment.  May He come soon!
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman