Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Path of Life By Carol Wolman

The Path of Life By Carol Wolman
Psalm 16:11
You have made known to me the path of life.
As of today, April 10 2005, the humans on planet earth are on a path of death.  Nuclear weapons are proliferating, raising the danger of thermonuclear war.  Radioactive dust, from "depleted" uranium weaponry, is contaminating the gene pool of all living creatures, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also, slowly, all around the word as the dust spreads through the atmosphere.
Onrushing economic development in China, South America and elsewhere is destroying forests, depleting soil, and hastening global warming.  The obvious need to switch to renewable energy is being blocked by the corporate beast, which fattens on profits made from exploiting fossil and radioactive fuels. 
Life on planet earth is being threatened by a superpower bully, whose military dragon is trying to terrorize small countries who have oil.  The war machine has been taken over by the corporate beast, and now only serves its interests.  These two are kept in power by false prophets, who deceive the people of the US into believing that they will be "raptured up" if they support GW Bush and the Pharisees around him.
How do we move from the path of death onto the path of life?  The Prince of Peace, by His teaching and example, shows us the way:
1) never cease to use the sharp sword coming out of the mouth, the tongue, to expose the hypocrisy of the Pharisees now in power, and denounce their oppressive, murderous policies.
2) never cease to wield the iron rod of truth, the truth that we have the capability to wipe out life on earth quickly, via nuclear holocaust, or slowly, via nuclear pollution and global warming.  So far, we have avoided the former danger, only to fall prey to the latter. 
3) never cease to expose the fallacies of the false prophets, who tell us that God plans to destroy life on earth.  Never cease to proclaim that God is the God of life, and tells us to choose life. 
4) never stop calling on people to repent of their selfish ways, stop worshipping the golden SUV, love their neighbors in the Sudan, Iraq, Indonesia.  We are all neighbors on this small planet.
5) join the army of the Prince of Peace.  Speak out against war, and against the development of new weapons of war.  Demand that all nations honor international treaties of peace and disarmament, and submit to international justice.  Demand that swords be beaten into plowshares, and war shall no longer be practiced.
Psalm 16:11
You have made known to me the path of life.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman