Thursday, December 09, 2004

Why won't people listen?

It's baffling.  The American people have been told, over and over again, how Bush has lied and cheated, how he is impoverishing middle class America to benefit his rich buddies, how the only ones profiting from his illegal invasion of Iraq are his and Cheney's people at Halliburton and Carlyle, how he is unscrupulous about torture and murder, how he violates his oath to uphold the Constitution, and on and on.
People aren't that dumb or that scared.  Perhaps they are hooked on the macho image he projects, or seduced by the promise of the false prophets, that supporting Bush will get them into heaven.  Many of us are pointing out how unChristian his policies are.  Why won't the people listen?
Jesus said to the crowds:
"To what shall I compare this generation?
It is like children who sit in marketplaces and call to one another,
‘We played the flute for you, but you did not dance,
we sang a dirge but you did not mourn.'
Matthew 11: 15-16
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman

Fw: Hysteria abounds: Protestants & Israel Lobby

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Ator
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 8:56 PM
Subject: Hysteria abounds: Protestants & Israel Lobby

The modest and largely symbolic Presbyterian divestment initiatives certainly constitute no conceivable threat to Israel. They merely serve to encourage restraint and reversal of the misdirected extremist policies and brutally aggravating actions inflicted by successive Sharonist regimes against Palestinians, to the detriment of the cause of peace. Why do Members of our Congress get so worked up over such gentle non-violent efforts on the part of the Presbyterians? They should be appauding & supporting them.
                    Paul Ator                       December 7, 2004 
Mainline Protestants Challenge Israel Lobby   -  by Chris Moore 
The Presbyterian Church recently came under fire for its decision to employ a human rights tactic on behalf of Palestinians that it once used to encourage racial reform in apartheid South Africa: the process of divestment – in this case, from companies that profit from Israel's brutal occupation of Palestinian territories. 

The divestment process was set in motion by the PC-USA's 216th General Assembly last summer. In early November, the Church's committee on socially responsible investment set criteria to guide the "phased selective divestment" from corporations that profit from Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. 

"It is a modest attempt by one small denomination to say a word of peace and justice and hope in the middle of continuing mind- numbing violence and human suffering," the Rev. John Buchanan, senior pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago, recently told the Chicago Tribune. 

The response was immediate – and extreme. 

An anonymous letter postmarked in Queens, N.Y., was sent to the Louisville, Ky., headquarters of the Presbyterian Church USA threatening arson against Presbyterian churches in retaliation for "your anti-Israel and anti-Jewish attitudes." 

According to an account of the incident issued by the Presbyterian News Service, the handwritten letter read, "I promise violence against Presbyterian Churches – They will go up in flames, bet your ass that's a terrorist threat." 

The church stepped up security and notified federal authorities in Kentucky and New York. 

The threat came on the heels of another letter objecting to the Presbyterians' divestment decision, this one written by Congressman Howard L. Berman (D, Calif.) and signed by 13 of his colleagues in the House of Representatives. 

Using rhetoric that alternated between propaganda and hysteria, Berman and his co-signers (seven Republicans and six Democrats), claimed that, by initiating divestment from certain companies doing business in Israel, "the Presbyterian Church has knowingly gone on record calling for jeopardizing the existence of the State of Israel." 

Also writing a letter, not to the church, but to the U.S. Department of Commerce, were 13 more members of Congress, urging the shutdown of any divestment campaigns affecting Israel. 

According to an account of that letter issued in a Sept. 28 press release by the Zionist Organization of America (which bragged of initiating the action), the Congressmembers accused divestment organizers of violating the "anti-boycott provisions of the Export Administration Act," and demanded that the Department of Commerce "investigate the national boycott campaign against Israel, shut down the illegal divestment campaigns, and impose the appropriate penalties." 

What on earth is going on here? 

When members of Congress, who ostensibly work for American taxpayers, write the Department of Commerce, which also ostensibly works for American taxpayers, demanding it investigate and sanction those same taxpaying Americans for their measured opposition to the policies of a foreign power – policies often employed using U.S. taxpayer money and military hardware – the question has to be asked: who do those members of Congress think they represent, Americans or the Israeli government? 

Perhaps feeding Congressional insolence – and bad judgment – is AIPAC (the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) which openly identifies itself as "America's Pro-Israel Lobby" and is ranked by Fortune Magazine as the second most powerful lobby in Washington, behind only The American Association of Retired Persons. AIPAC has 65,000 members in 50 states, many of them in highly influential positions, and is known to generously reward Israel's Congressional partisans and ruthlessly crush those who believe the U.S. government should put American interests before those of Israel. 

Well-known Congressional casualties targeted for defeat by AIPAC and other pro-Israel forces include Senators Adlai Stevenson and Charles Percy, and Reps. Paul Findley, Paul McCloskey, Earl Hilliard, and Cynthia McKinney, all of whom ran afoul of Israeli interests in one way or another and were summarily eliminated from Congress with resources that came largely from Israeli lobbies or those acting on Israel's behalf. 

Adding insult to American taxpayers is the fact that the foreign power on behalf of which these Israeli-backing bullies are twisting arms is one that has been on the U.S. foreign aid dole to the tune of tens of billions dollars spanning several decades – more than any other country in the history of U.S. foreign welfare. Given the close relationship between Israel and its various lobbies in the U.S., it is highly likely that some of that money is recycled back to America to defeat those who oppose blank-check U.S. aid to Israeli. 

On top of all that influence, add the heft of millions of Evangelical Rapturists, who believe their support of Israeli expansionism is hastening the conditions necessary to trigger the return of Jesus. Messianically similar to some Ultra-Orthodox Jews, who believe the Jewish Messiah won't arrive until Israel has regained the West Bank (biblical Judea and Samaria), Rapturists want to see Israel return to its biblical geography, populated by a sufficient number of Jews (who have converted to Christianity) to bring about the Second Coming. 

This bizarre theology holds that prior to Armageddon, a small percentage of worthy Christians (including, presumably, those who worked to create the needed conditions) will be "raptured" halfway up to heaven where Jesus will take them the rest of the way. Most other Christians and other nonbelievers will die in the calamitous events that follow on earth, including natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare. The Evangelical Jesus will later return to earth with the raptured and destroy any remaining enemies. 

Because of the turnout of millions of Evangelical voters, who were urged to the polls on behalf of George W. Bush in the latest presidential elections, it is now believed that Evangelical beliefs hold special sway within elements of the U.S. government. 

Given the various forces at play, it is little wonder that a deeply- rooted Israel entitlement mentality has afflicted the Congressional psyche. 

The difference, of course, is that in the past that mentality was directed primarily at defaming and dispossessing the Palestinians. But now it appears to be turning on American Presbyterians – and any other group with the effrontery to question Israeli government actions. 

Unfortunately for the Congressional commissars, the Presbyterian Church and its 2.5 million members aren't going to take the government's intimidation tactics lying down. 

In a spunky response to Berman's claim that the Presbyterians' actions had caused "terrible distress," the Church issued a reply through the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick citing "terrible distress" of its own. 

No, Kirkpatrick didn't whine about the threats to burn down Presbyterians churches. His concern was far more selfless in nature, over "the failure of the U.S. Congress to be a balanced arbiter for peace in the region or [condemn] the illegal expansion of settlements in the West Bank." 

"It has been very disappointing to us that the U.S. Congress has not proven to be an ally or a balanced arbiter in the negotiations for peace in the region," said Kirkpatrick. "While Congress has passed repeated statements against the Palestinian Authority, it has never passed a resolution condemning the continuous illegal construction of settlements in the West Bank. There has been nothing done by Congress to pressure Israel to adhere to international law. Rather, Israel has been encouraged by Congress to violate international law." 

That defiant reply may signal the beginning of a new mainline Protestant movement determined to stand up to the Israeli lobby, the Evangelicals, and their minions in Congress. 

Also considering divestment is the Episcopal Church, whose governing board recently resolved to "investigate what corporate actions might be appropriate with companies that contribute to the infrastructure of Israel's ongoing occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip." 

Taking a more reticent approach than the Presbyterians, the Episcopalians said they would also look at companies with connections to organizations responsible for violence against Israel, and consult with, among others, the Anglican Peace and Justice Networkbefore making any divestment decision. But based on the Anglican's recent conclusions from a fact-finding mission to Israel, the writing is on the wall. 

In their September visit to Jerusalem, the Peace and Justice Networkfound that Israel, with the assistance of the U.S government, seems to be deliberately thumbing its nose at efforts to advance peace in the region. 

"We conclude from our experience that there is little will on behalf of the Israeli government to recognize the rights of the Palestinians to a sovereign state to be created in the West Bank – which includes East Jerusalem – and Gaza," the group said in a statement issued after the visit. 

"Israel, with the complicity of the United States, seems determined to flaunt international laws, whether they are the Geneva Conventions, United Nations resolutions, or the most recent decision of the International Court of Justice in declaring the separation wall illegal." 

What appears to be emerging from the mainline Protestant establishment is a counterbalance to what has heretofore been the domination of U.S. government policy toward Israel and the Middle East by a religiously tormented coalition that is reckless, biased, and deeply fatalistic. 

Because Israel possess up to 200 nuclear weapons, and because the Israel lobby in America seems intent on encouraging – indeed, enabling – its increasing belligerence in order to advance apocalyptic theological agendas, the emergence of a politically organized Christian counter force in America may well be all that stands between the world and self-fulfilling Armageddon prophecy.

Find this article at:          

Notice the same thread of Christian extremism in this excellent eye-opening piece as well:
On Receiving Harvard Medical School's Global Environment Citizen Award 
by Bill Moyers 
This week the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School presented its fourth annual Global Environment Citizen Award to Bill Moyers. In presenting the award, Meryl Streep, a member of the Center board, said, "Through resourceful, intrepid reportage and perceptive voices from the forward edge of the debate, Moyers has examined an environment under siege with the aim of engaging citizens." Here is the text o    f his response to Ms. Streep's presentation of the award:

Fw: [The Pilgrim] Lives in chaos - kidnappings

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 12:10 AM
Subject: [The Pilgrim] Lives in chaos - kidnappings

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Dear Friends,


There’s a family in Leith’s neighbourhood that is selling their house. He says it’s a large, beautiful home with a big garden – one of the nicest in the street.


They are not selling the house to move to a more fashionable neighbourhood.


The desperate sale is to access funds to pay the $50,000 ransom that has been demanded by kidnappers for the life of their 10-year-old son.


They are not alone. Five children were kidnapped in this suburb last month in the space of a week. Two in a neighbouring suburb before that and so on.


Kidnappings in Iraq are now endemic.


Along with the international community, Iraqis condemn, discusses, analyse and mourn the kidnappings of a number of foreigners that have occurred in Iraq. But for them there’s more to it.


They know how it feels. The only difference is their stories rarely make it to the news.


Since the break down of law and order after the invasion of Iraq by foreign forces, kidnapping has been one of the most common and lucrative activities of criminal gangs.


Police estimate more than one thousand children and adults of various ages have been kidnapped in Baghdad alone.


It seems that all of my Iraqi friends know a family that has been affected by kidnapping.


The criminals are brazen. In Leith’s area a gang entered shops and businesses in the main street and demanded $10,000 or their child would be kidnapped.


If they didn’t pay up the gang painted a red cross above the shop. Because many shop owners could not find $10,000 they had to close the shop and flee with their families.


I sit in a daze of shock and sadness as I listen to the story.


“How could anybody …?”


“This is normal since the invasion,” Hardie says matter-of-factly.


“There is no law here now. Iraq has become a place where anyone can do whatever they want.


“Some of the gangs have deals with the police to protect them.”

Leith says that most kidnapped children are returned upon payment of the ransom plunging middle-class families into poverty after handing over their life savings. He has also heard of a few cases where teenagers were killed when a ransom was not paid on time.


“How could anybody…”?


As a result of the breakdown of law and order in Iraq parents are understandably petrified to part with their children. Some have left their jobs so they are available to drive their child to and from school each day. Others do not allow their children to go to school at all.


“How can this be stopped?” I asked out loud not really expecting an answer.


Hardie responded in a flash.


“Saddam Hussein”.


“What?” I asked rather surprised coming from the mouth of young, well-educated Shi’ite man.


“When we lived under Saddam I used to stay out all night and walk home at three in the morning without a thought for my safety.


“I could leave my car in any place – with the key in the ignition! Now you can’t leave a toy car on the street or it will disappear!


“You think we want to live like this, like we are in a prison?


“No, we prefer how it was before.


“Under Saddam we knew how to protect our family, the rules were clear.


“But now we live each day afraid we will lose someone we love whenever they leave the house.”


This sombre conversation with Leith and Hardie is one of many I have with Iraqis on a daily basis about the kidnappings, the breakdown of law and order and the general violence and chaos in which they now live.


When I ask them how they feel about foreigners being kidnapped the response is always sad and sympathetic.


“We feel for the foreigners and their families so much because they did not deserve this,’ Leith says.


“We know how it feels and no one should have to experience this kind of suffering.


“We don’t deserve it either.”


Your pilgrim



PS: The kidnap situation here is so messy, dark and horrible; it is hard to make any sense of it. That’s why I made no attempt to analyse or suggest a solution. Simply recounting a conversation that is commonplace among Iraq people on a daily basis is all I feel I can do for now. I can share with you their opinions and then you can try to make your own analysis - let me know what you come up with!

PPS: The Iraqis do not believe the kidnapping of foreigners is the action of the Iraqi resistance, but purely criminal gangs seeking money. They believe this is the case for Margaret Hussein, and the evidence would also suggest this, although there are other theories on that too. They do not consider Al’Zarqawi as part of the Iraqi resistance, but a separate force attracted to Iraq by the US occupation, with another agenda and with minor influence amongst Iraqis.

PPPS: Welcome to all the new people who joined the list in recent days! Don’t worry: I do occasionally have good news too! You can find past stories at:  

PPPPS: I’m sorry I’ve been quiet the last few days. I admit to being knocked around by a negative experience that rendered me incapable of thinking clearly or writing. The experience had nothing to do with anything or anyone in Iraq. Rather it came from the outside. I would appreciate your prayers to regain my strength and clarity.

PPPPPS: “Love is the answer and you know that for sure.” John Lennon. 







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Fw: [wvns] Hundreds of US Marines Flee War


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 11:18 PM
Subject: FW: [wvns] Hundreds of US Marines Flee War

-----Original Message-----
From: World View []
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 2:12 PM
Subject: [wvns] Hundreds of US Marines Flee War

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US Marine Highlights Civilian Killings in Iraq
Islam Online
December 8, 2004


"I was faced with being deployed to Iraq to do what
the infantry does, kill people," said Hinzman.

Jimmy Massey

TORONTO, December 8 ( & News Agencies)
– Two US soldiers have applied for political asylum in
Canada in protest at the atrocities committed by the
US army in Iraq and Afghanistan, hoping to capitalize
on the country's opposition to US President George W
Bush's foreign policy.

In graphic testimonies to a Canadian tribunal, former
Marine Sergeant Jimmy Massey and fugitive paratrooper
Jeremy Hinzman have argued that they could not
tolerate killing innocent civilians in Iraq and treat
the Iraqis as terrorists any longer, Agence
France-Presse (AFP) reported Wednesday, December 8.

"The code of silence you take in the Marines is much
like the one in organized crime," Massey told Canada's
Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB).

The IRB was set up to consider the merits of refugee
claims at arms length from the Canadian government.

Canada has declined Bush's request for troops in Iraq
and the majority of its people are opposed to the war.

"30 Plus" Civilians Killed

Massey told IRB that men under his command in the 3rd
battalion, Seventh Marines, killed "30 plus" civilians
within 48 hours while on checkpoint duty in Baghdad.

"I do know that we killed innocent civilians," AFP
quoted Massey as telling the Canadian tribunal. "We
were shooting up people as they got out of their cars
trying to put their hands up."

Massey said that in some incidents, Iraqi civilians
were killed by between 200 and 500 rounds pumped into
four separate cars which each failed to respond to a
single warning shot and respond to hand signals, at a
Baghdad checkpoint.

Searches found no weapons in the vehicles or evidence
that those killed were anything but innocent
civilians, said Massey.

He also said marines killed four unarmed demonstrators
and more Iraqis the next day during another spell of
checkpoint duty in the occupied Iraqi capital.

"I was never clear on who was the enemy and who was
not," said Massey.

"When you don't know who the enemy is, what are you
doing there?" Asked the 21-year-old Marine, later
honorably discharged from his 7th Marine weapons

A study published in October by a respected British
medical weekly showed that over 100,000 civilians --
half of whom women and children -- have lost their
lives [
] since the US-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

"Evil People"

Massey's testimony came to bolster claims by fugitive
paratrooper Jeremy Hinzman that he walked out on the
82nd Airborne Division to avoid being ordered to
commit war crimes in Iraq.

Hinzman has told the IRB that the army was drilling
its soldiers to think of all Arabs and Muslims as
potential terrorists, the Associated Press reported.

"We were being told that it was a new kind of war,
that these were evil people and they had to be dealt
with," Hinzman said.

"We were told that we would be going to Iraq to jack
up some terrorists."

Hinzman fled from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, on
January 2 and now lives in Toronto with his 31
year-old wife, Nga Nguyen, and 2 year-old son Liam.

The South Dakota-born soldier is claiming refugee
status based on his contention that he was right to
refuse to fight in a war which he says was illegal and
violated human rights and the Geneva Conventions.

Hinzman first requested conscientious objector status
in 2002 before learning he was to be posted to
Afghanistan, where he eventually made 18 combat
parachute jumps.

The following year, the request was rejected, and late
in 2003 he learned he was to be deployed to Iraq,
prompting his flight to Canada.

"I was faced with being deployed to Iraq to do what
the infantry does, kill people, and I had no
justification for doing so," said Hinzman.

"The military is to fight justified wars," added his
lawyer Jeffrey House, an American who first came to
Canada as a draft dodger during the Vietnam War.

Some 30,000 to 50,000 Americans fled to Canada during
the Vietnam War and were allowed to settle there.

Eight US soldiers have begun legal action [
] in an effort to stop the US army extending their
tours of duty in Iraq.

The soldiers, seven of whom have stayed anonymous, are
believed to be the first active-duty personnel to sue
the army.

Since the start of the US occupation of Iraq April 9,
2003, hundreds of US marines have reportedly deserted
army units and fled the country [
] through Kuwait or Turkey under disguise, escaping
unabated resistance operations.


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