Saturday, January 01, 2005

The radical Right plays by different rules by Frances Moore Lappe

Dear Friends,
The following piece is excerpted from a longer post by Lappe.  In it, she details the Machievellian philosophy that underlies radical Right political fighting.  It is dirty, deceitful, and anything goes.  The reign of Bush, put in office by such tactics, is the opposite of what the returning Christ will bring.  This should be made clear to the misguided Christians who voted for Bush, thinking that he will establish God's kingdom.
Justice shall flower in His days,
and profound peace, till the moon be no more.
Psalm 72: 7
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman
The radical Right plays by different rules
by Frances Moore Lappe.
The radical Right plays by different rules. In this, David Brock's
book Blinded by the Right was my wake-up call. Because Brock was not so
long ago a radical right-wing insider himself, his experiences inside
this mean-spirited, ends-justify-means mindset of this group is -
chillingly - convincing. He depicts people willing go to any lengths,
including lying (as did Brock himself in his character assassination of
Anita Hill) in order to vanquish enemies. (See his new book: The
Republican Noise Machine)

In 2000, leading Republican Congressman, Majority Whip Tom DeLay
distributed a pamphlet to all his Republican colleagues entitled The Art
of Political War: How Republicans Can Fight to Win. Its author David
Horowitz writes, "Politics is war conducted by other means. In political
warfare you do not fight just to prevail in an argument, but to destroy
the enemy's fighting ability.In political wars, the aggressor usually
prevails." (Read more in Banana Republicans)

On his final episode of Now, Bill Moyers spoke with Richard Viguerie, a
founding father of the modern conservative movement and author of
America's Right Turn: How Conservatives Used New and Alternative Media
to Take Power. Viguerie couldn't have described the Right's
Macheivellian outlook more succinctly, speaking about the vicious
pre-election attacks on Kerry:

"I just wish he [Bush] could have done a little bit more [against
Kerry]. I thought it was just great. And we're not gonna play, Bill, by
the liberal establishment's rules. They say, 'This is acceptable and
this is not acceptable.' Those days are gone and gone forever."

I got my own taste of Viguerie's anything-goes world, where the facts
are irrelevant and, as he told Moyers, all journalism "is opinion."
Campaigning in late October for Lois Murphy, who challenged incumbent
Republican Congressman Jim Gerlach in Pennsylvania's 6h district, I
experienced the power of a lie. Gerlach campaign telephone message ads
linked Murphy to the Taliban (MoveOn supports her, MoveOn "supports" the Taliban, ergo Murphy = Taliban-lover). Who would swallow that, I
thought, especially since Murphy is a feminist? worked. "Are you
with the Taliban lady?" said a potential voter when I approached his
door. He threatened to set his dog on me.

Most Americans would be appalled - if they knew: There's no evidence the
majority of Americans approve this ends-justify-means, destroy-the-enemy


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tod H. Mikuriya, MD" <>
I am curious as to why the term Pharisee is so rarely seen. This infrequency may be from the rarity of the practice of reading the bible or the threat it consitutes to the institutions of power. The term implicity reflects critical thinking in Jesus' world and the power structure of His Jewish church. Matthew 5-7:15.

Falwell is a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing who rides in a corporate jet
chariot of the Pharisees.

Tod Mikuriya 

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles []
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 6:30 AM
Subject: PHARISEE WATCH: Peace Mongers at Church

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Charles E. Carlson

A feature story in "New Times" Magazine once dubbed Project Strait Gate,
"PEACE MONGER."  It earned its author an award for "religious story of the
year."  "Monger" means salesman, or perhaps even street vendor (for peace).
We have come to rather appreciate the term, and you can read the story from
the link in the footnotes.  The "Monger" always shows you the merchandise he
is selling, it is right there on his pushcart; the Warmakers, who peddle
destruction in the name of safety, hide the product from you, else you would
reject it.

Testament history that Jesus and his companions always showed up at the
temple or the synagogues...the church equivalent of their day. His followers
were mongers for the New Covenant.  There they confronted the Pharisees and
the lesser heretics, speaking to the congregations as best they could.  When
they were not allowed to speak inside, they stood in the court and talked to
those who were curious. 

Mongering the Gospel at the synagogue also became the pattern for the
disciples as they later traveled the known world telling the Gospel story.
Sometimes they were driven out, even stoned to death.  Some probably died in
front of the synagogues.  Where can one find a better pattern for
confronting the Pharisees of our day than in front of their multi-million
dollar edifices?

One cannot turn a page or flip the channel without being told that the
Christian Right now controls America.  Is there anyone who has not heard it?
 Yet no one explains how these millions who claim to believe on the "Prince
of Peace" have been persuaded to vote for "Christian leaders" who promise
anything but peace. 
There is no better way to find out what is wrong with professing Christians
than to challenge them in mass where they worship.  Project Strait Gate has
now lost track of the number of churches where we have held Vigils, perhaps
conference of thousands of pastors held at his LIBERTY UNIVERSITY last fall,
as well as the SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION in Phoenix.  We have sent
articles like this one to hundreds of thousands.

One pattern repeats itself at every Judaized-Christian meeting; A SMALL
of old, and our mission is to reach them and let them know they are not
alone in believing the church must stand for peace and reject those who
support what we now call the Neo-Crusade, an ongoing series of wars against
Muslim countries.  We meet only a few of the remnant in a big congregation
of thousands. They encourage us by quietly finding ways to tell us how
deeply they appreciate our presence. 

Often the remnant is reluctant to approach us openly in front of the Pastor
and their peers; their children are in the classes, their friends are
waiting.  Some stop their car briefly on the way out, and thank us through
the window, asking for literature, giving us their phone numbers and quietly
move on; others take down our website and contact us later. Some tell us
they feel reviled inside the church, but they stay on because they have been
raised in churches like this and do not know where else to go. 

THEY VIEW THE VIGIL WITH RELIEF, glad that they are not alone in opposing
the madness of the Neo-Crusade.  Several Christians who are married to
Palestinian Muslims have approached us from time to time telling how they
are frightened by the terrible hate words openly spoken about
Muslims...inside the church.  Our Thanksgiving Vigil lasted four hours and
about 75 people out of many hundreds stopped and took literature...they were
at least curious about our views.  

In every church there are also those who walk out to openly challenge us,
sometimes carrying oversized Scofield-type study bibles under their arm and
suggesting that we are lost pagans who hate God, while they are offering us
a lifeline to heaven.  I cannot help but feel embarrassed for their
presumptuousness, for each is sure he is so intimate with God that he can
judge us, ignoring Jesus' call to humbleness.  Sometimes visitors at the
picket line are on a sincere quest to learn why we are there, including a
few pastors or deacons at some churches.

We have learned it is best not to debate with those who challenge our
motives and will not read our prepared literature.  Instead, we find it is
best to offer them a little black pocket New Testament (we encourage all of
Vigil-ers to carry them) with this statement:

"ALL OF JESUS' WORDS ARE IN THIS LITTLE BOOK. Please take it and show me
just one verse or line where Jesus Christ or a Disciple ever said it is OK
to kill a person...the child of another man... or to go to war against a
people 10,000 miles from home who never attacked us?"

(Usually this challenge is rejected, so we persist:)

"Go ahead and take it; you can ask your friends to help you if you
want...Just show me one place where Jesus ever justified what you believe
about the bombing the Iraqis or helping the Israelis kill the Palestinians."

(If more encouraging is needed:)

"Please, if you can find such a line or verse, we will all pack up and leave
right now, and we will apologize to the entire church for challenging you,
None take the Book.  Instead, at this point, the challenge always turns
instantly to the secular argument about why war is needed.

"We have to kill them (or bomb them) (or be over there, etc) because they
bombed us first." Or:

"Saddam Hussein was worst than Hitler, we had to take him out" or:

"I suppose you would let them come over here and rob and rape your family
while you watch?"

The most aggressive Judaized-Christians often cut right to the chase,
ignoring Iraq, and getting to the heartlessness of their belief system with
words like these: 
"Israel has a right to the land, God gave it to them."  

Thus, religious leaders openly proclaim what political leaders always deny:
know this is so without being told...and they are not afraid to admit it!
Like magic, the challenge of the New Testament converts most into a secular
Rush Limbaugh, touting the talk show host's logic for war. Their view of the
facts is usually amazingly distorted.

Every religious argument for war evaporates before the New Testament
scripture because there are no pro-war arguments to be found in it.  The
churchgoers instantly revert to what they have heard from the pulpit of
Celebrity media leaders. 

JERRY FALWELL IS A PRIME EXAMPLE of leaders whose professions are bathed in
God-talk, but are secular when examined.  In a recent fundraising letter
promoting his re-treaded political front, the Moral Majority Coalition,
Falwell sounded religious, but the veneer rubbed off fast.

most of them did not examine his words closely enough to see that his agenda
has become non-Christian.  Here are some quotes from his latest fundraising
letter and website, where he boasts:

Yes, he really did say that; this is not a spoof. Here are the hero leaders
Falwell names:
"...courageous and brilliant evangelical mega-leaders like Pat Robertson,
James Dobson, D. James Kennedy, Tim and Bev LaHaye, Franklin Graham, Gary
Bauer, Ralph Reed, Mathew Staver, Jay Sekulow, Don Wildmon, Janet Parshall,
John Hagee, Charles Stanley, Adrian Rogers, Rick Scarborough, Rod Parsley,
David Cerullo and others have provided powerful influence inside the
Christian camp."

"...on November 2, 2004, when more than 30 million "faith and values"
voters went to the polls and made the difference in America." 

Hold on, are these "faith and values" the same ones Jesus gave us?  War is
certainly not.  How about massive debt to pay for war?

(1) the confirmation of pro-life, strict constructionist U.S. Supreme Court
Justices and other Federal Judges;
(2) the passage of a constitutional Federal Marriage Amendment; and
(3) the election of another socially, fiscally and politically conservative
President in 2008, along with conservative members of Congress in 2006 and

"...George Bush and millions of 'faith and values' activists who are now
able to save America..."  

"...bring America back to her Judeo-Christian heritage."
Falwell says his final objective is to "restore our Judeo-Christian
heritage," BUT OUR HERITAGE IS CHRISTIAN, NOT JUDEO.  Judaized-Christianity
is our disease!  Why not also restore our national heritage of smallpox and

These arguments and methods are secular, wrapped in spiritual words.
Falwell's followers are asked to trust Jerry and his political friends, not
God.  To further illustrate how Falwell really thinks, let's compare this
agenda to his public statements, made on Sunday, Oct 24th, 2004, on CNN
where his own words contradict his fundraising appeal:

"Blessed Are The Peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."

FALWELL SAID (speaking of Muslims):
"I'd rather be killing them over there than fighting them over here."

"LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate
you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."

"But you've got to kill the terrorists before the killing stops. And I'm for
the President to chase them all over the world. If it takes 10 years, blow
them all away in the name of the Lord."

"Ye have heard that it hath been said, An EYE FOR AN EYE, and a tooth for a
tooth:  But I say unto you, do not resist evil: but whosoever shall smite
thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."

"Well, when they kill my family and blow those towers down..."

I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it (either good or evil) unto one
of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. (Our paraphrase
of the last half of Matthew, Chapter 25 into one line.)

When I first met Falwell, he was touring the country for the fledgling Moral
Majority, and I believed him!  I was ignorant of the fact that he flew into
my city in a corporate jet provided by the State of Israel. To Falwell, and
hundreds like him, JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY MEANS ISRAEL IS A GOD.  The death of
untold thousands of women and children does not faze him because his gods
are those who have been dealing in death for 55 years.  He visits Israel
like it is a holiday trip to grandpa's farm.

ISRAEL'S ARNON SOFFER, a professor of geography/demography at Haifa
University and one of Arial Sharon's advisors, says this about its neighbor,
and recently told the world how Israel feels about the lives of Arabs with
these amazing words:

"When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it's going to be a human
catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are
today, with the aid of an insane fundamentalist Islam. The pressure at the
border will be awful. It's going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to
remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day."
(Counterpunch Magazine, December 2004)*

nor are hundreds of successful opportunists in various colors of robes, the
problem.  He is a symptom of a greater disease in the church itself, planted
there by world Zionism.  We have already exposed the corruption of the study
"bibles" started even 20 years before Falwell was born.  There is almost no
chance of changing Jerry Falwell, or any of those he lists as his allies and
heroes. (endnotes) 

THE SOLUTION WILL COME from the turning of a small remnant of Christ
Followers inside each church that are beginning to feel the effects of the
disease.  This is a grass roots movement!  Project Strait Gate is selling
peace with Jesus' words in front of the churches of America. Rather than
writing futile letters to prosperous religious leaders and entrenched
politicians, we must reach the thinking and Godly remnant inside the
churches with e-mail messages, including this one, and call them out.
Falwell is raising 25 million dollars to further condition evangelicals to
his Judaized-Christian view of political power.  We need to reach the same
millions via e-mail, and call them back to Jesus' words of love and peace
which demands an end to race hatred toward Muslims.

Ours is a 30 million adults target, and that is a big job, but the truth
costs less than falsehood. Where else can we find such potential for change?
 Jesus provided the idea, love your brother, in the New Testament.  We must
show Judaized-Christians how they are being misled to work, spend, and vote
to destroy the very values they already profess, and for which our
Forefathers once died. 

EXAMINE THE POSSIBILITY of a Project Strait Gate for your city.  Learn how
to do a few literal Vigils and many virtual pickets in your own town.
Befriend that estranged Christian remnant and start networking together with
us.  We want your help to remind them of their true heritage as Followers of

Support notes:
The Source of the Problem in the Mid East - Part II Why Judeo-Christians
Support War By C. E. Carlson click
Pharisee Watch

CNN interview of Jerry Falwell and Jesse Jackson and click Unheralded News

PEACE MONGER by Tony Ortega click Strait Gate Ministry, then, News

Book about Falwell-ism: FORCING GOD'S HAND then bookstore


1.) FORCING GOD'S HAND (Halsell writes of Jerry Falwell)
available upon request), and featuring
5.) DANGEROUS JOURNEY, a perfect gift for a pre-teenager with good
skills. Two books accompanied with audiotape commentary by their author
8.) "Right To The Point" Journals, insightful reports accompanied with
include "SOURCE OF OUR WAR PROBLEM" and, "SHERRY'S WAR." then go to:Bookstore

P.O. Box 14491
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Fax 480 699 1902

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Fw: DU, US troops, European parliament, genocide?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 11:30 AM
Subject: DU, US troops, European parliament, genocide?

BG:  No one wants to read about "DU", deadly uranium in US munitions.  It's too awful.  But the longer our heads are in the sand, the more suffering for Iraq and FOR OUR OWN TROOPS.  So please pass this on!
There is a bill by Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash), the Depleted Uranium Munitions Study Act, HR  1483,
which the House Armed Services Committee has thus far refused to hear.  (McDermott traveled to Iraq and saw the human results of DU contamination.)  

DU - The Stuff of Nightmares

JULIE FLINT / The Daily Star (Beirut) 14sep04

Two years before the invasion of Iraq, a report [Radiological toxicity of DU] commissioned by the World Health Organization warned that the long-term health of Iraq's civilian population would be damaged by the use of depleted uranium (DU) - radioactive waste from the nuclear industry which is used to harden missiles, shells and bullets and which slices through tank armor like a knife through butter. The WHO did not make the report public. Odd, that.
Iraq is now playing host to some 350 tons of DU fired in 1991, but also to more than 1,000 tons reportedly fired in 2003. The "reportedly" is needed here because the armed forces are playing coy with figures. No wonder: handlers of DU in the US and Britain are required to wear masks and protective clothing. Imagine Iraqis having to dress like that for 4.5 billion years.
The Hardest Hit:
Iraqi children
DU has been called the "Trojan Horse" of the wars in Iraq - and Afghanistan and Kosovo and Bosnia - a weapon that keeps on killing. On detonation, DU armaments release a spray of radioactive dust that can be carried in the air over long distances and which, when inhaled, goes into the body and stays there. The dust remains radioactive for 4.5 billion years.The WHO report was written by three of Europe's top radiation scientists, including Dr. Keith Baverstock, for more than a decade the WHO's leading expert on radiation and health. After retiring from the WHO, Baverstock leaked the report to the media earlier this year. It concluded that microscopic particles of DU would be blown around and inhaled by Iraqi civilians for years to come, and could trigger the growth of malignant tumors.
Baverstock believes the WHO deliberately suppressed the report - probably under pressure from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a more powerful UN body that promotes nuclear power. In response, WHO claims the IAEA's role was "very minor" and says the report was not approved for publication because "parts of it did not reflect accurately what a WHO-convened group of international experts considered the best science in the area of depleted uranium."In other words, its own chosen experts got it wrong. Odd, again.
Had the study had been published in November 2001, Baverstock believes there would have been more pressure on the Allies to limit their use of DU during the invasion of Iraq - and to clean up afterward. But it wasn't published. As a result, Iraq is now playing host to some 350 tons of DU fired in 1991, but also to more than 1,000 tons reportedly fired in 2003.
[ note: the official figure is actually 2,200 tons! Knowing how the military likes to minimize such news, the tonnage could be double that. ] The "reportedly" is needed here because the armed forces are playing coy with figures. No wonder: handlers of DU in the US and Britain are required to wear masks and protective clothing. Imagine Iraqis having to dress like that for 4.5 billion years.

Nuha al-Radi, the much-loved Iraqi artist and diarist who died in Beirut on August 31, believed her leukemia could have been caused by DU. And if not DU, then something else to which Iraqis were knowingly exposed in the wars since Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. For DU is not the only concern in the "toxic wasteland" that many scientists say Iraq has become. There are also the chemical weapons the Baath regime used against its own people, and in its war with Iran, and, most recently, the chemical and biological materials released into the atmosphere by Allied bombing of Iraqi stockpiles in the first Gulf war of 1991.

Nuha, who didn't believe the first war would take place, was devastated by the second. "The carnage takes place in apocalyptic proportions," she wrote at her lowest point. "Sometimes I want to cry, but I resist. I am totally withered, and feel so useless." We talked of working together on a film that would investigate the pollution of Iraq and its people.

Nuha was convinced that DU was entering the water table and flowing into every corner of the country, poisoning everything. But she fell ill, and we did nothing.Looking at the DU debate now, one thing is crystal-clear: there are two very district bodies of opinion - and both claim to be informed. The question is, by what?On one side, there are the governments that use DU weapons, the IAEA, NATO and WHO, who maintain (publicly, at least) that DU is not particularly dangerous and has no long-term effects.
On the other side, united by varying degrees of concern, are the European Parliament, which has called for an immediate moratorium on the use of DU weapons, Belgium, Portugal, France, Spain and Italy, who don't use them and want an inquiry into them; the United Nations Environmental Program; and many independent scientists, several of whom have first-hand experience of the legacy of DU.

After the first Gulf war, Dr. Asaf Durakovic, a colonel in the US Army Medical Corps, was put in charge of Nuclear Medicine Service at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. He discovered unusual radiation levels in veterans and became convinced not only that DU was killing them, but also that it was causing changes in the human gene pool that would damage future generations. He found "considerable resistance" from the government to his work on DU and was asked to stop. He refused. Two months after writing to President Bill Clinton to request an inquiry into DU contamination, he was fired - and went on to become Clinical Professor of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at Georgetown University in Washington.A nutter? Hardly.

Yet Durakovic says soil samples from Iraq show radiation levels 17 times higher than is acceptable - threatening, he says, environmental "catastrophe." He believes that DU contamination from the 1991 war may have exposed the entire Gulf population.

When the 1991 war started, Dr. Doug Rokke, a Vietnam veteran, forensic scientist and retired army major, was recalled from academia and sent to the Gulf as part of the army's Depleted Uranium Assessment team. "The US Army made me their expert," he says. "I went into the project with the total intent to ensure they could use uranium munitions in war, because I'm a warrior. What I saw as director of the project led me to one conclusion: uranium munitions must be banned from the planet, for eternity, and medical care must be provided for everyone" - those on the firing end and those on the receiving end.Many in Rokke's Gulf team are now dead. He himself suffers from serious health problems including brain lesions and lung and kidney damage. When government doctors finally agreed to test him in November 1994, three-and-a-half years after he fell ill, while he was director of the Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project, he was found to have 5,000 times the permissible level of radiation in his body - enough to light up a small village.DU, he says, is the stuff of nightmares.

Julie Flint is a veteran journalist based in Beirut and London. This is the first of two articles on depleted uranium, which she wrote for THE DAILY STARsource: 13sep04* Photos added by the top photo is from The Silent Genocide from America, Mohammed Daud Miraki, MA, MA, PhD, Director Afghan DU & Recovery Fund. The bottom photo is from Uranium Projectiles: Severely Maimed Soldiers, Deformed Babies, Dying Children, Siegwart-Horst Günther. AHRIMAN-Verlag GmbH Freiburg, Germany (2000)


Prayer for the New Year

May God have pity on us and bless us;
may He let His face shine upon us.
So may Your way be known upon earth;
among all nations, Your salvation.
Psalm 67: 2-3
God has reminded us of His mighty power with a devastating earthquake and tsunami.  This horrible tragedy has also brought out the best in many, uniting people and governments in compassion for the unfortunate victims of the flood.  It also revealed George W. Bush's unchristian lack of caring, and he was shamed into multiplying the US government contribution by a factor of ten. 
God is in charge.  If we obey His law of love, He will bless us.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman