Friday, December 10, 2004

Who will save us?

Who will save us from endless war?  Who will save us from ecocatastrophe?  Who will save us from nuclear holocaust?
In the 60's, we had inspiring leaders, people like John and Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, who mobilized millions to win civil rights and to end the Vietnam war.  But they were assassinated.
We were hoping that Kucinich would save us from the endless war on terror, with his idea of a Department of Peace, and his willingness to go to bat for the ABM treaty.  But the media, no longer free, did not give him enough air time to get his ideas across.
Then we pinned our hopes on Kerry, even though he voted to invade Iraq and tried to outmacho Bush.  He fought hard, but not hard enough, and gave up too easily- whether out of fatigue or collusion, we may never know. 
In our hearts, we know that only We the People can save us.  Our battle must be waged nonviolently, since they have all the weapons.  Our weapons are truth, courage, righteousness.  God is on our side.
Lord, make us turn to You;
let us see Your face and we shall be saved.
Psalm 80: 2
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman

Fw: Is Torture a Religious Issue?


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 8:27 PM
Subject: Is Torture a Religious Issue?

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A prophetic voice in Jewish, multireligious, & American life
12/10/04, Kislev 27, Shawwal 27. Issue 109 




Is Torture a Religious Issue? Act Now!


Dear friends,

For the sake of God and human decency, PLEASE FORWARD AT LEAST THIS SECTION OF The Shalom Report TO YOUR FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CONGREGANTS, and share this with them at religious services this weekend and next, and on into January, until the Gonzales nomination comes to a vote.


We now know that the International Red Cross told the Bush Administration that torture was being used by the US military on prisoners at Guantanamo, and that the US government knew this when it tried to pooh-pooh the Abu Ghraib revelations as the result of a few bad apples. The use of torture was systemic, not merely accidental.

It continues at various secret sites where the US has sent prisoners to be tortured by other governments - probably Jordan, Egypt, and others - that have even fewer constraints than the Bush Administration.

Among the links in the "chain of command" that OK'd the use of torture was a crucial legal memo from White House counsel Alberto Gonzales to the President, telling him he had the authority to annul the Geneva Conventions (treaties that are the law of the land), to ignore domestic law against torture, and to OK its use.  Mr. Bush has now rewarded Mr. Gonzales by naming him to become Attorney General, where he will represent the Department of Justice in measuring what "justice" is and what the President can legally do, and where he will command the behavior of thousands of Federal law-enforcement agents.

His appointment can be rejected by the Senate. In fact, that power was assigned by the Constitution to the Senate precisely to check and balance the tendency of Presidents to puff up their own power by appointing officials who might then assist the President to break the law

Our Founders knew perfectly well of British kings who had used torture. They intended to make that impossible.

That's the story from the standpoint of law and the Constitution. From the standpoint of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all human beings are created in the Image of God.

Torture shatters and defiles that Image. In every shriek of those in unbearable pain, in every crazed nightmare of those who are denied sleep for days and weeks at a time, in every muffled moan of those plunged under water for minutes at a time, trying not to breathe lest they drown, in every rape, in every emptying of bowels in pain and fear, God is broken. God is defiled. God is raped.

The death penalty returns the soul to eternity or to oblivion, depending on one's thoughts about the meaning of death and life. God's Image finds rest, calm, peace.

But torture keeps the soul deliberately in torment. Keeps God in torment.


We urge you to call or write the two most senior members of the Senate Judiciary Committee - Senators Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, and Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont. That committee will make the first decision about whether to confirm this Gonzales nomination.

You can call them at:  Sen. Specter, 215/ 597-7200 or 202/224-4254; Sen. Leahy, 202/224-4242 or 802/229-0569.

You can write them by clicking here.

For background information on the torture issue, see our Website at -

PLEASE FORWARD AT LEAST THIS SECTION OF The Shalom Report TO YOUR FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CONGREGANTS, and share this with them at religious services this weekend and next, and on into January, until the nomination comes to a vote.

Please note - religious congregations and other tax-exempt organizations ARE legally permitted to raise these questions with Members of Congress.


Words of Torah - Joseph in the Dark


This week, the traditional pattern for reading the Torah goes deeper into the Joseph story. On our Website at is an essay reinterpreting that story.  I originally wrote it for the book GODWRESTLING, published in 1978, and then incorporated it in the expanded and transformed GODWRESTLING -- ROUND 2.  It is rooted in the discussions of the Joseph story in a Washington havurah, Fabrangen, in 1972.

The Joseph story is always read in the Torah during the dark time of the year. The Fabrangen's encounter reported here happened  during the dark days of the Vietnam War.

The ideas that emerged then about the story remain relevant and powerful in examining a series of issues today -

the role of an "equal" in family or in society who becomes a superior;

the rhythm of darkness and new light in our own lives;

the rhythms of the earth and the choice of either dancing with those rhythms or being hurt by them;

the benefits and dangers of centralized power;

the problems of trying to walk a holy path when we feel no "light," no guidance from God, and so must walk in the dark;

the attractions and dangers of feeling our lives already determined by fate, so that we have no free will and can only walk our life-path stumbling, with no light to guide us.

Reread this way, the story raises questions that go far beyond the Jewish community.

If you have too little time to absorb the essay today, keep in mind that the Joseph story continues in the Torah-reading cycle for the next few weeks.

Celebrating Hanukkah THIS Sunday


Shining Bright Light in Dark Times • The Menorah Awards
December 12 • 6:30 pm • New York
Stephen Wise Free Synagogue • 30 W. 68th St., New York

In New York City on 12/12, the Sunday of Hanukkah, The Shalom Center will be honoring Seymour Hersh -- one of the great investigative reporters of our time, who shone light on how the chain of command was behind torture at Abu Ghraib - - and Ruth Messinger - one of our finest public servants. They will speak their wisdom about how we can renew light in this dark time.  And we will also use this evening to challenge the appointment of  the new Attorney General, who told the President he could annul the Geneva Conventions and OK the use of torture.

Ruth Messinger
Ruth, a former Borough President of Manhattan and president of American Jewish World Service , has brought the light of compassion to dark places of sorrow, sickness, and despair around the globe and in the city. Messinger is also the most senior Jewish leader to have publicly opposed the war in Iraq before it began.

Seymour Hersh
Seymour brought the light of truth into dark places of shame and crime - in this generation when he revealed the truth about torture at Abu Ghraib, and one generation ago when he broke the story of how US troops had massacred Vietnamese civilians in the village of My Lai. His book
Chain of Command is a crucial expose of "the road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib."

Peter Yarrow - Emcee and Singer
Legendary folksinger Peter Yarrow, formerly of Peter, Paul and Mary, created one of the great Hanukkah songs, "Light One Candle."


In their lives we learn again the prophetic portion for this festival (from Zechariah): "Not by might and not by power, but by My spirit, says YHWH Tz'va'ot - the Infinite Breath of Life."

Toward a New Prophetic Agenda

  Prophetic Agenda Beyond This Election: Meeting with Joe Trippi, Nancy Pelosi, Jim Wallis, David Saperstein, Bob Edgar,& 40 others in Washington

How We Met with Nancy Pelosi (minority leader of the House of Representatives), Joe Trippi (key inventer of Internet organizing for the Howard Dean campaign), and such religious leaders as Bob Edgar (NCC), Jim Wallis (Sojourners), and David Saperstein (Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism.

This past Wednesday and Thursday, I  took part in an intensive meeting in Washington DC with those folks and about 40 others to examine the future role of progressive religious folk - what we kept saying was neither "left' nor "right" but "prophetic" in content.  

The meeting was extraordinary. I will be able to share what happened when I have time next week to sit down and write at length about it.  

But I do not want to delay sending this issue of The Shalom Report any longer.

Warm regards and a peaceful, restorative Shabbat/ Sabbath, filled with joy at the beauty of creation and the resilience, the compassion,  and the imaginative boldness of human beings.

-- Arthur

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Fw: [notinourname] Satan's Home Cooking


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 6:29 AM
Subject: FW: [notinourname] Satan's Home Cooking

 Satan's Home Cooking 

By Chris Floyd

When the devil comes knocking on your front door, looking for a way
to spread his evil inside, he won't be sporting horns and a tail.
He's going to come dressed as your sweetest dream, clean as a
whistle, pious, sincere. He's going to speak your lingo, ape your
ways -- and when he opens up his little box of poison, it's going to
look like the heaven your mama sang about when she rocked you to
sleep in your cradle.

Then one day, when the mind-fog lifts, you see him sitting at the
head of the table, the walls of the room smeared with filth, dead
bodies swelling on the blood-mucked floor, the still-living victims
hog-tied and naked, screaming for mercy as the whipcords strike. He
beckons you forward with a welcoming smile. You pause for a moment.
It seems so strange: All this horror -- it would have once made you
sick, but now it just feels like ... home. You shrug, you grin, you
take your place beside him at the feast.

In just this way, while Americans were finishing their Thanksgiving
dinners and preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, a
series of stories exposed -- once again -- the torture chamber at
the heart of their feast: a government gone insane, embracing
terror, atrocity and tyranny. Yet there was no public outcry against
these desecrations. Few even noticed; fewer still cared.

Last week, the minions of George W. Bush announced, in open court,
that he has the power to seize anyone on earth -- even "little old
ladies in Switzerland" -- and imprison them forever if he so
chooses, The New York Times reports. The minions said that anyone
Bush declared "an enemy combatant" -- even if they never took up
arms against America, even if they didn't know their actions were
related to terrorism in any way -- could be abducted from any
nation, friend or foe, or in the Homeland itself, and held
indefinitely, "at the president's discretion," stripped of all
rights under the U.S. Constitution or the Geneva Conventions.

Assistant Attorney General Brian Boyle said Bush's captives were
entitled only to a single hearing, alone before a military tribunal,
without legal counsel or access to the evidence against them --
evidence which Boyle cheerfully admitted could be obtained by
torture in foreign countries, The Associated Press reports.
Overturning centuries of Anglo-American jurisprudence, Boyle said
there were no restrictions whatsoever on using torture evidence, as
long as the president or his military agents arbitrarily decide it
is "credible."

Days earlier, The Sunday Times tracked down the "private" planes of
CIA front companies that Bush uses to carry victims of his lawless
abductions to torture chambers in Jordan, Egypt, Libya and
Uzbekistan, where "credible" evidence can be obtained with fists,
cattle prods, rape, drugs and starvation. For example, witnesses
told of hooded American agents grabbing captives in Sweden,
stripping them, jamming drugs up their rectums, putting them in
diapers and chains, and bundling them off to Egypt's hellhole
prisons -- whose tortures have already produced generations of
violent extremists.

But outsourcing is only one aspect of Bush's Torture, Incorporated;
he has plenty of domestic production as well. Last week, the
Pentagon released a report -- completed long before the election --
confessing that the "aberrations" of Abu Ghraib were in fact part of
a broad system of state terror spread throughout Iraq, the
Washington Post reports. Elite squads of "Special Operations"
officers and CIA agents beat and abused prisoners across the
country, the Pentagon said, while regular troops
committed "technically illegal acts" by rounding up thousands of
innocent people at random and holding them for months in crowded
prisons, where they were often turned over to those same "elite"
squads for "special handling." Some of this blood-
soaked "intelligence" was "sent directly to the White House,"
interrogators noted. The report also admitted that American forces
had taken innocent people hostage -- especially "female family
members" -- in an effort to pressure wanted men to surrender: a
clear war crime, as if such things mattered anymore.
Meanwhile, the International Red Cross revealed that Bush has even
perverted the healing professions at his concentration camp in
Guantanamo Bay, using doctors and nurses to help "set the conditions
for interrogation" by withholding medical treatment and using their
diagnostic skills to determine captives' "vulnerabilities" to
various physical and psychological torments -- "a flagrant violation
of medical ethics," said the Red Cross. Its investigators also found
that the Guantanamo regime -- "an intentional system of cruel,
unusual and degrading treatment, and a form of torture" -- was
growing worse over time, reports.

In such a moral sink, it was hardly even news that more photos of
prisoner abuse -- taken months before the Abu Ghraib atrocities --
were uncovered last weekend, Reuters reports. This time it
was "elite" teams of Navy SEALs mugging for the cameras with
bloodied captives -- some with guns to their heads. Nor did anyone
blink when Bush military brass announced plans last week to create
forced labor camps for all male citizens in "liberated" Fallujah,
the Boston Globe reports.

This Satan's Rout of blood and abandon comes directly from the White
House, where Bush's legal counsel, Al Gonzales, engineered
memos "justifying" torture and exalting unrestricted presidential
power, beyond the reach of any law, foreign or domestic. As a reward
for this violent outrage of American honor, Gonzales -- sweet-
talking, pious and sincere, just like his boss -- will soon become
the chief law officer of the land.

And the American people, what do they do about all the horror being
wrought in their name? They shrug. They grin. They sit down to the

December 10, 2004

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