Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fw: [ImpeachBushNOW] It's Bush-Cheney, Not Rove-Libby - Frank Rich

----- Original Message -----
From: NT
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 6:58 PM
Subject: [ImpeachBushNOW] It's Bush-Cheney, Not Rove-Libby - Frank Rich

It's Bush-Cheney, Not Rove-Libby


THERE hasn't been anything like it since Martha Stewart fended off questions about her stock-trading scandal by manically chopping cabbage on "The Early Show" on CBS. Last week the setting was "Today" on NBC, where the image of President Bush manically hammering nails at a Habitat for Humanity construction site on the Gulf Coast was juggled with the sight of him trying to duck Matt Lauer's questions about Karl Rove.

As with Ms. Stewart, Mr. Bush's paroxysm of panic was must-see TV. "The president was a blur of blinks, taps, jiggles, pivots and shifts," Dana Milbank wrote in The Washington Post. Asked repeatedly about Mr. Rove's serial appearances before a Washington grand jury, the jittery Mr. Bush, for once bereft of a script, improvised a passable impersonation of Norman Bates being quizzed by the detective in "Psycho." Like Norman and Ms. Stewart, he stonewalled.

That stonewall may start to crumble in a Washington courtroom this week or next. In a sense it already has. Now, as always, what matters most in this case is not whether Mr. Rove and Lewis Libby engaged in a petty conspiracy to seek revenge on a whistle-blower, Joseph Wilson, by unmasking his wife, Valerie, a covert C.I.A. officer. What makes Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation compelling, whatever its outcome, is its illumination of a conspiracy that was not at all petty: the one that took us on false premises into a reckless and wasteful war in Iraq. That conspiracy was instigated by Mr. Rove's boss, George W. Bush, and Mr. Libby's boss, Dick Cheney.

Mr. Wilson and his wife were trashed to protect that larger plot. Because the personnel in both stories overlap, the bits and pieces we've learned about the leak inquiry over the past two years have gradually helped fill in the über-narrative about the war. Last week was no exception. Deep in a Wall Street Journal account of Judy Miller's grand jury appearance was this crucial sentence: "Lawyers familiar with the investigation believe that at least part of the outcome likely hangs on the inner workings of what has been dubbed the White House Iraq Group."

Very little has been written about the White House Iraq Group, or WHIG. Its inception in August 2002, seven months before the invasion of Iraq, was never announced. Only much later would a newspaper article or two mention it in passing, reporting that it had been set up by Andrew Card, the White House chief of staff. Its eight members included Mr. Rove, Mr. Libby, Condoleezza Rice and the spinmeisters Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin. Its mission: to market a war in Iraq.

Of course, the official Bush history would have us believe that in August 2002 no decision had yet been made on that war. Dates bracketing the formation of WHIG tell us otherwise. On July 23, 2002 - a week or two before WHIG first convened in earnest - a British official told his peers, as recorded in the now famous Downing Street memo, that the Bush administration was ensuring that "the intelligence and facts" about Iraq's W.M.D.'s "were being fixed around the policy" of going to war. And on Sept. 6, 2002 - just a few weeks after WHIG first convened - Mr. Card alluded to his group's existence by telling Elisabeth Bumiller of The New York Times that there was a plan afoot to sell a war against Saddam Hussein: "From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new products in August."

The official introduction of that product began just two days later. On the Sunday talk shows of Sept. 8, Ms. Rice warned that "we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud," and Mr. Cheney, who had already started the nuclear doomsday drumbeat in three August speeches, described Saddam as "actively and aggressively seeking to acquire nuclear weapons." The vice president cited as evidence a front-page article, later debunked, about supposedly nefarious aluminum tubes co-written by Judy Miller in that morning's Times. The national security journalist James Bamford, in "A Pretext for War," writes that the article was all too perfectly timed to facilitate "exactly the sort of propaganda coup that the White House Iraq Group had been set up to stage-manage."

The administration's doomsday imagery was ratcheted up from that day on. As Barton Gellman and Walter Pincus of The Washington Post would determine in the first account of WHIG a full year later, the administration's "escalation of nuclear rhetoric" could be traced to the group's formation. Along with mushroom clouds, uranium was another favored image, the Post report noted, "because anyone could see its connection to an atomic bomb." It appeared in a Bush radio address the weekend after the Rice-Cheney Sunday show blitz and would reach its apotheosis with the infamously fictional 16 words about "uranium from Africa" in Mr. Bush's January 2003 State of the Union address on the eve of war.

Throughout those crucial seven months between the creation of WHIG and the start of the American invasion of Iraq, there were indications that evidence of a Saddam nuclear program was fraudulent or nonexistent. Joseph Wilson's C.I.A. mission to Niger, in which he failed to find any evidence to back up uranium claims, took place nearly a year before the president's 16 words. But the truth never mattered. The Bush-Cheney product rolled out by Card, Rove, Libby & Company had been bought by Congress, the press and the public. The intelligence and facts had been successfully fixed to sell the war, and any memory of Mr. Bush's errant 16 words melted away in Shock and Awe. When, months later, a national security official, Stephen Hadley, took "responsibility" for allowing the president to address the nation about mythical uranium, no one knew that Mr. Hadley, too, had been a member of WHIG.

It was not until the war was supposedly over - with "Mission Accomplished," in May 2003 - that Mr. Wilson started to add his voice to those who were disputing the administration's uranium hype. Members of WHIG had a compelling motive to shut him down. In contrast to other skeptics, like Mohamed ElBaradei of the International Atomic Energy Agency (this year's Nobel Peace Prize winner), Mr. Wilson was an American diplomat; he had reported his findings in Niger to our own government. He was a dagger aimed at the heart of WHIG and its disinformation campaign. Exactly who tried to silence him and how is what Mr. Fitzgerald presumably will tell us.

It's long been my hunch that the WHIG-ites were at their most brazen (and, in legal terms, reckless) during the many months that preceded the appointment of Mr. Fitzgerald as special counsel. When Mr. Rove was asked on camera by ABC News in September 2003 if he had any knowledge of the Valerie Wilson leak and said no, it was only hours before the Justice Department would open its first leak investigation. When Scott McClellan later declared that he had been personally assured by Mr. Rove and Mr. Libby that they were "not involved" with the leak, the case was still in the safe hands of the attorney general then, John Ashcroft, himself a three-time Rove client in past political campaigns. Though Mr. Rove may be known as "Bush's brain," he wasn't smart enough to anticipate that Justice Department career employees would eventually pressure Mr. Ashcroft to recuse himself because of this conflict of interest, clearing the way for an outside prosecutor as independent as Mr. Fitzgerald.

"Bush's Brain" is the title of James Moore and Wayne Slater's definitive account of Mr. Rove's political career. But Mr. Rove is less his boss's brain than another alliterative organ (or organs), that which provides testosterone. As we learn in "Bush's Brain," bad things (usually character assassination) often happen to Bush foes, whether Ann Richards or John McCain. On such occasions, Mr. Bush stays compassionately above the fray while the ruthless Mr. Rove operates below the radar, always separated by "a layer of operatives" from any ill behavior that might implicate him. "There is no crime, just a victim," Mr. Moore and Mr. Slater write of this repeated pattern.

THIS modus operandi was foolproof, shielding the president as well as Mr. Rove from culpability, as long as it was about winning an election. The attack on Mr. Wilson, by contrast, has left them and the Cheney-Libby tag team vulnerable because it's about something far bigger: protecting the lies that took the country into what the Reagan administration National Security Agency director, Lt. Gen. William Odom, recently called "the greatest strategic disaster in United States history."

Whether or not Mr. Fitzgerald uncovers an indictable crime, there is once again a victim, but that victim is not Mr. or Mrs. Wilson; it's the nation. It is surely a joke of history that even as the White House sells this weekend's constitutional referendum as yet another "victory" for democracy in Iraq, we still don't know the whole story of how our own democracy was hijacked on the way to war.

"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth." - F.D.R.


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People and Corporations by Carol Wolman

People and Corporations by Carol Wolman

Due to a series of Supreme Court rulings, corporations are considered "persons" in the US, and have all the rights and privileges of human beings.  Using these rights, corporations have essentially bought the electoral apparatus and the politicians, and now control the US government.

This process has been gradual over the past 150 years, since the end of the Civil War.  (For more specific history, go to  It has reached full flowering under the Bush administration, which clearly serves corporate rather than human interests.  The environment is degraded, wars are fought, policies are established, which enrich corporations that have supported and are supported by Bush and Cheney. 

The most egregious example: Cheney's stock options in Halliburton have increased 33 fold- that is, are worth 33 TIMES as much as the year before- due to Iraq war profiteering.  The US people have only suffered from this war.  Whatever happens with Iraq oil, Cheney has personally profited, as have the owners of the Carlyle group, which includes the Bush family, and so have other key corporations and their associated politicians.

Corporations are NOT persons.  They do not have souls, they do not have progeny, they do not love, they have no morality and no sense of the greater social good.  They are mandated, by law, to achieve only one goal, which is to maximize profits for their shareholders.  In other words, they worship money.  Their control of the US government, the world's only superpower, means that worship of money is running the planet.  No wonder essential human needs, such as controlling global warming, getting rid of nuclear weapons, allocating resources fairly, switching to sustainable energy, and all the other urgent needs of humans are being ignored!

In order to curb the power of corporations, and place human values first on the world's agenda, worship of money must be replaced by worship of spiritual values, in a word, God.  The God of the Bible, Qu'ran, gitas, and other sacred writings stands for love and compassion, peace, justice and equity.  There is one God for all humanity, approached in different ways through different traditions (see The Way of Holiness by Robert Mendelson

Psalm 96: 10 Say among the nations: The LORD is king,
He governs the peoples with equity.
Worship of God in the US has been perverted by the "Christian" right, to mean worship of the false prophets and the politicians who support the corporate beast.  As a result, many good people who do their best to live out godly values are refusing to worship God.  If they would open their hearts and minds to the necessity of acknowledging God, He/She would empower us to reclaim our personhood, overthrow the reign of corporations, and restore justice and equity to the planet.
In the name of the Prince of Peace.
Carol Wolman

Fw: Neocons vs the CIA- Wayne Madsen

----- Original Message -----
From: A
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 11:38 PM

> October 15, 2001 -- The  latest neocon spin is not only to attack
> Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald in the  CIA Leakgate scandal
> but also to dredge up old canards that Valerie Plame and her Brewster 
> Jennings & Associates counter-proliferation non-official cover (NOCs)
> team were  somehow merely "desk clerks." According to well informed
> intelligence officials,  nothing could be further from the truth. The
> fact remains that CIA clandestine operatives  have been and continue to
> be disparaged and put in danger by the Pentagon's neocon cell  that
> operates as a parallel and unsupervised operation inside the Policy and
> Plans  directorate.
> The Pentagon cell, now  led by Dick Cheney loyalist Eric Edelman, the
> replacement for Douglas Feith, owes its  first allegiance to the Project
> for a New American Century (PNAC) and other neo-con policy  contrivances
> and apparatuses. Its mandate from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is
> to  clip the wings of the CIA and other long standing intelligence
> agencies.
> The CIA's Damage  Assessment Report on Leakgate has been termed
> "devastating" by a number of  sources familiar with the harm the White
> House leak caused for the CIA's complicated and  sensitive network of
> NOCs, case officers, informants in "denied countries"  (hostile
> intelligence locations), private businessmen, diplomats, United Nations
> and IAEA  technical personnel, and double agents.
> According to U.S.  intelligence sources, it is also clear that the
> Pentagon's Strategic Support Branch of  active duty and contract former
> Special Forces personnel and foreign special operations  personnel
> purposely put in danger CIA assets who were in a position to throw cold
> water on  a range of neo-con pre-conceived policy pillars, including
> Iranian and Iraqi weapons of  mass destruction production and possession.
> In February 2005, while  the neo-cons were rattling the sabers with
> Iran, a CIA team made contact with Iranians  across the northern Afghan
> border inside Iran. This border area is extremely remote and  porous.
> Afghan Uzbeks loyal to ex-Communist warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostum,
> whose  base of operations is Mazar-e-Sharif, are involved in a number of
> cross-border operations,  including arms and heroin smuggling. It was
> through this network of Uzbeks and Iranians that the CIA was able to
> obtain documents on Iran's nuclear program, information that  proved
> that Iran's nuclear capability had still not achieved weapons-grade
> status. That,  of course, is not what the neocons in the Pentagon's
> Office of Special Plans and a sister  unit in the Israeli Prime
> Minister's Office in Jerusalem wanted to hear.
> On February 3, 2005,  after having secured sensitive documents on Iran's
> nuclear program, two CIA agents boarded  a Kam Air Boeing 737-200 flight
> from Herat, near the Iranian border, to Kabul. The agents  were anxious
> to get the documents to Langley. They and the documents never made it.
> The Boeing crashed at an  altitude of 11,000 feet on the summit of
> Chaperi Mountain, 20 miles east of Kabul. The  plane's 104 passengers
> and crew, including the two CIA agents, were killed. Although the
> Pentagon's web  site claims the U.S.-led International Security
> Assistance Force made several attempts  to look for survivors by
> helicopter but that these efforts were unsuccessful. In reality,  a
> Pentagon Strategic Support Branch team did land at the crash site and
> found the bodies  of the two CIA agents and grabbed the Iranian
> documents and quickly departed before Afghan  ground troops appeared on
> the scene.
> February 2005 Kam Air  crash scene in Afghanistan. Vital intelligence
> crucial to CIA's analysis of Iran nuclear  program lost along with two
> valuable agents. Indications that the CIA agents were another  casualty
> of treasonous White House leaks about the CIA
> Curiously, even though  the documents recovered by the Pentagon team
> from the bodies of the CIA agents were  intact, the cockpit voice
> recorder was never recovered. In addition, the flight recorder's 
> previous 25 hours of data prior to the crash was erased. Afghan
> Transport Minister  Enayatullah Qasemi said the cause of the crash was a
> mystery. Add to the mystery the fact  that General Dostum, the reported
> owner of Kam Air, was appointed Chief of Staff of the  Afghan Armed
> Forces in March. It was an appointment that surprised many U.S. 
> intelligence and foreign policy observers. Another layer of intrigue was
> a reported  assassination attempt against Dostum in Shebergan a few days
> before the Kam Air crash. Although the Taliban claimed responsibility,
> it was reported that Dostum, unlike other  Afghan leaders, maintained a
> degree of contact with ousted Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed  Omar.
> Kam Air, which began  operations in November 2003 and which used Boeings
> and Russian-built Antonovs, as well as  Russian crews, was also believed
> to have links to the international Russia-based weapons  smuggler Viktor
> Bout. Kam Air's aircraft came from Bout's international fleet of
> planes.  In addition to its domestic routes, Kam Air flew from Kabul to
> Dubai and Istanbul. A U.S.  embassy spokeswoman in Kabul confirmed that
> there were six Americans on the plane but she  declined to provide details.
> The loss of the Iranian  documents was another body blow for the CIA. It
> had already suffered the loss (by  execution) of one high level agent as
> a result of the CIA leak and a number of its  informants were rolled up
> by counter-espionage services.
> Given the connections  between Dostum, Bout, Afghan heroin and weapons
> smugglers and their networks in Turkey and  the Balkans, the
> Russian-Ukrainian-Israeli Mafia (RUIM) based in Switzerland, Russia,
> and  Israel, and Scooter Libby, it would appear that Valerie Plame and
> her network were  targeted by key White House and Pentagon players as
> part of a much larger attempt to  disable the CIA in its pursuit of not
> only WMD proliferation but also a network of money  laundering and
> weapons of limited destruction and drug smuggling with tentacles
> reaching deep inside the Bush administration.
>  From "Hayden's Heroes," WMR  Special Report:
> During the last year of the Clinton administration,  Viktor Bout was a
> number one SIGINT target for NSA. However, after Condoleezza Rice took 
> over as National Security Adviser under Bush, she issued a change in
> orders on Bout.  "Look and listen but don't touch" was the new policy.
> Ever since, Bout has  flouted INTERPOL and Belgian and French arrest
> warrants. Although the U.S. Treasury  Department imposed sanctions on
> Bout's companies on April 26, 2005 and froze his corporate  assets, one
> of Bout's airlines, Irbis, continued to operate from a U.S.-controlled
> airbase  in northern Iraq. Other Bout companies, which use a fleet of
> aging Soviet-era military  cargo planes, are contracted to a network of
> seedy multinational private military  contractors operating in Iraq.
> Bout's global enterprises closely intersect with the  diamond, white
> slave trade, arms, and other illicit activities of Israel's Russian
> Mafia,  made up of some 80 Russian and Ukrainian Jewish billionaires and
> millionaires who have  escaped to Israel to avoid prosecution in and
> extradition to Russia and other countries.  Considering the close
> association between leading neo-conservatives like Vice President 
> Cheney's Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to fugitive Marc Rich,
> who is  linked to the crime syndicates in Israel, a reason for Rice's
> dictate "Look and  listen but don't touch," with regard to Bout, becomes
> abundantly clear.
> October 14, 2005 -- Opus  Dei connected to former U.S. Marine spy in
> Dick Cheney's office. Classified documents were  being used to foment an
> Opus Dei-backed coup against Philippine President Gloria 
> Macapagal-Arroyo. Read  full article.
> October 14, 2005 --  Neo-con/Likud parallel intelligence and covert
> operations strike inside Syria. A covert  team of U.S., Israeli,
> right-wing Phalangist Lebanese, and paid Syrian provocateurs have 
> attempted to cover up their role in carrying out car bombings of
> Lebanese politicians by  assassinating Syrian Interior Minister Ghazi
> Kanaan on October 12. Informed Middle East  sources report that Kanaan's
> knowledge of the covert group's assassinations of Lebanese  Christian
> leader Elie Hobeika in 2002 and former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and
> former  Lebanese Communist Party leader George Hawi earlier this year.
> Hobeika was assassinated  by a powerful car bomb after he revealed he
> possessed videotapes and documents proving the  involvement in Israeli
> Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his military units in the massacre  of
> Palestinians at Sabra and Shatilla in Beirut in 1982. Hobeika had
> planned to testify  against Sharon at a war crimes tribunal in Brussels.
> Hariri was killed in a similar car  bomb last February after he met with
> leaders of Hezbollah and expressed his opposition to  the construction
> of a U.S. air base in northern Lebanon. Last June, car bombs killed   
> Hawi and Samir Qasir, a popular journalist.
> Murdered Syrian  Interior Minister Ghazi Kanaan Knew Too Much About
> Neocon Destabilization Activities in  Lebanon
> The UN chief  investigator in the assassination of Hariri, Detlev Mehlis
> of Germany, interviewed Kanaan  before his death. The "suicide" of
> Kanaan was spun by the main stream media to  make it appear that he took
> his own life because of "guilt" for his involvement  in the Lebanese
> political assassinations stemming from his long-time role as Syria's 
> viceroy in Lebanon. However, Kanaan was close to Hariri, as well as with
> a group of career  government Arabists in the U.S. government who have
> been opposed to the neo-con agenda of  expanding the Iraq war to Syria
> and Iran. Kanaan was in a position to know the details of  the
> Pentagon/Likud plot to undermine the Syrian regime by carrying out
> bombings of popular  Lebanese politicians and then laying blame on
> Damascus.
> Kanaan was also likely  aware of the identities of rogue Syrian
> intelligence agents who helped the covert U.S.,  Israeli, and Lebanese
> teams in carrying out the car bombings in Lebanon. One person 
> identified as being responsible for ordering the hit on Hobeika was
> Assef Shawkat, the  number two man in Syrian intelligence.
>  From July 12, 2005  "Diplomatic Cables"/WMR:
> Jul. 12, 2005 --Notwithstanding  personal attacks by a neo-con cell in
> the U.S. State Department, I have long contended  that neo-con-directed
> operatives (including Syrian freelance agents operating outside the 
> control of Damascus and the Assad government) were behind the
> assassinations of Lebanese  Christian leader Elie Hobeika in 2002 and
> ex-Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and  former Lebanese Communist
> Party leader George Hawi in 2005. All were targets of  opportunity for
> the neo-cons who hope to destabilize Lebanon as a raison de guerre
> against  Syria and Iran-backed Hezbollah. The neo-cons quickly blamed
> Syria and Hezbollah for all  three assassinations. The July 12 attempted
> bombing assassination attempt against Lebanese  Defense Minister Elias
> Murr, a pro-Syrian politician, has been used by the State  Department to
> again blast Syrian "meddling" in Lebanese politics. Murr was  injured in
> the blast. There was no reason for Syria or Hezbollah to kill a
> pro-Syrian  politician let alone Hobeika, Hariri, and Hawi. The ones who
> benefit from a fractured  Lebanon is the Likud government in Israel and
> their political allies in Washington.
> Recently, amid the tanking of popular  support for the occupation of
> Iraq, the neocons in Washington, the US Mission to the UN in  New York,
> and Jerusalem have ratcheted up their war of words against Syria. Mehlis
> is  being pressured by John Bolton's neocon mini-cabal in Manhattan to
> lay total blame for the  Hariri assassination on Bashar Assad's
> government. Bolton is being aided  in the  anti-Syrian propaganda
> campaign by U.S. ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad, National  Security
> Adviser Stephen Hadley, and Douglas Feith's successor as Undersecretary
> of  Defense for Policy and Plans Eric Edelman. The neo-con cell
> operating inside the Pentagon  also includes an influential
> Lebanese-American right-wing component.
> October 14, 2005 -- In  what has become typical for the main stream
> media in Washington, the Washington Post  yesterday reported on the
> murder of a high visibility lawyer without delving into his past 
> association with high-level GOP officials. If the Post's story was taken
> at face value,  the bludgeoning to death of lawyer Eric N. Miller at a
> cheap Fairfax County motel near  Alexandria, Virginia was just a case of
> a Harvard Law School graduate from a prominent  civil rights family in
> Alexandria falling on hard times and winding up hanging around with  a
> couple of crackheads in various low rent motels.
> On the evening of  September 7, DC police discovered the body of Miller
> in the trunk of a burning Ford Taurus  in a crime-ridden neighborhood in
> southeast Washington.  Miller had been beaten to  death with a pipe at
> the Alexandria Motel on Route 1 in Fairfax County, just across the  town
> line from Alexandria.
> A female companion of  Miller's, Kristin Kozak, told DC and Fairfax
> County police that she witnessed Miller  arguing with Dana Moro, 46, in
> a room at the Arlington Motel. Kozak said Moro struck the  45-year-old
> Miller with a metal pipe, killing him. The two then used Miller's ATM
> card to  make withdrawals at bank machines around the Washington area to
> buy gasoline, cleaning  agents, and a sleeping bag used to burn Miller's
> body. Kozak has not yet been charged in  the case but Moro is being held
> on murder charges.
> The Washington Post  would have us believe that is the end of the story.
> it is not. Miller was a top lawyer for  the Securities and Exchange
> Commission (SEC) from 1999 to May of this year. Miller's time  at the
> SEC spanned high-level corporate fraud cases, including Enron, Tyco,
> Worldcom,  Halliburton, and Senator Bill Frist's Hospital Corporation of
> America.
> Yet another mysterious  death of someone connected to the Bush
> administration
> But Miller, an African  American, also crossed paths with some dangerous
> right-wing groups. In 1998, before going  to work for the SEC, Miller
> represented Jefferson Davis Camp No. 305 of the Sons of  Confederate
> Veterans in a law suit brought against the Confederate Memorial
> Association  (CMA). According to people familiar with the case, the
> dispute arose from the attempt by  extreme right-wing elements,
> including the Ku Klux Klan, National Alliance, Aryan Nation, Mississippi
> Senator Trent Lott, former-North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms, and the
> Bush  family, to take over the Confederate Memorial Hall and Library in
> downtown Washington from  the CMA. These right-wing elements intended to
> use the hall for various GOP right-wing  fund raising events and money
> laundering activities, including support for GOP political  candidates,
> under the umbrella of various 501c3 tax-exempt organizations.
> One of the past  commanders of Camp No. 305 is Richard T. Hines, a top
> GOP lobbyist with close ties to the  George W. Bush White House,
> particularly, Karl Rove.
> Ironically, the  Alexandria Motel murder scene was around the corner
> from the scene of another case widely  under reported by the Washington
> media. On September 29, 2003, Bertha Champagne (note: the  linked
> article refers to Champagne's son, it was later discovered that the
> person on the  phone was her son-in-law), a domestic employee of Marvin
> Bush, the president's  brother, was crushed to death in the driveway in
> front of the Bush compound at the corner  of Fort Hunt Rd. and Edgehill
> Drive. Marvin Bush claimed that Champagne's car went into  gear as she
> attempted to retrieve a package from the vehicle, pinning her up against
> an  outbuilding on the property. In fact, the vehicle was a late model
> and standard  transmission SUV.
> In June 2000, Porter  Goss's Executive Director of the House Permanent
> Select Committee on Intelligence, John  Millis, was found shot to death
> from a reported suicide at a seedy motel on Route 50 in  Fairfax City,
> Virginia. In all three cases, Miller, Champagne, and Millis, Virginia's
>  colonial era anachronisms of overlapping jurisdictions of counties like
> Fairfax and  independent cities like Alexandria and Fairfax City lent
> themselves to incomplete law  enforcement investigations of the
> suspicious deaths.
> October 14, 2005 -- To  all those who have been kind with their support
> for this site, thanks again so much! Now,  let me report to you what I
> discovered prowling Washington last night on the CIA Leakgate  story,
> the "October Surprise" scandal that threatens the survival of the G.W. 
> Bush/Cheney administration.
> Political insiders  tracking this scandal are reporting that the GOP and
> neo-con political machines, which  have also targeted Travis County,
> Texas, District Attorney Ronnie Earle in retaliation for  his
> indictments of Tom DeLay and other Texas GOP operatives, are also
> setting their sights  on CIA Leakgate special prosecutor Patrick J.
> Fitzgerald.
> For an example of this  new strategy of attacking Fitzgerald, see this
> Washington Post OP-ED piece by Richard Cohen.
> The word inside the  Beltway is that if Fitzgerald delivers indictments
> against senior White House officials,  he will face unspecified
> "consequences."
> "It's a sign of  desperation on the part of the White House and Karl
> Rove's machine," said one  individual familiar with the case. Another
> informed observer pointed out that Fitzgerald  "is the last guy the
> White House would want to threaten with retaliation."
> This morning, Rove  testified for the fourth time before the grand jury
> investigating the CIA leak and the  associated conspiracy to obstruct
> justice by the White House Iraq Group (WHIG). There are  reports that
> former Secretary of State Colin Powell provided the grand jury with a
> mother  lode of evidence on the role of the WHIG in its conspiracy
> against Valerie Plame Wilson,  Ambassador Joseph Wilson, and the lies
> and forgeries used to lay the groundwork for the  war against Iraq.
> Legal experts believe  that with political pressure being brought to
> bear on his investigation, it is in  Fitzgerald's interest to issue any
> indictments as soon as possible and not request an  extension for the
> grand jury, which is due to adjourn on October 28.
> October 13, 2005 --  Special note to the Bush intelligence and law
> enforcement agency lackeys who read this web  site: Did you not think
> that with a number of friends and colleagues in the intelligence 
> community, I would not discover that you've managed to place a wiretap
> on my phone lines  and e-mail accounts? But, hey thanks. Its nice to
> know that one small Washington-based  editor and reporter merits a
> National Security Letter or a court order for a wiretap. It  would be
> interesting to know what you used as justification for the wiretap:
> Suspicion of espionage? Aiding or abetting terrorists? Or just making
> life a bit more difficult for your pathetic president and his neo-con
> and crooked cronies? I'm sure Osama bin Laden and  his supporters
> appreciate the fact that you're wasting valuable surveillance resources
> on  a journalist.
>  October 13, 2005 -- GOP  scandals engulf Senate Majority Leader.
> Tennessee Senator Bill Frist's personal records  have been subpoenaed by
> the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as part of its probe  of
> the Senate Majority Leader for possible insider trading in shares of
> Hospital  Corporation of America (HCA) stock. HCA is a Frist family
> enterprise, having been founded  by the senator's father and brother.
> House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has been indicted on  three criminal
> counts in Texas and faces a Federal probe of his activities in relation
>  with indicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff.  DeLay has responded by
> having his lawyer  threaten to subpoena Travis County District Attorney
> Ronnie Earle and jury members in a clear case of prosecutor and jury
> intimidation.
> October 12, 2005 -- A  familiar scene at the US District Court House in
> Washington, DC. We've seen it before in  this town -- the media camped
> out in the courtyard in front of the E. Barrett Prettyman  Federal Court
> House, between the U.S. Capitol and the White House off Pennsylvania
> Avenue.  The media has been there before, during the Watergate and
> Iran-Contra scandals, and the  more recent non-scandal of Monica
> Lewinsky/Whitewater. In the past, the media anxiously  awaited for the
> arrivals and depatures of people with names like Haldeman, Ehrlichman, 
> Liddy, North, Poindexter, Secord, McFarlane, Tripp, Curry, and Hubbell.
> Now, the media looks for  people with names like Miller and Rove to
> enter and exit the famous court house. Although  the court house is now
> ringed with construction barriers, the preponderance of satellite 
> dishes, microwave "trees," and entrepreneurial hot dog vendors all point
> to an  impending scandal of Watergate and Iran-Contra proportions.
>  The tell tale signs of  an impending Washington scandal. Media trucks
> near US Court House in DC during Miller  testimony this morning
> New York Times  reporter Judith Miller made her second appearance before
> the Grand Jury this morning. She  departed the court house at
> approximately 10:35 am EDT. Karl Rove is expected to make his  fourth
> Grand Jury appearance on Friday, October 14. The word is that the
> criminal probe is  focusing beyond the CIA leak of the identities of
> Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster  Jennings & Associates
> non-official cover colleagues and on to the wider role of senior  White
> House officials in a conspiracy to attack Ambassador Joseph Wilson and
> lie about the reasons the United States used to go to war in Iraq. The
> focus of the probe on the White  House Iraq Group (WHIG) not only would
> focus on Rove, Scooter Libby, and Ari Fleischer  (names that have
> already been mentioned  by informed sources as likely targets) but  also
> Vice President Cheney, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley,
> Secretary of State  Condoleezza Rice, International Public Diplomacy
> chief Karen Hughes, and Chief of Staff  Andrew Card. President Bush,
> himself, could also be a subject of the criminal probe for  conspiracy.
> The turning up of the heat on Bush's closest aides has also resulted in
> a  barrage of criticism for Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald from the
> typical right wing noise  machines, including propaganda outlets on the
> web and cable television.
> The Grand Jury in CIA  Leakgate is sitting behind these doors between
> the US Capitol and the White House.  Hopefully, this will put to rest
> uninformed rumors and disinformation that Special  Prosecutor Patrick J.
> Fitzgerald has involved Federal judges and jurors in Chicago in his 
> probe of the CIA leak. Those reports are simply not true.
> There are indications  that the CIA's Counter Proliferation efforts in
> Iraq prior to the war may have also been  compromised by the outing by
> the White House of Valerie Plame Wilson and Brewster Jennings  &
> Associates. Iraqi assets in a position to know about the destruction of
> Iraqi WMDs  by 1995 may have been executed by remnants of Iraq's
> security services and other  paramilitaries working for the U.S. in
> order to silence them as witnesses to Iraq's WMD  disarmament eight
> years prior to the U.S. invasion.
> The media waiting game  in CIA Leakgate. There is a sense of
> anticipation in the air.
> ==============
> ***NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material
> is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
> interest in receiving the included information for research and
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> ==============