Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Preparing for the tuture

It must be obvious by now that the US economic system is going to suffer a severe setback, if not a collapse, in the near future.  The deficit is huge and growing, China is grabbing Canada's oil, US agriculture has a trade deficit for the first time ever.  Foreign businesses and consumers are shunning US products for political reasons.
Meanwhile, the Bush administration has already pushed through Patriot II, as part of the new Homeland Security Act, and is gearing up for fascism.  The future looks pretty grim for Americans.
How will we cope?  We have been trained to be consumers, and pill takers, and entertainment junkies.  We chase the almighty dollar in order to satisfy these manufactured desires.  How will we manage in a world where material goods are no longer easily available, medical services are prohibitive, and there is no social safety net?
We must change our values.  We must no longer lust for the things of this world, but rather for spiritual values- truth, justice, mercy, love.  Then we will survive, and build a better world.
Do not love the world or the things of the world.
If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world,
sensual lust, enticement for the eyes, and a pretentious life,
is not from the Father but is from the world.
Yet the world and its enticement are passing away.
But whoever does the will of God remains forever.
1 John 2: 16-17
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman

Actions for January 6 Contesting the VOTE

Actions for January 6 Contesting the VOTE

US Citizens - Contact your Senators in support of contesting the 2004 Vote

Please call both your Senators now and pass this along AS WIDELY AS POSSIBLE.
If you don't know who your Senators are see: Fax#s can
be obtained either through and by calling their offices.
Demand that your Senators take a legal stand and challenge what is most likely
a second consecutive coup de etat. Call irrespective of weather your Senators
are Dems and/or Repubs & remember to please PASS THIS ALONG AS WIDELY as
possible, asking others to do so likewise.

 Your calls to both your Senators
[ Phone: 877-762-8762 or 202-224-3121

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Vigil at Senator John Kerry's home in Boston

There will be a daily vigil from 12:30-1:30 p.m. at Senator John Kerry's house
at Louisburg Square on Beacon Hill in Boston, starting Tuesday, December 28 -
Wednesday, January 5. On New Year's Eve only the vigil will be from 4:00-5:00
 * We are asking Senator Kerry to OBJECT to the certification of the electoral
college vote on January 6, 2005 and to encourage other Senators to object to

 * We are asking Senator Kerry to support any other Senators and
Representatives who are planning to object to certification.

The mis-allocation of voting machines (especially in Ohio), the abuse of
provisional balloting in numerous states, and the refusal and/or inability to
conduct the recount in an open and auditable manner in Ohio, in Florida, and
in so many other key states, should be cause enough to object pending review
to the seating of certified electors.


 * Senator Kerry, Object to Certification

 * Senator Kerry, Do Not Certify The Electoral Vote

For more info on the issues, visit
Coalition Against Election Fraud -
or Contact: Sheila Parks,
617-524-2223; cell: 617-512-5529