Call for repentance by Carol Wolman
So the Twelve went off and preached repentance.
Mark 6: 12
The American people enjoy a comfortable life style at the expense of the rest of the world. We use far more than our share of energy, and produce far more than our share of pollution. We tolerate politicians and policies of conquest because we know that the invasion of Iraq protects our addiction to gasoline and our SUVs.
Let's face it, Americans worship their vehicles. The mobility, the prestige, the convenience, the privacy afforded by motor vehicles are luxuries for which Americans have sacrificed everything- a budget surplus, a decent reputation among nations, and our own moral standards.
Let us repent of our worship of this golden calf, and turn back to the true God of love, truth, humility and a decent sense of self-preservation. Again, I urge everyone to print out or order "parking tickets" for SUV's and distribute them through your peace group. Go to They sell these tickets, or you can print them from the website. Put them on every SUV you see.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman