Truth and Righteousness by Carol Wolman
Truth and Righteousness by Carol Wolman
"Blessed are the peacemakers." Matthew 5:9 By applying daily Bible readings to current events, I aim to reclaim the word of God from the warmongers. Bush is the war president, and Jesus is the Prince of Peace. May He return soon! Carol Wolman
Truth and Righteousness by Carol Wolman
News from the offices of Congressman John Conyers, Jr.:
Representative John Conyers, Jr., (D-MI) House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member, issued the following statement in response to the joint Bush- Blair press conference and President Bush's and evasive answers to inquiries about the Downing Street Minutes:
"We have moved from silence to stonewalling on the issue of the Downing Street Minutes. The President's contention that he had not made up his mind to go to war on or before the summer of 2002 is now contradicted by the Downing Street Minutes, former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, former National Security Adviser Richard Clarke, former Ambassador Joe Wilson and a number of former Blair Administration official.
When asked about the minutes, Bush delivered a canned response that the memo was written before the US and Britain went to the United Nations, but the memo itself appears to indicate that effort was just for show.
The President didn't even respond to the central question of the memo, and the question asked, whether this Administration cooked the books to make the case for war, an allegation that has been substantiated by former officials and investigative reporting . High Ranking officials in both the Bush and Blair Administrations have said that military action was predetermined. Are all of these government officials and reports deceiving us or is the President?"
Congressman Conyers represents Michigan's 14th District, is a Ranking Member of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee and Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus.
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What are the top reasons for impeaching Bush?
September 11
Foreign relations
Bush, Blair, and Bumiller
By David Swanson,
The corporate media today began its coverage of the Downing Street Minutes, moved to do so by a visit to
And, while most newspapers simply reported what Bush and Blair said, the USA Today, Houston Chronicle, Boston Globe, Columbus Dispatch, and Salon called for comments. The articles are posted and linked to on our site.
And the Washington Post provided a lengthy and quite interesting chat on its website with staff writer Jefferson Morley, also available via
But the Post's Dana Milbank declared the story over, having apparently mistaken a starting pistol for a fatal shot.
Here's what he wrote:
Here's how to politely tell him he's mistaken:
The New York Times' Elisabeth Bumiller published the following piece of stenography:
This puts into new light Bumiller's famous comment that "You cant just say the president is lying. You dont just say that...."
From a panel broadcast on C-Span:
Bumiller: Thats why its very hard to write those, because you cant say George Bush is wrong here. Theres no way you can say that in the New York Times. So we contort ourselves up and say, Actually I actually once wrote this sentence: Mr. Bushs statement did not exactly . . . It was some completely upside down statement that was basically saying he wasnt telling the truth. And I got an email from somebody saying, Whats wrong with you guys? Why cant you just say it plainly? But theres just
Loren Ghiglione (Medill School of Journalism, Moderator): Why cant you say it plainly?
Bumiller: You cant just say the president is lying. You dont just say that in the . . . you just say
Ghiglione: Well, why cant you?
[laughter from the audience]
Bumiller: You can in an editorial, but Im sorry, you cant in a news column. Mr. Bush is lying? You can say Mr. Bush is, you can say. . . .
[Murmuring and laughter continue from audience.]
Bumiller [to audience]: And stop the fussing! You can say Mr. Bushs statement was not factually accurate. You cant say the president is lyingthats a judgment call.
How to politely ask Bumiller to report the truth even if it requires analyzing facts and making judgments: