Thursday, December 23, 2004

Fw: GHOULS! U.S. Army accused of Harvesting Organs of Iraqis


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 10:01 PM
Subject: Fw: Saudi Government Daily Accuses U.S. Army of Harvesting Organs of Iraqis

Special Dispatch Series - No. 834
December 24, 2004 No.834
Saudi Government Daily Accuses U.S. Army of Harvesting Organs of Iraqis

In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, a n article from Brussels written by Fakhriya Ahmad charges that, based on alleged secret European military reports, the U.S. military in Iraq is harvesting and selling human organs. The following day, the story was also published in the Iranian daily Jomhouri-ye Islami, [1] as well as the Syrian daily Teshreen. [2] The following are excerpts from the article: [3]

"Secret European military intelligence reports indicate the transformation of the American humanitarian mission in Iraq into a profitable trade in the American markets through the practice of American physicians extracting human organs from the dead and wounded, before they are put to death, for sale to medical centers in America. A secret team of American physicians follow the troops during their attacks on Iraqi armed men to ensure quick [medical] operations for extracting some organs and transferring them to private operations rooms before they are transferred to America for sale.

"The reports confirm the finding of tens of mutilated cadavers or cadavers missing parts. Some were found without a head. The American military command could not offer reasons to explain the bewilderment about the missing parts, suggesting that this may have been caused by the penetration of bullets to the [missing] parts. But these excuses cannot be medically accepted. The reports also confirmed that the burning of bodies was deliberate in order to conceal the crime of organ extraction. [The reports] further indicate that American medical teams have [made] active and suspicious moves in Iraq to recruit some Iraqis to guide them to dead and critically injured individuals to engage in the extraction of organs. These teams offer $40 for every usable kidney and $25 for an eye. The reports confirm the finding of mutilated bodies in Fallujah. The reports indicate that the cadavers are immunized inside special cars to prevent the spread of the plague until the bodies are buried by their relatives.

"The reports have indicated that a number of those killed in 'Abu Ghraib' and other prisons were subjected to operations for extracting their organs. Following their mutilations, the bodies were discarded far from the prisons to conceal the facts. The reports revealed that that the American forces restricted the media by force to prevent them from getting near the scenes and recording the events. But the relatives of the Iraqis are aware of these facts. The reports have [also] indicated that the military forces of the European allies have noticed the absence of organs from the cadavers that were dealt with by the Americans and have reported to their high command, which instructed them to maintain silence and to avoid the discussion of the subject due to its gravity, while the military and intelligence high command have written secret reports about was observed by their forces and sent them to the European ministries of defense for their information."

[1] Jomhouri-ye Islami (Iran), December 19, 2004. The article in Jomhouri-ye Islami also included pictures of Iraqis whose organs had allegedly been taken, including a picture of Abu Ghraib.

[2] Teshreen (Syria), December 19, 2004.

[3] Al-Watan (Saudi Arabia) December 18, 2004.

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Fw: [peacemakersBiblestudy] Fw: [openmindandcodenews] It's Time To Put the Christ Back in Christmas.and in Christianity, Too by Teresa Whitehurst

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 11:18 PM
Subject: [peacemakersBiblestudy] Fw: [openmindandcodenews] It's Time To Put the Christ Back in Christmas.and in Christianity, Too by Teresa Whitehurst

----- Original Message -----
From: HAH
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 3:38 PM
Subject: [openmindandcodenews] It’s Time To Put the Christ Back in Christmas…and in Christianity, Too by Teresa Whitehurst

Rev. Jerry Falwell is worried that Christmas isn't in the public square, when the real problem is that it isn't in our hearts: American Christians increasingly see the babe in the manger as sweet but irrelevant when it comes to the way we treat others at home and abroad.

Many Christians today see Jesus as their ticket to heaven, and little more. When it comes to political philosophy, they much prefer the wrathful, violent images of God that are found in selected verses from other parts of the Bible.

But in all fairness, some who go along with mean-spirited campaigns are privately uneasy with the changes they're seeing in their faith, from their own pulpits and from the White House itself, but fear the backlash if they speak out.

And they're right to worry. Many Christians from conservative churches have written to me, to describe that backlash they've had to endure from churchgoers and family members whenever they've dared to stand up for Jesus' teachings...particularly those that are inconvenient to certain political agendas.

Different Quotes for Different Folks: Biblical Ammo

For leaders of the radical religious right and its representatives in the Bush administration, the Bible isn't so much a spiritual guide as an ammunition storehouse. Verses are handpicked from here and there (carefully ignoring those scriptures that might get in the way of their own "godly" image and political ambitions) to justify whatever they want to do.

And since there are commands in various parts of the Bible to do terrible things that Jesus never condoned – like stoning your rebellious children to death, or stoning gay people, or killing everyone in an enemy's village except the young virginal girls...well clearly, there's something for everyone, no matter how cruel, no matter how vile.

Favorite books of the Bible for the majority of Christians who've gotten swept up by the seductive words of racist, pro-war, gay-persecuting, woman-silencing and child-beating proponents include: Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Proverbs, Romans, Thessalonians, and Revelations.

Non-favorites of the majority that are quoted less often and very selectively, because they're filled with teachings of nonviolence, respect for those who are different, love of neighbor and enemy alike, true humility and liberal compassion, are: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

So how did Jesus get demoted, and why? A reading of the gospels will make that quickly apparent. The Sermon on the Mount alone presents tremendous difficulties for those who would use the Bible to enforce their personal prejudices, take from the poor to give to the rich, or justify pre-emptive wars.

Jesus was a troublemaker in his day and in ours because he stood up for those who were reviled and persecuted by religious authorities under the banner of faith. He taught people to see God as a compassionate, accepting parent to love, not as an angry, violent, punitive authority figure to fear.

How Jesus Got Demoted by the Religious Right

Leaders of the decidedly nonconservative "conservative" right avoid focusing on what Jesus actually said; his teachings would prohibit their campaign to forcibly remake others – Christian and nonChristian alike – into their own image.

But they can't just come out and say "don't pay any attention to Jesus' teachings" because this would alarm the majority of Christians. So rightwing religious leaders are doing what tyrants aiming to divide and conquer Christians have always done:

(1) They distract us away from Jesus' teachings and commands by focusing exclusively on his birth, death, and ticket-to-salvation role,

(2) They claim to be biblical literalists, "Bible-believing Christians" to pre-empt criticism, yet blatantly pick and choose only those verses that serve their purposes, and

(3) They refer constantly to "God" rather than "Jesus," a potent subliminal strategy that convinces Christians to focus on a violent disciplinarian God rather than a gently shepherding Jesus. By instilling the terror of God's punishment instead of the love of Jesus' guidance, rightwing Christian leaders have convinced American Christians that the wrathful, violent God portrayed in pre-Christian times is the one they’d better obey, while they need only to believe in Jesus (easy), not obey him (difficult).

In these ways, Jesus has been demoted in the current strain of "conservative" Christianity. Such Christians deny this of course, exclaiming that they do obey Jesus' teachings – in their hearts. They'll say that Jesus never expected us to actually implement those teachings, that they were more or less spiritual insights: We can persecute and kill, so long as we do it with a pure heart.

Leaders of the radical right give all manner of creative reasons for disobeying Jesus' teachings. This is especially apparent when they pick and choose scriptures that condone sexism, oppression, war, slavery, domestic violence and the domination of others.

Most damaging of all to our faith – and to Christians everywhere, in the long run – rightwing leaders are inserting the word "Jesus" into their ugliest campaigns in the US and around the world.

"Let's get Jesus back" Bill Moyers

Contrary to George W. Bush's view of Jesus, in a comment that brings to mind the phrase, "damning with faint praise," Jesus was not a "political philosopher." Jesus is, for believing Christians, the Messiah, in case we've forgotten. For Christians, Jesus isn't just another philosopher to read and discuss and put back on the shelf.

Christianity in America has been infected with an insidious virus that's eating away at the very cornerstone of our faith. If you listen carefully to the words of radical rightwing Christian leaders, you'll detect a subconscious disrespect for Jesus and something akin to atheism regarding his divinity: Were Jesus truly believed to be divine, his teachings would be granted the same respect and obedience as those of the wrathful God taught in other parts of the Bible.

If "conservative" Christian leaders really believed that Christians must give top priority to Jesus' teachings, they wouldn't dare urge us to endorse contradictory attitudes and behaviors. But they do, and it's time we called them on it. There comes a time, particularly when pre-emptive wars are waged in Jesus' name, when silence is betrayal.

Christians who take seriously the Sermon on the Mount may not be in The Moral Majority, but that doesn't mean we're wrong: It means we're The Christian Minority, following Jesus at a time when many Christians are following men.

This Christmas, let us celebrate the passions of the Christ – the teachings he gave to a troubled world – and honor him by bringing him back into Christmas, and into Christianity, too. Jesus called for a revolution of the heart and the soul. Let it begin with us.

"For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life,
and those who find it are few." Jesus

December 21, 2004

Dr. Teresa Whitehurst [send her mail] is a clinical psychologist and the author of Jesus on Parenting: 10 Essential Principles That Will Transform Your Family (2004). She offers parenting workshops and writes the column, "Democracy, Faith and Values." Visit her website.

Copyright © 2004

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Kerry to Enter Ohio Recount Fray By William Rivers Pitt


  Kerry to Enter Ohio Recount Fray
  By William Rivers Pitt
  t r u t h o u t | Report

  Thursday 23 December 2004

  2004 Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry will file today, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, papers in support of the Green Party/Libertarian Party recount effort. Specifically, Kerry will be filing a request for expedited discovery regarding Triad Systems voting machines, as well as a motion for a preservation order to protect any and all discovery and preserve any evidence on this matter.

  Triad Systems has come under scrutiny recently after Sherole Eaton, deputy director of elections for Hocking County, swore out an affidavit in which she described her witnessing the tampering of electronic voting equipment by a Triad representative. Rep. John Conyers, the ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee, has requested an investigation into this matter by the FBI and the Hocking County prosecutor.

  Truthout will have more on this specific Triad allegation later in the day.

  Previously, the Green Party and Libertarian Party have not fared well in their efforts to get emergency orders regarding this matter in Ohio. In order to pass muster with a judge, the individual or group requesting an emergency order for such a recount must show both irreperable harm as well as a substantial chance for success on the merits. While Green and Libertarian representatives have been able to show irreparable harm, they could not establish a substantial chance for success on the merits, because no recount would deliver Ohio to either party.

  Kerry's entry into this recount effort changes the math on this matter dramatically. He can likewise show irreperable harm, and unlike the Green and Libertarian candidates, he can also prove a substantial chance for success on the merits because he lost the Ohio vote by a statistical whisker.

  It should be noted that Kerry's filing of these requests does not indicate his complete entry into the recount process, but does clearly indicate that he is moving decisively in that direction. His previous stance on the matter was based simply on his desire to defend the right to have a recount in the first place. The evidence of election tampering in Ohio, specifically surrounding Triad, has motivated him to actively join the fight. The Democratic Party is also quietly putting financial resources into the Ohio recount effort.

  Perhaps the most significant aspect of all this, from the activist point of view, has been the effectiveness of the telephone calls and letters to Kerry. The activist push to get him involved had a very significant effect on his decision to enter this effort. Likewise, calls to other Senators in order to convince them to join House members in challenging the election have likewise had significant effect. If such an effort continues, the activists involved will very likely see the desired result unfold.

  William Rivers Pitt is a New York Times and internationally bestselling author of two books - 'War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know' and 'The Greatest Sedition Is Silence.'



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Fw: Please read - save democracy

----- Original Message -----
From: rainbow7
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 7:53 AM
Subject: Please read ...

There have been something like 51,000 (probably a lot more) reported accounts of voter intimidation, suppression, malfunctioning machines, suspicious, possible tampering with the voting machines, etc...  The 800 number, for voters to call if they had any problems, received over 100,000 calls 02 November 2004 ...

Iam sending this in hopes you will sign the petition to contest the presidential election NOT because i voted for Kerry BUT BECAUSE of the irregularities, malfeasance, testimony, affidavits, lawsuits.
Tell our senators we are serious about  expecting honest, open and fair elections ...  that we want an
investigation of the efficacy of the voting machines and new technologies used in 2004 election, how election officials responded to the difficulties they encountered, and what we can do in the future to improve our elections systems and administration
There are close to 18,000 signatures so far with only 215 hours to go ... please sign .... This is a VOTER issue not a partisan issue. This is about democracy and trust!

WOW! Look at the numbers in the right hand column.

The campaign has been so successful that:
  1. We are extending the drive until December 31, 2004, so that we can include people from around the country in our movement.
  2. We have been contacted by many citizens and grassroots groups who are working on the same problem as, and we intend to work with them.
  3. We will establish a protocol that you can use to personally deliver petitions to your U.S. Senators and also to your U.S. Representatives who are members of the House Committee on the Judiciary. (We are petitioning the House Committee on the Judiciary so they will conduct formal hearings on voter fraud that occurred during the November 2004 election.)
  4. If you are willing to participate in this petition drive in your state, please let us know right away.

According to the Electoral Count Act of 1887, one senator and one representative from Congress are needed to contest a presidential election prior to an inauguration. We have the representatives. We still need a senator. We want you to sign our petition to let your senators know that you want them to contest standing up with 14 members of the House of Representatives signed petitions will be delivered to each senator in person by a coalition of concerned individuals and representatives from a variety of organizations. organizations and individuals. the vote by when Congress reconvenes in January 2005. The

In the aftermath of the 2000 elections, we were greatly disappointed when
not one member of the Senate supported the request by members of the House of Representatives for an investigation into the voting irregularities in the November presidential election. We expected, however, that the flaws in the system would be investigated, and that by November 2004 we would be guaranteed a just and fair presidential election.

We now know that a just and fair election did not take place in 2004. We will not tolerate this, and we expect that our elected representatives will not tolerate this either.

The House and Senate have a right to jointly contest an election. When Congress reconvenes in January, at least 14 members of the House of Representatives will challenge the validity of the 2004 election. They will request an immediate "investigation of the efficacy of the voting machines and new technologies used in 2004 election, how election officials responded to the difficulties they encountered, and what we can do in the future to improve our elections systems and administration." Please demand that your senator join these 14 Representatives in their challenge. Demand that your senator contest the vote.