Sunday, September 04, 2005

Fw: Kucinich Statement

----- Original Message -----
From: "Herman Gyr" <>
To: "carol wolman" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 9:24 PM
Subject: Kucinich Statement

12:20 PMCONTACT: Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Doug Gordon (202) 225-5871 Floor Statement of Congressman Dennis J.
The Supplemental for Hurricane Katrina
WASHINGTON - September 2 - Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH)
gave the following speech today on the House floor during a special
session to provide relief money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina:
“This amount of money is only a fraction of what is needed and
everyone here knows it. Let it go forward quickly with heart-felt
thanks to those who are helping to save lives with necessary food,
water, shelter, medical care and security. Congress must also demand
accountability with the appropriations. Because until there are basic
changes in the direction of this government, this tragedy will
multiply to apocalyptic proportions.
“The Administration yesterday said that no one anticipated the breach
of the levees. Did the Administration not see or care about the 2001
FEMA warning about the risk of a devastating hurricane hitting the
people of New Orleans? Did it not know or care that civil and army
engineers were warning for years about the consequences of failure to
strengthen the flood control system? Was it aware or did it care that
the very same Administration which decries the plight of the people
today, cut from the budget tens of millions needed for Gulf-area
flood control projects?
“Countless lives have been lost throughout the South with a cost of
hundreds of billions in ruined homes, businesses, and the destruction
of an entire physical and social infrastructure.
“The President said an hour ago that the Gulf Coast looks like it has
been obliterated by a weapon. It has. Indifference is a weapon of
mass destruction.
“Our indifferent government is in a crisis of legitimacy. If it
continues to ignore its basic responsibility for the health and
welfare of the American people, will there ever be enough money to
clean up after their indifference?
“As our government continues to squander human and monetary resources
of this country on the war, people are beginning to ask, “Isn’t it
time we began to take care of our own people here at home? Isn’t it
time we rescued our own citizens? Isn’t it time we fed our own
people? Isn’t it time we sheltered our own people? Isn’t it time we
provided physical and economic security for our own people?” And
isn’t it time we stopped the oil companies from profiting from this
“We have plenty of work to do here at home. It is time for America to
come home and take care of its own people who are drowning in the
streets, suffocating in attics, dying from exposure to the elements,
oppressed by poverty and illness, wracked with despair and hunger and
“The time is NOW to bring back to the United States the 78,000
National Guard troops currently deployed overseas into the Gulf Coast
“The time is NOW to bring back to the US the equipment which will be
needed for search and rescue, for clean up and reclamation.
“The time is NOW for federal resources, including closed Army bases,
to be used for temporary shelter for those who have been displaced by
the hurricane.
“The time is NOW to plan massive public works, with jobs going to the
people of the Gulf Coast states, to build new levees, new roads,
bridges, libraries, schools, colleges and universities and to rebuild
all public institutions, including hospitals. Medicare ought to be
extended to everyone, so every person can get the physical and mental
health care they might need as a result of the disaster.
“The time is NOW for the federal government to take seriously the
research of scientists who have warned for years about the dangers of
changes in the global climate, and to prepare other regions of the
country for other possible weather disasters until we change our
disastrous energy policies.
“The time is NOW for changes in our energy policy, to end the
domination of oil and fossil fuel and to invest heavily in
alternative energy, including wind and solar, geothermal and biofuels.
“As bad as this catastrophe will prove to be, it is in fact only a
warning. Our government must change its direction, it must become
involved in making America a better place to live, a place where all
may survive and thrive. It must get off the path of war and seek the
path of peace, peace with the natural environment, peace with other
nations, peace with a just economic system.”=

Fw: Bush to New Orleans: Drop Dead!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 6:32 AM
Subject: Bush to New Orleans: Drop Dead!

Harvey Wasserman

Bush to New Orleans: Drop Dead!

Sat Sep 3, 2005 02:43;article=90425;title=APFN

September 2, 2005

George W. Bush is in New Orleans today to deliver a clear and unmistakable message: Drop Dead.
Little in our history can match his administration's astounding non-response to this excruciating human catastrophe.
Before Katrina, even Bush's harshest critics might have found non-credible his leaving tens of thousands of American citizens to suffer and die in utterly gratuitous squalor, disease, hunger and thirst.
Taxpaying American citizens are dying in the heart of a great city because their government can't be bothered to get them clean water. Or a bed. Or to a hospital.
The weather has been clear since Katrina passed. Bush commands the world's most advanced armada of land, sea and airborne vehicles. The resources to save our brothers and sisters are readily available.
But we see our elders, black and white, sitting confused and in pain, dying of heat and thirst and utter neglect in clear, sunny weather while the President of the United States babbles aimlessly and the Secretary of State shops for shoes.
We see babies by the dozen dying of dehydration and hunger where there is no war and no storm, only incompetence and contempt.
Global warming caused this storm. And there are no secrets about the corruption and stupidity that weakened New Orleans's earthen defences and opened the floodgates.
The Bush junta slashed funds for levees, let the wetlands be drained, let the developers rape and pillage. It assaulted those who warned the city would be laid bare to the storms everyone knew would come.
But even from this unelected gang of thugs and thieves, the horrifying abandonment of New Orleans has taken things to a new level.
Amidst a dire crisis, American citizens put their trust in the government. They walked into the Superdome. And they were utterly, cynically abandoned. No food. No water. No emergency electricity. No organized evacuation. No cleaning of the bathrooms. No disinfectants for the hot, damp, stinking stadium. No provisions for fresh clothing. No medical care for the elderly. No formula for the babies. No sanitary facilities for pregnant women. No insulin for diabetics. No injections for the sick. No policing. No leadership. No airlift of doctors, nurses, EMTs, psychologists, medicines..nothing!
Only a big, empty vacuum, the ultimate symbol of an administration with absolutely nothing in its head or heart.
That the federal government has utterly failed in these lethal days is universally obvious.
Is it because so many of these people are black and poor? Is it because Bush has successfully stolen a second term and just doesn't care? Is it because this gouged and battered organization that was once our government has been so thoroughly exhausted by war and corruption that it cannot or will not manage so basic a task as bringing the necessities of life to its needlessly dying citizens?
Fox News and macho fools like Haley Barbour, the corrupt and inept Republican governor of Mississippi, will rant endlessly about a few looters and the shot that may or may not have been fired at rescue helicopters. We will see endless footage of the African-American family arrested for "stealing" a car so they could escape and live.
But to hear of dead bodies being stacked outside a professional football stadium to avoid further stench where ten thousand Americans can't get water, food or sanitary facilities.. To see dazed elders who've just lost their homes or hospital rooms being laid on sidewalks to die. To watch crying children stretched out on the ground, separated from their parents, dehydrated, overheated, starving.. this is too much to bear.
How utterly can our nation have failed? How totally bankrupt can we be?
As we mourn our most colourful city, the home of our truest American music, and of so much gorgeous history and culture.. we are heartsick and disgraced.
These global-warmed hurricanes will be coming again and again.
And with this ghastly Bush crew, soul-killing scenes like these will define our nation.

(*) Harvey Wasserman is co-author, with Bob Fitrakis, of How the GOP Stole America's 2004 Election & Is Rigging 2008 (, and author of Harvey Wasserman's History of the U.S.(
National Red Cross Affairs Office: 202 303-5551 - See FAQ on Red Cross page. Bush told them NOT to go into N.O. Call & Verify

Ending the Impunity of the Bush White House > By Norman Solomon > t r u t h o u t | Perspective >


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Fw: Who Will Guide Us? by Robert Traer

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 9:04 PM
Subject: Who Will Guide Us?

Who Will Guide Us?

In the Time of the Great Dying

We need a guide. We need someone to guide us. We need someone who has a sense of this strange time to show us the way. The Psalmist wrote, "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." We are walking deeper into the valley of the shadow of death, and we are afraid. We lack the faith of the Psalmist, and so we are afraid to follow him. Yet, there is no way back.

I need not elaborate on the shadows that darken the valley we are entering. We are in the time of the Great Dying. Each day forty thousand children die, from diseases related to poverty. In addition, millions of children and their parents are dying from AIDS-related illnesses. An elderly woman from a small village in Uganda told one Western visitor, "From Friday to Sunday we go to funerals. We work on Monday to pay for the burial cloth, then go to another funeral on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday we work. On Friday it starts all over again."

The time of the Great Dying has begun. It is not only humans who are dying in greater numbers, but whole species. Evolution has reversed. In our time, for every species created one million species are destroyed. This is unprecedented in the geological record. Even when the dinosaurs were dying out, the ratio of extinction to creation was not what it is today.

Of course, these facts are common knowledge and are often recited to inspire us to work to solve these problems. However, many seem unable to respond. Perhaps we are numbed by the enormity of the suffering, or simply feel incapable of making any difference. Maybe we sense deep down that the problems of our time have no solutions. Or perhaps we simply have lost our faith and no longer trust that the Power of love will triumph in the universe.

Today we are walking into the dark shadows of the valley of death. Who can we turn to for guidance? Who can help us face the Great Dying that is overwhelming us?


Might Job be our guide? Job suffered terribly. His body was afflicted, his family was destroyed, and his wealth was taken from him. At first he suffered in silence, and then he cursed God. Friends urged him to retract his curse. They argued that because God is just, Job's suffering must be deserved. Job might have unintentionally committed wrongs, or perhaps he was suffering for the sins of his fathers.

But Job refused to relent, until God confronted him "out of the whirlwind" and challenged him to explain how the foundation of the earth was laid and its measurements determined, who separated it from the seas, and how life came to be. "Have you commanded the morning since your days began," God thunders, "and caused the dark to know its place?"

God even taunts Job with his obvious impotence: "Is the wild ox willing to serve you?" Is it "by your wisdom that the hawk soars" and "the eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high?" God says to Job: "Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it." When Job remains silent, God shouts at him: "Will you condemn me that you may be justified?" And then Job relents of his rebellion, despises himself, and does penance before God.

Is Job to be our guide to this time of great dying? We identify with Job, because we feel like innocent victims of the events that assail us. But we are not as innocent as Job was. We participate in and benefit from the culture that is primarily responsible for the destruction of our earth and its life. The poverty, which so oppresses most of the people of the world, is largely a result of colonization and subsequent international economic relationships. Of course, we may not be doing anything directly to oppress anyone, but our affluence is subsidized by the poor of the world. We can hardly claim the innocence of Job.

Moreover, the God who confronts Job is not the kind of God we want to believe in. The God of Job is angry and judgmental, not loving and forgiving. We know that we have sinned, for we are self-centered and lack compassion for others whose needs are greater than our own. But we want, and expect, to be forgiven, by a God of love. We reject the notion of divine judgment.

We even resent the archaic legal phrase, "acts of God," which acknowledges that natural disasters are not the responsibility of humans. But this language may no longer be accurate, because although humans do not control what is happening to our environment, clearly it is human activity that has caused much of the devastation. We cannot deny human responsibility for some of the causes of the so-called "acts of God" in our time. Thus, our situation is different than Job's. The God who challenged Job was worshipped as Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Today we act as though the earth is merely ours to use as we please.

Yet perhaps Job can guide us at least part of the way through our dark valley. When confronted by the power of God, Job repents of his arrogance and his self-righteousness. As we are confronted by the dying of our earth community, and by the realization that we are not in control of creation, perhaps we too will repent.


Might Jeremiah be our guide? In the latter part of the seventh century BCE Jeremiah received a call to be God's prophet and to tell his people that their coming defeat and death at the hands of the conquering Babylonians was the will of God. Like the other prophets of the Hebrew scriptures, Jeremiah proclaims that the people have broken their covenant with God. They must therefore pay for their infidelity.

Jeremiah knows that not every individual has committed the sins that he condemns in the name of the LORD, and he laments the destruction of his people and their land. However, there is no escape, because the covenant between God and the people has been broken. The people will suffer, those who are less guilty with those who bear the greatest guilt. The swords of the Babylonians will not distinguish between them.

At first glance, the message of Jeremiah seems much more relevant than that of Job. In the ecological collapse of our time, the suffering will not be meted out to individuals on the basis of some merit system. All of us will suffer, although the poor will suffer more, as always. Furthermore, if we accept that we are responsible to care for the earth and its life, then we have broken this covenant in much the way that the people of ancient Israel broke their covenant with God. We have misused the gifts of life, and now the Power of life will exact retribution.

But we resist this notion of a punishing God. If there is to be a divine judgment, we expect to be judged individually. We are not to blame for all the problems of our time. We are good people. We would do the right things, if we had the power. Wouldn't we?

Jeremiah has a word of hope for his people. Through his prophecies, God says that a time is coming when the law will be written on the hearts of the people, so that all will know the LORD, who will forgive them for their iniquity. Jeremiah proclaims a time of renewal and restoration, in which the guidance of God is made more personal within the hearts of those who seek to be faithful. Perhaps then, if we heed Jeremiah, we may find our guide within ourselves, in what we know to be right.


Might Jesus be our guide in the time of the Great Dying? His faith was tested on the cross, and we call that day "Good Friday" because we affirm that somehow in that bad event some good was done. The one who seemed most like God, and thus came to be known as the Son of God, suffered a shameful and unjust death. Yet, he remained faithful.

Jesus not only showed us how to face death with courage. He taught that we all need to "die" to our selfish striving in order to live. He called us to face the fear of death in our lives, so that we might live our lives without fear. In his ministry and teachings and death, he showed us this could be done. Death was not the end of his faith, or of him, for he lives on in us, in the spirit of truth that can guide us, if we have ears to hear and eyes to see.

The Russian writer Leo Tolstoy was so inspired by the story of Jesus that he gave his wealth away and proclaimed a gospel of nonviolence. Mahtma Gandhi was moved by Tolstoy's writings and by the teachings of Jesus on loving our enemies, and he found the same truth expressed in the wisdom of his Hindu tradition. His nonviolent movement for political independence and reconciliation in India inspired Martin Luther King, Jr. in the United States, and the nonviolent movements in Eastern Europe and South Africa drew strength from the witness of Gandhi and King.

Can we be guided by Jesus? Can we die to our narrow pursuits and embrace the commitment to live without violence? Can we discover within ourselves the faith that will enable us to love our enemies, to cherish the earth and its wondrous life, and to resist development that degrades it? Can we find hope and joy in this moment, can we celebrate the earth community in which we live and move and have our being, can we trust again in God?

Job challenges God, but when he realizes his lack of power over the forces of life, he repents. Jeremiah confronts his people with God's judgment and opens their hearts. Jesus calls us to repent and fills our hearts, so that we might respond. Job, Jeremiah and Jesus can guide us through this valley of dark shadows, if we will follow.

Ezekiel 38: 8 O wicked one, you will surely Carol Wolman

Ezekiel 38: 8 O wicked one, you will surely die
by Carol Wolman
The wickedness of George W. Bush has been laid bare now.  Even his staunchest supporters, those who are not totally corrupt themselves, must be shaking their heads over his callousness and cruelty toward the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Reviewing the record, it almost seems as if Bush set this disaster up on purpose.  The 2004 energy bill contained a provision for extra funding to build up the New Orleans coastline.  In June, the Bush administration took the unusual step of sending a letter to House and Senate negotiators advising them to kill the revenue- sharing plan in the final version of the energy bill.   They did.
FEMA and Homeland Security knew several days in advance that Katrina was heading straight for New Orleans.  Yet they did not even set up a command and control center.  FEMA refrained, for 4 days afterwards, to give the military the necessary order to drop food and water and start rescue operations, even though the army was ready to help the first day of the disaster.  This is worse than incompetence, or even negligence; it is deliberate cruelty.
Bush's attitude toward the resulting chaos and violence is also cruel- shoot to kill orders toward "looters", many of whom were simply taking essential provisions from abandoned stores.  There are many stories about rescue preference being given to whites and the wealthy- at whose orders? 
We Americans now know that Bush has no concern whatsoever for our security and safety.  The anger in this country is rising like the flood waters of Katrina, and will surely sweep him and his crew out of office. 
Is there such a thing as a federal recall election?  Such gross incompetence and criminal negligence on the part of the CEO is no longer tolerable.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman