Walking for Peace by Carol Wolman
Romans 10:15
How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
Last Saturday, the second anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq by the US, there were demonstrations for peace in 800 US cities, and many more across the globe. Thirty thousand in San Francisco, 20,000 in Los Angeles, another 20,000 in New York, 100,000 in London, more in Rome. The corporation -controlled media failed to report these peace marches, or vastly underrated the numbers. This is a big change from two years ago, when the New York Times called the peace walkers "the other superpower".
Still, that is what we are. We are preachers of the gospel of peace, facing down the warmongers in the spiritual battle of Armageddon, now being waged.
This Holy Week, it is well to remember the Prince of Peace, who walked the length and breadth of Judea preaching the gospel of peace, 2000 years ago. It was a time much like our own. The Roman Republic had just been replaced by the Roman Empire, and the Emperors were corrupt and decadent, much like the rulers of today. Judea was ruled by the Pharisees, who cooperated closely with the Empire, and rebellion was rife among the Jews. Thousands of insurgents had been crucified by the time Jesus had His ministry. One of His goals was to show people a nonviolent way to oppose the Roman empire. He led by His example, as well as by His teaching.
Tomorrow is Maundy Thursday, at which time Christians all over the world re-enact the Last Supper. This was a traditional seder, the yearly celebration of the Passover, which enabled the Jews, led by Moses, to flee from slavery in Egypt. They fled on their feet, of course; this was their peaceful rebellion against their servitude.
Jesus washed the feet of His disciples at the Last Supper, perhaps to prepare them for their years of preaching the gospel of peace. By this humble act, He showed us that humility and service are part of His way of peace.
John 13 14If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. 15For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.
As we follow the Prince of Peace, Faithful and True on His white horse (Rev 19: 11), we see: (Rev 19: 19) the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse, and against His army.
In Chicago, riot police lined the streets to prevent a peace march for which a permit had been denied. As the times grow more dire, no doubt the state will become more repressive. Peacemakers must be prepared for the cross, as Jesus prepared Himself and His followers at the Last Supper.
In His name, Carol Wolman