Captivity by Carol Wolman
Psalm 126 4Turn again our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south.
People have come to America from all over the world to find freedom, freedom from oppressive governments of all sorts. Our Constitution not only guarantees freedom in the Bill of Rights, it also sets up a system that fragments the power of government so that citizens can remain free. The dispersion of power to the federal, state and local levels, the balance of power among the three branches of government, the bicameral legislatures- all of these are designed to ensure that power is not concentrated in the hands of one or a few, so as not to replicate the monarchies and oligarchies from which immigrants have escaped.
But now Americans are enslaved to an oligarchy, perhaps a few thousand people, of very wealthy corporados, who make war illegally, bankrupt the treasury, blacken our international reputation and legislate away our freedom. We are financially enslaved via credit card debt, mortgages, the need for jobs. We are morally enslaved by our dependence on the oil and consumer goods which the oligarchy still provides us. We are spiritually enslaved by our fear of their power, and our reluctance to face the reality of the disaster that has befallen us.
The US Constitution is still in force, last I heard. It vests ultimate power in
"we the people", not in the president or Congress. These officials are our elected representatives, or are supposed to be, and the fiction at least is still preserved. If they commit crimes against us, then we can impeach them, kick them out of office, and try them for their crimes.
The only way that our captivity can be turned back into freedom is by deposing the oligarchy. Impeachment is a good place to start. The Downing Street memos and Plamegate offer ample grounds for impeachment, or at least enough to warrant a Resolution of Inquiry, whereby the House holds hearings to find out whether impeachment is warranted.
We cannot expect the valiant members of the House Progressive Caucus- John Conyers, Barbara Lee, Maxine Waters and some of the others who led After Downing Street forums last Saturday, to take the lead on impeachment. Barbara Lee made this plain in Oakland when I asked her about it. They are doing what they can to lay the groundwork, but given the current Republican straitjacket, they are limited.
The leadership for impeachment must come from "we the people". That is why I keep urging you to print out the letter to Conyers, asking him to proceed with a Resolution of Inquiry, at Fill it up with 15 signatures, and fax it to him.
This accomplishes several purposes. It raises awareness that impeachment is possible, and educates people on the mechanism. It gets people talking, thinking, energized. It encourages the Congresspeople who are working on this and emboldens them to continue. As this letter is disseminated, and as the outrage over the treasonous behavior of Rove, Libby. and their bosses Bush and Cheney mounts, the momentum for impeachment will grow and grow.
God is with us, and is opening the doors. We must do our part, to end our Babylonian captivity and return to the Zion of democracy.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman