Friday, August 12, 2005

The Path of Life by Carol Wolman

The Path of Life by Carol Wolman

Americans are urgently confronted with a stark choice- join the impeachment movement and get rid of Bush and Cheney, or go along with them and be bogged down in Iraq.  There are ugly rumors swirling through the internet, that the preparations for nuking Iran are going forward, that all military leave has been cancelled for the month of September, that the army is conducting exercises for placing cities under martial law.
Cindy Sheehan knows that war leads to death and peace leads to life.  Cindy is inspiring the peace movement with her sit-in outside the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas, demanding to talk to King George about why he sent her son Casey to be killed, Cindy arrived in Crawford in a bus emblazoned with the words "Impeach Bush".  Cindy is not afraid of the "i" word, and neither should we be afraid.
Yes, Congress is controlled by the Repugs, but their tolerance for the insanity of the Bush regime is growing thin.  Yes, the Democrats are timid- perhaps they are all being blackmailed and threatened.  But they are growing bolder, as indictments loom for key Bushites. 
The people are way ahead of Congress when it comes to impeachment.  We know what is being planned for us, and we don't like it.  If there is any way to get rid of these fascist creeps before they drag us all to hell with them, we're for it.
We know that they are taking this country to ruin, financially and morally.  They are enamored of death and destruction.  We want what people have always wanted: life, a good life for ourselves and our children. 
Psalm 16:   11Thou wilt shew me the path of life.
What is the path of life for Americans and for the world?  The path of life is justice.  The path of life is impeaching the warmongers, the nuclear polluters, the Bush regime which is pushing us toward a nuclear Armageddon.  They worship the god of death.  Our God, the God of Abraham, of Jews, Christians and Muslims, tells us to choose life.
Deuteronomy 30: 19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.
Choosing life means impeaching Bush and Cheney. You can help Cindy Sheehan build the impeachment movement by printing out the letter to Conyers at   This is a self-propagating petition. Anyone can collect 15 signatures of American citizens- they don't have to be registered to vote, or even 18. This letter is an expression of desire that Conyers formally request impeachment hearings. It is faxed directly to his office and puts no one at risk.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman
Carol S. Wolman. MD
is a psychiatrist and lifelong peace activist. 

38 Democrats call on Bush to meet mother of fallen soldier

Finally, people have stopped looking to politicians for leadership.  Washington is steeped in corruption, and even honest, progressive politicians are unable to do much.  Finally, politicians are following the people, in the form of Cindy Sheehan, a mother who speaks for all who yearn for peace.
Psalm 136
   1O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
38 Democrats call on Bush to meet mother of fallen soldier
08/09/2005 @ 3:19 pm
The following letter, circulating around the Hill, was acquired by RAW STORY Tuesday afternoon. Sixteen Democratic House members are calling on President Bush to meet Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq and is protesting outside Bush's Crawford ranch.
Dear Mr. President:
We write to respectfully urge you to meet with Cindy Sheehan and other relatives of fallen soldiers who request a meeting to discuss their deep concerns about the war in Iraq. We also request that you help ensure that Ms. Sheehan and her colleagues are not arrested as long as they continue to wait for a meeting with you at their location in the peaceable and legal manner that they have maintained thus far.
Since the loss of her son, Ms. Sheehan and other families have been committed to helping family members of other soldiers who have been lost in Iraq. Ms. Sheehan, in fact, founded Gold Star Families for Peace, a support organization for families of fallen soldiers. For several days now, she has been waiting outside your ranch, hoping to meet with you about the loss of her son and the failure to discover weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Ms. Sheehan has indicated that she is planning to continue her vigil for the entirety of your vacation at your Crawford complex if necessary.
Given the recent tragic loss of American lives in Iraq, and the many deaths and injuries American troops have sustained since the beginning of the war, we hope that you can appreciate why the family members believe it so important that they exercise their rights as citizens to petition their government. We believe it would send an unfortunate message to other relatives and soldiers if grieving parents were arrested while exercising their constitutional rights.
Thank you very much for you assistance with this matter. We hope that you will be able to make time to meet with Ms. Sheehan and her colleagues and also ensure they are treated fairly while awaiting this important appointment.
Reps. John Conyers, Jr.
George Miller
Maxine Waters
Corrine Brown
Dennis Kucinich
Carolyn Maloney
Jim McDermott
Jim McGovern
Barbara Lee
Zoe Lofgren
James Oberstar
John Lewis
Bernard Sanders
Bob Filner
Mike Honda
Raul Grijalva
Jan Schakowsky
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick
Frank Pallone
Major Owens
Xavier Becerra
Lynn Woolsey
Danny Davis
Jerrold Nadler
Elijah Cummings
Hilda Solis
Gwen Moore
John Olver
Pete Stark
Sam Farr
Julia Carson
Sheila Jackson Lee
Diane Watson
Chris Van Hollen
Lloyd Doggett
Betty McCollum
Henry Waxman
Peter DeFazio

Fw: Bolton Bar Brawl Marks Rocky Start to UN Tenure

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Fw: Bolton Bar Brawl Marks Rocky Start to UN Tenure

August 8, 2005

Bolton Bar Brawl Marks Rocky Start to UN Tenure

By: Deana Swift

Just days after his recess appointment to the United Nations, Ambassador John Bolton’s involvement in a bar brawl has alarmed some member nations of the international peace body. The scuffle, which took place in the exclusive Delegate’s Lounge of the UN and involved representatives of Finland, Tanzania and Fiji, reportedly broke out over a bowl of mixed nuts, which Ambassador Bolton alleged were "mostly peanuts."


NEW YORK—It should have been an occasion for celebration: the new US Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, dropped by the exclusive Delegate’s Lounge for his favorite cocktail, a Hand Grenade, a refreshing mixture of gin, grain alcohol, melon liqueur, rum and vodka. But instead of glasses being hoisted all around, multinational fisticuffs broke out after Ambassador Bolton alleged that the bowl of mixed nuts he’d ordered contained "mostly peanuts."

Insiders note that the menu at the Delegate’s Lounge lists a "Mixed Nut Bowl" that includes cashews, almonds, pecans, hazelnuts and Brazil nuts.

'He went off like a rocket'

The scuffle is said to have erupted just minutes after Ambassador Bolton took a seat at the bar. The bartender allegedly took Bolton’s order for a Hand Grenade, prepared the beverage, then served him the drink along with the bowl of roasted nuts. After that, say observers present in the lounge that afternoon, the new Ambassador appeared to "go ballistic."

"He threw the nuts in the face of the bartender and accused him of being disrespectful because he, Bolton, was a recess appointment," said one representative of a European country who asked that he and his country remain anonymous out of fear that the new Ambassador might retaliate against them.

Fiji, Finland, Tanzania involved
Onlookers say that it wasn’t long before representatives of other countries found themselves involved in the fracas which quickly became a melee involving delegates from Finland, Fiji and Tanzania, all of whom were treated by UN medical staff for injuries ranging from black eyes to rug burn. Delegates from Venezuela, Bulgaria and Japan were among those who attempted to break up the clash.

Code name 'Hair Trigger'
The scuffle was ultimately broken up by Mr. Bolton’s security detail who rushed to the scene as soon as they were alerted that "Hair Trigger," their code name for the new Ambassador, was in some kind of trouble. Observers say that the armed men worked quickly to subdue Ambassador Bolton and separate him from the Fin, Fijian and Tanzanian delegates

A history of minor altercations

A tipping point—and a brother comes forward

Ambassador Bolton did not respond to requests for an interview.