The Path of Life by Carol Wolman
The Path of Life by Carol Wolman
Americans are urgently confronted with a stark choice- join the impeachment movement and get rid of Bush and Cheney, or go along with them and be bogged down in Iraq. There are ugly rumors swirling through the internet, that the preparations for nuking Iran are going forward, that all military leave has been cancelled for the month of September, that the army is conducting exercises for placing cities under martial law.
Cindy Sheehan knows that war leads to death and peace leads to life. Cindy is inspiring the peace movement with her sit-in outside the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas, demanding to talk to King George about why he sent her son Casey to be killed, Cindy arrived in Crawford in a bus emblazoned with the words "Impeach Bush". Cindy is not afraid of the "i" word, and neither should we be afraid.
Yes, Congress is controlled by the Repugs, but their tolerance for the insanity of the Bush regime is growing thin. Yes, the Democrats are timid- perhaps they are all being blackmailed and threatened. But they are growing bolder, as indictments loom for key Bushites.
The people are way ahead of Congress when it comes to impeachment. We know what is being planned for us, and we don't like it. If there is any way to get rid of these fascist creeps before they drag us all to hell with them, we're for it.
We know that they are taking this country to ruin, financially and morally. They are enamored of death and destruction. We want what people have always wanted: life, a good life for ourselves and our children.
Psalm 16: 11Thou wilt shew me the path of life.
What is the path of life for Americans and for the world? The path of life is justice. The path of life is impeaching the warmongers, the nuclear polluters, the Bush regime which is pushing us toward a nuclear Armageddon. They worship the god of death. Our God, the God of Abraham, of Jews, Christians and Muslims, tells us to choose life.
Deuteronomy 30: 19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.
Choosing life means impeaching Bush and Cheney. You can help Cindy Sheehan build the impeachment movement by printing out the letter to Conyers at This is a self-propagating petition. Anyone can collect 15 signatures of American citizens- they don't have to be registered to vote, or even 18. This letter is an expression of desire that Conyers formally request impeachment hearings. It is faxed directly to his office and puts no one at risk.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
Carol S. Wolman. MD
is a psychiatrist and lifelong peace activist.