Thursday, January 13, 2005

Kerry betrayed us by Carol Wolman

KERRY BETRAYED US  by Carol Wolman
Now that the dust has settled and the voting results have been certified by Congress, it is time to review the campaign and try to understand John Kerry's behavior.  I have great sympathy for the man, he must be in a lot of pain.  At the same time, there is only one explanation for his sudden capitulation on November 3rd, and his refusal to get involved in the recount campaign except belatedly and symbolically.  His refusal to stand with Barbara Boxer and several other senators to challenge the Ohio election result is even more incomprehensible, unless there was a backroom deal between him and Bush.
Let's review the evidence:
1) Kerry was not the frontrunner during most of the Democratic primary campaign.  He "came from behind" to sweep the nomination just before the Democratic convention.  Was this engineered?
2) At the Democratic convention, Kerry was careful not to criticize Bush, and asked his colleagues to be likewise gentle.  This was at a time when one scandal after another was breaking- the lies about Iraq, the Valerie Plame outing, the Abu Ghraib tortures.  Impeachment talk was in the air, and Kerry quashed it.
3) Karl Rove went after Kerry's balls with the swift boat campaign and forced him to put on a good fight.  This provided American voters with entertainment, and diverted their attention from the real issues, like Iraq.  Kerry did seem to focus on these, but stopped short of accusing Bush of lying, or calling him a war criminal.  If he really wanted to oppose Bush, there was plenty of ammunition.
4) Kerry's quick capitulation made it clear that he was lying to us when he raised money to "make sure every vote counted".  David Cobb and the Greens had to raise money for the recount all over again.
Kerry has suggested that he might run again for president.  I urge every one to look at this record, and then look for another candidate.  How about Barbara Boxer and Barbara Lee for a ticket?
In the name of the God of truth,
Carol Wolman

What caused the tsunami?

Dear Friends,
A couple of days ago, I sent out a piece containing a link  to an Australian journalist,:
 i read a chilling article, at the following link

The author, Joe Vialls,
an Australian, claims that the tsunami was not an act of nature, but rather a deliberate event, triggered by the detonation of a nuclear weapon in the Sumatran trench.  He asserts that, unlike most earthquakes, there was no buildup and there were no aftershocks.  
One respondent sent me a link that shows lots of aftershocks. 
Someone else sent me a statement that the author of the Australian report, Joe Vialls, is a reputable journalist. 
I was also referred to an article that maintains the tsunami was caused by repeated low frequency sonar bombardments in the area.
Earthquake: Coincidence or a corporate oil tragedy?
Commentary. Earthquake: Coincidence or a corporate oil tragedy? By Andrew Limburg
Online Journal Guest Writer. Download a .pdf file for printing. ... 123104Limburg/123104limburg.html - 38k - Jan 9, 2005
Our response, beyond helping the survivors, depends on our understanding of the causes.  Was it a deliberate disaster plotted by evil men?  An inadvertant byproduct of corporate meddling? A random act of mother nature?  A message to humans from God?
The outpouring of love won't change.  There is also justice to consider.
If there was a human element in causing the tsunami, let's find out and prevent another one.
In the name of the God of justice,   Carol Wolman

Justice is for all peoples

The heavens proclaim His justice,
and all peoples see His glory.
Psalm 97: 6
God of the Bible, the One that Bush supporters claim to worship, says over and over that His way is justice, equal justice for all peoples.  He doesn't say equal justice if they believe in Him, or if they are white, or American, or voted for Bush. 
The heavens proclaim His justice.  Justice is not made by humans, according to their individual beliefs and desires.  It is made in heaven, or the human oversoul, according to universal laws, like habeas corpus and due process, freedom of speech, right to confront one's accuser, following the Ten Commandments, and loving one's neighbor. 
Bush wants to replace universal justice with his own brand.  He refuses to place the US under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, which would be able to prosecute war crimes committed by US forces.  He has appointed a US attorney general-elect, Gonzales, who dismissed the Geneva Conventions as "quaint", and authorized the use of torture.
Bush, as the leader of the world's only superpower, is setting himself up as equal to God.  In fact, he claims to be anointed by God, through the false prophet Jerry Falwell.  This is the worst sort of blasphemy, the work of Satan.
Folks, it's time to get clear about what we are dealing with.  The Antichrist is among us, and the only antidote is the true Christ, through His word in the Bible.  Even if you have rejected Jesus up to now, and found reasons to ignore His teaching, I beg you now to open up to His power.  He is the Prince of Peace and will empower His peacemakers, if only we allow Him in!   Please try it!
In His name,  Carol Wolman

Re: The tsunami in Iraq

----- Original Message -----
From: Karim A G
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:40 AM
Subject: A man-made tsunami,3604,1387399,00.html



A man-made tsunami

Why are there no fundraisers for the Iraqi dead?

Terry Jones
Tuesday January 11, 2005
The Guardian


I am bewildered by the world reaction to the tsunami tragedy. Why are newspapers, television and politicians making such a fuss? Why has the British public forked out more than £100m to help the survivors, and why is Tony Blair now promising "hundreds of millions of pounds"? Why has Australia pledged £435m and Germany £360m? And why has Mr Bush pledged £187m?

Of course it's wonderful to see the human race rallying to the aid of disaster victims, but it's the inconsistency that has me foxed. Nobody is making this sort of fuss about all the people killed in Iraq, and yet it's a human catastrophe of comparable dimensions.

According to the only scientific estimate attempted, Iraqi deaths since the war began number more than 100,000. The tsunami death toll is in the region of 150,000. Yet in the case of Iraq, the media seems reluctant to impress on the public the scale of the carnage.

I haven't seen many TV reporters standing in the ruins of Falluja, breathlessly describing how, in 30 years of reporting, they've never seen a human tragedy on this scale. The Pope hasn't appealed for everyone to remember the Iraqi dead in their prayers, and MTV hasn't gone silent in their memory.

Nor are Blair and Bush falling over each other to show they recognise the scale of the disaster in Iraq. On the contrary, they have been doing their best to conceal the numbers killed.

When the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health estimated the figure of 100,000 killed in Iraq and published their findings in one of the world's leading scientific journals, the Lancet, Downing Street questioned their methodology, saying "the researchers used an extrapolation technique, which they considered inappropriate, rather than a detailed body count". Of course "a detailed body count" is the one thing the US military will not allow anyone to do.

What is so odd is the way in which so much of the media has fallen into line, downplaying the only authoritative estimate of casualties in Iraq with the same unanimity with which they have impressed upon us the death toll of the tsunami.

One of the authors of the forenamed report, Dr Gilbert Burnham, said: "Our data have been back and forth between many reviewers at the Lancet and here in the school, so we have the scientific strength to say what we have said with great certainty."

So, are deaths caused by bombs and gunfire less worthy of our pity than deaths caused by a giant wave? Or are Iraqi lives less worth counting than Indonesian, Thai, Indian and Swedish?

Why aren't our TV companies and newspapers running fundraisers to help Iraqis whose lives have been wrecked by the invasion? Why aren't they screaming with outrage at the man-made tsunami that we have created in the Middle East? It truly is baffling.

· Terry Jones is a film director, actor and Python. His book Terry Jones's War on the War on Terror is published this month by the Nation