Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Fw: Kucinich says Bush LIES in saying there's no SS trust fund

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Kirwan
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 2:15 PM

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 1:38 PM

Be prepared for the fraud of the century!  He's trying to DENY there ever WAS a SS trust fund!!!!!!!!!  READ AND PASS TO ALL LISTS.  Be prepared people.  We may be in for the fight of our lives here...............

Congressman Dennis Kucinich: Ways and Means Kills Inquiry into Question on Soc. Sec. Trust Fund -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution

Ways and Means Kills Inquiry into Question on Trust Fund

by Congressman Dennis Kucinich

Last night, in a rare Monday night session, the Ways and Means Committee of the United States House of Representative voted 22-1 against a resolution which would require the President to produce documentation supporting his oft-repeated claim that there is no Social Security Trust.

The action stopped a Resolution of Inquiry from proceeding to the full House for a vote.
I introduced the resolution last month after President Bush had claimed in a meeting in New Hampshire that "there is no Social Security trust." He has since repeated the assertion. The implications of the President's assertions about the Social Security trust fund are quite serious for the 48 million Americans who currently rely on Social Security, and for those who will become recipients in the future.

According to the Social Security Administration's own trustees, Social Security has $1.68 trillion in the Trust Fund. According to the Social Security Administration the surplus will grow to over $6 trillion.

Most interesting, however, the President's assertion that there is no Trust Fund comes at a time when the Administration has borrowed over $637.4 billion from the fund obtained in highly regressive taxes on American workers. That borrowed money is, in effect, being used to help fund an illegal war and to pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

If the President's assertions remain unchallenged, the Administration can continue to drain the Trust Fund of its assets and make true its now false claim that Social Security has no Trust Fund and is going bankrupt. They only need the complicity of the Congress.

Now the Congressional committee which has direct jurisdiction over Social Security is refusing to hold the President accountable for his statements. In other words, the Committee itself doesn't want the President to produce any documents supporting his claim that there is no Social Security Trust.

If Congress had formally asked the President to produce documents backing up his contention that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, he would have been unable to do so and would have lacked a sufficient cause to go to war.

If Congress had formally asked the President to produce documents that the United States could afford massive tax cuts to the wealthy without going into huge deficits, he would have been unable to do so and we would not be cutting funds for education, housing, job-creation and other social services (nor borrowing from Social Security) to mask the increasing inability of the government to balance its budget.

The President has a Constitutional obligation to uphold the public debt of the United States. Social Security's financial obligations are, according to the Social Security Trustees, backed by the "full faith and credit of the United States". If, indeed, there is no Social Security trust - as the President asserts with the political protection of his Congressional majority - then it is clear that the President is heading towards a direct challenge to his own constitutional authority and legal responsibilities to affirm the financial obligations of Social Security.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich


Evil Fruit by Carol Wolman

Evil Fruit by Carol Wolman

John 15:  8Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.

Matthew 7:17-18
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.   A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
The churches that support Bush believe that their political success is a sign that they are bearing much fruit.  Bush calls it his "political capital" to spend as he wishes.  His wish is  to enrich the corporate beast, whom he serves at the expense of the citizens that the president of the US is supposed to serve.
We are watching the destruction of our environment, our Constitution, our social safety net, our economy, our gene pool, our reputation as an honorable peaceloving country, our network of allies and our security as a nation.  Evil fruit indeed!
Our Constitution is based on the Christian notion that we humans are upright and sensible enough to govern ourselves.  Each person has access to the Holy Spirit, which can guide us to make wise decisions for the good of the body politic. The  Constitution was carefully crafted to prevent any one individual or group, especially any religious group, from imposing its will on the rest of the electorate.  The three branches of government are supposed to act as checks and balances for one another.
Now that the corporados control the White House and Congress, they are going after the remaining branch of government, the judiciary.   Dr. Bill Frist, the Senate majority leader who, waving the  Constitution, used the filibuster to block Clinton's judicial appointments, now is going all out to scuttle the same filibuster.  What a hypocrite! 
Here's another example of his hypocrisy.  Dr. Frist cosponsored a bill, back in the 90's, to provide special services for babies with congenital anomalies, but Dr. Frist refuses to stop the use of depleted uranium, which causes many congenital anomalies among babies of US servicepeople.
The Bush administration is rotten to the core, and all its fruit is evil.  The list of lies and hypocritical statements made by its members  is endless.  The Christian false prophets are in league with the corporate beast.  So we see Bill Frist joining with leaders of the right wing church on "justice Sunday" to defend that poster boy of corruption, Tom DeLay, while conspiring to destroy the judicial independence mandated by the Constitution, all in the name of Jesus.
Jesus is the corporate logo for the corporate beast.  The sheeps' clothing of the wolves who are fattening on the purses of the American people are the "hot button" pseudo-issues, like abortion and Terry Schiavo.  These hypocrites pretend to be "pro-life", while they send thousands of young Americans to Iraq to kill and be killed and maimed.  They kill 100,000 Iraqis for no good reason and pretend to be "pro-life".  They poison the gene pool for billions of years, and pretend to be "pro-life".  Evil fruit!
They are using these pseudo issues to attack the judiciary, which is the repository of justice and wisdom, imperfect though it may be.  Judges are supposed to be somewhat independent of the political winds.  The US judiciary has been the last refuge of the individual against the corporate beast, which has gradually usurped the rights of human persons over the past 150 years.
The Republican party has turned into a pseudo-Christian cult, with Bush as its titular leader.  Like all cults, it tells its followers to look for pie in the sky and accept one's oppression on earth.  The end result of such cults is often mass suicide, and that is where we are headed.   The corporate beast is gobbling up resources and destroying the balance of nature, intent only on profit. 
The real Holy Spirit, the spirit of the true Jesus, is the spirit of peace, love, healing, wisdom.  It is humble, not arrogant.  Jesus does not favor one nation over another.  His purpose is not to destroy the world:  John 3:17  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
True Christians must reclaim Jesus and the Bible from the corporate beast, and reveal the gross blasphemy of using His name for criminal gain, when in fact the true god of the Bush crime family is Moloch, worshipped at their annual Bohemian grove revels.  We are being overwhelmed by their evil fruit. 
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman