Sunday, October 24, 2004

Fw: Do Bush voters want nuclear holocaust? by Carol Wolman, MD

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: Do Bush voters want nuclear holocaust? by Carol Wolman, MD

God bless you for your insight and acumen Christ was the bringer of love, and inclusion, Bush is the bringer of hate and division. I have included an article I wrote in August I have written many things about the new Prosperity Christians and the Revelation goals of certain fundamentalists wackos. God bless us with prosperity and abundant life but let him decide the moment of our demise, these MIS guided people are trying to bring about Revelations prophesy that they mis interpret to start with. Thank you for the intelligent Email.......... Robert W. Barker

Bible and America's Death!
A death of all civilization --
Cult that loves our worse scenarios

by Robert W. Barker  â€¢  Oviedo, Florida USA  â€¢  August 6, 2004  
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As we are confronted with the emergence of fundamentalist Christians into Americas political forefront, and the claims of our current pResident, Mr. Bush to be a Born again Christian. I find it is imperative to understand the basic platform and beliefs of these apocalyptic believers. Our government is now daily bombarded by their influence and agenda, no longer a fringe movement but a strong lobby and policy progenitors with tremendous influence on our entire system. Voting for selected candidates and policy put forth not to better our world, country, district, or state; but to push an agenda of global destruction in order to fulfill certain widely held Bible prophesies. Churches pray and raise money to bring in candidates that fit their purpose, pressuring the parishioners to vote along Bible prophesy lines.

                              "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the great!
     "She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil sprit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.
 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries.
     The kings of the Earth have committed adultery with her, and merchants of the world grew rich from her excessive luxuries." { Revelations 18: 1-3}

 Christian soothsayers and revelation followers around the world await the coming rapture! Reading the words of the so called "John the Divine," written in a cave on Patmos, an island off the coast of what was then Asia Minor now today's Turkey, they plan our demise. The above scripture is a great puzzlement to many Bible scholars. Some experts say John referred to Rome and its coming fall, a few say it is the actual Babylon, others say this is a symbolic Babylon of the future, an Earthly power unopposed and pervasive; as the globes great capital of dominance. All this occurs, [according to John of revelations], in the time of the "Great Tribulation." There is tremendous weight given by some Christians to the theory that this is a literal prophecy, about an actual city or country. Though it is given the symbolic name Babylon, because this future power carries the political and religious aspects associated with Babylon the Whore of history.

 Due to the claim of Gods benediction bestowed on this powerful nation, allegiance to, and commerce with this great nation; are called spiritual adultery. Further this unnamed nation is viewed as a Roman Republic type, [as in Isa. 13-14;21:9 and Jer. 50-51] government with a Babylonian style spiritual base, a false religion that claims to worship God; but hides a dedication to Satan. One very important point of emphasis is the passages referring to this Babylon being destroyed in one day, or even one hour, as stated frequently throughout this part of Revelations.
Signs of the Great Tribulation, are as follows...
1. Great sores that will break out on people that have the mark of the beast.
2. A third of the sea will be turned into blood, later the entire seas turn to blood destroying everything that lives in them.
3. Rivers and springs become infested with blood.
4. A change of climate the sun will now scorch the Earth.
5. The Earth will be plunged into darkness.
6. The battle of Armageddon on the plains of Megiddo.

  Many of these religious zealots are starting to believe this Babylon is America, and their policy of planned destruction of their own country, is necessary for the Bible to be fulfilled.

  Nuclear war is the only thing that could bring about this scenario. So that constant friction in the world are now their prime motivations, lack of peace their happiness and confrontation between religions their goal. Justification for this sick agenda is baffling unless you know their belief system. Bringing about the end times has become a great end to justify their means, we are all slowly subjected to this hidden global enterprise. Pat Robertson the TV evangelist stated that the world needs a good cleansing and God will see to it. Pat admits we all must suffer for the world to receive Jesus. Where is this headed? Only one conclusion can reasonably be reached, they want death of the world to bring life to their beliefs.

 The Rapture or lifting up out of the Earth the souls that are deserving, is a controversial subject between Christians scholars, at least as to the timing. Some say it will be post tribulation other midtribulation or pretribulation or even partial rapturisem, done a little at a time. They watch daily for souls to go missing and the world to fall apart, to alert them to the coming end of time. A rather arrogant policy to assist God and claim to understand his motivation through their interpretations of the Bible.

  Another criteria is the return of Israel to it Davidic dimensions, in other words Israel must be the exact size in property extent that was there in David's time. This is why the Christians are associated with the Israeli extreme Zionist expansion movement, and any withdrawal form Gaza or other Palestinian territory is discouraged, as it slows down Gods plan for the coming Apocalypse. With a goal of death and destruction by these misguided people, a strange political pressure now exist that drives us toward ruin, it is excepted as the prerequisite for Christ return. Death of America and all civilized countries is tantamount to the Bible prophesy, this hidden goal and clandestine actions are dangerous and self destructive in nature.

Islamic fundamentalist are helping to fulfill this agenda as well! Although inadvertently, Moslem clerics preach the death of America as the great Satan. This gives moral weight to the Christians that want this confrontation to come about. Both these religions have a self destructive tendency, that remains a stronger motivation then peace or love.

 Many fine Christian believers are not a part of this self destructive mindset, thank God there are many good loving Christians that feel God will decide when and where we are to meet our end. The out right hubris of these people, cause many Christens to cringe with disgust, how dare they manipulate political movements to encourage the end of time, that is Gods domain and they are wrong to try. However this is becoming more pervasive in our radical churches of certain fundamental Christian beliefs.

Jesus told us not to toil and spin over Gods world, but be as the Lilies of the field and let God do Gods work; he needs no help from us. Being aware of this strange phenomenon, is important due to the growing strength of this world collapsing philosophy. As reasonable people, we are called upon to watch with open eyes the evil that travels our streets and hides in our churches. This insidious program will fail, if we are aware of its existence, but ignored, it could be our final judgment.



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