Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Listening to the truth

 Isaiah 50:   5The Lord GOD hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious,
neither turned away back.
Listening to God means accepting the truth, however painful it may be.  The truth is that the United States of America has been taken over by a corporate cabal, whose main interests are oil and the military means to keep control of it.  The Bush family and their associates have seized the executive branch, stacked the legislative branch, and suborned the judicial branch. 
This cabal has wrecked the US Constitution, bankrupted the treasury, and put in place the laws of fascism and the personnel to implement these laws.  They are already being implemented, in a small way, against immigrants and Muslims, two relatively powerless groups.
The Bush cabal has also invaded Iraq under false pretenses and killed 100,000 of its citizens, wrecked its infrastructure, and established a huge network of military bases there, which are inconsistent with any of the stated reasons for the invasion.  In doing all of this, Bush has mocked international law and established the US as a rogue nation.
Then there's the Bush assault on the environment, the spreading around of depleted uranium, the willful ignoring of global warming, and a host of other crimes against life on the planet.  He is the bringer of death, in many ways.
All of this is cloaked in religious hypocrisy, misleading the followers into condoning all the Bush family crimes, and giving Christianity such a bad name that many of the most gentle loving people in America won't have anything to do with it. 
If we truly listen to God, this is what we would hear: