Saturday, November 20, 2004

Fwd: Bush Family Baseball; From Cute Sociopath to Global War Criminal by Teresa Simon-Noble

This story is true.  I heard Barbara Bush tell it to an audience years ago when she was either fund raising for George, or selling one of her books, and she thought she was just being “cute” about her family ...i don’t think she realized that she was telling the story of the seed of sociopathy being planted in her son by her equally sociopathic husband.    tsn

Bush Family Baseball;
From Cute Sociopath to Global War Criminal

By Teresa Simón-Noble

 “It is the pitch of a father who never c or rected his son’s misguided baseball game and the batting son who is still misaiming his baseballs at destroying the American Democracy”.


A long time ago Barbara Bush told a story about a young teenaged boy named George and the baseball he hit and aimed directly at an old neighbor’s second story window. The story, for me, today, connects many dots between the American attacks on Fallujah, the White House purge of the CIA liberals, the advent of new horrors to come against the world and our very own democracy during the second Bush Squat-A-Thon and, between this young George, her son, and our Squatter in the White House.


In the story, as I recall the telling of it, Barbara Bush said that she was both enraged at

George for breaking the old man’s window and, that she, feeling powerless to do anything about what George had done, or failing to find the right “discipline” for George, she launched a verbal attack on him for aiming the ball at their neighbor’s window and  or breaking it, and then  threatened George with a, “wait until your father hears about this,” tirade, the implication being that George was going to get his just deserves once George Senior got home and was apprised of George’s misadventure.


Barbara Bush expected her husband to be equally enraged upon learning of George’s misadventure.   She expected the elder George to call the younger George on the carpet right then and there and fry his butt, or impose some “you are grounded for an x period of time,” stuff.  Instead, she says, the elder George was amazed and bewildered at young George’s ingenuity and good aim and with approval and admiration in his voice at his son’s mischief he kept repeating, “Gee, you mean to say that George batted the ball that far?  ... You mean to say that George broke the old man’s window?”


So much for discipline and just deserves. George the elder paid for the repair to the old man’s window and George received no punishment for his mischief which turned out to be a cause celeb for the elder George.


That was, in my mind as I heard the story, the very birthing of a sociopathic son by a sociopathic father who was letting his son get away without any consequences for his mischievous actions... a pattern which, as history makes clear, has repeated itself time and time again in the Bush father-son dyad. 


The story foreshadows many of the now well known rescuer-rescued dynamics between the two Georges. It points to the admiration and idealization for mischief present in the Bush family, and it provides a basis for , at least, a bare minimum understanding of all of the horror stories that have accompanied their mischievous behavior on a grand national scale : from the stealing of election 2000, to the equally mischievous but newly perfected re-stealing of election 2004, to the invasion and occupation of Iraq, to the Fallujah Massacre, to the CIA purge of liberals and of those who do not supp or t the Bush doctrine... to, and including the clear directive from the current director of the CIA to neither suppor t opposition to George, nor champion opposition to the administration nor its policies ... behind all of which, I believe, George the elder (the only former president who continues to receive, at his request, CIA [ or is it FBI?] briefings) is not only pulling the strings, but is still, with awe and admiration in his voice, muttering, Wow! Look at George and at all that he is accomplishing in his presidency on behalf of the nation and the world as he throws one ball after another against democracy, civil liberties, environmental protection, innocent civilians in other countries, etc. etc., etc.! Wow! What a son, the elder Bush continues to mutter. Wow...the power of a baseball! 


What a pitcher’s pitch and a batterer’s bat!


It is the pitch of a father who never corrected his son’s baseball game, and the batting of a son who is misaming his baseballs against our American democracy and

 world peace.


It is a like father, like son story.



Teresa Simon-Noble

Teresa Simon-Noble  is a computer activist for peace and social justice who lives in the sunny state of Florida . She is a former mental health clinician.  A poet and a freelance writer, her work has been published in several online publications




The Iraqis have nothing to lose

Dear Friends,
As Scott Ritter writes in Al Jazeera, - evidently no western paper will publish this former UN inspector in Iraq, the attempt to overwhelm the "insurgents" in Fallujah is like squeezing jello.  They slip through the net and go off to fight the mighty US army somewhere else.
The Iraqis didn't have much when the invasion began at the end of March 2003.  They had suffered through Saddam, Gulf War I which killed 100,000 young Iraqi men, and the sanctions, which killed 500,000 Iraqi children.  Still, they maintained an advanced culture, with dignity and grace.  They had functioning cities and villages, high tech medical centers and low tech farms.
Now they have almost nothing.  Their cities are in ruins, their cultural heritage is scattered, their hospitals are targeted, and the lack of security is so great that it is hard to live a normal life.   Basic services such as water and electricity are intermittent at best.
Then there is the specter of radioactivity.  No one is quite sure how bad it is, how widespread, how lethal, because the US army refuses to deal with it.  But women continue to miscarry, and babies continue to be born deformed.
The Iraqi people have no illusions about democracy.  They know that Allawi is a US puppet, and that the "constitution" they were given puts all of their national assets, such as oil, on the auction block to western companies.  More and more groups are planning to boycott the elections in January.
Why shouldn't they fight for their country?  What alternative do they have?  What would we do if we were in their shoes?
Peace,  Carol Wolman

John and his visions

Dear Friends,
In order to understand the election results, fraudulent though they may be, one has to understand the hard core, millions of Christian Bush supporters, who they think Bush is, and why they worked so hard to get him elected. 
These people are fanatics.  They believe we are in the end-time described in the Bible, and that Bush is some sort of herald for Jesus.
Many are readers of the LEFT BEHIND series, a sci-fi narrative by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, based on prophecies scattered through the Bible.  Many of the prophecies come from the Book of Revelation.  This book was written by the beloved apostle, John, in his late years, while in lonely exile on the island of Patmos. 
Revelation consists of a series of fantastic visions, many of which have become part of our own collective unconscious.  Words and phrases like "Armageddon", "the four horseman", "the new Jerusalem" come out of the Book of Revelation. 
Many Christians believe that John's visions were totally accurate foretelling of the future, and that we have now arrived at the time foretold.  They perceive an orderly timetable in the book of Revelation. lays out one such calendar. 
Bush scoffs at "reality-based thinking".  He evidently believes that he is supposed to fulfill some mission of God and create a new reality.
Both the theology and Bush's actions lead to nuclear holocaust and extinction of life on planet earth, with the goody-goody Christians going to heaven with Jesus.  I call it hell, and they are taking us all with them.
I have an alternate interpretation of Revelation, which will lead us to life, not death.  As my readers know, I endeavor to relate the Bible to current events.  So I'll take a stab at the passage for today, one of the most specific and strangest prophecies in the entire Book.
My commentary follows the passage.
Rev 11:4-12

I, John, heard a voice from heaven speak to me:
Here are my two witnesses:
These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands
that stand before the Lord of the earth.
If anyone wants to harm them, fire comes out of their mouths
and devours their enemies.
In this way, anyone wanting to harm them is sure to be slain.
They have the power to close up the sky
so that no rain can fall during the time of their prophesying.
They also have power to turn water into blood
and to afflict the earth with any plague as often as they wish.

When they have finished their testimony,
the beast that comes up from the abyss
will wage war against them and conquer them and kill them.
Their corpses will lie in the main street of the great city,
which has the symbolic names "Sodom" and "Egypt,"
where indeed their Lord was crucified.
Those from every people, tribe, tongue, and nation
will gaze on their corpses for three and a half days,
and they will not allow their corpses to be buried.
The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them
and be glad and exchange gifts
because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the earth.
But after the three and a half days,
a breath of life from God entered them.
When they stood on their feet, great fear fell on those who saw them.
Then they heard a loud voice from heaven say to them, "Come up here."
So they went up to heaven in a cloud as their enemies looked on.
The two prophets who have "tormented the inhabitants of the earth,"  these two men of whom John says-
 If anyone wants to harm them, fire comes out of their mouths
and devours their enemies.
In this way, anyone wanting to harm them is sure to be slain.
They have the power to close up the sky
so that no rain can fall during the time of their prophesying.
They also have power to turn water into blood
and to afflict the earth with any plague as often as they wish.
Who could these two men be?   I nominate Bush and Bin Laden.  Both are religious fanatics who are afflicting the earth with terrible plagues of hatred and fear, as often as they wish. 
If they lay dead, I have no doubt  that
Those from every people, tribe, tongue, and nation
will gaze on their corpses for three and a half days,
(via TV satellite feed, of course)
and they will not allow their corpses to be buried.
The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them
and be glad and exchange gifts.
It would be astounding to see them resurrected, but I wouldn't care if they went to heaven, as long as they get the hell out of here.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,
Carol Wolman

Fw: Let's Get Real - By Mark Crispin Miller

Jesus entered the temple area and proceeded to drive out
those who were selling things, saying to them,
"It is written, My house shall be a house of prayer,
but you have made it a den of thieves."
Luke 19: 25-26
The voting booth is the temple of democracy.  Time to get out the whips.
                     In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman
----- Original Message -----
From: A
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 10:07 PM

Let’s Get Real

By Mark Crispin Miller November 16, 2004

Bush & company’s theft of the election was a crime so obvious that it requires more effort to deny than to affirm. This rip-off was as flagrant as the L.A. cops’ assault on Rodney King, Kerry’s stellar soldiering in Vietnam, or Bush’s lousy record in the Texas Air National Guard, and yet this national calamity is being dismissed as a delusion.

The reason for the Busheviks’ denial is as obvious as the theft itself: How better to commit the perfect crime than to insist it never happened?

And yet what makes this stance so dangerous is not just its use on the right, but its prevalence throughout the corporate media (MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann excepted) and even among those on the left. To charge that the Republicans did not legitimately rout the Democrats provokes the counter-charge that such claims “hurt the cause” by floating angry fantasy instead of scientific fact.

Rather than urge cautiousness, such automatic counter-claims quash all discussion of electoral fraud, as if the very notion were far-fetched. “This charge was false, so all charges must be wrong,” is the response that Karl Rove wants from us, as we will then conclude, conveniently for him, “Case closed!”

A niggling over-focus on particulars is just the attitude that propagandists seek to cultivate because it helps them cloud the issue. Thus were a few trivial aspects of John Kerry’s military record used to call that entire record into question. And thus did Rove succeed in driving journalists away from Bush’s scandalous Guard service by distracting them with the canard that those incriminating documents revealed by CBS were fakes—or rather, that one of them might not have been authentic.

To let ourselves believe that the “election” was legitimate because this claim or that has been disproved(apparently) is to not honor reason. On the contrary, a veritable sea of evidence, statistical as well as anecdotal and circumstantial, supports the claim that Bush, again, was not elected by the people.

To nod agreement that this was indeed an honest win is to forget how Bush was shoehorned into office in the first place; to ignore the ease with which electronic totals can be changed without a trace; to suppress the fact that Diebold, Sequoia and ES&S—the major manufacturers of touch screen voting machines and central tabulators—are owned and run by Bush Republicans, who have made no secret of their partisan intentions; to deny the value of the exit polls, which turn out to have been “mistaken” only in the swing states; to downplay the weird inflation of the Bush vote in county after county, where the number of votes for president was somehow higher than the number of voters who turned out; to ignore the bald chicanery of the Bush supporters who ran the central polling station in Ohio’s Warren County and forced out the press and poll monitors so they could count the vote in secret; to forget the numerous accounts of vote fraud coast to coast throughout the prior weeks of early voting; to overlook the fact that every single “glitch” or “error” that has been reported favors Bush; to ignore the countless instances of ballots—absentee, provisional—thrown away or left uncounted; to forget that the civilian vote abroad (some four million Americans) was being mishandled by the Pentagon (which had somehow become responsible for doing the State Department’s job); and to ignore the many dirty tricks reported—the polling places quickly relocated at the last minute, the fake voter-registration drives, the thousands of Americans who found themselves not on the rolls, the police road-blocks, the bullying pro-Bush poll workers, the machines that kept translating votes for Kerry into votes for Bush. And so on.

To forget or ignore all this and to accept—on faith—the mere say-so of Bush & Company (and our compliant media) is to make clear that you are not a member of what the Busheviks deride as “the reality-based community.” Those who help discredit false reports are doing that community, and this erstwhile democracy, a precious service. But, those who would abort the whole inquiry in the name of science or journalistic probity and “closure” are putting that community, and this nation, at grave risk.

Mark Crispin Miller is a professor of media studies at NYU and author, most recently, of Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney’s New World Order. The DVD of his new film, A Patriot Act, is available at his Web site.