Monday, May 30, 2005

Fw: Facing Chaos, Iraqi Doctors Are Quitting

----- Original Message -----
From: A
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 9:50 PM

Companion piece:
Published on Monday, May 30, 2005 by the New York Times
Facing Chaos, Iraqi Doctors Are Quitting
by Sabrina Tavernise

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The letter came to this city's main cardiac hospital
late last month. It was unsigned and handwritten, but its message was
clear: It threatened the hospital's top doctors and warned them to
leave their jobs immediately.
 >>"It's the worst health care system Iraq has ever known," said Dr.
Waleed George, chief surgeon at Al Sadoon Hospital in Baghdad.
"Imagine yourself trying to operate on a patient in a two-hour surgery
and the power goes out," he said. "You pray to God, and you sweat."<<
May 30, 2005
"Things are getting worse by the day."

The mayhem continues in Iraq, with today at least 40 people dead,
including five US soldiers in Diyala province as the meltdown of the
failed US-led occupation continues.

Two suicide bombers detonated themselves after walking into a crowd of
police officers in Hilla, south of Baghdad. The policemen were
demonstrating outside the mayor's office to protest a government
decision to disband their Special Forces unit.

In yet another horrible PR move (or attempt to raise sectarian
tensions?) by the US military the head of Iraq's largest Sunni
political party, Mohsen Abdul Hamid was detained from his home early
this morning in western Baghdad. Of course his head was promptly bagged
and his hands tied before he was taken away to be interrogated. His
three sons were also detained with him. Stun bombs and bullets were
said to be used during the raid, according to his wife.

It just so happens that his party, the Islamic Party, opposes the new
US-backed security operation now engulfing Baghdad because they believe
the security forces will disregard the rights of innocent Iraqis.

Later today he was released and the military admitted it made a mistake.

The military statement concerning the matter said, "Coalition forces
regret any inconvenience and acknowledge (Abdul-Hamid's) cooperation in
resolving this matter."

Abdul Hamid refused their apology in the Arab media, and stated that he
was humiliated when US soldiers held their boots on his head for 20
minutes. It was also stated that he accused American soldiers of
removing items from his home, including a computer. This is standard
operating procedure with home raids-I can't tell you how many Iraqis
I've interviewed after their homes were raided who complained of money,
jewelry and other belongings being looted by American soldiers.
The Islamic Party released a statement after the release of Abdul Hamid
which said, "The U.S. administration claims it is interested in drawing
Sunnis into the political process but it seems that their way of doing
so is by raids, arrests and violating human rights."

At least 740 Iraqis have been killed since the new "government" took
power in late April, and with the ongoing operations sparking more
attacks each day, it doesn't look like there is an end in sight. Keep
in mind, the vast majority of the Iraqi security forces are either Shia
or Kurdish battling against a primarily Sunni resistance (for now). It
can easily be argued that we are witnessing a US-backed Iraqi
government who is deliberating using its power to wage a civil war.

On that note, today Major General Ahmed al-Barazanchi, a Kurdish man
who was the director of internal affairs of Kirkuk province died this
morning after being shot yesterday.

My sources in Baghdad also said there have been fierce clashes today in
the al-Amiriya district of Baghdad between resistance fighters and
Iraqi and US soldiers. "Open gun battles in the streets," as one friend

told me, "And as soon as the Iraqi and US soldiers leave the area, the
resistance takes it back over."

Keep in mind that all of this is against the backdrop of well over 50%
unemployment, horrendous traffic jams, and an infrastructure in
shambles that continues to degrade with next to no reconstruction
occurring in Baghdad.

"Electricity shut offs drive us crazy in this hot summer," one of my
friends wrote me recently, "Even we can't read at night because of long

hours of electricity cuts and because the outside generators can't
withstand running these long hours and we have to turn these generators
off for some time to cool them!"

He continues, "Two years of occupation.for God sake where is the
rebuilding, where the hell are these billions donated to Iraq? Even not
1% improvement in services and electricity! They say again and again
the terrorists are to blame and I would accept this, but why they do
not protect these facilities? Do the American camps have cuts of
electricity? No, no, and nobody will allow this to happen...but poor
Iraqis, nobody would be sorry for them if they burn with the hell of
summer, small kids and old men they get dehydrated because no
electricity, no cold water, etc. Have you heard about the tea that is
mixed with iron particles? It is real in our life. People have to make
sure their tea is not mixed with iron by use of magnets."

He concluded his email with, "Things are getting worse day by day. Iraq
has become a country not for its people, every day thoughts jump into
the mind that sooner or later we have to leave this country, searching
for another. And there is a saying, "your home is where you sleep
safe," but this is not true in Iraq anymore."

He sent me that email three days ago.

Yesterday the Iraqi government announced that it may decrease subsidies
for fuel and electricity, despite a severe shortage of both in the
country, according to the electricity minister who warned Iraqis to
prepare for more blackouts this summer.

Ongoing fuel, electricity and drinking water shortages persist, and
only 37% of Iraqis have a working sewage system.

As so many of my Iraqi friends continue to say, "This is the freedom
and democracy that America has brought us."

Can we impeach him now? by Carol Wolman

Can we impeach him now?
by Carol Wolman
Luke 1:  52He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.
Bush's contempt for truth, the law, and the Constitution which he pledged to uphold has been apparent since the day he took office.  He has committed more impeachable offenses than one can count:-  not preventing 9-11, covering it up, lying about Iraq's WMDs, invading Iraq illegally, using illegal weapons like radioactive weaponry and napalm, torturing prisoners, flouting the Geneva Convention, lying to Congress about the cost of Medicare "reform", not investigating the Valerie Plame scandal- the list goes on and on.
When the Abu Ghraib photos surfaced last summer, the shock and outrage in this country were great enough to have launched an impeachment movement.  Kerry quickly squelched this impulse, and diverted the energy into his pseudo campaign.  This made Kerry's betrayal, his refusal to challenge the rigged voting machines, all the more bitter. He is part of the ruling class, which is aware of the simmering discontent of the populace, and has been cleverly guiding it into acceptable channels.
Now anger at Bush is starting to build again.  It is coming from several directions- Amnesty International, in the form of lawsuits, outrage in the Senate over the pressure to confirm the despicable John Bolton, disarray in the House over Tom DeLay's breathtakingly shameless corruption, disaffected civil servants, especially in the intelligence community, and again, from the general public, as the mess in Iraq drags on and on. 
Three weeks ago, a "smoking gun" presented itself, in the form of a secret memo released in the British press, which proved that Bush cooked the intelligence books in order to justify a preplanned invasion of Iraq.  He knew he was lying about WMDs, lying to the people, to the Congress, to the UN.  And if he didn't, he should have.  The buck stops on his desk.
The intrepid ranking member of the House Judicial Committee, John Conyers, the same John Conyers who insisted on hearings regarding the accuracy of the Ohio vote last November, shot off a letter to Bush, demanding an explanation for the British memo.  The Conyers letter was cosigned by 88 Representatives.  This is the first step in bringing impeachment proceedings against the president.  Conyers is collecting signatures from the public, at
I recently attended a talk by George Lakoff on reframing. 
I asked him how we can reframe the national dialogue from one of opposing world views, to one of aggrieved citizens demanding impeachment.  He replied, "You need a delivery system and a chorus".
Let's do it.  Let's be both the delivery system and the chorus demanding impeachment, each of us.  Let's overthrow this band of crooks and take our country back.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman

Fw: Momentum toward Impeachment

----- Original Message -----
From: <
To: <
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 4:19 PM
Subject: 9/11 CitizensWatch Joins Alliance Seeking Inquiry into Possible
High Crimes

[NOTE: Please be sure to sign Rep. Conyer's petition (see link below) to
accompany a letter to President Bush seeking answers to important questions
regarding the Blair Memo. Later let us hope he Rep. Conyers will ask
important questions of the President regarding the attacks of September 11th
and the statements made in the aftermath. -Ed.]

9/11 CitizensWatch Joins Coalition to Support a Resolution of Inquiry into
the Administration's pre-Iraq War Deceptions and Urges Sponsors to Broaden
the Examination to also include their Deceit and Misconduct Surrounding the
9/11 Attacks

Washington, D.C. (May 27, 2005) - In response to the recently leaked
Downing Street memo documenting that the White House was tailoring facts
and intelligence to sell its Iraq war policy as early as July 2002, a
coalition of citizen groups representing millions of Americans has formed to
seek a formal Congressional Inquiry into possible High Crimes and
Misdemeanors committed by the President and his Administration. (The
presentation of a formal Resolution of Inquiry to the House Judiciary
Committee is the first step toward possible impeachment of U.S. officials.)

Based on a review of the thousands of pages of 9/1l evidence compiled in
the last three and a half years, CitizensWatch concluded that the
administration's systematic deception of the American people was well
underway as early as September of 2001 when they repeatedly misrepresented
the facts and circumstances of the attacks.

"Any Inquiry on the Hill must broaden to examine the campaign of deceit
around 9/11, Abu Grahib, and radioactive weaponry as well as the now obvious
duplicity in their selling of the war on Iraq," said, Kyle F. Hence, co-
founder of CitizensWatch. "If the nation has learned anything in the past
three years, it is that the Iraq invasion and occupation were in planning
since the earliest days of this administration yet would have been
politically impossible without the 9/11 attacks. It is worthwhile to
isolate and document particular lies in the run-up to the war, but it is
now far more critical to address the overall plan that needed a 9/11 to
succeed and the pattern of deceit that ensued. The prima facie evidence for
this administration's criminal wrongdoing is currently overwhelming and a
broad congressional inquiry is certainly long overdue."

9/11 CitizensWatch maintains that the official 9/11 story as portrayed and
defended in the Kean/Zelikow 9/11 Report is riddled with distortions,
misrepresentations and critical omissions both regarding evidence they had
on hand and that which they refused to seek. We stand with the 9/11 families
who documented the Report failure to answer most of their questions about
the murders of their loved ones and held no one accountable for any aspect
of the tragedy or their subsequent lies. There is now a large body of
scholarly work on these questions that a congressional inquiry could draw
upon to expose the truth, seek accountability and demand justice.

For Rawstory's breaking story on the Citizens' Alliance please visit:

You'll find the Resolution of Inquiry here in Memo to Rep. John Conyers:

More details on the alliance supporting the Resolution of Inquiry:

Representative Conyers has launched a petition drive for Americans who want
to support his effort to get answers from the White House. Go to:

Fw: We Do Not Concede - Update 5/29/2005

----- Original Message -----
From: dcinelli
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 7:18 PM
Subject: We Do Not Concede - Update 5/29/2005

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 6:35 PM
Subject: We Do Not Concede - Update 5/29/2005



Dear Friends, and the amazing John Bonifaz are now requesting members of Congress put forth a Resolution of Inquiry into false statements and the overall misleading of Americans to support an Iraqi invasion, actions that warrant an investigation and perhaps articles of impeachment against George W Bush. It is worthy of your support, so please follow the links below to sign up, and to help tell others about it.  Rep. Conyers is waiting to receive 100,000 responses in just a short period of time.  Let's deliver!


We've made some headway over the past few months on important matters involving our voting rights and fair elections.  By refusing to not give up, we have helped raise the consciousness of the nation about the dangers involved with privatization of the public voting system and have helped to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the Ohio election.  Our side has gained support from several national voices, Robert Koehler, syndicated journalist with the Chicago Tribune and, Jim Lampley, a well-known sports commentator and host of the Olympics.  Check those articles out here:  More and more people around our country are becoming concerned about the national election system and what seems like an inability to vote out unpopular leaders, and so they should.


The GOP now embarks on its very own Ohio in Washington State where lawsuits have been filed challenging the outcome of the 2004 governor's race.  Using statistical analysis, the claim is that of all the discrepancies that occurred, none broke for the GOP candidate Dino Rossi, but instead all benefited Christine Gregoire, and that had the count been conducted fairly Rossi would have received a certain portion of the vote totals. Therefore, the demand is to overthrow the election and have a revote. Republicans have engaged in an all out media war in the state, spinning the facts rather than facing them. Unlike Ohio, this lawsuit has the backing of both major political parties, and should lead to an interesting outcome.  How it all comes down to a matter of 127 votes is incredible.


This lawsuit combined with just released data from the U.S. Census Bureau that reveals voter turnout was up, but somehow overall turnout of 125.7 million differs from the "official" turnout of 122.3 million as reported by the Clerk of the House.  Oddly enough, the discrepancy equals 3.4 million votes, about the same number of votes by which Bush was declared the winner of the popular vote. 


On another front in Washington State, a lawsuit by Paul Lehto has also been filed in King County against Sequoia Voting Systems (Snohomish County) asking that the machines be opened up to public scrutiny, and that corporations who use trade secrecy laws to prevent transparent elections are actually breaking the law.  Legal action should be very beneficial to our fight for free and fair elections.


A new election coverup, er--reform commission formed in April, led by Jimmy Carter and James Baker, with two more meetings scheduled, one in Houston in June and the other in Atlanta in August.  Look for actions involving both these scheduled gatherings!  We plan to make sure our voices are heard when it comes to what really matters with the way our elections are run!


Sanctions have been dropped against the four election protection attorneys in Ohio.  Bob Fitrakis (with Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman) has a new book out, "Did George W Bush Steal America's 2004 Election? - Essential Documents."  He will be out on tour in Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and San Diego beginning June 15, 2005.  For more information, visit or contact Lara Schafer at


I've recently joined BradBlog's Brad Friedman as producer of The Brad Show live from Los Angeles every Saturday late afternoon/evening 7 to 11 p.m ET.  Brad is the hottest online investigative blogger out there, and a natural behind the mic.  Interesting guests, witty commentary, and supportive listenership will all lead to much success, so tune in and help spread the word!


It has been a long while since we've been in touch.  Our list serve capabilities are limited, admittedly; multiple computer crashes haven't helped.  But rather than taking the opportunity to reply with unsubscribe in the subject line -- we here at We Do Not Concede encourage you to take a more positive action to help steer this ship on a more just and responsible course.  As always, we encourage you to network and organize in your communities.  At the present time, we are gaining quite a bit of strength in the battle to release vs. suppress truth and information.


Enjoy Memorial Day with family and friends.





Kat L'Estrange



A coalition of veterans' groups, peace groups, and political activist groups announced a campaign today to urge that the U.S. Congress launch a formal investigation into whether President Bush has committed impeachable offenses in connection with the Iraq war. The campaign focuses on evidence that recently emerged in a British memo containing minutes of a secret July 2002 meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his top national security officials.

John Bonifaz, a Boston attorney specializing in constitutional litigation, sent a memo to Congressman John Conyers of Michigan, the Ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, urging him to introduce a Resolution of Inquiry directing the House Judiciary Committee to launch a formal investigation into whether sufficient grounds exist for the House to impeach President Bush.

Bonifaz's memo, made available today at, begins: "The recent release of the Downing Street Memo provides new and compelling evidence that the President of the United States has been actively engaged in a conspiracy to deceive and mislead the United States Congress and the American people about the basis for going to war against Iraq. If true, such conduct constitutes a High Crime under Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution."

In February and March 2003, John Bonifaz served as lead counsel for a coalition of United States soldiers, parents of U.S. soldiers, and Members of Congress (led by Representatives John Conyers, Jr. and Dennis Kucinich) in a federal lawsuit challenging President George W. Bush’s authority to wage war against Iraq absent a congressional declaration of war or equivalent action. Bonifaz is the author of Warrior-King: The Case for Impeaching George W. Bush (NationBooks-NY, 2004, foreword by Rep. John Conyers, Jr.), which chronicles that case and its meaning for the United States Constitution.

The organizations forming the coalition include: Global Exchange, Gold Star Families for Peace,, Veterans for Peace, Code Pink, Progressive Democrats of America, and Democracy Rising. These organizations, beginning today, will be urging their members to contact their Representatives to urge support of a Resolution of Inquiry.

For more information, see, or contact:, President Bob Fertik and Washington Director David Swanson

Global Exchange, Co-Founder Medea Benjamin

Code Pink, Executive Committee Member Gael Murphy

Gold Star Families for Peace Member Cindy Sheehan (Sheehan's son, U.S. Army Spc. Casey Sheehan was killed in Iraq April 4, 2004.)

Consultant Steve Cobble

Progressive Democrats of America Executive Director Tim Carpenter

Veterans for Peace Executive Director Michael T. McPhearson

Democracy Rising's Kevin Zeese

Rainbow Push's Butch Wing

Velvet Revolution's Brad Friedman

Justice Through Music's Jeff Cohen,

Citizens For Legitimate Government

We Do Not Concede

TAKE ACTION NOW!  Urge your congress member to support a Resolution of Inquiry directing the House Judiciary Committee to launch a formal investigation into whether sufficient grounds exist for the House to impeach President Bush.

The recent release of the Downing Street Memo provides new and compelling evidence that the President of the United States has been actively engaged in a conspiracy to deceive and mislead the United States Congress and the American people about the basis for going to war against Iraq. If true, such conduct constitutes a High Crime under Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution.

We Do Not Concede has joined with Global Exchange, Gold Star Families for Peace,, Veterans for Peace, Code Pink, Progressive Democrats of America, Democracy Rising, the Rainbow Push Coalition, the Velvet Revolution, and Brad Blog to form the coalition. These organizations, are asking their members to contact their congress members to urge support of a Resolution of Inquiry.

You should do so too:

More Information:


Please forward this message to anyone who would be interested.




There are a few alternative sources willing to speak truth to power. I first learned about the now infamous Downing Street Memo on Daily Kos. Bradblog, Raw Story and Air America have been at the forefront of our ongoing national election scandal. But these voices are too few and too diffuse to overcome the blatant biases of our cable channels and the negligence and neglect of our major newspapers. -- Rep. John Conyers, Media Bias Forum, May 24, 2005
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Kat L'Estrange

Producer, The Brad Show



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