Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Fwd: Is god American? Dominionism, The Enemy Within by Jerry Mazza

Dear Friends,
The following article explains the Bush doctrine of dominionism, the history and  theological underpinning of his anointed presidency.  The premise is that America is the new holy land, morally superior to the rest of the world, and God's kingdom equals a pax Americana.
Keep in mind the following passage as you read the article:
for You were slain and with Your Blood You purchased for God
those from every tribe and tongue, people and nation.
You made them a kingdom and priests for our God,
and they will reign on earth."
Rev. 5: 9-10
In the name of the Prince of Peace,    Carol Wolman
----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Kohls
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 3:12 AM
Subject: Christofascist Alert: Get Ready For A Stoning: Sobering essay on the Bush/Christian Fundamentalist Coup d'etat.

Online Journal Special Report

The Dominionist church-state: the enemy within

By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Contributing Writer

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November 17, 2004—On December 24, Christmas Eve 2001, Pat Robertson stepped down as President Of The Christian Coalition.  Lo and behold behind the nativity scenes religious conservatives believed Robertson's step was taken so that President Bush could take his place as head of the American Holy Christian Church. So reported Katherine Yurica in "The Despoiling of America—How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/State." [1]

In fact, it was the sign that the Bush government under God was led by an anointed American president, the first regent in a dynasty of regents waiting for the return of Jesus to earth. The prez would now be the minister through whom God would execute (don't take that word lightly) His will in these United States. Of course, Dubya accepted scepter and sword with grace and a humble sense of exultation. It was a kind of mandate from God if not the people: Junior, a savior was born, and a Dominionist star shone.

As Supreme Court Jusitce Antonin Scalia pointed out a few months later, the Bible teaches and Christians agree, "government . . . derives its moral authority from God." Funny, I thought it was our "unalienable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" that our "Creator" gave us. At least that's what the opening of the Declaration of Independence said. Nevertheless Scalia tells us, it is the "minister of God" who has powers "to 'revenge,' to 'execute wrath,'" of course "including wrath by the sword." I never remember seeing that in the Declaration or the Constitution. Yet somehow George began to wield his sword like Mel Gibson in Braveheart, though a lot of folks missed the gore, not Al.

Leo Strauss, putative father of the neocon movement, added this bit of bowdlerized text from Machiavelli: "One ought not to say to those whom one wants to kill, 'Give me your votes, because your votes will enable me to kill you and I want to kill you,' but merely, 'Give me your votes,' for once you have power in your hand, you can satisfy your desire.'" Well, isn't that the moral high ground? Now we know what George was smirking about all along.

Thus, given the inciting incident of 9/11, the investigation of which has been rightly reopened by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, the president warned the world that "nations are either with us or they're against us." Laced with biblical passages, his speeches were delivered as if by a man who held the power of God's wrath. He not only challenged "the Axis of Evil," he took a few whacks against some folks at home, mainly the poor and middle class, who according to Dominionist thinking, "earned God's wrath by their licentiousness and undisciplined lives." The outcome is the past four years, which generated the largest spending deficit ever, in large part for tax cuts to reward the rich for their inherent goodness. Right Ken, Dick, Tom, and all you Frontier givers?

And so it went, "the Lord giving and the Lord taking." Like His minister, this same Shrub that's been re-upped, by hook and by crook, by intimidating minority and student voters, by dumping votes, erasing others, by hacking computer tallies, with the help of Associated Press and Diebold (whose board members and leaders are also of the Dominion). Passports anyone? It's gonna be a long flight. You say you want to stay? You want to duke it out? Okay. Read on . . .

Spreading the Dominionist Word

From 1982 through '86, Robertson, plus other radio and TV evangelists, rallied Christian soldiers to this new political faith. It turned them literally into an army of political ops.  Most of us didn't have a clue that this "militant agenda" dressed up as Christianity's lamb was licking its chops with a scheme for a government coup that would turn the U.S. into a wolf (or Wolfowitz), seeking a world empire for the 21st Century. Yet as early as 1994, lone journalist Frederick Clarkson warned that Dominionism "seeks to replace democracy with a theocratic elite that would govern by imposing their interpretation of 'Biblical Law.'" And this to eliminate " . . . labor unions, civil rights laws and public schools."

As to the citizenry, "Women would be generally relegated to hearth and home. Insufficiently Christian men would be denied citizenship, perhaps executed. So severe is this theocracy that it would extend capital punishment [to] blasphemy, heresy, adultery and homosexuality." [2] Sound like yesterday's news? Well, that ain't all. Today as yesterday, Dominionism is into stealth. As stealthily as Robertson himself, distributing at an Iowa Republican County caucus this memo, "How to participate in a Political Party," which read . . .

    Rule the world for God.

    Give the impression that you are there to work for the party, not push an ideology.

    Hide your strength.

    Don't flaunt your Christianity.

    Christians need to take leadership positions. Party officers control political parties and so it is very important that mature Christians have a majority of leadership positions whenever Possible, God willing. [3]

A Christian lock on political power?  There goes the separation of church and state. Thanks to good old Pat Robertson, everybody's friend. He even said he warned Bush about Iraq. Could he have smiled and lied again? Now as you pull the blade out of your back, you can see why these folks have gotten all kinds of control, since 1986, in the Republican Party and government throughout the U.S. They stay secret, and hold to undermining government social programs for the sick, poor and elderly, all the while beating the drum for laissez-faire economics, asking folks to "look to God and not to government for help." Well, okay, but He/She/It/The Force/The Void may be busy running the universe.

Yet it's estimated 35-million plus American Christians subscribe to Dominionism in the U.S., and don't even realize themselves how heretical, how seditious their goals are, thanks to the great job the televangelists and their churches did in painting a picture of an "outside enemy," a kind of spiritual al Qaeda, which in reality is the secular society we call "the home of the brave and the land of the free."

What's more, they're running on time to overthrow that society, since the complete takeover of American government was set for 2004. Yabadabadoo! So unless we resist the GOP's agenda, we can kiss our culture, Constitution and laws goodbye. If in saying this I scare the hell out of you, remember that's their aim: to scare the bejesus out of you.

Just so you know, Dominionism was born in a movement called Christian Reconstructionism, founded by the late RJ Rushdoony, his son-in-law Gary North, old Pat Robertson, Herb Titus, the former dean of Robertson's Regent University school of Public Policy (used to be CBN University); Charles Colson, born again Nixon crook; Pat's political strategy guy Tim LaHaye, Gary Bauer, the gone Francis Schaeffer, and Paul Crouch, coincidentally founder of TBN, the world's largest TV network, and a battalion of bobble-head TV and radio evangelists and talk show hosts.

The real trick was to start with the Gospels and turn the spiritual "Kingdom of God" into a real-life political empire, to be taken by force; first stop the U.S. of A.

Tossing out Jesus and his original message, "My kingdom is not of this world," the Dominionists came up with their "Gospel", sole purpose to drive Christians into politics and make world domination (as in Dominionism) happen. That's so Jesus could came back to earth, and the world table would be set for his rule by his ever-loving regents, all Judases, pockets jingling with sell-out silver.

Machiavelli, Communism, Secular Humanism and Neoconservatism go to work for a Militant and truly evil Anti-Christian Religion.

In the '50's and '60's, right-wing Christians agonized over commies and communism gobbling up the world. They also found another bugaboo, fingered by Francis Schaeffer in 1982, their top-gun theologian. The bugaboo was Secular Humanism, oh my god, the greatest threat to Christianity the universe had ever seen. Soon American fundamentalists and Pentacostals saw "humanists" everywhere. Schaeffer, appearing on Robertson's 700 Club Show, claimed that "humanism" (one of the world's more benign philosophies) was being thrust on Christians. It (humanism) taught that man was "the center of all things," as tasty a piece of neocon disinformation as you'll ever find.

Go to your search engine, type in "humanism" and it says "A philosophical system of thought that focuses on human value, thought, and actions. Humans are considered basically good and rationale creatures, who can improve themselves and others through natural human abilities of reason and action. Secular Humanism is a late development emphasizing objectivity, human reason, and human standards that govern art, economics, ethics, and belief. As such, no deity is acknowledged." Sounds pretty decent to me.

Ah, but the last phrase was the kicker, "no deity is acknowledged." In other words, it was up to man to act properly, using his natural abilities of reason and action. It did not throw the onus for right action on the fear of punishment from God, who once again might be busy running the universe, and not have time to personally kick every Tom, Dick and Ken in the ass and tell them not to act like gangsters.

And then, in a tremendous leap in logic, the Dominionists contended humanism like communism was based on atheism. More disinformation. Humanism laid the primary responsibility for right action at man's feet, and gave God, if He/She/It/The Force/The Void was there, a break for a few minutes in cosmic time. Communism's resistance to theism was largely a reaction to the Church's complicity with Czarist rule, which relentlessly oppressed the masses of Russian people for seven centuries. When they had enough of both oppressors, the Russians had a revolution, and the political tables were turned, not unlike what the Dominionists are attempting, only in the name of God. Humanism, probably by association of the "ism" suffix, was the enemy, too, in the Dominionist view of God and people. And Schaeffer, like a small-time Hitler, spoke with great passion of this, misusing the Declaration of Independence to rationalize his insanity . . .

"Today we live in a humanist society. They control the schools . . . public television . . . the media. . . . The courts are not subject to the will of the people through elections or re-election . . . all the great changes in the last forty years have come through the courts. And what we must get in our mind, the government as a whole, but especially the courts, has become the vehicle to force this view of the total population, even if the total population doesn't hold this view." [4]

Schaeffer noted those "great changes since 1942," as if they were anathema, a trip to perdition. In fact, those years include WW II, when we kicked Hitler's butt, preserved world democracy and rebuilt the world economy. Then "our boys" (all creeds, nationalities and colors) marched on at home to help secure civil rights, while building the most potent economy on earth. Yet all Schaeffer had to say about this great American effort was a seditious libel, which he would if he could shove down everyone's throat . . .

"If you don't revolt against tyranny and this is what I call the bottom line, is that not only do you have the privilege but the duty to revolt. When people force upon you and society that which is absolutely contrary to the Word of God, and which really is tyranny . . . we have a right to stand against it as a matter of principle. And this was the basis upon which the founding fathers built this country." Was our fought-for freedom a tyranny? Was that contrary to the Word of God? How about the preservation of human and civil rights? We helped fulfill the dream of the founding fathers, not destroy it, as he was advocating. What God was he talking about?

Yet his sick sophistry, this ignorant racist diatribe enraptured none other than the great Billy Graham hisself. On Pat's old 700 Club show, his eagle eyes peering from under bushy brows, the big B said . . .

"Time has come when evangelicals are going to have to think about getting organized corporately. . . . I'm for evangelicals running for public office and winning if possible and getting control of the Congress, getting control of the bureaucracy, getting control of the executive branch . . . I think if we leave it to the 'other side' we're going to be lost. I would like to see every true believer involved in politics in some way shape or form."

Well Billy-babe, it is every true and non believer's right, thanks to the Constitution, to be involved in politics and hold office. Thanks to all the blood all kinds of Americans shed since the Revolution.  And we weren't lost, except in your and your friends' dark minds. Maybe we disagreed about some things, like segregation, the Klu Klux Klan, a woman's right to choose, etc, etc. But we weren't lost because we disagreed with you and yours.

Nevertheless, according to Dominionist dogma, "God's people" [as opposed to the other side] had a moral duty to change the government of the United States. [5]. Bottom line: by 2000 the new religion was born, 35 million strong, declaring war on the other 245 mill. And hail, Karl Rove, Minister Bush's political brain, told the Family Research Council in 2002, "We need to find ways to win the war." [5]. The thing is, they were in power, so what war did they want to win now? The war against other people breathing? Or perhaps, having turned Christianity upside down, now they wanted to turn American Democracy upside down. You betcha! Call the Office of Homeland Security. I think I've found a cadre of major terrorists.

The Machiavelli Connection

After all this, it's not hard to imagine why Machiavelli became the Spiritual Godfather of Dominionism. And why the author of The Prince found such acceptance in the thought and actions of Karl Rove/George Bush.  Undo the New Deal.  Give corporations all freedom to rape and pillage.  Dress corruption in religion.  Create an American empire to rule the world.  Lead the populus like Reverend Jim Jones led his followers to Kool-Aid oblivion.  Yes, the Dominionists reveled in Machiavelli's teachings, in passages that advised "a leader must only appear to have the qualities of goodness—he need not actually possess those attributes."  Dominionists also sucked up Machiavellian passages like the following . . .

"Alexander VI did nothing else but deceive men, he thought of nothing else, and found the occasion for it; no man was ever more able to give assurances, or affirmed things with stronger oaths, and no man observed them less; however, he always succeeded in this deceptions, as he well knew this aspect of things."

Parenthetically, who does this remind you of? Or this . . .

"Everybody sees what you appear to be, few feel what you are, and those few will not dare to oppose themselves to the many, who have the majesty of the state to defend them; and in the actions of men, and especially of princes, from which there is no appeal, the end justifies the means." (p. 93)

Parenthetically, Machiavelli's means included murder, rape, pedophilia, torture, overthrowing a state, name it. He would have loved Abu Ghraib. For instance . . .

"Let a prince therefore aim at conquering and maintaining the state, and the means will always be judged honorable and praised by every one, for the vulgar is always taken by appearances and the issue of the event; and the few who are not vulgar are isolated when the many have a rallying point in the prince." (p. 94)

And so, ladies and gentlemen, and all the ships at sea, you read it, heard it here, what these God-spewing Dominionists are really about. For more hard-core evidence, simply go to the Yurica Report and check out the 45-page story (10 pages of which are documentation) of the Dominionist Army for yourself. It might be helpful to know in greater detail with whom you'll be dealing in the next four years.

In fact, it seems like a lifetime ago that we were singing, "We All Live in a Yellow Submarine." It's time to surface and take a good look at all those smiling (and not so smiling) faces around us. Power to the people! The good, loving, open-faced people of America.  In fact now, like Now is the time to come to the aid of your country. Step up to the plate, swing for the fences. We need every hit can we can get to win this game. Get me?


1. The Despoiling Of America. Also "Religious Right Finds Its Center in Oval Office," Washington Post, December 24, 2001.

2. "Christian Reconstructionism: Theocratic Dominionism Gains Influence," by Frederick Clarkson, The Public Eye Magazine, Vol. VIII, Nos. 1 & @, March/June 1994, Part 1 of a four part series.

3. See subhead: A Short-Lived Sigh of Relief

4. All 700 Club quotes were transcribed by Katherine Yurica and her Editorial and Research Assistant Laurie Hall.

5. "War on Secular Society".

Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer who resides in New York, where the five Mafia families, like the one in Washington, DC, are still acting out the words of their consigliare, Machiavelli. Reach him at Thanks to Katherine Yurica for her brilliant work.


Where are the funds raised by the DNC for this purpose?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 5:35 PM

> Not to oversee workmen is to leave them your purse open.
> -- Ben Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac
> Dear Fellow Radical
> This is the lastest development in the Ohio Recount story.
> Also note that Keith Olbermann MSNBC news commentator whose show
> Countdown has been covering the story was NOT fired, contrary to
> internet rumors. He has an informative and humerous daily blog where
> you can read about all post election happenings. Just do a search for
> Blogermann.
> Go to Cobb's website below if you want to donate to the recount effort.
> The deadlines are the certification of Ohio electors December
> 7, voting by the electors December 13, and the joint session of
> congress January 6.
> In my opinion, Cobb is covering the Green Party with credit
> for leading the recount movement. Whatever shenanigans were involved
> in his selection as our candidate, and whatever the outcome of the
> recount, the Greens will emerge as a stronger national party for
> having taken on this challenge.
> But the outcome of the election will not change unless Kerry
> himself gets a court to declare him the winner of the recount, and
> the timelines for doing that are just real tight. And is he the kind
> of person that would take that kind of a risk to save the nation?
> Fact of the matter is, if he were still "on duty" and not
> AWOL, he would have demanded the recount. His lack of courage has
> opened the door to Cobb and the friends of democracy to take his
> place.
> ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
> >From: "Nancy Allen"
> >To:
> >Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 11:11:12 -0500
> >X-Priority: 3
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >For immediate release: November 17, 2004
> >
> >Contact: Blair Bobier, Media Director at 541.929.5755
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Support for Green Party presidential candidate David
> >Cobb's demand for a recount of the Ohio presidential vote continues
> >to grow. Ohio Congressman and former presidential candidate Dennis
> >Kucinich has joined a growing list of individuals and organizations
> >calling for a recount.
> >
> > "I strongly support the request for a recount in Ohio,"
> >Kucinich said in a statement sent to the Cobb-LaMarche campaign.
> >
> > Kucinich said that a "recount is an appropriate response
> >to officials who tried to suppress the vote" and that the "highly
> >partisan activities of state election officials cast doubt on the
> >integrity of the elections process."
> >
> > Cobb and Libertarian candidate Michael Badnarik, who
> >intend to file jointly for the recount, have demanded that Ohio
> >Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, a Republican who chaired the
> >Ohio Bush campaign, recuse himself from the recount process.
> >
> > "We need an election system and election officials we
> >can trust. The problems in Florida in 2000 and the problems in Ohio
> >in 2004 will repeat themselves in 2008 unless we do something about
> >it. Our elections should be administered by an independent
> >non-partisan commission, and not by the state chairs of the
> >Republican presidential campaign," said David Cobb. The Secretary
> >of State in Florida in 2000, Katherine Harris, was also the state
> >chair of the Bush campaign and the person responsible for counting
> >the presidential ballots.
> >
> > Kucinich's support of Cobb's recount demand comes on the
> >heels of another prominent endorsement of this effort. On Monday,
> >Common Cause, the National Voting Rights Institute, Demos, the
> >Fannie Lou Hamer Project and People for the American Way Foundation
> >issued a joint statement in support of the Cobb and Badnarik demand
> >for an Ohio recount.
> >
> > Kucinich expressed his appreciation of the growing
> >movement demanding accountability for the 2004 election.
> >
> > "Thank you to the Greens and all others whose support
> >for a recount will rescue a shred of honesty in the conduct of the
> >2004 Ohio election," said Kucinich.
> >
> > The Cobb-LaMarche campaign is now in the process of
> >recruiting volunteers and raising funds for monitoring the actual
> >recount process which is expected to take place in early December.
> >Volunteers and donors should visit the campaign website,
> >, for more
> >information.
> >
> >-30-
> --
> P.O. Box 533, Talmage, CA 95481
> (707) 468-1009

Fw: 911 Whistleblower fired !!!!!!!!!!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: Mr. E
To: Mr. E
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 6:08 PM
Subject: 911 Whistleblower fired !!!!!!!!!!!!

Afternoon, Folks !!
Regarding the article below....
Well...THIS IS A MAJOR RED FLAG !!  This is for the blind sheeple...
because there is no way in hell that you can say our government has the
people's best interests at heart !! 
This is war...and they are at war with us, THE PEOPLE.
We call it TYRANNY where I come from.
How obvious can it get ??????
Arthur Evangelista
Fraud Investigation Cooperative
Barnardsville, NC

Subject: ### 911 Whistleblower fired ###

On 11/17/04, Kevin Ryan of UL laboratories wrote a letter stating that the steel did not fail in the World Trade Center as the official government cover story alleges. Yesterday, he was fired.

I just got off the phone with Paul Baker in Media Relations at UL in Northbrook, IL. (847-664-1001) Paul confirmed that Kevin R. Ryan, the head of the Environmental Health Laboratory Div. of Underwriter´s Laboratory (UL) was fired today.

He promised to give me a copy of UL´s statement on the termination by e-mail as soon as it is available. He said the memo thing "needs to be cleared up."

For those of you who are not up to speed, Kevin had written a curt e-mail to Frank Gayle of the National Institute of Standards and Technology questioning that the steel (which his lab had certified) had failed in the WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapses due to the buring jet fuel. Kevin´s memo is available elsewhere here on GLP.

THIS IS THOROUGHLY UNCONSCIONABLE. I will post a copy of the e-mail as soon as it is received.

I just called everybody and his uncle in the patriot/911 truth community I could think of over the last 45 minutes. I spoke to Alex Jones in person during a commercial break of his radio show (in progress).. we´re trying to get Kevin onto Alex´s show. Plenty of others have been informed.

Spread the word friends!!! AS the Bushies are known to say: "This will not stand!"

OK..I reached Kevin R. Ryan at home. He confirmed the firing and that it was over his willingness to challenge the official collapse story put out by the US government.

He was willing for me to give his phone number to both Alex Jones and to, and I have done so.

He sounds quite shaken, but otherwise well. I asked him if he was OK financially and he said for now he´d be OK.

What a great patriot! I wish more people had Kevin´s courage!

From: Kevin R Ryan/SBN/ULI

Date: 11/11/2004

Dr. Gayle,

Having recently reviewed your team´s report of 10/19/04, I felt the need to contact you directly.

As I´m sure you know, the company I work for certified the steel components used in the construction of the WTC buildings. In requesting information from both our CEO and Fire Protection business manager last year, I learned that they did not agree on the essential aspects of the story, except for one thing - that the samples we certified met all requirements. They suggested we all be patient and understand that UL was working with your team, and that tests would continue through this year. I´m aware of UL´s attempts to help, including performing tests on models of the floor assemblies. But the results of these tests appear to indicate that the buildings should have easily withstood the thermal stress caused by pools of burning jet fuel.

There continues to be a number of "experts" making public claims about how the WTC buildings fell. One such person, Dr. Hyman Brown from the WTC construction crew, claims that the buildings collapsed due to fires at 2000F melting the steel (1). He states "What caused the building to collapse is the airplane fuel . . . burning at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The steel in that five-floor area melts." Additionally, the newspaper that quotes him says "Just-released preliminary findings from a National Institute of Standards and Technology study of the World Trade Center collapse support Brown´s theory."

We know that the steel components were certified to ASTM E119. The time temperature curves for this standard require the samples to be exposed to temperatures around 2000F for several hours. And as we all agree, the steel applied met those specifications. Additionally, I think we can all agree that even un-fireproofed steel will not melt until reaching red-hot temperatures of nearly 3000F (2). Why Dr. Brown would imply that 2000F would melt the high-grade steel used in those buildings makes no sense at all.

The results of your recently published metallurgical tests seem to clear things up (3), and support your team´s August 2003 update as detailed by the Associated Press (4), in which you were ready to "rule out weak steel as a contributing factor in the collapse". The evaluation of paint deformation and spheroidization seem very straightforward, and you noted that the samples available were adequate for the investigation. Your comments suggest that the steel was probably exposed to temperatures of only about 500F (250C), which is what one might expect from a thermodynamic analysis of the situation.

However the summary of the new NIST report seems to ignore your findings, as it suggests that these low temperatures caused exposed bits of the building´s steel core to "soften and buckle"(5). Additionally this summary states that the perimeter columns softened, yet your findings make clear that "most perimeter panels (157 of 160) saw no temperature above 250C". To soften steel for the purposes of forging, normally temperatures need to be above 1100C (6). However, this new summary report suggests that much lower temperatures were be able to not only soften the steel in a matter of minutes, but lead to rapid structural collapse.

This story just does not add up. If steel from those buildings did soften or melt, I´m sure we can all agree that this was certainly not due to jet fuel fires of any kind, let alone the briefly burning fires in those towers. That fact should be of great concern to all Americans. Alternatively, the contention that this steel did fail at temperatures around 250C suggests that the majority of deaths on 9/11 were due to a safety-related failure. That suggestion should be of great concern to my company.

There is no question that the events of 9/11 are the emotional driving force behind the War on Terror. And the issue of the WTC collapse is at the crux of the story of 9/11. My feeling is that your metallurgical tests are at the crux of the crux of the crux. Either you can make sense of what really happened to those buildings, and communicate this quickly, or we all face the same destruction and despair that come from global decisions based on disinformation and "chatter".

Thanks for your efforts to determine what happened on that day. You may know that there are a number of other current and former government employees that have risked a great deal to help us to know the truth. I´ve copied one of these people on this message as a sign of respect and support. I believe your work could also be a nucleus of fact around which the truth, and thereby global peace and justice, can grow again. Please do what you can to quickly eliminate the confusion regarding the ability of jet fuel fires to soften or melt structural steel.


2. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 61st edition, pg D-187



5. (pg 11)


Kevin Ryan
Site Manager
Environmental Health Laboratories
A Division of Underwriters Laboratories

South Bend

fw: nationwide protests are blacked out by media

----- Original Message -----
From: "goldi316"
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 2:16 PM
Subject: [Fwd: Media ignores it as coast to coast, Americans are

> Although not being reported, there ARE protests going on in various
> parts of the country. The only source of information on these is the
> indymedia news sites, a loose collective of independent "reporters" and
> citizens posting eye-witness accounts. But if there is to be any hope of
> taking the control of this country back from the criminals and their
> lackeys, we will have to do much more than this! Still, this is
> encouraging, and it's a start - may it be inspiration for the rest of us.
> goldi
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Media ignores it as coast to coast, Americans are protesting...
> Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 12:59:17 -0000
> >From
> Recently, I was involved in a project that required a visit to every
> Independent Media Center in the country. I learned of an enormous
> movement happening across the United States that literally astounded
> me. There are protests and marches in every major city in
> the country.
> I looked for articles in my local newspaper and on TV.....and there
> was nothing. These stories are found only on our network of IMCs, and
> bless them, for they are all unpaid volunteers serving the people,
> and trying to get the truth out - at a time when, we now know, the
> truth is not an issue for the Major Media. For instance, did you hear
> that in Chicago there were demonstrations for a solid week after the
> Nov. 2 Election..........NO.
> What follows is an incomplete compilation of stories on citizen
> unrest from around the country. Most of them have fallen off the
> Main News Column, but can still be accessed. New York City, for
> instance, has post-election stories that go back 30 pages.
> Most were non-violent protests, one in particular - Boise Idaho -
> had a rally where everyone dressed in their best clothing and
> carried signs reading "Leave no billionare behind".
> Check each cities' IMC to read the full story.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Tuscon - "Police made it a point to harass and supress an energetic
> but peacefull march on Nov. 3."
> Austin - "Hundreds of people gathered today in Austin to protest
> the war waged by the US and the concession of George W. Bush
> to a second term."
> Baltimore - "People marched through downtown Baltimore
> to voice their opposition to the results of the election...."
> Boston - Several people expressed their embarrassment
> before the rest of the world at the results of the election.
> Amy Beth Dimasi said that she had come out, "because Bush
> was not elected the first time. The fact that he's going to be
> in office another four years . . . Right now, it's humiliating
> to be considered an American."
> Mass. - ......people gathered in Amherst, Northampton,
> Springfield and in the Berkshires to voice their outrage,
> shock and dismay at what may well turn out to be another
> hi-jacking of a national election.
> Amherst - Beginning at UMass... students and allies marched
> to the downtown Common Nov. 9 for an anti-war, anti-racist
> march.....
> Buffalo - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate
> glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters on Delaware
> Avenue in downtown Buffalo. A window was also shattered
> at the Armed Forces Recruiting Office on Sheridan in the
> town of Tonawanda and the lock to a back door was broken.
> Chicago - Chicago Erupts in Week of Protest during the
> Elections ..... the crowd erupted into the second unpermitted
> street march as thousands paraded throughout downtown,
> blocking traffic and confusing cops. "We want an end to all
> US wars and occupations..."
> DC - "Today we Marched Because the System is Rotten"
> DC - Snake march through DC ....started at the White House
> and kinda wandered all over down town.
> Houston - ...demanding that the War Profiteers Halliburton
> and KBR and the Bush regime be thrown out of our community
> and out of office.
> Boise - Billionaires for Bush Rally......Carrying signs
> which read "Leave no Billionaire behind", "We can't thank
> our President enough for contributing to our pockets—er,
> I mean economic growth in America."
> IN WESTWOOD...The APCs circled the block twice, the
> second time parking themselves in the street and directly
> in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered.
> L A - About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland
> and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea
> to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election.
> Madison - Rally and March for Peace
> Toledo - Hundreds of angry Ohio residents marched through
> the streets of Columbus—Ohio'sCapital—this evening and
> stormed the Ohio State House....
> Lansing - members of Urbandale neighborhood,
> were joined by MSU students... to protest the Bush regime,
> occupation, and government.....
> Milwaukee - ....a motley assemblage of the 'peace community':
> liberals, church people, disgusted teenagers, environmentalists,
> anarcho-syndicalists, and simple people of good will dismayed
> at the way things turned out.
> Maine - .......activists fought off wind, freezing rain, and
> a pressing chill as they stood outside of Bath Iron Works
> to witness and protest the launching of the 47th Aegis
> Destroyer built by the US government.
> Vermont - .....people took to the streets in disgust today in
> response to the presidential election which put George W.
> Bush into power for his second term.
> New Jersey - Activists picket the Paterson "Army of One"
> office in downtown Paterson.
> New Jersey - NJ Solidarity members joined the weekly protest
> organized by Inclusive Democracy at the "Army Career
> Center". The protest is small, but persistent.
> NYC - 500, 000 people filled blocks of Seventh Avenue in NYC....
> filing past Madison Square Garden to express dissent towards the
> Republican Party.
> NYC - Protests, Scattered Violence Mark Bush 'Victory'
> NYC - ....NYPD harassment of Crticial Mass escalated last night,
> with reports that between 33 and 47 people were arrested.
> NYC - There was a protest this evening at Union Square Park.
> Apparently, the protesters were surrounded by NYPD with M-16s.
> NYC - A contingent of anti-war veterans marching in the official
> city Veterans Day parade found a very favorable response.....
> Raliegh - .... attacked North Carolina Republican
> Party headquarters late Friday, leaving behind minor smoke
> damage, broken windows and vulgar messages, authorities said.
> Albany - ....a demonstration with perhaps 100 people in
> Red Hook were attacked by police....
> Columbus - Around 150-200 people marched from the
> Federal Building back to the state Capitol Building and
> sat and protested on the front steps of the Capitol Building.
> Dallas - ....a Dallas-based activist group met a wall
> of police and security as they attempted to
> pass literature to the speakers of a conference on
> globalization and to rally against the conference.
> Dallas - Protestors Swamp SMU Bush Rally
> Philadelphia - Following the rally, a spontaneous march
> erupted into the streets of Philadelphia.
> Pittsburgh - ...march through Squirrel Hill despite chilling
> police repression and rain.
> Portland - activists held back-to-back demonstrations in an
> unprecedented week of action for peace and justice.
> Portland - There were three arrests today, two at the start of
> the rally at Pioneer Sq. and one under the Burnside Bridge......
> Portland - .......police using pepper spray to disperse protesters
> on November 3rd.
> Richmond - Participants wore red to symbolize the fact that
> democracy in this country is in extreme danger.
> Rochester - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate
> glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters..........
> San Diego - .....people turned up to voice their re-affirmation of
> their absolute rejection of the war on Iraq.
> San Fransisco - ....a rally and civil disobedience at the San Francisco
> Federal Building....
> Seattle - .....protesters marched from Western Washington University
> today to protest the occupation and the elections in general.
> Seattle - Over 1,000 people gathered in downtown Seattle to protest
> Bush's war in Iraq.
> Lawrence - ....activists marched protest of the current invasion of
> Fallujah. Local police accosted activists.........

Fw: The Christian Fundamentalists of America are the mirror image of the Taleban

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 11:26 PM
Subject: [peacemakersBiblestudy] Fw: [openmindandcodenews] The Christian Fundamentalists of America are the mirror image of the Taleban

The Christian Fundamentalists of America are the mirror image of the Taleban

Which Bible do they bash? Not mine

Between a cult of Satanic devil-worshippers and a group of Christians, which of the two would condone an act of mass murder, torture, rape, destruction of homes, wanton vandalism and acts of terrorism? The former, or the latter?

Anywhere else in the world, it would be considered that only those who walk in legion with Satan would or could support such shocking acts of butchery. Not so in the USA apparently, where the so-called Christian Fundamentalists handed George Bush the presidency on a silver platter, complete with a pat on the back and a reassuring wink. More of the same, George, more of the same.

However, what "Christians" are these and whose Bible are they bashing?


Christianity stands for the values preached by Jesus Christ, which, like other main religions, are based upon the principles of peace, love, tolerance, dialogue and fundamentally, the respect for life, property and the basic laws which govern mankind. The main religions are guardians of the unwritten bond which defines human decency and that which is considered as unacceptable.

In simple terms, easily understood by a homo sapiens sapiens who lived in islands of civilization among the wilderness, the division between these two precepts was described as the realm of God and the realm of the Devil, Heaven and Hell, Good and Evil.

Since the writing of the Scriptures, Mankind has periodically misused, abused and disused the original objectives of the word, namely to provide an explanation of the unknown and more importantly, rules within which Mankind should live.

Few civilizations have been guiltless in this impulsive act of blasphemy, mixed with the temptation to mix Church and State to strengthen the latter, raising religious banners which in many cases were historically more powerful than national ones, due to the trans-national nature of religion.

Yet today, two thousand years after the Passion of Christ and fifteen hundred years after the death of Muhammed, we continue to see acts of depravity and blasphemy justified under religious banners on a scale as primary and warped as that used five hundred years ago by the Inquisition.

One such example was the blasphemy of the Taleban regime, which usurped the Noble Qu'ran and substituted its core message with a mixture of Pashtun lore and extremist Islamist law. The result: an insult and a direct attack against Islam itself. Similarly, the so-called Christian Fundamentalists in the United States of America, whose warped and blasphemic view of their religion supports the acts of the Bush regime.

The Christian Fundamentalists of America are the mirror image of the Taleban, both of which insult and deny their Gods.

How can any Christian, in whatever shape or form, support an act of murder, much less mass murder? How can any Christian turn a blind eye to acts of torture? How can any Christian accept an act of rape? Did these fundamentalist Christians in the USA know when they voted for Bush that a substantial number of sisters, wives and mothers of men wanted by the USA in Iraq were raped in custody and rather than abort or face the humility of their condition, meted out by the soldiers of Bush, preferred to commit suicide?


Did these Fundamentalist Christians know that Bush's military forces targeted civilian infra-structures so that rebuilding contracts worth billions of dollars could be handed to Cheney's friends at Halliburton without even the decency of a tender?


In targeting civilian infra-structures, we are speaking about power plants, which keep babies alive in winter, we are speaking about water supply systems, we are speaking about electricity units, we are speaking about schools, we are speaking about hospitals.


Where in the Christian faith does it state that it is acceptable to destroy such structures? Where in the Christian religion does it state that a soldier should open fire on civilians, including children, yelling "Burn, you mother-f.. Burn"?


Where in the Christian religion is it stated that a soldier can stick his automatic weapon in the face of a frightened six-year-old boy and scream: "Get ya f. hands up, now?"


No, it is no good to simply deny everything and turn to the cross. Such instances are documented and recorded. They happened and continue to happen and will continue to happen, so long as Bush and his evil regime, which hoodwinked their people with ludicrous tales of fear, which made fools out of America's good people with their lies, continues in power. The good Christians of the united States of America have just given a four-year lease of life to this Satanistic regime.


As everyone now knows and as George Bush himself now admits, Iraq and 9/11 were unconnected, wholly and totally unconnected. Saddam Hussein is not Bin Laden, indeed they hate each other and Islamism detests Saddam Hussein as being not Islamist enough. Therefore any connection between Islamist terrorism and Iraq is in plain English, and I apologize, bullshit.


Yet this bullshit sees US troops, every day, slaughtering Iraqis, including women and children and let it be said that if any Iraqi men are resisting this illegal invasion (which breaks the UN Charter and also breached the Geneva Convention, on many counts), are only doing what any patriotic US citizen would do if his country was invaded.


Therefore every time that the Christian Fundamentalists of America enter into a Church and are faced by a barrage of blasphemy connecting Christ or Christianity to Bush, may they choke on the Host if they believe it.



Scofield Reference Bible
The main part of Religion industry by the Zionists Crime Syndicate

Scofield Reference Bible [ II ]
The Source of the Problem in the Mid East - Terrorisms and fanaticisms of the Zionists Christians as politically motivated cult. They pave the way for death and destruction.

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