Monday, October 03, 2005

Fw: [ImpeachBushNOW] Polling on Impeachment

----- Original Message -----
From: NT
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 7:41 PM
Subject: [ImpeachBushNOW] Polling on Impeachment



10/3/05: $5,500 in first weekend!

This campaign was launched on September 30, 2005. Our purpose is to collect donations and use them to pay mainstream respected pollsters to include in their public opinion surveys questions about impeaching President Bush and related matters. Does the public favor an investigation into grounds for impeachment? Does a majority of the public want impeachment right away? What are the most popular reasons for wanting Bush impeached? What does the public think about various other proposals to hold accountable the architects of this war?

We have no way of knowing, because the pollsters aren't asking. One pollster did ask about impeachment in June. This Zogby Poll from June 30, 2005, found that a remarkable 42 percent of Americans favored impeachment if Bush lied about the reasons for the war. Various polls have found that a majority of Americans believe that Bush did so lie. That 42 percent is significantly higher than the percentage of the public that wanted Clinton impeached. Dan Froomkin of reported on this in a July 6, 2005, article, and again in this Sept. 21, 2005, article. Bob Fertik, President of, has blogged about this here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here. RAW STORY has covered it.


Polling companies are unwilling to pursue the issue unless either (1) there is action on it in Congress, or (2) someone pays them to ask a question they wouldn't otherwise ask. That's where you come in. Donate by clicking the button below. Your money will be used to produce poll results on impeachment and related questions. The amount of money raised, how it is spent, and the poll results will be posted here.


We've named the fund you're giving to "Marginalized Majority Polling" because too often in this country majority concerns and positions are left out of polls and treated in news stories as radical and marginal. Too often people hold majority opinions and believe falsely that they are part of a small minority. We want to change that situation, as regards the issue of impeachment and the alleged crimes of the Bush administration.

This campaign was born out of the concerns of After Downing Street,, and of Luke Ryland, an Australian based blogger who tracks U.S. politics. It was picked up and carried to the next level by an internet activist, donna.never.surrender of Aggressive Progressives, who requested AfterDowningStreet's assistance to help assure success.

Please give any amount of money that you can: $5, $10, $50, $100, $1,000. Every penny, except the small fees taken out by PayPal, will be used to poll the public on impeachment and related questions.


Give Us Advice:
Please tell us exactly what questions you would like to see asked. We will take into consideration all of your recommendations.

Please help spread the word by linking to this page with this image:
 Impeach Bush Poll Question Fund Drive

(Link to

Putting this HTML code on your site will add the above image and link it to this page.

Watch Bush's approval falling.


NOTE: To pay through PayPal you do NOT need a PayPal account. You can use a credit card.


"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth." - F.D.R.


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Fw: [ImpeachBushNOW] Bush Dunnit by Juan Cole

----- Original Message -----
From: NT
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 9:00 AM
Subject: [ImpeachBushNOW] Bush Dunnit

Bush Dunnit
October 3, 2005 -- Juan Cole

George Stephanopolous dropped a bombshell on his show on Sunday. Toward the end, as Judd notes, he said,

' Definitely a political problem but I wonder, George Will, do you think it’s a manageable one for the White House especially if we don’t know whether Fitzgerald is going to write a report or have indictments but if he is able to show as a source close to this told me this week, that President Bush and Vice President Cheney were actually involved in some of these discussions. '

The implication is that Bush and Cheney took part in discussions with Karl Rove, Lewis Libby and other administration spinmeisters about what to do about that pesky Joseph Wilson IV, former acting ambassador to Iraq who had stood up to Saddam in fall of 1990. Wilson had gone to Niger in spring of 2002 to check out the stories circulating in intelligence circles that Saddam had bought uranium there recently. Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney (when people are in legal trouble the tradition is to drop the nicknames) had asked the CIA about the stories. Wilson had found that the structure of the uranium industry in Niger (which frankly was in French hands) made the purchases implausible. What Wilson did not know at the time was that the stories were generated by actual documents, a set of clumsily forged letters generated by Italian military intelligence officer Rocco Martini (who claimed he was the tool of "higher powers.")

Wilson wrote his report and assumed it was passed by then CIA direct George Tenet and thence went to Cheney, who had initiated the inquiry. Wilson watched with amazement and outrage as the Bush administration went on relentlessly to hype Iraq's alleged nuclear program as a basis for the Iraq War that they got up. By May of 2003, Wilson had had enough, and he went public with an editorial in the New York Times, in which he told his story.

The whole point of Bushism is to punish dissidence within the ranks immediately and ruthlessly. Wilson, a former State Department official, had to be destroyed for having stepped out of line. Everyone should remember that when former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill decided to come out with a tell-all memoir about being in the Bush cabinet for a year, he proclaimed, "I'm old, I'm rich, and there is nothing they can do to me" (or words to that effect). Then all of a sudden the Bush administration was finding signs of classified documents in O'Neill's book, implicitly threatening him with spending the rest of his life in jail for having revealed government secrets. O'Neill feebly protested that he had not had access to classified documents. But all of a sudden he disappeared from the airwaves. He had discovered that there were, too, things that could be done to him. He must have been astonished that the Bushes of Kennebunkport would behave like Vladimir Putin. Everyone always underestimates the malevolence of the Bushes of Connecticut.

So the Bush team ordered an investigation into Wilson. It quickly emerged that he was married to Valerie Plame Wilson (though the government documents the White House could get hold of just called her Valerie Plame), and it transpired that Plame worked on preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction at the CIA.

Karl Rove, Lewis Libby, Richard Bruce Cheney, and the Department of Defense mafia considered the CIA an open enemy and not a team player. Richard Perle, their guru on these matters, viewed the CIA as a hotbed of wimpy "liberalism" that especially underestimated the depravity of dark-skinned peoples in the Third World. In short, the CIA was impervious to the Likud lobby and unimpressed with the crackpot theories of far rightwing gadflies like Perle.

So in the hothouse atmosphere of the White House in 2003, when the awful truth was dawning that there was no WMD in Iraq, Rove, Libby, W. and the big Bruce huddled together with others in the administration to think how to discredit Wilson. They care only about image, not substance. It didn't matter to them that Wilson had been proved right. In their world, you only lose if the public sees the truth. The mere discovery of the truth in some obscure quarter is irrelevant. They had to prevent the public from seeing Wilson's truth.

So they would leak it that Wilson's wife was CIA and moreover had had something to do with having him sent on his mission. Apparently among the peculiar tribes that inhabit the press offices in Washington, this information would be enough to tag Wilson as unreliable, as, indeed, a flack for a CIA populated by Walter Mondales who wouldn't recognize a uranium shipment to Iraq if a caterpillar lift truck accidentally dropped it on their toes. In short, Wilson would be not a good-faith witness but a secret agent with a hidden (pinko) agenda, and so safely dismissed.

Rove and Libby were chosen as the hatchet men who would actually talk to the reporters and put the information around. But of course Bush and Cheney were part of the deliberations that set the plan in motion. It involved outing a career CIA operative (and likely getting her contacts in the third world killed). It was very serious business. Bush would have had to have signed off on it, at least orally.

As long as the Republicans control both houses of congress, Bush is probably safe. I'm not sure a special counsel like Fitzpatrick could by himself bring down a president. But if the Democrats can take the Senate in 2006, this scandal could turn into an impeachment trial.

I have long been frustrated by the US press's tendency to talk about Bush's cabinet officers as though they were independent agents, and to put Bush on a pedestal. Let me just follow through on some further assertions in the spirit of Stephanopoulos's remark.

It is fruitless to speculate about who dissolved the Iraqi army in May of 2003, and why. (This move contributed to the rise of the Sunni Arab guerrilla movement). Bush did it!

Who ordered the Marines, against their better judgement, to launch a reprisal attack on Fallujah after four Western private security guards were killed and their bodies desecrated there? Bush did it!.

Who authorized torture at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib? Bush did it!

Who appointed Michael Brown, a man with no experience in emergency management, head of FEMA? Bush did it!

Who let Bin Laden escape from Tora Bora? Bush did it!

Who completely destroyed the fiscal health of the US government and forced us into massive debt, squandering Clinton's surplus and endangering social security? Bush did it!.

Bush is the president. He makes the decisions. If there has been a major bad decision, it has been his.

Who outed Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA operative? Bush did it!

"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth." - F.D.R.


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Praying for George by Carol Wolman

Praying for George by Carol Wolman

Luke 10: 27 "Love your neighbor as yourself".
George W. Bush is my neighbor on this small planet, along with the Iraqi people, the whales who make their annual migration along the California coast, and the few salmon who still come to our North Coast streams.
I am instructed to love him as I love myself.   Many people have accused me of hating George.  I have been working hard for his impeachment, I don't want him doing any more damage, but I don't hate him.  I have prayed for him steadily, for years.
Bush is the president, and he is also a person, like you and me.  He has an immortal soul, and has to account to God for his actions.   I pray for his soul, which is black with hypocrisy and crimes.  I pray for George to develop compassion, and a sense of duty to the people rather than the corporations, and some understanding of the word "truth".
While praying for George in 2002, I got a reply from God:  "You are a psychiatrist, a "soul-doctor"- why don't you diagnose and treat him?"
I went to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, which categorizes psychiatric problems.  Out of this came an article:  Diagnosing Dubya- Is the President Nuts?
The article consisted of listing various diagnoses that might apply to George, and copying from the manual the description of people with the diagnosis.  Several them fit him closely, especially narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.  A number of professionals wrote to scold me for daring to write such an article without having interviewed "the patient".  Bush is not my patient, I just pray for him.  Anyway, personality disorders are diagnosed by observing behavior, not by interview, since lying is usually part of the disorder.
Unfortunately, there is no real treatment for personality disorders, since the person usually does not perceive a problem.  The only treatment that works is usually coercive- the person's flaws eventually lead him into trouble with authority, the law or the family, and the person is forced to seek treatment.  Hence the plethora of drug and alcohol treatment centers, most of whose clients are there by court order.
George never has had to face the consequences of his actions, until now.  He has always been shielded by wealth, family influence, and his own unearned positions of authority.  Now his troubles are starting to pile up.  Close friends are being indicted, his Iraq policy is in deep trouble, hurricanes have exposed his incompetence as CEO and his lack of caring.
There are rumors that he was involved in a conspiracy to "out" Valerie Plame, and the impeachment movement is gathering momentum.  Perhaps George is being forced to look at himself for the first time in his life, and perhaps he is more open to my/our prayers now.
I pray that George realize that his lip service to God means nothing, that God is judging his actions. 
1 John 2: 4Beloved: The way we may be sure that we know Jesus is to keep his commandments. Whoever says, "I know him," but does not keep his commandmentsis a liar, and the truth is not in him.
I pray that the justice system and the American people will wake up to the monstrous wrongs that George has perpetrated upon the planet, and that he will be indicted and impeached, thereby being forced to do the searching moral inventory called for by AA.
I pray that George will repent of his lies, thefts from the American people, murder of so many Iraqis, and cleanse his soul of evil.  I pray that he will recognize his evil actions and repent, as the king of Nineveh did when Jonah prophesied disaster. 
Jonah 3: 6   6For word came unto the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and he laid his robe from him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.
I pray that George's repentance will be public, and open the eyes of the American people to the evils that we have allowed by his government.  I pray that his public repentance will lead to a change of direction in America, toward truth in public life, justice for all, ecological sanity, and peace.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman