Thursday, May 05, 2005

Fw: Courage-to-Resist

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Cahill"
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 8:52 AM
Subject: Courage-to-Resist

> US War Crimes and the Legal Case for Military Resistance
> By Paul Rockwell
> Tuesday 03 May 2005
> "Whensoever the general Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts
> unauthoritative, void, and of no force."
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> May 10th is a national day of action for GI resisters. A newly formed
> group, Courage-To-Resist, is organizing veterans, military families, and
> community activists in a campaign to support military objectors.
> Demonstrations to support sailor Pablo Paredes, who faces a court martial
> in San Diego May 11th, are in the making.
> On December 6, 2004, Navy Petty Officer Pablo Paredes refused to board
> his Navy ship. In his press statements, he called attention to the
> intrinsic wrongs of war, the gross illegality of the invasion of Iraq, and
> the ongoing pattern of U.S. atrocities in Iraq. "I hope my resistance,"
> said Pablo, "will inspire other GIs to refuse to take part in the wrongful
> occupation of Iraq."
> Kevin Benderman is also facing a court martial at Fort Stewart,
> Georgia, May 11th. On January 5th, 2005, Benderman refused to deploy for a
> second tour of duty with his Third Infantry Army Division in Iraq.
> (Seventeen other soldiers from his unit went AWOL. Two tried to kill
> themselves). Benderman witnessed atrocities and unforgettable brutality in
> Iraq. "U.S. military personnel," he said, "are increasingly killing
> non-combatants. On my last deployment in Iraq, elements of my unit were
> instructed by a Captain to fire on children throwing rocks at us."
> Both Paredes and Benderman are conscientious objectors to war. So far
> the military has refused to acknowledge their acts of conscience. Both
> resisters face jail time and lost of pay and benefits.
> The moral justification for refusing to participate in unjust wars is
> not difficult to grasp. We tend to forget, however, that acts of
> are also affirmations in the rule of law. Camilo Mejia, Stephen Funk, Jeff
> Paterson (Gulf War objector), Carl Webb, Abdulla Webster, Michael Hoffman,
> Jimmy Massey, David Blunt, Aidan Delgado, Diedra Cobb, Jeremy Hinzman,
> Brandon Hughey, and dozens of other war resisters are not only heroes of
> peace, they are vindicators of the Constitution, the U.N. Charter,
> Nuremberg Conventions and the Geneva Conventions as well.
> American commanders promote a widespread misconception that, once
> American youth sign an enlistment contract, they are obligated to
> participate in any kind of war, whether it is based on fraud or truth,
> whether it is a preemptive invasion or a genuine war of self-defense. In a
> "voluntary military," Rumsfeld said at a recent press conference, soldiers
> have no right to complain.
> That's preposterous. No soldier owes absolute allegiance to any
> military system. The prevailing doctrine of blind obedience is a fascist,
> not a democratic, doctrine of military service. Of course all military
> systems require discipline, and all operate through a chain of command.
> the legal authority of command depends on adherence to the rule of law. As
> sailor Pablo Paredes noted recently, the U.S. Military Code of Justice
> that, while soldiers are obligated to obey all legal orders, the same
> soldiers have a right, even a duty, to disobey illegal orders. That is the
> essence of the legal case for military resistance.
> Once unrestrained leaders, in their lust for power and world
> domination, place our military system beyond domestic and international
> law, the obligation of soldiers to serve the military in its state of
> lawlessness is dissolved. Long ago Thomas Jefferson captured the spirit of
> legal resistance when he wrote: "Whensoever the general Government assumes
> undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force."
> A Broken Covenant
> It is the U.S. government, not war-resisters, that violate the
> between soldier and the state. The ways in which the government betrays
> promise to our troops are manifold.
> First there is no formal declaration of war from Congress, as required
> by the Constitution. That may seem like a small matter. But James Madison
> made it clear: the legal power of military command depends on a
> in accordance with all laws. Nor does Congress have any authority to
> the separation of powers, to transfer its solemn lawmaking obligation to
> the Executive branch. In the Constitution, war falls under lawmaking, not
> foreign policy.
> In 1952 President Truman took over U.S. steel companies in order to
> fulfill the material needs of his undeclared war in Korea. The
> lodged a protest, and the court quickly provided judicial review for the
> big corporations-the kind of review now denied American soldiers. The
> ruled that a president, whatever emergencies he declares himself, cannot
> take over industry or private property. Concurring, Justice Jackson wrote:
> "No penance would ever expiate the sin against free government of holding
> that a President can escape control of executive powers by law through
> assuming his military role. it is not a military prerogative, without
> support of law, to seize persons or property because they are important or
> even essential for military and naval establishments." (Youngstown Sheet
> and Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343, U.S.)
> If the Constitution protects profits of corporations from the tyranny
> of Presidential war, the same Constitution protects American troops from
> presidential abuse of power. The same law applies to both. Are the lives
> American troops less sacred than corporate profits? The Fifth Amendment
> also applies to the war-resistance movement: "No person shall be deprived
> of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." This amendment
> dates back to the centuries-old Magna Carta, written to stop arrogant
> from the misuse of soldiers in private wars of power and conquest. Where,
> then, is due process for American soldiers? Why is judicial review in
> wartime restricted to American corporations?
> In 1866 the Supreme Court clarified the limits of military power: "The
> Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers of the people,
> equally in war and in peace, and covers with the shield of its protection
> all classes of men, at all times, and under all circumstances. No doctrine
> involving more pernicious consequences was ever invented by the wit of man
> than that any of its provisions can be suspended during any of the great
> exigencies of government. Such a doctrine leads directly to anarchy or
> despotism, but the government, within the Constitution, has all the powers
> granted to it which are necessary to preserve its existence." (Ex Parte
> Milligan. 4.Wall, 2)
> U.S. troops have no military obligations beyond the Constitution.
> Moreover, all military power is subject to international treaties codified
> by the U.S. Senate. The supremacy clause of the Constitution is clear and
> unequivocal: Article VI provides: "All treaties made, or which shall be
> made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law
> the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything
> the Constitution or laws of any State contrary notwithstanding."
> The treaty clause reflects a profound understanding of the opinions of
> mankind and makes the United States an equal member of the community of
> nations.
> Perhaps history can remind us of the profound significance of the
> treaty supremacy clause in the Constitution, especially its relevance to
> soldiers. Article 4 of the Constitution of Germany's Weimar Republic was
> modeled on the U.S. Constitution. The Weimar Constitution provided that
> "the generally accepted rules of international law are to be considered as
> binding integral parts of the law of the German Reich." That law was
> designed to protect German citizens from the greed and egotism of their
> leaders. It not only protected foreign countries, it protected German
> from being used in wars of aggression. We know the rest. The German
> judiciary caved in to fascism. It did not overthrow the Weimar
> Constitution. It simply ignored it, as one democratic law after another
> became "quaint" and obsolete.
> The Geneva Conventions are not the only humanitarian laws that are
> becoming quaint in the United States.
> The Nuremberg Conventions and the U.N. Charter, among a host of
> treaties, are also laws of our land. They uphold the sovereignty of
> nations. They affirm the principle that human rights are measured by one
> yardstick. There are no privileged super-states. The honor and legitimacy
> of military service depends on these laws in respect to war and peace.
> Under the U.N. Charter, except for rare Security Council resolutions,
> defensive necessity is the sole basis for legal war. Outside of genuine
> self-defense, war is aggression. It represents the supreme crime, a "crime
> against peace." Nor is self-defense an elastic, discretionary concept. In
> war of self-defense, there must be an armed attack, so demonstrably
> imminent that there is no alternative to force.
> Outside defensive necessity, American troops have no obligation to
> serve in war. At least in theory, international law protects soldiers from
> being turned into agents of aggression, mere cannon fodder for greed and
> world domination. It is one thing for Marines, or army reservists or
> sailors to risk life in defense of their country under attack. It is quite
> another to take innocent lives in other countries in order to placate
> corporate lust for power and profit.
> Massive War Crimes Spawn Resistance
> The enlistment contract, the very relationship between soldiers and
> military service, must be re-examined in the light of what the world has
> learned about monstrous and systematic war crimes in Iraq, sanctioned
> brutality that goes far beyond the scandals at Abu Ghraib.
> The pattern of U.S. atrocities in Iraq provide not only motivation,
> the legal basis for military resistance. When war crimes are systematic,
> especially when they are intrinsic to the imperial nature of invasion,
> resistance is justified.
> The mounting evidence from Iraq-testimony about raided hospitals,
> "wanton destruction of towns and villages," U.S. cluster-bomb shrapnel
> buried in the flesh of children, babies deformed by depleted uranium,
> and markets destroyed by 500-pound bombs-establishes what many Americans
> not want to face: that the highest leaders of our land are violating
> every international agreement relating to the rules of war. The forcible
> transfer of populations from their homes and towns; collective reprisals
> against civilians in cities where resistance flourished; mass roundups and
> imprisonment of non-combatants; the destruction of crops; the placing of
> prisoners in the line of fire; the shooting of unarmed prisoners at
> demonstrations; the use of heinous weapons that are indiscriminate and
> cause unnecessary suffering; constant, predictable checkpoint killing of
> civilians; the use of economic sanctions leading to death and
> the destruction of hospitals and mosques; the killing of opposition
> journalists; the sacking of museums and cultural artifacts under the eye
> the Occupying power; pillage (the selling-off of Iraqi property); the
> rewriting of domestic laws in the occupied territory; shooting disabled
> prisoners (army units are trained in "dead-checking", a war crime);
> torture, rendition (proxy torture); assassinations and summary
> executions-these are just some of the major crimes of planning and
> calculation. The commonplace violations of the Geneva Conventions cannot
> reduced to isolated acts of unrestrained individual soldiers. The great
> crimes in Iraq are not crimes of passion; they are crimes of policy and
> calculation.
> In the annals of collective terror and reprisal, the U.S. siege of
> Fallujah, a city leveled by U.S. air power, ranks with the fascist bombing
> of Guernica in Spain in 1937.
> Prior to the onslaught against Fallujah, U.S. commanders drove nearly
> 200,000 Fallujans out of their own city, bereft of housing, food and
> Those who remained in their homes were trapped in a rain of death. The
> siege began with an attack on the Fallujah general hospital. Injured
> patients were forced out of their beds. Doctors were prevented from
> treating, even reporting, casualties. Today Fallujah is a wasteland.
> Worth in the New York Times reports, in the aftermath of the bombing
> campaign: "Cars sit on the roofs of buildings. Lamp posts lie at odd
> angles. Fire has blackened the face of building after building." No type
> building-mosques, homes, medical facilities-was exempt from aerial
> destruction. Five-hundred pound bombs are utterly indiscriminate in their
> effects. A 1,000-pound bomb obliterated the city's rail station, a
> point for all Iraq. Another strike turned a small hospital into rubble.
> Mosques were assaulted. Entire neighborhoods were flattened. Fires raged
> throughout residential communities. American commanders openly declared
> that Fallujah needed to be "taught a lesson."
> The people of Fallujah were murdered in their own homes, their own
> streets, their own hospitals and mosques-in their own homeland. They were
> not threatening any one else's soil. Unlike their invaders, they never
> possessed nuclear weapons. Unlike the CIA, they never aided Osama Bin
> Laden. They possessed no air force, no satellite systems, no anti-aircraft
> weapons, not even bullet-proof vests. Fallujah had no modern means of
> self-defense against industrial war and foreign aerial bombardment.
> If the ruin of Fallujah is not a war crime, power is all, there is no
> law, and the very concept of crime is meaningless.
> The United States is not a fascist country. There are major
> between the current decay of American law and morals and the
> unique horrors of the Third Reich. But the evidence from Iraq should give
> us pause: American leaders and commanders are carrying out
> policies-torture, mass collective reprisals, wanton destruction of
> cities-for which Nazi commanders were executed after due process at
> Nuremberg. The Nuremberg Tribunal explicitly repudiated the very doctrine
> which President Bush champions today-preemptive war. The Nazi defendants
> Nuremberg cited the concept of preventative war to justify the German
> invasion of Norway. The judges wisely rejected their defense. They ruled
> that a war of choice is a crime against peace.
> How can American civilians provide genuine support for their troops?
> is impossible to support the troops while supporting the commander who
> betrayed the troops. Yet it is inappropriate for civilians, in their
> position of privilege, to tell soldiers how to behave. We cannot tell our
> troops to disobey orders. Sailors and Marines, and Army reservists have to
> make their own decisions according to their own situation and conscience.
> Soldiers deserve our empathy. They are trapped in atrocity-producing
> situations. It's easy to lecture them about the laws of war, but if they
> refuse to carry out illegal policies, they face severe reprisals. And if
> they follow immoral and illegal orders, they are filled with shame, a
> burden which they may repress and carry for life.
> When Marine Sgt. Massey refused to continue killing innocent
> his commanders ostracized him and treated him with contempt. When Army
> Reservist Aidan Delgado, a witness to multiple war crimes at Abu Ghraib,
> spoke out, his own commanders took away his body armor, putting his life
> risk. The American military has reached a point where soldiers are
> imprisoned for telling the truth and upholding the law. Camilo Mejia
> refused to participate in the commission of war crimes. He spent nine
> months in jail. No soldier should ever be forced to choose between his own
> self-preservation and his moral faith.
> While we do not encourage soldiers to disobey orders, we must be
> thankful that our warriors of peace-Camilo, Pablo, Kevin, Jimmy, Michael,
> Jeremy and hundreds of others-are defending our Constitution, promoting
> human rights and the sacredness of life. Understanding the legal case for
> resistance, we can join our soldiers of conscience on May 10th, a national
> day of resistance.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For information on demonstrations go to:
> Paul Rockwell is a columnist for In Motion Magazine.
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One God? The plan to attack Iran by Carol Wolman

One God? The plan to attack Iran by Carol Wolman

Psalm 47:  9The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the earth belong unto God: He is greatly exalted.
The ground is being laid, militarily and diplomatically, for an aerial attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.  In order to avoid the prolonged buildup to the invasion of Iraq, with all its calls to accountability, the plan this time is for Israel to do the bombing, with the US providing backup support with materiel and technology.  There is some talk that nuclear tipped bunker busters will be used on buried Iranian facilities.  This would spread radioactive dust throughout the Middle East.
Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran
by Michel Chossudovsky
The story was first broken in January by Cy Hersh in the New Yorker, and has received very little attention.  The attack reportedly  is scheduled for June.
Evidently the Democrats have decided not to oppose this new act of aggression, which could ignite a worldwide thermonuclear war, as the Russians are allied with the Iranians in developing their nuclear capability.  Only the intrepid Dennis Kucinich is speaking out against the ongoing militarization of the US, in his open letter to Howard Dean.
The emotional justification for a  "pre-emptive war" against Iran is that Muslims are terrorists who worship a different god, an ancient moon god, a god of war, and therefore must be defanged before they can harm us.  The actual reason, of course, is to further gain control of the world's petroleum resources.
In fact, the Muslims worship the same God as the Israelis and American Christians do, the God of Abraham.  They acknowledge the central role of Jesus, and say that it was His Holy Spirit, in the form of the angel Gabriel, who dictated the Qu'ran to the prophet Mohammed.
The psalmist says:  the shields of the earth belong unto God.
Unprovoked aggression - and the Iranians have done even less than Saddam to provoke the US - is directly contrary to the spirit of the Prince of Peace.  Which side is God on in the Iraqi mess?  The side of His servants protecting their homeland, or the side of the lying, torturing, murdering conqueror?  Which side would God be on if Iran is attacked?
 Psalm 47:  2For the LORD most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth.    3He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet.
God does not favor America over other nations, especially when all His laws of love and truth are so blatantly ignored.  We the people, are in for a terrible awakening soon, if we don't wake up now and cry out against this latest plan of the beast, the kings and their armies.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman