Friday, March 18, 2005

Fw: The Darkness Drops Again by William Rivers Pitt

Romans 418  (Abraham) against hope believed in hope.
Dear Friends,  Let us keep hoping that God will save us, if we follow His son's way of love.  Breathe His name:
In= YAH   Out= WEH.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 10:12 AM
Subject: The Darkness Drops Again

The Darkness Drops Again

By William Pitt,

Thu Mar 17th, 2005 at 09:48:45 AM EST :: Activism ::
"In a time of chimpanzees, I was a monkey."

- Beck, 'Loser' recap:

Neocon warlord Paul Wolfowitz will head the World Bank;

The White House illegally puts out fake news reports, and the Justice Department does nothing;

Another $81 billion of your money and mine is to be poured onto the Iraqi sand;

The GOP majority in Congress is preparing to trash 200 years of Senate tradition in order to post a number of certifiably insane people to the bench;

Kevin Martin, a conservative Christian activist for the GOP, will now chair the FCC;

The Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve, one of the most ecologically pristine areas remaining to us, will be paved and drilled for its tiny amount of petroleum.

And that was just yesterday.

I do hope they find even a teaspoon of oil in Hawaii and drill for it! - Will Pitt


Breathing Lesson for Easter by Carol Wolman

Ezekiel 37:  14And I shall put My spirit in you, and ye shall live.


A breathtaking calamity has overtaken  the US.  We are being smothered by menaces to our freedom, our purses, our future, and our souls.  We are being choked with air pollution and suffocated with global warming.

Our brains are being stifled with spin, with propaganda, with lies and terrorists warnings.  We are afraid to think outside the box that TV provides, lest we be considered paranoid, weird, subversive.

How deeply do you breathe these days?  Do you fear that you are inhaling strange particles from chemtrails, or DU dust, or spores from lurking illnesses we don't know about yet?  Do you fear to feed your body oxygen, lest you become aware that you are tense, in pain, overweight, out of shape, anxious?  Do you fear to feed your brain oxygen, lest your thoughts become dangerous? 

Did you know that the word "spirit" comes from a Latin word meaning "breath"?   Breathing is called respiration.  When we feel creative, we have received inspiration.  When we stop breathing, we expire.  

We equate life and breath.  Genesis 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The brain is the mediator of our spiritual life, especially by way of words.  Almost every religious tradition relies on holy writings- the Bible, the Qu'ran, the Gitas, the sutras,- or else on oral traditions and stories.  We use words to convey ideas, such as values, visions, plans. 

The brain is the most sensitive organ to lack of oxygen, and the most easily damaged when respiration stops.  Did you know that the brain comprises 2% of our body weight, and uses 25% of the oxygen we breathe? 

If we are to awaken from our brain-dead state, we must learn to feed our brains more oxygen.  Here's a simple meditation for Easter, which will wake up your brain and arouse your spiritual centers.   Then you will be better able to face the painful truths of our times, and know what you personally are supposed to do about them.

Here goes:

Sit in a comfortable position, in a quiet place.  Close your mouth and breathe slowly and evenly through your nose.  Don't try to breathe deeply; that will happen automatically as you relax.

Listen to the sound of your breath as it goes in and out, in and out.  Keep listening.  Your thoughts will intrude and wander, that's OK, but keep coming back to the sound of your breath.


Now put a word to the sound, like this:            Inspire=  YAH   
                                                                                   Expire = WEH  
                                                                                    Inspire=  YAH   
                                                                                    Expire = WEH     

Every breath you take is the gift of life from our Creator!

In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman


THE LAW OF KARMA by Carol Wolman

THE LAW OF KARMA by Carol Wolman

The false Christians now in power believe that they are above the law.  In their view, God has chosen them to rule the world in His name, and they can do no wrong.  Perhaps Bush thinks that his distant kinship to the British royal family entitles him to the divine right of kings.

This self-righteousness has allowed Bush to invade another country without provocation and destroy its infrastructure, steal its oil wealth, and spread radioactive material over its terrain.   In the name of the American people, with our military and our dollars, we have tortured, maimed and killed the Iraqi people.  Little wonder that they consider us enemies and are doing everything they can to get us out of their country.

According to the law of karma, this evil we are doing will rebound onto the US.  We are already seeing this in the unpopularity of Americans abroad, the pressure on the dollar, the loss of civil rights and the skyrocketing budget deficit at home. 

In Christian terms, justice will be done and the hypocrites in power will be dealt with by God according to their deserts.  Ordinary Americans, who are complicit by not insisting upon impeachment of Bush when all the scandals were breaking last summer, by supporting Kerry even though he is equally a warmonger, by continuing to pay taxes to the war machine, will also suffer the consequences.

There is only one escape route, and that is repentance.  If Americans truly took to heart the suffering of the Iraqi people, which we have caused, then we would throw the bastards out of office, beg forgiveness of the Iraqis, and pay reparations of some sort.

 Psalm 7: 4If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; (yea, I have delivered him that without cause is mine enemy:)    5Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Selah.    6Arise, O LORD, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies: and awake for me to the judgment that thou hast commanded. 

In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman