Ezekiel 37: 14And I shall put My spirit in you, and ye shall live.
A breathtaking calamity has overtaken the US. We are being smothered by menaces to our freedom, our purses, our future, and our souls. We are being choked with air pollution and suffocated with global warming.
Our brains are being stifled with spin, with propaganda, with lies and terrorists warnings. We are afraid to think outside the box that TV provides, lest we be considered paranoid, weird, subversive.
How deeply do you breathe these days? Do you fear that you are inhaling strange particles from chemtrails, or DU dust, or spores from lurking illnesses we don't know about yet? Do you fear to feed your body oxygen, lest you become aware that you are tense, in pain, overweight, out of shape, anxious? Do you fear to feed your brain oxygen, lest your thoughts become dangerous?
Did you know that the word "spirit" comes from a Latin word meaning "breath"? Breathing is called respiration. When we feel creative, we have received inspiration. When we stop breathing, we expire.
We equate life and breath. Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
The brain is the mediator of our spiritual life, especially by way of words. Almost every religious tradition relies on holy writings- the Bible, the Qu'ran, the Gitas, the sutras,- or else on oral traditions and stories. We use words to convey ideas, such as values, visions, plans.
The brain is the most sensitive organ to lack of oxygen, and the most easily damaged when respiration stops. Did you know that the brain comprises 2% of our body weight, and uses 25% of the oxygen we breathe? http://www.sciencemaster.com/columns/wesson/wesson_part_05.php
If we are to awaken from our brain-dead state, we must learn to feed our brains more oxygen. Here's a simple meditation for Easter, which will wake up your brain and arouse your spiritual centers. Then you will be better able to face the painful truths of our times, and know what you personally are supposed to do about them.
Here goes:
Sit in a comfortable position, in a quiet place. Close your mouth and breathe slowly and evenly through your nose. Don't try to breathe deeply; that will happen automatically as you relax.
Listen to the sound of your breath as it goes in and out, in and out. Keep listening. Your thoughts will intrude and wander, that's OK, but keep coming back to the sound of your breath.