Saturday, February 19, 2005

truth is the touchstone

Psalm 33 (King James Version)
4For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth.
Dear Friends,
Who or what is God?  I think of God as the source and epitome of everything humanity considers good.  It is good to know and speak the truth.  Justice is based on truth.  Love means accepting the truth, accepting people as they are.  The devil is known by his lies, starting with his lies to Eve. 
George W. Bush is a notorious liar.  He blames his subordinates for his lies when he is found out.  For example, he lied in his State of the Union message just prior to the invasion of Iraq, when he stated that Saddam had bought yellowcake from Niger.  The CIA had warned him that this was unproven, probably untrue, and should not be in his speech.
There are many examples of his lies.  Bush is not in the spirit of truth, of God, whatever he may claim.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman