Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Calling all peacemakers by Carol Wolman

Calling all peacemakers by Carol Wolman

Exodus 3:  4And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
July 13, 2005  We are at a crucial point in history. A demonic cabal has seized control of the most powerful nation on earth and is trying to turn the planet into its personal fiefdom, destroying as it devours peoples and resources.  This cabal thrives on war.  They seek to conquer, and their corporations thrive on making and using weapons and materiel of war.
The cabal is dependent on a modicum of support from the American people, which is rapidly vanishing, as their lies and treacherous deeds are being exposed.  Still, they are notoriously ruthless, and have put legislation and bureaucracy in place that allows them to impose a brutal fascist regime at any time.  Everyone knows this, and many are fearful of voicing opposition.  Our fear keeps us enslaved.
The American people are also enslaved to the corporate world via jobs, credit card debt, addiction to oil, addiction to shopping malls, supermarkets, fast food, etc.  We have forgotten that the US government is of the people, by the people, for the people, and have allowed it to become a tool of the corporate world, headed by the demonic cabal of pious politicians. 
Leaders are needed to free the people from this slavery, and lead us to a world of peace, run by and for people, not profit.  We have been blessed with wonderful leaders throughout American history- Martin Luther King, Jr. is a prime example.  His good friend John Conyers (D-MI) has heeded the call and is paving the way in Congress for impeachment.  Joe Wilson, the brave man who first called Bush a liar, after he referred to the fabulous yellowcake from Niger in his 2003 State of the Union message, hasn't stopped yelling the truth and demanding justice.  Joe and his wife, Valerie Plame, have heeded the call.
Are you being called to do something extraordinary, in these extraordinary times?  I have been called to awaken people to our power to impeach criminals in high office, and to point out that it is the only peaceful way to save the planet.  As a peacemaker, I feel that my concentration belongs here at this time.
So I'm asking you again to print out the letter to John Conyers, asking him to take the necessary steps to bring impeachment proceedings against the president (and vice president) at

http://DeepEndNews.com/MEMORANDUM.htm    Collect 15 signatures per page and get your friends to do the same.   Fax them to Conyers' office at the number given.

 In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman