Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Call for a Peace Party by Carol Wolman

Call for a Peace Party by Carol Wolman

John 14: 27Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you:.
Both major parties in the US are war parties.  During the presidential campaign, Bush and Kerry vied for the title of commander-in-chief of the military.  The major campaign theme was Bush's disgraceful military record vs. the vicious campaign against Kerry's purple hearts.  Both candidates called for increased military spending.
The peace candidate was Dennis Kucinich, who continues to call for a cabinet level Department of Peace.  David Cobb, the Green candidate, also advocated peace, as did most of the other third party candidates.
Many Democrats reluctantly voted for Kerry, feeling that even though he is a warmonger, at least he would do something for the environment.  Yet most Democrats, in fact most Americans, yearn for peace. 
The military budget is out of control, and is draining the wealth of the American people.  The nuclear arms race is heating up again, and with it the ultimate threat of nuclear war.  Meanwhile, the US is using "depleted" uranium weaponry in its "limited" wars and spreading radioactive dust over large regions of the globe.  This dust corrupts the gene pool forever.
War corrupts the morals of our youth, who are taught that killing and torture are acceptable.  The war machine has taken over the organs of truth, the media, and is feeding lies and confusion to the American people.  War is distracting us from the urgent business of our times- to rein in consumption of fossil fuels so that global warming can be slowed or stopped.
Peace is the first priority now.  Cannot all the forces of peace create a new political party, with a new focus?  The two major parties are tools of the corporations and their armies.  A peace party could righteously appeal to all people who want peace, and to all true Christians.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman