The Weapon of Peacemakers by Carol Wolman
Matthew 10: 34Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
As we struggle to attain Christ-consciousness, let us contemplate these words of the Prince of Peace. He is preparing us for battle.
The sword He has sent us comes out of the mouth (Isaiah 49: 2, Rev 1:16, Rev. 2: 16, Rev. 19: 15). He arms us to do battle with words, with the truth.
The nature of the enemy is well laid out in the following article, which is long and detailed, well referenced throughout, and well worth studying.
The Demonic Cabal by Norman G. Livergood
From all available evidence referenced in the "recommended sources" section below,* it's clear that the most compelling hypothesis explaining the interconnected crimes, lies, and human slaughter occurring in our modern world is that a demonic cabal took control of the United States in the early part of the twentieth century, and is now methodically destroying American and world institutions and values. The main goal of the cabal has been to consolidate political, economic, and social power in its hands, while obliterating the minds of the masses, to establish a militaristic, imperialistic dictatorship...
We are starting to see the results of our persistent truth telling. No one believes the liars any more. For instance, I've seen at least 6 articles disputing the claim that "Al-Qa'ida of Europe" set the bombs in London, and guessing that the demonic cabal headed by Bush and Blair set them, in order to reignite the fear of terrorism and get the people to rally behind the fascist leaders.
Two major news magazines in the US, Time and Newsweek, are pointing a finger at Bush's brain, Karl Rove, in the Valerie Plame outing. This is a huge breakthrough, considering how reluctant the media have been to challenge the cabal's lies with the truth.
So far, Rove is toughing it out, with his usual arrogance. But this truth, that Bush's brain has committed treason against the American people, combined with the cold-blooded hypocritical manipulation of public opinion and Congress revealed by the Downing Street memos, may bring about the overthrow of the demonic cabal, and victory for "we the people".
Our job as shambala warriors, dedicated to reclaiming the earth from the satanic forces now gripping it, is to tell the truth, insist on the truth, and then demand justice. This means impeachment of the main high-ranking officials on both sides of the Atlantic- Bush and Blair.
Please help by printing out the letter to John Conyers asking him to pursue impeachment, at Collect signatures and fax them to him at the number given.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
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