Monday, July 11, 2005

America is in deep trouble by Carol Wolman

America is in deep trouble by Carol Wolman

Psalm 69:  1Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.
   2I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.
Our economy is on the verge of collapse.  Our "faith based" president has led us into a quagmire in Iraq from which there is no graceful exit.  We are less secure than ever, having provoked great hatred by the bullying, torturing, vandalizing ways of our representatives abroad, the military.  Iraq is a training ground for terrorists.  Our defenses are spread too thin, underfunded, and full of ripoffs. 
We are rapidly losing the freedoms of which our non-elected president boasts, and our environment is deteriorating.  We are close to "peak oil",
on which our economy and way of life depend.
Meanwhile, our "Christian" president is looking more and more like a liar and a traitor.  His credibility gap is so enormous that people are questioning whether he and Blair planned the bombings in London.  The country is ripe for rebellion, yet Bush has moved so quickly to consolidate his power, in the Congress, the courts, the bureaucracy, the press, that dissent is stifled.  And the machinery for repressive fascism is all in place, should opposition get out of hand.
What to do?  Prayer is a good place to start.  Have we forgotten that there is a God who can save us?  He asks us to worship Him in spirit and in truth.  If we insist upon the truth, and apply God's judgment to the criminals and traitors in high office, and also to ourselves, for allowing things to get this far out of hand, He will save us.
God has given us the opening for impeachment, which may be the only peaceful way to make the needed changes.  No doubt it is just a beginning.  But because the Democratic party is so corrupt, impeachment will have to be a true people's movement, sweeping the parties along or out.  
You can help seize this opportunity by printing out the letter to John Conyers, asking him to take the necessary steps to bring impeachment proceedings against the president (and vice president) at    Collect 15 signatures per page and get your friends to do the same.   Fax them to Conyers' office at the number given.


Save us, O God!

Carol Wolman



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