Thursday, January 13, 2005

Justice is for all peoples

The heavens proclaim His justice,
and all peoples see His glory.
Psalm 97: 6
God of the Bible, the One that Bush supporters claim to worship, says over and over that His way is justice, equal justice for all peoples.  He doesn't say equal justice if they believe in Him, or if they are white, or American, or voted for Bush. 
The heavens proclaim His justice.  Justice is not made by humans, according to their individual beliefs and desires.  It is made in heaven, or the human oversoul, according to universal laws, like habeas corpus and due process, freedom of speech, right to confront one's accuser, following the Ten Commandments, and loving one's neighbor. 
Bush wants to replace universal justice with his own brand.  He refuses to place the US under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, which would be able to prosecute war crimes committed by US forces.  He has appointed a US attorney general-elect, Gonzales, who dismissed the Geneva Conventions as "quaint", and authorized the use of torture.
Bush, as the leader of the world's only superpower, is setting himself up as equal to God.  In fact, he claims to be anointed by God, through the false prophet Jerry Falwell.  This is the worst sort of blasphemy, the work of Satan.
Folks, it's time to get clear about what we are dealing with.  The Antichrist is among us, and the only antidote is the true Christ, through His word in the Bible.  Even if you have rejected Jesus up to now, and found reasons to ignore His teaching, I beg you now to open up to His power.  He is the Prince of Peace and will empower His peacemakers, if only we allow Him in!   Please try it!
In His name,  Carol Wolman


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