Thursday, January 13, 2005

What caused the tsunami?

Dear Friends,
A couple of days ago, I sent out a piece containing a link  to an Australian journalist,:
 i read a chilling article, at the following link

The author, Joe Vialls,
an Australian, claims that the tsunami was not an act of nature, but rather a deliberate event, triggered by the detonation of a nuclear weapon in the Sumatran trench.  He asserts that, unlike most earthquakes, there was no buildup and there were no aftershocks.  
One respondent sent me a link that shows lots of aftershocks. 
Someone else sent me a statement that the author of the Australian report, Joe Vialls, is a reputable journalist. 
I was also referred to an article that maintains the tsunami was caused by repeated low frequency sonar bombardments in the area.
Earthquake: Coincidence or a corporate oil tragedy?
Commentary. Earthquake: Coincidence or a corporate oil tragedy? By Andrew Limburg
Online Journal Guest Writer. Download a .pdf file for printing. ... 123104Limburg/123104limburg.html - 38k - Jan 9, 2005
Our response, beyond helping the survivors, depends on our understanding of the causes.  Was it a deliberate disaster plotted by evil men?  An inadvertant byproduct of corporate meddling? A random act of mother nature?  A message to humans from God?
The outpouring of love won't change.  There is also justice to consider.
If there was a human element in causing the tsunami, let's find out and prevent another one.
In the name of the God of justice,   Carol Wolman


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