Saturday, October 23, 2004

Fw: Apocalypse Bush! by Mark Morford

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: Apocalypse Bush! by Mark Morford

I agree with you about Morford's flip unreverent tone.  I'm glad you and I agree that Bush is a wolf in sheep's clothing- I wish more evangelicals saw through him.  Here is a good description of Bush.
2 Thessalonians 2 1Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, 2not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come. 3Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[ is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God. 5Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
However, I agree with Morford, and disagree with you,  that the idea of the rapture, as portrayed in the LEFT BEHIND series, is extremely dangerous.  Here is another interpretation.
My understanding of Thessalonians and Revelation is that they refer to spiritual events, not physical ones.  Meeting Jesus in the clouds refers to a change of consciousness which will take place world wide, when people, especially in the US, "get it" that if we accept Jesus' way of love, we can stop wars, reverse global warming, clean up pollution, and all get along.  The new Jerusalem will replace the Israeli government, which is the synagogue of Satan, and make it truly the city of peace.  This can't happen if there is a nuclear war in the Holy Land. 

Deuteronomy 3019 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

This passage from Deuteronomy, written by Moses in 1600 BC, speaks directly to us today. Heaven and earth are witnessing against us. There is a big hole in the ozone layer. The planet is heating up. We are running out of fresh water, many species are becoming extinct, storms, floods and fires are more frequent. These threats to the biosphere are directly the result of our greed, carelessness and stupidity. They are curses resulting from bad choices by humanity.

God gives us a choice, and tells us to choose life for ourselves AND OUR CHILDREN. The mandate to look out for future generations as well as for ourselves is clearly stated in this passage and many others. If we ignore it, we are choosing death, and will be cursed.

Like the people of Nineveh in Jonah=s day, we are given a chance to repent.

Jonah 3: 8 Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. 9 Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish." 10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened.

We are threatened with annihilation from nuclear war, eco-catastrophe, famine and disease. There are prophets of doom among us who interpret the Bible as condemning the biosphere to destruction.

We have a choice on how to interpret the Bible.

Mark 2:27 Then Jesus said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

The same applies to the Bible. It is made for us, not the other way around.

The battle of Armageddon is described in Revelation Chapter 19. It is a spiritual battle. On one side:

Rev 19: 11I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. 14The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 16On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

On the other side: Rev 19: 19Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army.

The weapons of the King of Kings? 15Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter.

This describes the spiritual battle which is raging now. The peacemakers are the armies of heaven, followers of that which is faithful and true, dedicated to exposing falsehood and treachery on the part of the warmongers.  We marched in the streets, 20 million of us all over the world, against the kings of the earth and their armies, who are allied with the corporate beast.

Those who are faithful and true, the advocates of justice, fight with the sharp sword of the mouth- the tongue. The events of 2004 have shown how far words can go in discrediting the unholy trinity- the beast of corporate capitalism, the dragon of war and the false prophets of the rapture cult, who mislead the gullible sheep to poverty and misery. 

The followers of the Prince of Peace use the "iron scepter", the necessity to control and eliminate nuclear weapons, to rule the nations. Even the beast does not dare to unleash all out nuclear war, although the Bush administration is straining to move in that direction.

Rev. 19: 15 "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.

The "iron scepter" is the threat of all-out nuclear war. God is angry at humanity for our violence and destructiveness. Let us accept His rule, and learn to live in peace, working together to solve the global problems.

We have been given a gift from heaven, the internet, which enables us to form one mind dedicated to truth and good faith for all peoples. And we will prevail.

20But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh. "

The Son of Man is gathering his elect, the peacemakers, those of us devoted to saving the planet and preventing another nuclear war.

The false prophets of doom claim that a more general nuclear holocaust awaits us. They would lead us to greater destruction. But the Bible prophecies which point to nuclear holocaust have already been fulfilled. Let us learn from what we have already experienced, and choose life.

In the name of the Prince of Peace,    Carol Wolman

Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 6:08 AM
Subject: Apocalypse Bush! by Mark Morford

Apocalypse Bush! :
      Why care for the planet when the
      End Times are almost here?
      Vote Bush and hop on the salvation train!
[I guess only a fool would turn down an eternity in Heaven.  Anyone "desiring" to go to Hell, is definitely not thinking with a working brain .... especially considering Salvation is absolutely free for the asking ...... ]

      By Mark Morford
      Sep 9, 2004, 06:49

This is the great thing about rabid fundamentalism. You really just don't have to give a damn.
[wrong fella ... I care very much, so much so, that I counter your pack of lies and those espoused by a very sick "psychiatrist" who apparently popped to many of her patients Thorazine .... when fools like you speak such heresy, it is up to me to fight back ... and warn as many people as I can of your efforts to lead them into Hell. ... ]
Take the environment. I mean, isn't it just a little pointless to care so damn deeply about the air and the soil and the water and the stupid little disposable animals on this silly spinning ball of expendable rock when the Second Coming is imminent and a blood-soaked fire-breathin' Jesus who looks remarkably like Mel Gibson will return very soon to smite the heathens and the gays and the vegetarians and the Francophiles, and who will rescue all those who worship patriarchy and country music and blue-chip oil portfolios? You're goddamn right it is.  
[ your cursing does nothing to deter me;  simply, this cursed world is coming to an end, and there is nothing you, Carol, or any of the "works for Salvation" crowd can do about it.  It was foretold in the Bible more than 2 millinia ago, and if one believes the Bible as the inerrant Word of God ... then why try to stop something which is far beyond our ability to do so?  Instead, seek the Kingsdom of God while there is yet time, and let God have His will .... which I am sure is wrell beyond your comprehension .... sorry!]

Look. This much has become clear. Bush is, more than anything else, an extreme fundamentalist Christian.
[he is nothing more than a pawn, like you and me .... buts sadly, he is NO Christian .... his "works" has betrayed him for what he really is .... a psychotic paranoid meglomanic!   Yeh Carol, I know all the big words too ..... ]   
He is widely regarded as the most openly pious and sanctimonious president in modern American history. He actually preaches the GOP screed in evangelical churches across America. He panders so slavishly to the anti-choicers and the Bible-thumpers and the homophobes it makes Jerry Falwell swoon and giggle. 
[ ... ahhhh ... the right word ... "panders"!   Yep .... the man has bamboozled the world, and espeically the so-called Christian Right (an oxymoron ... none are Christian, and none ar right!) and others who have been leading the Chosen astray since God knows when .... the "church" is apostate, as Rvevelation clearly state.  We are in the "Laodecian age" .... wake up folks!]

 And Bush actually says, out loud, that God speaks through him, 
[ just like Oral Roberts, he is as deluded .... but then, people are still following all of these charletans with their eyes closed! ]
and that God is on our side we bomb the living crap out of Afghanistan and Iraq and that it is the Almighty's wish that we take control of these angry pip-squeak nations and in so doing kill thousands of civilians and tens of thousands of young Iraqi soldiers, as over 1,000 American soldiers are now dead over a makeshift cause that never really existed. God wanted it this way, that's why. 
[  God?  Why blame Him for the failures of mankind?  Put the blame where it belongs .... your father, the Devil! ]

 Bush has called Jesus his "favorite philosopher." He has claimed that the act of being "born-again" saved him from a long, sad life of vaguely homoerotic frat parties and repetitive binge drinking and going AWOL from the National Guard, all so he could turn his full attention to righteously ruining multiple businesses and then making Texas the most murderous and polluted state in the union. 
[lots of people sadly place Jesus in that catagory.  He may have been the greeatest philospher who ever existed, but that is not why He came to this cursed earth.  He came here to die for the sins of mankind, and if you accept this "gift", Salvation is yours free ... no costs, no "catches", no nothing .... free ....]

 But, you know, why stop there?

God, of course, isn't just about the current Iraqi war. Bush understands this. Nor is God just about slamming gays or creating nasty, isolationist foreign policy. God is not merely about setting those gul-dang Muslim heathens straight about who is the supreme big-daddy all-powerful mega-righteous SUV-drivin' American-flag-wavin' God and who is just a dimestore wannabe false idol scruffy Allah. 

 Because above all, God is nothing if not all about putting a quick and fiery stop to all this Earthly nonsense ASAP. He is nothing if not all about the coming apocalypse. And He is nothing if not all about saving those who believe, as Bush does, that he is among the chosen to be saved.


This is the fundamentalist truth. And this is the BushCo maxim. The End Times provide the ultimate meaning, the final straw, the only thing worth caring about, because it defines the BushCo worldview like nothing else except maybe embarrassing grammar and crushing deficits and a secret craving for gin. You can see it in his sad, vacant eyes: Bush is absolutely convinced that God is a Republican. Why else would He create all those cool M-1 tanks and oil refineries and those neat deer-antler chandeliers? Exactly.  
[ you can discount the concept of the Rapture, and the concept of the "End TImes" all you desire.  Most fools do.  But one day soon, the promises offered in Revelation 4 will come about, and if you're ready, great!  If not, hope you enjoy Hell, 'cuz that's all that is left for you and your kind ... one the other hand, you could open the Bible (I highly recommend the KJV) and foind out for yourself if you are wrong .... or if Jesus is the lie, you claim He is .... your choice.... ]


Do you see? Do you get it? If not, you haven't been reading nearly enough of those silly pulpy sociopathic gazillion-selling "Left Behind" doomsday books so frighteningly adored by the Christian Right.  
[ the "Left Behind" series is fictional and simply a story built around the concept of the Rapture, to illistrate its meaning ... nothing more .. nothing less!   If you want to know about the Rapture, I recommend the book by the late Dr. Jack Hyles, on the subject.  Its worth the $20 price.  You can order it on-line from First Baptist Church of Hammond Indiana,... ]       
It's simple, really: The world is gonna end real soon. The End Times are comin'. All the signs are in place -- famine, war, disease, sodomy, fires, hurricanes, Avril Lavigne -- and Bush, by instigating holy wars and inciting more terrorism and burning through the planet's natural resources as fast as humanly possible, is merely hastening the blessedly inevitable. As his fellow fundamentalists say, God bless him.
[ I'll be the first to admit ... Bush is one sick fella .... and as to whether he is a Christian or not is questionable.   Many will be pretenders, as the Bible warned us, so all I can say, vote the sorry jerk out ..... ]


Hey, it explains a lot, this view. It explain how Bush can just smirk and mumble and, with one big, heartless shrug, dismiss the complete lack of WMD and the loss of 1.6 million U.S. jobs and the nation's staggering $422 billion budget deficit. Pay down the national debt? Bah. Planet's going to hell anyway, people. Stock up on nuclear missiles and get yourself an escape pod. Can't afford one? Whatta shame.  
[Chapter 20 through 22 of Revelation tells us emphatically, that there will be a NEW Heaven, a NEW earth, and a NEW Jerusalem.  Logic says ... in order for there to be a NEW anything ... the OLD must end, either destroyed, eliminated or ended however God choses.  If that be the case .... yep!   I are one of them thar sicko "Rapture Cultists" who believes its gonna happen .... therefore, I will simply wait on the Lord for His plan to reach its final act .... I'm not the least bit worried ... even if a nuke is aimed for my swimmin'pool in my backyard! ]


It surely explains the general GOP hatred of gay marriage, of open-hearted sex, of those wicked, sin-inducing vaginas (that harlot Eve is gonna pay, dammit), of environmentalism, of caring about air quality and water quality and the EPA and organic foods and homeopathic medicine and resource management and the Alaska Wildlife Refuge and the U.N. and any country that doesn't have a McDonald's and a Starbucks and a decent strip club for lonely gin-soaked Republican expats. 
[ sounds like you're a bit jealous .... frankly, who cares .... ?  I sure don't! ]


And it explains not only the outright contempt for any view other than Bush's own, but the willingness to legislate that hatred, codify it, to make it outright illegal to think or feel or love otherwise.  
[ah-gain .... what Bush "claims" and what reality shows are two totally different animals .... I am convinced Bush is as "Christian" as Adolph Hitler is Chinese ... ]


Look at it this way: When you have an angry, patriotic God and the red-hot promise of the juicy apocalypse on your side, there is no such thing as a counter-argument. There is no such thing as competition. There is no such thing as giving a damn what anyone else thinks.  
[ and better yet ... there is nothing better that good old fashioned .... faith!   The Bible, the inerrant Word of God, says its coming ... why deny that which you cannot stop?   Its like saying I don't believe cancer exists ... but wow, what does one do when your body rots apart?   Its real ... and fools like you will one day bow your knee and declare Jesus as Lord .... why not do it now, instead of from Hell? ]


How else do you explain it? How else can you understand the most aggressive, war-hungry, abusive, nature-loathing, isolationist administration in American history? How else can you explain BushCo's overall "F" grade from every environmental organization in the world? How can you explain his mauling of long-term Social Security planning? The decimation of the idea of universal health care? A pre-emptive, attack-first-ask-questions-never, warmongering policy that creates more anti-U.S. hatred by the minute?


How can you explain the fact that every human rights organization on the planet is appalled by Bush's actions? Guantanamo Bay to Abu Ghraib to John Ashcroft to the Patriot Act to gutting funding for international women's health care. Hey, if God had wanted us to care about other viewpoints, He would've made everyone speak English. Can I get a "hell yeah?" 
[ what has anyof this gobble-dee-gook got to do with your assault on God, on Jesus and on the coming events?   Bush is whatever Bush is, and neither you, me or anyojne else can change it .... unless God so wills it.   I don't know about you, but my God is in charge here, so why worry about it?  Its gonna be what its gonna be .... get a life! ]


This lust for apocalyptica, then, is perhaps the best way we have to at least partially understand the shamelessness of this administration's policies and its blatant disregard for international law, its open hatred of any nation that disagrees with us and the deep, profound concern only for nations that either cower in our God-flexin' presence and/or have resources that Bush's corporate pals are salivating to exploit.


And it is the perhaps ultimate explanation for the Right's final cattle call, its bitter war cry of a message, its exact parallel to every pseudo-religious evangelical scam artist on late-night cable TV.


Listen, good people of America. If you just send your money to the party and give up all that careful, nuanced thinking, if you just quit questioning our decisions and load up on blind faith, it will all be OK and you can have all the guns and fast food you want and those terrifying gays will leave you alone because BushCo will take care of you and God will reserve your seat on the glory train to salvation. Deal? Praise Jesus! Praise Bush/Cheney! Hallelujah you are saved! Even as we are, you know, doomed.


Isn't bogus salvation fun?
In its simplist form, the Rapture is when God calls His Church home to Heaven, as is described in both letters to the Thessalonians, and in Revelation 4.  Once the Church (which is the Bride of Jesus) is removed, literal Hell on Earth ... and its the next big thing on God's agenda, acording to the Bible.  Accept it or reject it ... it will happen whether you want it to or not!  
Since the Book of Revelation is written in a chronological manner, one can scan forward from Chapter 4, and what lies ahead for this cursed earth.  Nut laugh if you will ... I read the last chapter, and guess what?  We win the battle, and the war.    And better still, I'm on the winning side!   And you?
Want some answers that really mean something?   Click here .....


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