Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fw: Neocons vs the CIA- Wayne Madsen

----- Original Message -----
From: A
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 11:38 PM

> October 15, 2001 -- The  latest neocon spin is not only to attack
> Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald in the  CIA Leakgate scandal
> but also to dredge up old canards that Valerie Plame and her Brewster 
> Jennings & Associates counter-proliferation non-official cover (NOCs)
> team were  somehow merely "desk clerks." According to well informed
> intelligence officials,  nothing could be further from the truth. The
> fact remains that CIA clandestine operatives  have been and continue to
> be disparaged and put in danger by the Pentagon's neocon cell  that
> operates as a parallel and unsupervised operation inside the Policy and
> Plans  directorate.
> The Pentagon cell, now  led by Dick Cheney loyalist Eric Edelman, the
> replacement for Douglas Feith, owes its  first allegiance to the Project
> for a New American Century (PNAC) and other neo-con policy  contrivances
> and apparatuses. Its mandate from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is
> to  clip the wings of the CIA and other long standing intelligence
> agencies.
> The CIA's Damage  Assessment Report on Leakgate has been termed
> "devastating" by a number of  sources familiar with the harm the White
> House leak caused for the CIA's complicated and  sensitive network of
> NOCs, case officers, informants in "denied countries"  (hostile
> intelligence locations), private businessmen, diplomats, United Nations
> and IAEA  technical personnel, and double agents.
> According to U.S.  intelligence sources, it is also clear that the
> Pentagon's Strategic Support Branch of  active duty and contract former
> Special Forces personnel and foreign special operations  personnel
> purposely put in danger CIA assets who were in a position to throw cold
> water on  a range of neo-con pre-conceived policy pillars, including
> Iranian and Iraqi weapons of  mass destruction production and possession.
> In February 2005, while  the neo-cons were rattling the sabers with
> Iran, a CIA team made contact with Iranians  across the northern Afghan
> border inside Iran. This border area is extremely remote and  porous.
> Afghan Uzbeks loyal to ex-Communist warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostum,
> whose  base of operations is Mazar-e-Sharif, are involved in a number of
> cross-border operations,  including arms and heroin smuggling. It was
> through this network of Uzbeks and Iranians that the CIA was able to
> obtain documents on Iran's nuclear program, information that  proved
> that Iran's nuclear capability had still not achieved weapons-grade
> status. That,  of course, is not what the neocons in the Pentagon's
> Office of Special Plans and a sister  unit in the Israeli Prime
> Minister's Office in Jerusalem wanted to hear.
> On February 3, 2005,  after having secured sensitive documents on Iran's
> nuclear program, two CIA agents boarded  a Kam Air Boeing 737-200 flight
> from Herat, near the Iranian border, to Kabul. The agents  were anxious
> to get the documents to Langley. They and the documents never made it.
> The Boeing crashed at an  altitude of 11,000 feet on the summit of
> Chaperi Mountain, 20 miles east of Kabul. The  plane's 104 passengers
> and crew, including the two CIA agents, were killed. Although the
> Pentagon's web  site claims the U.S.-led International Security
> Assistance Force made several attempts  to look for survivors by
> helicopter but that these efforts were unsuccessful. In reality,  a
> Pentagon Strategic Support Branch team did land at the crash site and
> found the bodies  of the two CIA agents and grabbed the Iranian
> documents and quickly departed before Afghan  ground troops appeared on
> the scene.
> February 2005 Kam Air  crash scene in Afghanistan. Vital intelligence
> crucial to CIA's analysis of Iran nuclear  program lost along with two
> valuable agents. Indications that the CIA agents were another  casualty
> of treasonous White House leaks about the CIA
> Curiously, even though  the documents recovered by the Pentagon team
> from the bodies of the CIA agents were  intact, the cockpit voice
> recorder was never recovered. In addition, the flight recorder's 
> previous 25 hours of data prior to the crash was erased. Afghan
> Transport Minister  Enayatullah Qasemi said the cause of the crash was a
> mystery. Add to the mystery the fact  that General Dostum, the reported
> owner of Kam Air, was appointed Chief of Staff of the  Afghan Armed
> Forces in March. It was an appointment that surprised many U.S. 
> intelligence and foreign policy observers. Another layer of intrigue was
> a reported  assassination attempt against Dostum in Shebergan a few days
> before the Kam Air crash. Although the Taliban claimed responsibility,
> it was reported that Dostum, unlike other  Afghan leaders, maintained a
> degree of contact with ousted Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed  Omar.
> Kam Air, which began  operations in November 2003 and which used Boeings
> and Russian-built Antonovs, as well as  Russian crews, was also believed
> to have links to the international Russia-based weapons  smuggler Viktor
> Bout. Kam Air's aircraft came from Bout's international fleet of
> planes.  In addition to its domestic routes, Kam Air flew from Kabul to
> Dubai and Istanbul. A U.S.  embassy spokeswoman in Kabul confirmed that
> there were six Americans on the plane but she  declined to provide details.
> The loss of the Iranian  documents was another body blow for the CIA. It
> had already suffered the loss (by  execution) of one high level agent as
> a result of the CIA leak and a number of its  informants were rolled up
> by counter-espionage services.
> Given the connections  between Dostum, Bout, Afghan heroin and weapons
> smugglers and their networks in Turkey and  the Balkans, the
> Russian-Ukrainian-Israeli Mafia (RUIM) based in Switzerland, Russia,
> and  Israel, and Scooter Libby, it would appear that Valerie Plame and
> her network were  targeted by key White House and Pentagon players as
> part of a much larger attempt to  disable the CIA in its pursuit of not
> only WMD proliferation but also a network of money  laundering and
> weapons of limited destruction and drug smuggling with tentacles
> reaching deep inside the Bush administration.
>  From "Hayden's Heroes," WMR  Special Report:
> During the last year of the Clinton administration,  Viktor Bout was a
> number one SIGINT target for NSA. However, after Condoleezza Rice took 
> over as National Security Adviser under Bush, she issued a change in
> orders on Bout.  "Look and listen but don't touch" was the new policy.
> Ever since, Bout has  flouted INTERPOL and Belgian and French arrest
> warrants. Although the U.S. Treasury  Department imposed sanctions on
> Bout's companies on April 26, 2005 and froze his corporate  assets, one
> of Bout's airlines, Irbis, continued to operate from a U.S.-controlled
> airbase  in northern Iraq. Other Bout companies, which use a fleet of
> aging Soviet-era military  cargo planes, are contracted to a network of
> seedy multinational private military  contractors operating in Iraq.
> Bout's global enterprises closely intersect with the  diamond, white
> slave trade, arms, and other illicit activities of Israel's Russian
> Mafia,  made up of some 80 Russian and Ukrainian Jewish billionaires and
> millionaires who have  escaped to Israel to avoid prosecution in and
> extradition to Russia and other countries.  Considering the close
> association between leading neo-conservatives like Vice President 
> Cheney's Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to fugitive Marc Rich,
> who is  linked to the crime syndicates in Israel, a reason for Rice's
> dictate "Look and  listen but don't touch," with regard to Bout, becomes
> abundantly clear.
> October 14, 2005 -- Opus  Dei connected to former U.S. Marine spy in
> Dick Cheney's office. Classified documents were  being used to foment an
> Opus Dei-backed coup against Philippine President Gloria 
> Macapagal-Arroyo. Read  full article.
> October 14, 2005 --  Neo-con/Likud parallel intelligence and covert
> operations strike inside Syria. A covert  team of U.S., Israeli,
> right-wing Phalangist Lebanese, and paid Syrian provocateurs have 
> attempted to cover up their role in carrying out car bombings of
> Lebanese politicians by  assassinating Syrian Interior Minister Ghazi
> Kanaan on October 12. Informed Middle East  sources report that Kanaan's
> knowledge of the covert group's assassinations of Lebanese  Christian
> leader Elie Hobeika in 2002 and former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and
> former  Lebanese Communist Party leader George Hawi earlier this year.
> Hobeika was assassinated  by a powerful car bomb after he revealed he
> possessed videotapes and documents proving the  involvement in Israeli
> Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his military units in the massacre  of
> Palestinians at Sabra and Shatilla in Beirut in 1982. Hobeika had
> planned to testify  against Sharon at a war crimes tribunal in Brussels.
> Hariri was killed in a similar car  bomb last February after he met with
> leaders of Hezbollah and expressed his opposition to  the construction
> of a U.S. air base in northern Lebanon. Last June, car bombs killed   
> Hawi and Samir Qasir, a popular journalist.
> Murdered Syrian  Interior Minister Ghazi Kanaan Knew Too Much About
> Neocon Destabilization Activities in  Lebanon
> The UN chief  investigator in the assassination of Hariri, Detlev Mehlis
> of Germany, interviewed Kanaan  before his death. The "suicide" of
> Kanaan was spun by the main stream media to  make it appear that he took
> his own life because of "guilt" for his involvement  in the Lebanese
> political assassinations stemming from his long-time role as Syria's 
> viceroy in Lebanon. However, Kanaan was close to Hariri, as well as with
> a group of career  government Arabists in the U.S. government who have
> been opposed to the neo-con agenda of  expanding the Iraq war to Syria
> and Iran. Kanaan was in a position to know the details of  the
> Pentagon/Likud plot to undermine the Syrian regime by carrying out
> bombings of popular  Lebanese politicians and then laying blame on
> Damascus.
> Kanaan was also likely  aware of the identities of rogue Syrian
> intelligence agents who helped the covert U.S.,  Israeli, and Lebanese
> teams in carrying out the car bombings in Lebanon. One person 
> identified as being responsible for ordering the hit on Hobeika was
> Assef Shawkat, the  number two man in Syrian intelligence.
>  From July 12, 2005  "Diplomatic Cables"/WMR:
> Jul. 12, 2005 --Notwithstanding  personal attacks by a neo-con cell in
> the U.S. State Department, I have long contended  that neo-con-directed
> operatives (including Syrian freelance agents operating outside the 
> control of Damascus and the Assad government) were behind the
> assassinations of Lebanese  Christian leader Elie Hobeika in 2002 and
> ex-Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and  former Lebanese Communist
> Party leader George Hawi in 2005. All were targets of  opportunity for
> the neo-cons who hope to destabilize Lebanon as a raison de guerre
> against  Syria and Iran-backed Hezbollah. The neo-cons quickly blamed
> Syria and Hezbollah for all  three assassinations. The July 12 attempted
> bombing assassination attempt against Lebanese  Defense Minister Elias
> Murr, a pro-Syrian politician, has been used by the State  Department to
> again blast Syrian "meddling" in Lebanese politics. Murr was  injured in
> the blast. There was no reason for Syria or Hezbollah to kill a
> pro-Syrian  politician let alone Hobeika, Hariri, and Hawi. The ones who
> benefit from a fractured  Lebanon is the Likud government in Israel and
> their political allies in Washington.
> Recently, amid the tanking of popular  support for the occupation of
> Iraq, the neocons in Washington, the US Mission to the UN in  New York,
> and Jerusalem have ratcheted up their war of words against Syria. Mehlis
> is  being pressured by John Bolton's neocon mini-cabal in Manhattan to
> lay total blame for the  Hariri assassination on Bashar Assad's
> government. Bolton is being aided  in the  anti-Syrian propaganda
> campaign by U.S. ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad, National  Security
> Adviser Stephen Hadley, and Douglas Feith's successor as Undersecretary
> of  Defense for Policy and Plans Eric Edelman. The neo-con cell
> operating inside the Pentagon  also includes an influential
> Lebanese-American right-wing component.
> October 14, 2005 -- In  what has become typical for the main stream
> media in Washington, the Washington Post  yesterday reported on the
> murder of a high visibility lawyer without delving into his past 
> association with high-level GOP officials. If the Post's story was taken
> at face value,  the bludgeoning to death of lawyer Eric N. Miller at a
> cheap Fairfax County motel near  Alexandria, Virginia was just a case of
> a Harvard Law School graduate from a prominent  civil rights family in
> Alexandria falling on hard times and winding up hanging around with  a
> couple of crackheads in various low rent motels.
> On the evening of  September 7, DC police discovered the body of Miller
> in the trunk of a burning Ford Taurus  in a crime-ridden neighborhood in
> southeast Washington.  Miller had been beaten to  death with a pipe at
> the Alexandria Motel on Route 1 in Fairfax County, just across the  town
> line from Alexandria.
> A female companion of  Miller's, Kristin Kozak, told DC and Fairfax
> County police that she witnessed Miller  arguing with Dana Moro, 46, in
> a room at the Arlington Motel. Kozak said Moro struck the  45-year-old
> Miller with a metal pipe, killing him. The two then used Miller's ATM
> card to  make withdrawals at bank machines around the Washington area to
> buy gasoline, cleaning  agents, and a sleeping bag used to burn Miller's
> body. Kozak has not yet been charged in  the case but Moro is being held
> on murder charges.
> The Washington Post  would have us believe that is the end of the story.
> it is not. Miller was a top lawyer for  the Securities and Exchange
> Commission (SEC) from 1999 to May of this year. Miller's time  at the
> SEC spanned high-level corporate fraud cases, including Enron, Tyco,
> Worldcom,  Halliburton, and Senator Bill Frist's Hospital Corporation of
> America.
> Yet another mysterious  death of someone connected to the Bush
> administration
> But Miller, an African  American, also crossed paths with some dangerous
> right-wing groups. In 1998, before going  to work for the SEC, Miller
> represented Jefferson Davis Camp No. 305 of the Sons of  Confederate
> Veterans in a law suit brought against the Confederate Memorial
> Association  (CMA). According to people familiar with the case, the
> dispute arose from the attempt by  extreme right-wing elements,
> including the Ku Klux Klan, National Alliance, Aryan Nation, Mississippi
> Senator Trent Lott, former-North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms, and the
> Bush  family, to take over the Confederate Memorial Hall and Library in
> downtown Washington from  the CMA. These right-wing elements intended to
> use the hall for various GOP right-wing  fund raising events and money
> laundering activities, including support for GOP political  candidates,
> under the umbrella of various 501c3 tax-exempt organizations.
> One of the past  commanders of Camp No. 305 is Richard T. Hines, a top
> GOP lobbyist with close ties to the  George W. Bush White House,
> particularly, Karl Rove.
> Ironically, the  Alexandria Motel murder scene was around the corner
> from the scene of another case widely  under reported by the Washington
> media. On September 29, 2003, Bertha Champagne (note: the  linked
> article refers to Champagne's son, it was later discovered that the
> person on the  phone was her son-in-law), a domestic employee of Marvin
> Bush, the president's  brother, was crushed to death in the driveway in
> front of the Bush compound at the corner  of Fort Hunt Rd. and Edgehill
> Drive. Marvin Bush claimed that Champagne's car went into  gear as she
> attempted to retrieve a package from the vehicle, pinning her up against
> an  outbuilding on the property. In fact, the vehicle was a late model
> and standard  transmission SUV.
> In June 2000, Porter  Goss's Executive Director of the House Permanent
> Select Committee on Intelligence, John  Millis, was found shot to death
> from a reported suicide at a seedy motel on Route 50 in  Fairfax City,
> Virginia. In all three cases, Miller, Champagne, and Millis, Virginia's
>  colonial era anachronisms of overlapping jurisdictions of counties like
> Fairfax and  independent cities like Alexandria and Fairfax City lent
> themselves to incomplete law  enforcement investigations of the
> suspicious deaths.
> October 14, 2005 -- To  all those who have been kind with their support
> for this site, thanks again so much! Now,  let me report to you what I
> discovered prowling Washington last night on the CIA Leakgate  story,
> the "October Surprise" scandal that threatens the survival of the G.W. 
> Bush/Cheney administration.
> Political insiders  tracking this scandal are reporting that the GOP and
> neo-con political machines, which  have also targeted Travis County,
> Texas, District Attorney Ronnie Earle in retaliation for  his
> indictments of Tom DeLay and other Texas GOP operatives, are also
> setting their sights  on CIA Leakgate special prosecutor Patrick J.
> Fitzgerald.
> For an example of this  new strategy of attacking Fitzgerald, see this
> Washington Post OP-ED piece by Richard Cohen.
> The word inside the  Beltway is that if Fitzgerald delivers indictments
> against senior White House officials,  he will face unspecified
> "consequences."
> "It's a sign of  desperation on the part of the White House and Karl
> Rove's machine," said one  individual familiar with the case. Another
> informed observer pointed out that Fitzgerald  "is the last guy the
> White House would want to threaten with retaliation."
> This morning, Rove  testified for the fourth time before the grand jury
> investigating the CIA leak and the  associated conspiracy to obstruct
> justice by the White House Iraq Group (WHIG). There are  reports that
> former Secretary of State Colin Powell provided the grand jury with a
> mother  lode of evidence on the role of the WHIG in its conspiracy
> against Valerie Plame Wilson,  Ambassador Joseph Wilson, and the lies
> and forgeries used to lay the groundwork for the  war against Iraq.
> Legal experts believe  that with political pressure being brought to
> bear on his investigation, it is in  Fitzgerald's interest to issue any
> indictments as soon as possible and not request an  extension for the
> grand jury, which is due to adjourn on October 28.
> October 13, 2005 --  Special note to the Bush intelligence and law
> enforcement agency lackeys who read this web  site: Did you not think
> that with a number of friends and colleagues in the intelligence 
> community, I would not discover that you've managed to place a wiretap
> on my phone lines  and e-mail accounts? But, hey thanks. Its nice to
> know that one small Washington-based  editor and reporter merits a
> National Security Letter or a court order for a wiretap. It  would be
> interesting to know what you used as justification for the wiretap:
> Suspicion of espionage? Aiding or abetting terrorists? Or just making
> life a bit more difficult for your pathetic president and his neo-con
> and crooked cronies? I'm sure Osama bin Laden and  his supporters
> appreciate the fact that you're wasting valuable surveillance resources
> on  a journalist.
>  October 13, 2005 -- GOP  scandals engulf Senate Majority Leader.
> Tennessee Senator Bill Frist's personal records  have been subpoenaed by
> the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as part of its probe  of
> the Senate Majority Leader for possible insider trading in shares of
> Hospital  Corporation of America (HCA) stock. HCA is a Frist family
> enterprise, having been founded  by the senator's father and brother.
> House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has been indicted on  three criminal
> counts in Texas and faces a Federal probe of his activities in relation
>  with indicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff.  DeLay has responded by
> having his lawyer  threaten to subpoena Travis County District Attorney
> Ronnie Earle and jury members in a clear case of prosecutor and jury
> intimidation.
> October 12, 2005 -- A  familiar scene at the US District Court House in
> Washington, DC. We've seen it before in  this town -- the media camped
> out in the courtyard in front of the E. Barrett Prettyman  Federal Court
> House, between the U.S. Capitol and the White House off Pennsylvania
> Avenue.  The media has been there before, during the Watergate and
> Iran-Contra scandals, and the  more recent non-scandal of Monica
> Lewinsky/Whitewater. In the past, the media anxiously  awaited for the
> arrivals and depatures of people with names like Haldeman, Ehrlichman, 
> Liddy, North, Poindexter, Secord, McFarlane, Tripp, Curry, and Hubbell.
> Now, the media looks for  people with names like Miller and Rove to
> enter and exit the famous court house. Although  the court house is now
> ringed with construction barriers, the preponderance of satellite 
> dishes, microwave "trees," and entrepreneurial hot dog vendors all point
> to an  impending scandal of Watergate and Iran-Contra proportions.
>  The tell tale signs of  an impending Washington scandal. Media trucks
> near US Court House in DC during Miller  testimony this morning
> New York Times  reporter Judith Miller made her second appearance before
> the Grand Jury this morning. She  departed the court house at
> approximately 10:35 am EDT. Karl Rove is expected to make his  fourth
> Grand Jury appearance on Friday, October 14. The word is that the
> criminal probe is  focusing beyond the CIA leak of the identities of
> Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster  Jennings & Associates
> non-official cover colleagues and on to the wider role of senior  White
> House officials in a conspiracy to attack Ambassador Joseph Wilson and
> lie about the reasons the United States used to go to war in Iraq. The
> focus of the probe on the White  House Iraq Group (WHIG) not only would
> focus on Rove, Scooter Libby, and Ari Fleischer  (names that have
> already been mentioned  by informed sources as likely targets) but  also
> Vice President Cheney, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley,
> Secretary of State  Condoleezza Rice, International Public Diplomacy
> chief Karen Hughes, and Chief of Staff  Andrew Card. President Bush,
> himself, could also be a subject of the criminal probe for  conspiracy.
> The turning up of the heat on Bush's closest aides has also resulted in
> a  barrage of criticism for Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald from the
> typical right wing noise  machines, including propaganda outlets on the
> web and cable television.
> The Grand Jury in CIA  Leakgate is sitting behind these doors between
> the US Capitol and the White House.  Hopefully, this will put to rest
> uninformed rumors and disinformation that Special  Prosecutor Patrick J.
> Fitzgerald has involved Federal judges and jurors in Chicago in his 
> probe of the CIA leak. Those reports are simply not true.
> There are indications  that the CIA's Counter Proliferation efforts in
> Iraq prior to the war may have also been  compromised by the outing by
> the White House of Valerie Plame Wilson and Brewster Jennings  &
> Associates. Iraqi assets in a position to know about the destruction of
> Iraqi WMDs  by 1995 may have been executed by remnants of Iraq's
> security services and other  paramilitaries working for the U.S. in
> order to silence them as witnesses to Iraq's WMD  disarmament eight
> years prior to the U.S. invasion.
> The media waiting game  in CIA Leakgate. There is a sense of
> anticipation in the air.
> ==============
> ***NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material
> is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
> interest in receiving the included information for research and
> educational purposes.***
> ==============


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