Monday, October 03, 2005

Praying for George by Carol Wolman

Praying for George by Carol Wolman

Luke 10: 27 "Love your neighbor as yourself".
George W. Bush is my neighbor on this small planet, along with the Iraqi people, the whales who make their annual migration along the California coast, and the few salmon who still come to our North Coast streams.
I am instructed to love him as I love myself.   Many people have accused me of hating George.  I have been working hard for his impeachment, I don't want him doing any more damage, but I don't hate him.  I have prayed for him steadily, for years.
Bush is the president, and he is also a person, like you and me.  He has an immortal soul, and has to account to God for his actions.   I pray for his soul, which is black with hypocrisy and crimes.  I pray for George to develop compassion, and a sense of duty to the people rather than the corporations, and some understanding of the word "truth".
While praying for George in 2002, I got a reply from God:  "You are a psychiatrist, a "soul-doctor"- why don't you diagnose and treat him?"
I went to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, which categorizes psychiatric problems.  Out of this came an article:  Diagnosing Dubya- Is the President Nuts?
The article consisted of listing various diagnoses that might apply to George, and copying from the manual the description of people with the diagnosis.  Several them fit him closely, especially narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.  A number of professionals wrote to scold me for daring to write such an article without having interviewed "the patient".  Bush is not my patient, I just pray for him.  Anyway, personality disorders are diagnosed by observing behavior, not by interview, since lying is usually part of the disorder.
Unfortunately, there is no real treatment for personality disorders, since the person usually does not perceive a problem.  The only treatment that works is usually coercive- the person's flaws eventually lead him into trouble with authority, the law or the family, and the person is forced to seek treatment.  Hence the plethora of drug and alcohol treatment centers, most of whose clients are there by court order.
George never has had to face the consequences of his actions, until now.  He has always been shielded by wealth, family influence, and his own unearned positions of authority.  Now his troubles are starting to pile up.  Close friends are being indicted, his Iraq policy is in deep trouble, hurricanes have exposed his incompetence as CEO and his lack of caring.
There are rumors that he was involved in a conspiracy to "out" Valerie Plame, and the impeachment movement is gathering momentum.  Perhaps George is being forced to look at himself for the first time in his life, and perhaps he is more open to my/our prayers now.
I pray that George realize that his lip service to God means nothing, that God is judging his actions. 
1 John 2: 4Beloved: The way we may be sure that we know Jesus is to keep his commandments. Whoever says, "I know him," but does not keep his commandmentsis a liar, and the truth is not in him.
I pray that the justice system and the American people will wake up to the monstrous wrongs that George has perpetrated upon the planet, and that he will be indicted and impeached, thereby being forced to do the searching moral inventory called for by AA.
I pray that George will repent of his lies, thefts from the American people, murder of so many Iraqis, and cleanse his soul of evil.  I pray that he will recognize his evil actions and repent, as the king of Nineveh did when Jonah prophesied disaster. 
Jonah 3: 6   6For word came unto the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and he laid his robe from him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.
I pray that George's repentance will be public, and open the eyes of the American people to the evils that we have allowed by his government.  I pray that his public repentance will lead to a change of direction in America, toward truth in public life, justice for all, ecological sanity, and peace.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman


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